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Once Upon a Time... Is Now/Issues 023-024
Zine | |
Title: | Once Upon a Time... Is Now (Out-In, Out/In, Out...In) |
Publisher: | |
Editor(s): | Jeanne Cloud and Joyce DeBoard (issues #1-#27), Jeanne Cloud, Loreen Vanderkrats, and Linda Lakin (issues #27-#33 -- tho perhaps as far as #45), Jeanne Cloud and Loreen Vanderkrats (issues #46-#60 -- tho perhaps as early as #34) |
Type: | letterzine |
Date(s): | 1988 to 1996 |
Frequency: | sometimes monthly, sometimes bi-monthly, at the end much more infrequent |
Medium: | |
Size: | digest-sized |
Fandom: | Beauty and the Beast (TV) |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Once Upon a Time... Is Now (Out-In, Out/In, Out...In) is a Beauty and the Beast letterzine. It is digest-sized.
See List of Letterzines for similar fanworks.
The zine is a collection of letters from fans (titled "From the Helpers") of the show discussing aspects of the show including the actors, characters, stories, and fanfiction. This zine also contains photos (both xeroxed and original), some original artwork, con reports, open letters, and sometimes clippings and interviews.
Some regular features were: "OK Good...OK Fine" (the editorial), "From the Library" (zine listings), and "On the Pipes" (fan clubs).
There were 60 issues published between 1988 to 1996.
Issue 23
Once Upon a Time... Is Now 23 was published in June 1990 and contains 28 pages.
This issue contains some commentary comparing Beauty and the Beast (TV) to The Phantom of the Opera, along with a short review of the zine, Faded Roses.
It also contains a lot of commentary about the four open letters from fandom BNFs that were printed in issue #21. See "Once Upon a Time...Is Now" Open Letters (April 1990).
From the editors:
In the bad rumor department, it has been touted around the grapevine that CBS is interested in doing a two-hour TV movie with Vincent and CATHERINE. Folks — 'aint so. Upon checking directly with the CBS source mentioned in the rumor, it was discovered that what he had actually said to this fan was that if she wanted to see a project like this, she should write to the department that handles TV movies. It was made very clear to us that CBS has NO PLANS to make a movie of this type. What we are all reacting to is the hope of resurrecting our series.
If there was a project of this type in the works,HELPERS NETWORK, at the least, would be contacted and they weren't. Be wary when someone tells you they have info from a source they can not reveal because it usually means that either the contact is giving out info he shouldn't and doesn't want it to be traced back to him, or it's false info. Please keep a level head and remember that these type of rumors get everyone upset when they fall through and sets us all up for another big let down. My rule of thumb is if something major is happening and you want to find out about it immediately, call the Helpers' Network Hotline... If it isn't there, it's probably rumor or being checked out. Hold tight until it can be proven and remember, NO legitimate information is given to just one source. We'll have it in the next issue of OUT...IN.
Issue 23: Excerpts from the Letters
I'll take Vincent any way I can get him. Yes, I loved the first two seasons. Yes, I cried when Catherine died. But I loved the third season too. (Besides, please tell me that I'm not the only woman out there who, even as I mourned Catherine, had some terrible selfish part of me thinking, maybe now I have a chance. I can't be the only one who daydreams occasionally about Vincent.)
I just want to see tapes of B&B and Vincent in particular and be a 48-year old teenager at a great big pajama party and stay up all night wondering and talking about what Vincent may look like with no clothes on. I just want to be a fan who loves B&B for what it is and what it has meant to me and meet other people who are the same... and are accepting.
If it was a pain for me to read all this stuff, it must have been absolutely horrendous for you and the other editors. AND, to zine editors like Kathy Cox. Yes, she's right; it can definitely kill one's creativity... I use to dread getting these letterzines since Dec. 12; at least with OUT...IN, I know the headaches will go away.
As for the in-fighting in fandom, it shows that we are struggling with the two sides of our natures and just like Vincent, we are "beasting out". We are B&B, and lately the Beast has been roaring and slashing. Vincent is ashamed when he "beasts out", we seem to be feeling the same way now, yet he knows it is a part of him and it is a part of us too. We saw Vincent "beast out" so many times this past two and a half seasons, it was our turn to experience "beasting out" first hand. How much more impact and power can a TV show have on an audience.
