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Ellis Ward

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Name: Ellis Ward
Alias(es): L.S. Willard, amaruuk
Type: fan writer
Fandoms: The Professionals, Blake's 7, Forever Knight, X-Files, Escape From New York, Due South, The Fugitive (1993), Star Trek, Doctor Who, Good Omens
The Professionals fanfiction The Hatstand
The Professionals fanfiction The Circuit Archive
AO3 as amaruuk
AO3 as EllisWard
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Ellis Ward is a gen and slash fan writer whose work has appeared in both fanzines and the circuit library.

Ward's stories appear on many fan favorite lists.

In 1993, Lezlie Shell included Legacy of Temptation as an example of "a very good 3rd-wave writer," see The Wave Theory of Slash.



Notable Works


Regarding the Inspirations Other Fans Have Provided, and Vice Versa

Being Inspired

Ward's story And Memories Die, Part I appeared in the zine Walking in the Moonlight and Part II appeared in Other Times and Places #1. They are both unauthorized sequels to Felicity M. Parkinson's Looking Glass Universe which appeared as a paper circuit story.

Parkinson apparently did not have an issue with Ward's sequels:

I was fascinated to read that a Looking Glass World novella has been written. That's the second Looking Glass World story I've come across from the U.S. in the past few months. As the author of the original story I'm intrigued to see that after many years (the story was written circa 1982) there's suddenly been an upsurge of interest in the idea. I've also had various people suggesting I write a sequel, perhaps I'll do that yet.[1]

Ellis generally commented upon influences and inspiration in Be Gentle With Us Interview: Ellis Ward (1993):

If you were a writer before discovering fandom, has the experience of reading fan literature changed your own writing?

At first it made me lazy - who cares about POV? Then, I decided the fan-lit market, if you will, presented a great challenge to improve my abilities. It's a relatively painless proving ground, and the feedback is wonderful.

Have other writers in fandom or stories that you have read influenced your own work?

Most certainly. Who can read Rediscovered in a Graveyard, Masquerade or Where the Worms Are without wanting to aspire to that level? More than that, the writing of others allowed me to see the characters in ways the series itself did not explore. For example, the Doyle of the episodes seems far less likely than the Bodie to become romantically involved with his partner. HG, O. Yardley, CP, Jane and many other present his character in such a way that it can sees a natural progression. Thanks to them, I didn't have to re-invent Doyle's ability to love (or lust).

Regarding Being the Inspiration for Other Fans

From Be Gentle With Us Interview: Ellis Ward (1993):

How do you feel about another writer rewriting the end of your story, or writing a sequel (with or without permission?)

Not bothered.

Do you worry about plagiarism?

No. [Though] it's happened to me - in spades. The 'writer' took my PROS story, Breaking Cover, changed the names to Kirk and Spock (Bodie and Doyle, respectively), added a new framing story that reflected the ST universe, then lifted pages of the text virtually verbatim though she did occasionally make a word switch here and there; e.g. 'unlooked for' became 'serendipitous'. Her choice of words didn't always work in my opinion - and a couple of instances, was an improvement. Most amusing of all was reading a review of 'her' story in a KS LOC zine in which the critiquer took Kirk to task for saying something Bodie had said! [2] Such cheek.

Being Both Inspired and the Inspiration

In the beginning, Ellis Ward bought a Suzan Lovett picture and wrote "So Much for Wishes" for British Takeaway 5. Then Suzan did the incredible "The Declasssizing of Bodie" (Page 96A in Chalk and Cheese 8) and Ellis wrote the beautiful "Breaking Cover."

One afternoon several of us were sitting around drooling over "Page 96" when we got to speculating what different writers would have created with the same inspiration. Someone asked "What if Suzan did another picture and we asked if anyone was intrigued enough to write a story?" What If..., indeed. Six writers responded and the result is in your hands.[3]

Fan Comments

Nothing she has written I've read thus far has disappointed me; everything she has written I've read thus far has been novel, absorbing, and well-written. She is one of my favorite writers because she can write B/D stories with consistently credible characterizations within the context of a variety of themes. I've never suffered that feeling of "been there, done that," with any of her B/D stories. What an amazing storyteller! [4]

I have come to expect [wonderful stories] from Ellis Ward. She makes all of her characters believable, and even when it's an A/U, they are true to the Bodie and Doyle we know and love.[5]

I knew [the story] would be good as soon as I saw the author's name. I've not yet been disappointed by an Ellis Ward story.[6]

Ellis Ward is rather long-winded...[7]

...sometimes Ellis Ward has a tendency to ignore a phrase when a Thesaurus will do. Makes me occasionally stumble.[8]


  1. ^ Parkinson's comments in Short Circuit #3 (October 1990)
  2. ^ "I liked this story altogether. The only thing I didn't like so much was one of Kirk's sentences (on page 9) "Better is having your first officer still alive, Tom."). I don't think Kirk would use such a low sentence, even if he is very annoyed and all mixed up." -- from The LOC Connection #42
  3. ^ the editorial of What If...
  4. ^ a comment in DIAL #22
  5. ^ Chalk and Cheese #6
  6. ^ Chalk and Cheese #6
  7. ^ Chalk and Cheese #6
  8. ^ Chalk and Cheese #6