Friends & Strangers, Near & Far

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Title: Friends & Strangers, Near & Far
Publisher: T'hy'la Press
Editor(s): Jane Freitag
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): July 1980 (100 copies)
Medium: print
Fandom: filks about Star Trek: TOS, plus a little Star Wars
Language: English
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Friends & Strangers, Near & Far is a gen 50-page filk, poetry, and art zine.

The art is by Tarsie Hehne, Dreath Drea, Barbara P. Gordon, Sherry Greene, Ruth Kurz, Elaine Tripp, Mike Jensen, Jane Freitag, and Marilyn Johansen.

front cover by Mike Jensen

It contains all the words and music/guitar chords for the songs on the tape, It's Time to Fly Again.

From the Editorial

I got a letter the other day asking why I wanted to do a filk 'zine. This zine, as are my songs, is a labor of love. Thru it, I hope to return some of the gentle warmth and friendship that has been shown to me during the trying past six months of my life. Close friends tell me that by putting my songs in chronological order, you could read my autobiography. True. I won’t deny it. I write what I feel. This zine is — at least up to May — a glimce [sic] of my life for the past year. You’ll find tears, love, laughter, and dreams well as dreams yet unaccomplished. The poetry and artwork (both absolutely beautiful) that’s included only adds to the mood, for each poet and artist's work is also a labor of love and a sharing of their life.

So 'why' am I doing a filk zine? Because people kept asking for copies of my songs and it seemed like a good idea back in November (Wasn't that another lifetime ago?)? That's how it started out. Then it became part of my dream — "And I still believe in Fairy Tales and in 'dreams come true'." So, with the printing of FRIENDS & STRANGERS, NEAR & FAR, I see another of my dreams become fact. Thanks for wanting to share it with me.

As Always,

In Peace & Prosperity, Jane


  • It's Time to Fly Again by Jane Freitag (1)
  • City on the Edge of Forever: Afterthoughts by Debra Braun Anderson (2)
  • The Universe is Ours by Jane Freitag (3)
  • Born in Friendship by Jane Freitag (4)
  • Reach Within Yourself, Starship Captain by Sharon Decker (5)
  • A Song for the Doctor by Jane Freitag (6)
  • Triad by Veronica Stade (7)
  • Did You Say You Love Me? by Trinette L. Kern (8)
  • Call of Tomorrow by Jane Freitag (10)
  • A Diamond Named Enterprise by Lisa Sharf (11)
  • The Helmsman by Jane Freitag (16)
  • Heart's Home by Tarsie Dehne and Jane Freitag (18)
  • Tears, Dreams, and Starshps by Sharon Perdue (23)
  • Call of the Silver Lady by Elaine Tripp (25)
  • Tomorrow... and Forever by Jane Freitag (27)
  • Kites and Windmills by Jane Freitag (28)
  • Summer's Ending by Elaine Tripp (31)
  • T'hy'la by Jane Freitag (32)
  • The Time At Last Has Come by Sharon Perdue (34)
  • New Human Love Song by Jane Freitag (35)
  • Worlds of Fanzines by Elaine Tripp (37)
  • The Officers by Jane Freitag (38)
  • Spock, the Half-Human Vulcan by Anonymous (40)
  • Limerick by Milwaukee Bill (40)
  • T'was the Night Before Plak Tow by Beth Lentz (41)
  • It's No Fun Being a Droid by Jane Freitag (42)
  • Gilligan Style by Beth Lentz (43)
  • Redundant by Jane Freitag (44)
  • The Pits by Liz Persic (45)
  • Silver Lady by Jane Freitag (46)
  • Luke's Tragedy by Debra Braun Anderson (48)
  • Space by Lisa Sharf (49)
  • Let's Build a Dream by Jane Freitag (50)

Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

Marilyn asked me to review Friends & Strangers, Near & Far which is like asking a junk-food junky to evaluate a gourmet meal. I love bawdy limericks, for example, and Jane Freitag has nary a one in her collection of filk songs, poetry, and art work. Her lyrics are sentimental and uplifting. The lives she depicts are idealized. "Come with me the future's waiting. Do not stand there hesitating," she writes in her "Call of Tomorrow". Most of her poems echo this invitation. My favorite piece by Jane, though, is the humorous one entitled "Redundant" in which she takes a few pot shots at Star Trek cliches. Two other poems seemed particularly noteworthy: "Luke's Tragedy" by Debra Braun Anderson and "Twas the Night Before Plak Tow" by Beth Lentz. Needless to say, the two pieces had nothing in common except that each appealed to me. [1]


  1. ^ from Spin Dizzie #5