[Negative letter writers] didn't deserve [the space in this letterzine]. As my mother (and Thumper's Mother) said, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything"...
What a challenging, perceptive and positive idea you all had to openly confront the dissension which is presently threatening our "family". Each one of you in your own way has taken the time and care to "go with courage" through your words of heart-felt honesty and directness — certainly it is time for each and everyone of us to deal with this "cancer" which threatens to poison us, weaken us and destroy the incredibly talented and creative group we once were AND still are! It is our imperative duty to stop the spread of this insidious bitterness and anger — confront it, "agree to disagree" in a positive, kind manner and MOVE ON!...
I love your new editorial policy. There should be at least ONE hate-free zine in letterzine publishing! We're like the Protestants and Catholics in "Masques" — the "3rd Seasoners" vs. the "44 and No More" sect.
Congratulations on your new format/policy! I do not envy you and Joyce the task of deciding, "Is this letter a carefully worded, legitimate comment?" and/or "Is this a negative attitude which will be placed in file 13?" Of all your options, this seems the best path to take.
I recall when I started getting the letterzine after Dec. 12, it was downright depressing to read that stuff. But, I figured it was because a lot of us were in pain and it would take a while to get used to the new format. Actually, most of us did, but there are still some out there who just haven't grieved enough and resent the fact that most of us have stopped.
Mr. Koslow said it best in an article from Starlog [1]. Whether or not the beauty of B&B, the manner into which it has touched so many lives, now rests upon the shoulders of its fans — those wonderful, creative, logical intelligent, romantic people who bring Vincent out of his darkness and lead him back into the warm light of love and hope. For the future, their world can be ours if we will only work at it.
I will not voice whether I am inclined toward any of B&B's seasons. The controversy has already cost me quite dearly. The question of should I or shouldn't I became so devastating that it sapped not only my creative strength, but my physical as well. I could not write about my heart's passion. I could not sketch any of the characters without fits of crying or anger. It literally made me ill. Please there has to be a voice of reason somewhere!
What Catherine and Vincent gave to all of us must never be forgotten. We must fight together and hope together. There are days when I get angry at all it! But on those days when I do, I simply turn on my VCR, and re-watch an episode. By the time I'm finished watching, the magic is back and once again I believe that "With Love all things are possible Forever."
I've been wanting to write since the last newsletter came out (#21). I'm so glad that OUT...IN has decided to make a stand. Being a staunch supporter of B&B I was growing very weary of the letter of complaint regarding the 3rd season. I subscribed to OUT..IN because I loved the show and enjoyed hearing from others who felt the same way. I read and accepted letters of criticism because I believe everyone has a right to their feelings. But after awhile it became tedious to hear from people who continually griped, complained and sobbed about the changes. OUT...IN was no longer a joy to receive but a full fledged downer. I was depressed with all the bickering. Please, let it once more become a fan newsletter, with people sharing what they love most about the show and its characters. Let those unhappy few start their own newsletter and fill it with their complaints, moans, and groans; let them continue to cry and allow themselves to become stagnant since inevitable words like "change", "growth", "renewal", and "phoenix" are not in their lifestyles, or their dreams.
I applaud your decision to walk a "lighter, brighter" path. B&B has been my introduction to fandom and recent impressions were beginning to color my initial delight in what I had found. From early discussions among work/church friends who shared the love of this series, to the discovery of fanzines which broadened my knowledge, to new friends made throughout the U.S. by being a video "helper", to the discovery of a small, local fan club, to the fictionzines bought or borrowed (those helped have now turned "helpers"), to my first Creation convention last month—this whole experience has been incredibly positive to me. I am saddened that those of you closer to the core of all this have been bombarded by such negativity. I've read the angry letters and heard (but ignored) a few of the nasty rumors, but not until I read the dirty details in this current OUT...IN did I realize how low some people could stoop to have things their own way.
