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Star Trek Fandom and Music

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The music from Star Trek, specifically the original series, has become iconic and has inspired much fannish activity.

Filk and Original Music by Fans

Canon Original Music

cover of The Star Trek Songbook (1971), artist is George Barr

Bands and Musical Groups


Star Trek at Con Discos

Star Trek-themed bands were present at some cons, usually as the Saturday night entertainment. Sometimes these shows included Star Trek light shows. [1]

flyer for a 45rpm stereo record called Vulcanization and the Star Trek Theme, recorded by The Federation Earth Band (1976)
Join us for a night filled with Out-of-this-World Entertainment... the kind you would find at the Cabarets of Rigel II where performers from all parts of the Galaxy gather to entertain visiting Space Travelers... Exotic Green Dancing Girls from the Orion Colonies... the Galactic Sounds of "Orpheus," a fantasy and rock extravaganza, direct from a 10-week tour on Argelius II... and from Planet Earth direct from their smash engagement at the Starfleet Academy Officers Club, the "Mummers Star Trekacular," featuring the "Greater Overbrook String Band"... Welcome to Cabaret Night on Rigel II. [2]

Fan Vid Discos

Musical Skits at Cons

Not all con skits were musicals, nor had a musical element, but below are some examples of ones that did:

Fannish Engagement with Canon Music

An event at Star Trek America in 1979: "An added surprise to the guest speeches was a dance done by Angelique Pettyjohn as Shana, to the ever-popular strains of the Star Trek theme."

On his show (unknown date), Lawrence Welk called STAR TREK "one of the most popular shows of the 60s" as he introduced a Bobby Burgess-Cissy King dance number to the rock version of Star Trek's theme song. The set resembled a lunar landscape with a starry backdrop.

"Uhura's Hum" from T-Negative, transcribed by Steve VanderArk
  • The Theme from Star Trek (1975) ("Yes! Our familiar theme song was recorded by a new group called WARP 9 on an electronic music synthesizer! As Mr. Spock would say, "Fascinating!" Get your copy today and warp-out to a strange new sound! The flip-side is featured by an original synthesizer composition called "Para-Song I!")
  • The Theme from Star Trek (Star Trek: TOS official theme song) (1977)
  • Starfleet and Crystal Crackin' (1977 or 1978) ("Trek into Space with "Starfleet," a remarkable new recording by Johnny Nova and the Starfleet. Your dilithium crystals will start to vibrate when you hear the reverse side, "Crystal Crackin'." On Stereo 45 r.p.m.")
  • Arcturus (1981) ("The record's side A (3.44 minutes) consisted of the "hard rock" single called "Video Games" by R. Rizzi. Side B (2.47 minutes) was by Jerry Goldsmith and was the "Theme From Star Trek: Motion Picture.")

Fanworks Portraying Characters and Musical Instruments



Some fanart based on the cover art for albums by Simon & Garfunkel.