I can't believe all this dissension that's been going on. What's wrong with us? Is this what we see in B&B? Is this what we get from B&B? NO!! I don't think so! What I see is people working their problems out as a family, in UNITY, with love and compassion. Also understanding the others' opinion without putting them down for it,whether or not it's different from ours'. I suggest we follow suit. STOP listening to these rablerousers [sic] who are only trying to tear us apart. Please, Beasties, if you can't accept or don't like the 3rd season, just remember all the love we received from seasons 1 and 2. Those who can accept and like the 3rd season, don't get angry and argue with those who don't. We must stick together, whatever the opinion, if our fandom and the world Below is to survive. Come on Beasties, WE CAN DO IT!!...
I have been heart-sore for months now. The third season, although it had some excellent shows — quality wise — left me so depressed I could honestly say "this is not how I want to feel after seeing B&B. This is not what I have tuned in to see for the past two years."
Yes, I have heard the advice "turn the show off" but that was worse than the shows themselves. It was like I was being told, "OK, you've invested a tremendous amount of love and heart in supporting this show for two years now. You've been told your opinion matters so write and express it." But now I was being told "your opinion doesn't matter so don't write and express it. If you don't appreciate the show's new direction—buzz off"! God — that hurts.
I have come to terms with that now, however, and I will quietly support as much as I can; letters of encouragement and thanks (not harangues) and I will keep my own personal dream alive through fanzines...
I have to admit, I never felt a part of fandom. All I ever wanted to do was to support an extraordinary TV program — as how that I considered not only an art form, but an instrument used by God to reach people who needed help in their lives.
Hope...I’ve been pondering over this word for a long time now, trying to decide what it means to me. The dictionary says: 1) To cherish a desire with expectation of fulfillment. 2) Trust. I say: What you’ve got when you’ve got nothing else. I discovered I can't pin my Hope on a TV series, even one as "blessed" as B&B, because it is ultimately controlled by people whose sole motivation is money. Let's face it: everyone involved started out and ended up simply trying to entertain us and made money from us. The show was born and the show died and for the most part, these people never really understood.
But I thought: the people in this fandom see what I see in B&B. They understand. I could hope in them, believing that they are not motivated by money, but by something higher, something beautiful. Together, we will endure-the message we've come to believe in, the ideas, will live and grow. So please tell me right now, before I write one more letter, or make one more phone call: Is this true? As I stated earlier, I feel as if I am on the outside of fandom, looking. And I am confused. Does friendship mean something else to fandom than it does to the rest of the world? Something less? I need only wait for my answer. If this fandom falls apart, or if it thrives; either way, I'll get my answer but I believe I have reason to Hope.
B&B for me will always hold a place close to my heart. The last few months I have felt like I had lost a dear friend. When I heard about the official announcement of B&B's return on cable and its syndication, I was as giddy as a schoolboy. Welcome home B&B to the place you belong forever, on the air-waves.
How incredibly discouraging. Where always before I'd found solace and good (if argumentative) fellowship, there were suddenly ultimatums and intolerant editorializing. I have never felt that from you before, and it took the heart right out of me. I'd never subscribed to "Pipeline" because (with respect and affection for those involved) I was put off by the air of censorship apparent in the first issue... OUT...IN, on the other hand, gave all the fans a voice — for joy, grief, debate, thanksgiving, outrage — A forum was needed for all of this, and what I admired most here (and caused me to recommend you to everyone) was your steadfastly unbiased stance. Many of us were deeply hurt by (dare I say it?) the third season. Those feelings are sincere and deserve expression. I'm not referring to the vituperative, vindictive nut-cases among us (you know; the dead-roses mailers). I am talking about opening up your publication and discovering (much to my amazement and comfort, latecomer to the series that I was) that others had been affected as I had, for good or ill; that I wasn't just an obsessive weirdo, or alone in the depth of my (later) sadness and disappointment. (I knew that B&B wasn't a fairy tale any more when I realized how real was the hurt I felt.)
Now, I read that we've seen "the last of the negative letters." Sounds a lot like becoming a Hallmark greeting card to me. Those are the letters (saddened but Keeping the Dream Alive, bloodied-but-faithful, rallying toward an incredible optimism) that I opened OUT. ..IN to find. But the editorials in this issue had a very "shut-the-door-as-you-get-out" flavor, whether you realize or intended it, or not. This is precisely the sort of dictatorial intolerance which is creating such division and bitterness in the fandom. I was flabbergasted to find how cheerfully you had succumbed to it. And it is not a problem generated by those of us who didn't like the third season.
I have B&B friends in all corners of the world these days, but this was (I swear) my first brush with this "warfare" I'd been reading about. None of my friends and acquaintances feel identically about anything, much less B&B. Some liked the third season; others didn't. (Kathy Cox reports that her mail runs about 71% in favor of it; mine runs exactly the opposite but in this, as in all things, like attracts like.) My friends and I don't fight. We live and let live. Who are all your firebrands out there, so eager to burn everybody else's bridges? This OUT...IN gave me my very first taste of being sickened by the fandom itself (a fandom that's opened a world of friendships to this former recluse). But other fans didn't force it on me; you did. It was Prominent Fan Editorializing that I overdosed on—not on rancorous following.
I want it understood that I'm not interested in S. Wiltse's (or anyone else's) censure of others' views; and I'm hearing far too much of it. That is no one's prerogative (including mine). I care about people's feelings for B&B, and how it has affected their lives. That's what drew us all together, isn't it?
The Catherine/3rd season debate is going to rage on for decades, like some of the "Star Trek" controversies and questions. You may as well get used to it. Everyone who discovers this marvelous show, in the years to come, will be faced with some of the same decisions and dilemmas. The Family Channel's syndication, beginning in September, will bring you a flood of new viewers glad to find they're not alone; and their fandom will likely follow the course ours has. If you cannot continue to offer a free and open (yet balance, as in the past) forum for expression to the whole spectrum of us, then I fail to understand what you do intend to offer.
Everyone that has responded to "Keepin' the Dream Alive" have been warm ,generous, loving people, which gives me great cause to believe that all is not lost in B&B fandom. True, we may not be the roaring fire we once were, but one small candle lightens a dark room. I remember how during the Winterfest candle-lighting ceremony, that as each candle was lit from the one next to it, the room that once was shrouded in darkness, became lighter and lighter. Maybe the roaring fire we once had has purged the bitter dross from its midst, and we once again can become "a kinder and gentler nation."
What direction OUT...IN takes I feel should be mostly up to the 2 of you. True we editors try to be impartial, but when it comes down to brass tac[k]s, if we aren't satisfied with what we do, then everyone suffers. Even though your zine is mostly made up of other's LoCs, I can still feel the "life" the 2 of you have given it. I guess it could be taken as a cliche now, but "follow your heart, it's the only thing that matters."
Be well, be happy, and know that I will support whichever road you chose to take.
Since that first episode, this show has taken me on the rollercoaster ride of my life and I've alternately cried and then cried harder for Vincent and Catherine.
But something I've learned is that the [show's] writers had never set out to entertain us — rather to allow us to share a special life. And life can be hard. Now zine writers are carrying on that tradition by allowing me to glimpse and be a part of the Tunnels. And the fandom has become my family of sorts. But this family is a very hard one to be part of. Most often than not a slap in the shape of harsh criticism is more forthcoming than a good word. As one of the writers in fandom, please allow me to take this moment to say that we write for everyone. We are always mindful of your needs and the necessity of warmth and caring in our lives. Vincent offered you that caring — we will too if you let us. When you write to authors whose work you would like to see changed in some manner, or artists whose sight of the characters you disagree with, please do it gently. For them the "dream" is doubly fragile because it must weather the storms of your criticism....
When I read the latest issue of OUT...IN I felt as if I'd had the door slammed in my face by a very old and dear friend. To be chastised, and then told I have no right, in your newsletter, to speak in my own defense, is not fair. I have a mind, and I choose to use it, not let it be used. It is fine though, to publish a letter from an editor who has done more to prolong with "War of Words" than all the so-called "naysayers" and "dark-siders" combined. Honestly, I really didn't know about this great, raging battle until I read about it in "Pipeline". Oops! That was a no-no. They can put us down, but we're not allowed to defend ourselves. Isn't that how it works? My letter probably just hit the dumpster!
I hate writing this and I don't like feeling this way. I'm usually a nice person, really. But this has me so upset. All the controversy, the pro and con letters didn't upset me. Being told I must feel and think a certain way, in order to "fit-in" does. I would feel this way even if I loved 3rdseason. Unfortunately, I saw nothing positive to write about. I wish I could have loved it. I wanted to so desperately. No amount a positive letters will ever convince me that there was love and beauty in the last season. So, what are you going to print now? A one-sided war is no fun to read about. I'm afraid you've boxed yourself into a corner.
Remember, Below, everyone had a voice. Below, everyone was accepted.
The two cancellations combined with the third season were not as distressing as the last issue of OUT...IN. I knew that there was dissension in the ranks, but I never realized it was so pervasive as to inspire the opening comments and letters. I have been fortunate to meet and correspond with other fans who agree on two things — our love of B&B and our respect for each others opinions especially when we vehemently disagree with those opinions.
I respect your right as editors to frame your zine as you see appropriate. It was my understanding that the purpose of a zine such as OUT ...IN was to provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas, both pro and con, concerning all aspects of B&B; it is my hope that this tradition continue. If you truly aspire to make peace between all the fractions, then why not suspend all LoC concerning season 3, rather than only those that disliked the direction it took. Surely there are hundreds of other topics to keep us busy for a long time.
Perhaps it is a gender based or ethnic based reaction, but I strongly resent being labelled as part of any group and then having group blame assigned. As someone who strongly disliked season 3, I know that I acted appropriately throughout. My comments to this zine, the producers and others were always polite, hopeful and signed. If other fans, either pro or con, could not conform to a standard of behavior that we all would find acceptable, it is a reflection of their shortcomings, not all of us in the camp. Despite my disappointment in the show I still support B&B with my heart, my letters and my funds. I watched each week and encouraged others to do so. If the ratings were not all we and CBS would have liked it to be, perhaps the fault is in the system, or the story. I loved B&B and its message (as I saw it); the betrayal I felt and criticism that was expressed was painful, yet to me, love does not mean wearing blinders. A critical pen is not necessarily a "poisoned" one.
...I stand" with you in the opinion that much of the complaining has gotten out of hand. It has become destructive instead of constructive. As much as I cherish OUT...IN (and I REALLY DO!!), it has become a little bit depressing to read. I firmly believe that the manic griping and in-fighting has done more to poison our perceptions of the third season than any press release or turn in the storyline. If we follow the ideals of B&B, we must be sensitive and gentle with each other. I heartily commend you for taking a stand against all this...
I support you in your call for unity; however, unity cannot be achieved at the cost of silence for one opinion. Restricting access to your zine, or others, or calling for people to change or silence their opinions is not going to unify us, it will split us further. Allow each side their hurt and anger, understand it, and then perhaps the healing will start. Freedom of speech is not something to fear, it will not weaken us, but rather provide a safe haven for all.
I too am sick to death of the fighting and arguing and would dearly love to get on to other things. But it seems feelings run very deep in this matter and everyone is waiting for “the other guy” to give up. Well, it’s not going to happen any time soon.
I too am sick to death of the fighting and arguing and would dearly love to get on to other things. But it seems feelings run very deep in this matter and everyone is waiting for "the other guy"to give up. Well, it's not going to happen any time soon.
I will gladly go on record as firmly in the anti-season 3 camp, but I am diligently trying to be considerate of the feelings and ideas of others, even if I don't always understand them. I was disturbed to note in several letters OUT...IN and other letterzines have printed that people preach tolerance of other views and then, in the next paragraph, accost me with "The producers did the best they could" and "We must accept..." that which is unacceptable to me. This maybe their opinion but it is not mine and restating it thus is not a way to promote unity, but rather waving a red flag in front of a bull and telling him not to change.
Safe questions are apt to be boring. I'd hate to see the magazine comments descend to whether the show should have kept Winslow, or was it right to have little Ellie die in "Ashes, Ashes."
Thank God for the words of reason. I am renewing my sub. for "OUT...IN". There are several letterzine I will not renew. Everything has been said—more than once. What's done is done. Let's get back to what fandom does best. Let's love and support our show and each other.
It seems now that the hostile-aggressive people who watched the show, and the assertive-serene, and the timid-shy all responded to Vincent and Catherine and the idea of "true love", forgiveness, etc. But for some, true love is something you give and for others it is something you get and keep. It's hard to break down the walls between such people, the givers and the takers, but neither of their feelings can be discounted. Forgiveness comes hard for many people and to earn it the culprit might have to polish their kitchen floor to a shine with their tongue. The less judicial types can often be moved to forgive by a pitiful look. How a viewer perceived Vincent, Catherine, the relationship, and the life offered by Father's philosophy depended in great part on what sort of person that viewer already was. Any other concepts with strong emotional influence will undoubtedly be taken in different ways, too. So it must ever be.
Perhaps you are right that the best solution is to stop talking about Season 3 altogether, at least for a while. In the interest of peace I am more than willing to lay down my arms if those on the other side will do the same and neither side treat this as some sort of "victory".
I hope you will be successful in bringing this fandom back to some sense of community, but it will only happen if both sides are willing to compromise and stop forcing their opinions and attitudes on the other.
I'm sorry some fans do not have the strength to endure heated debates, but again I think some have an unhealthy dependence on the show. Saying your life depends on a television show or fictional TV character I don't believe is mentally healthy, and perhaps a break from the show might be better for all of us, and when it returns we all will triumph.
B&B has a life beyond a few hundred or thousand of us. If "Star Trek" depended only on those who bought Trek zines, or belonged to Trek Fan Clubs then it would have never been revived, although I'm not discounting they played a part in its revival. If B&B comes back we will have played a part, but its success will depend more on people who have never seen OUT...IN, Pipelines, etc, and Republic has to determine more what will bring them in, than us.
I was sorry to see that VQT in their latest issue had to write an open letter to B&B fans stating why the show was dropped from their endorsed list (it's not on the air—that's why). It's shame to see that they are getting "how dare you" letters. I've always been sorry to see a lot of B&B fans "using" VQT for their own agenda, now the show is gone they're dropping out. I got real tired of hearing from some fans that B&B was the only good show on television. I can't agree, there are others: "China Beach","Alien Nation", "Designing Women","Murphy Brown", etc., but this kind of shortsightedness helps ensure against getting other shows with "B&B's" overall quality on network television, keeping them on, and preventing sticky little network fingers from retooling them.
...civility, even in such small things, remains an imperative. I, for instance, am a wonderfully civil woman. I've always said so. My friend's prejudice and ignorance have been source of pain and annoyance to me for nearly twenty years, along with her general smugness about her powers of observation and ability to discern character at a glance. But I say little to her. I gnaw on doorposts sometimes, but I say little. What would it accomplish if I suddenly burst out with "You shallow, stupid bitch! You couldn't find character under a half-inch of lemon Jello!" Ahem. Pardon me. Just an example of what we must avoid.
I cannot speak for other but for myself I do not find that this turmoil has affected my creativity in the least. From the number of new zines being published or soon to be it appears to me that many others' creativity is flourishing as well even in this very negative atmosphere.
It's a good thing you decided to do: no more angry letters. We are all friends. There is so much hatred already for all sorts of causes that we cannot allow that among B&B fans. This is not what Vincent taught us. We should be a community, one big family. So far we still don't have the 3rd season over here but I just can't imagine such things would happen in Europe. The few of us that saw it had different opinions but we are still loyal fans doing anything we can to keep on the air and to get it over here
Bravo! It is about time that someone decided to step up and STOP IT! I applaud your decision to change the direction of "OUT...IN".
I love your new editorial policy. There should be at least ONE hate-free zine in letterzine publishing! We're like the Protestants and Catholics in "Masques" — the "3rd Seasoners" vs. The "44 and No More" sect
Issue 24
Once Upon a Time... Is Now 24 was published in July 1990 and contains 28 pages.

The editors kept their pledge that they would not print any letters about the third season controversy, though there are a handful that make pointed statements about how fans should respect and love each other and get along.
This issue contains a review by a fan of the play starring Ron Perlman and Lou Diamond Phillips called "Self Storage." There is also a description and review of "A Few Good Men," a play by Aaron Sorkin (Perlman had a part).
It also contains a description (includes photos) by fans of a trip to Bartlesville, Oklahoma in June 1990 to see Roy and Kay Dotrice at the International Mozart Festival. [2]
This issue contains reviews of All That Lights Upon Us #1 and 'Neath the Sidewalks of New York #1.
This issue has another installment of the transcription of the interview by Beth Blighton with Rick Baker.
This issue has a photo of George R.R. Martin with three BNF fans, taken at Arcon.
Issue 24: Excerpts from the Letters
Yesterday I wanted to write Ron Perlman to tell him I hope he burns in Hell for what he has done. How dare he use his extraordinary acting talent to bring to life so memorable a character that he haunts my dreams and wraps himself around my heart and will not let go. How dare he?! Today, I want to write and tell him how grateful I am that he did just that. And Linda Hamilton, she taught me to love Vincent and his world. It was through her eyes I learned to look beneath the surface and find the extraordinary beauty that is Vincent. Like many others, I fell a little in love. One day, Linda was gone, but still I loved, because once taught, love cannot be forgotten. To Ron Koslow, thanks for allowing me to experience your wonderful imagination. To Kim LeMasters and Witt-Thomas, you have my gratitude for your gift of two and a half years of compelling television. My greatest hope is what we will see more of B&B; but if not, I am happy that new viewers will have the opportunity to discover and learn to love this show that will forever be magic to me.
Three cheers and a tiger for the new positive approach in #22. There’s so much in our beloved series to enjoy and elaborate on and share. Look at all this wonderful fan fiction that’s coming along-exploring all kinds of intriguing ideas and possibilities. And I know all the perceptive readers of “OUT...IN” have been thinking hard about how the tunnel world works. Now’s our chance to fill in some of the gaps. Where are those bathrooms and kitchens?....
.... Maybe we’d better start this story [of speculation] in Vincent’s bed chamber. Can you see him paddling down to the kitchen in his nightshirt, looking for a midnight snack and a mug of warm milk? Better yet, maybe if we stayed in the bed chamber...ah, well, you knew I was going to work around to that.
Although I have been a fan of the show since day one, I just got hooked up with that strange and wonderful entity called fandom this January. Yes, after all the heartache! (I personally passed out 400 pledge forms!) If asked, it is hard for me to pin down one reason that I love the show. Is it the romance, the literature, the stellar performances, the writing? All of the above (and Below!), but I would like to pass on an observation after attending my first convention, MediaWest, last weekend. Right now, the main thing that attracts me to this wonderful story is the way the characters continued to grow and develop during the course of the show and I would like to suggest that this is the state that our fandom is in also. It is our turn to grow and develop, to add new dimensions to the limits of our group personality. An excellent way to achieve this, thus preserving our group identity, would be to heartily embrace the concept of unity in diversity. Each is entitled to their own opinion and the mixture of those differing opinions can cause the shinning spark of truth to arise amongst us. It would be a pretty boring garden, for example, if all the flowers were the same color!
I have been busy reading all the B&B zine stories that I have sent for. Now that B&B is off TV and in transition, I have been buying lots of zines. So far, they have all been quite good. Some are excellent.
I have been hearing about a possible B&B feature film or TV movie. While I am very excited about this, I am also very apprehensive. I recently read something that really distressed me. In Wendy Pini's "Night of Beauty" if you read the page in the back of the book titled "Reflections", Mr. Koslow expressed the wish that this book could be made into a two hour movie. Oh God, I hope not! Not another story of death! I am sorry (sorry??), but I do not like this story! I for one have had more than enough about Catherine's death. I would like very much to know how other fans feel about this story. Do you like or dislike it and why?
About sides, there are no sides. I hear "their side", "our side". Damn it, we never used to do this! I love my family, this family, and this is the only family I have. Let our diversity merge and enjoy and appreciate what everyone has to say. Let's kill the poison that is devastating our tunnels here and now.
There is another quote from Father that seems pertinent. “Winters always end.” Let’s allow the spring, the rebirth, of our fandom to merge. If we don’t, it’s going to go the way of the dinosaur. Remember love, remember those days only a year ago when you held hands at a Winterfest and heard the music in the wind.
I will be at TunnelCon. Look me up; I'll be in seventh heaven with the rest of you, walking on air.
- ^ This is a reference to Koslow's comments: "We fought the good fight. We did good work. There should be only rejoicing. It's not a time for tears," says Ron Koslow, eulogizing his late series. "The spirit of what we did will live on, and does live on. I thank all of our fans for their extraordinary support.""
- ^ In Illogical These Humans!!, a fan describes a similar trip to Bartlesville, Oklahoma in 1978 to see Leonard Nimoy at the Leonard Nimoy Film Festival and Celebration.