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Once Upon a Time... Is Now/Issues 051-052

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Title: Once Upon a Time... Is Now (Out-In, Out/In, Out...In)
Editor(s): Jeanne Cloud and Joyce DeBoard (issues #1-#27), Jeanne Cloud, Loreen Vanderkrats, and Linda Lakin (issues #27-#33 -- tho perhaps as far as #45), Jeanne Cloud and Loreen Vanderkrats (issues #46-#60 -- tho perhaps as early as #34)
Type: letterzine
Date(s): 1988 to 1996
Frequency: sometimes monthly, sometimes bi-monthly, at the end much more infrequent
Medium: print
Size: digest-sized
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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Once Upon a Time... Is Now (Out-In, Out/In, Out...In) is a Beauty and the Beast letterzine. It is digest-sized.

See List of Letterzines for similar fanworks.


The zine is a collection of letters from fans (titled "From the Helpers") of the show discussing aspects of the show including the actors, characters, stories, and fanfiction. This zine also contains photos (both xeroxed and original), some original artwork, con reports, open letters, and sometimes clippings and interviews.

Some regular features were: "OK Good...OK Fine" (the editorial), "From the Library" (zine listings), and "On the Pipes" (fan clubs).

There were 60 issues published between 1988 to 1996.

Issue 51

front cover of issue #51, Rosemarie Hauer
back cover of issue #51, Rosemarie Hauer

Once Upon a Time... Is Now 51 was published in January/February 1994 and contains 24 pages.

This issue contains a vignette by Judy Loyd called "Vincent, Be My Valentine."

This issue contains the short column called "Jay Watching" (about Jay Avocone).

From the editor:

As you will notice this is a REAL skinny issue and it is also a month behind schedule. There's a VERY good reason for this. We've had exactly four letters to publish until just this week when they started coming in. It's nice to know you're still out there.

Issue 51: Excerpts from the Letters

There are no words to explain the wonderful energy that lives in this fandom. It was great to see that we survived the dark hours and remembered to light a candle and share the light. Thank you to everyone who wrote about the conventions. It is fun to hear about all of the good times.

First thing I must do is to comment on the cover of Issue #50 - WOW! WOW! WOW! (I do have a way with words.) What a way to start the New Year. That cover by Sandy Shelton is gorgeous, and it took a couple of minutes for me to turn over my issue to see the back. As always Rosemarie, your work touches my heart.

We are pleased to announce that our own Julie and Philip Smith of NOV/TEK have accepted the contract to do the convention video for TunnelCon III. Betty Neisweinder was so impressed with the video they did for Great Expectations that she has asked them to do this year's convention video. We're so proud of them.

As an avid Acovone fan... I'm sorry to say this is the final "Jay Watching" column. Fonda [Jay's wife] said her place of business, "Fonda St. Paul Personal Management," was getting too many interfering calls about Jay, and her office just couldn't handle it anymore.

Personally, I have called once every 4 or 5 weeks. My longest inquiry was 90 seconds in duration. I don't know who else was calling.. .but now NO ONE is to call. She did give me her FAX number, but that isn't a workable option. I always waited 'til the last minute to call Fonda and get an update, that way what I sent to Loreen was extremely current. Since Fonda says no more of that.. .so be it. Believe me, even though Jay was getting free publicity from the "Jay Watching" column appearing in "OUT...IN", there isn't another person hurting over the decision to kill the column more than I...and I instigated that decision.

To find out what Jay is doing, write to his fan club president: Gaetano Campisi, P.O. Box 1009, Media, PA 10963. I'm sure they still accept calls from Gaetano, so he will be able to tell you where to see Jay. Thanks to all of you who read and enjoyed this column. I enjoyed writing it.

Still and always, a Jay fan... K.G.

I have written MANY letters to Ed Gross or Cinemaker Press and asked about when I would be getting the three books I ordered from him, and as of this date have not gotten any reply. Cinemaker is quick to take our money, but when it comes to getting the merchandise, it seems their thoughts are: "You are the ones who - need us - so you sit back till we are ready to get this stuff out to you, and be thankful we are giving you new merchandise."

How would these people who take our money and don't deliver feel if we got merchandise before paying for it, and took OUR time getting the money to than? They would take us to court. It gets me angry the way we can be treated.... We are only too anxious to buy new merchandise and anyone with something new can get rich off of some of us.

On Edward Albert and MY first meeting - It was on the autograph line. I shook his hand and said "I think you are DELICIOUS." That is NOT what I wanted to say. How does a 42 year old woman act so INFANTILE??

I was wondering if Ron Perlman has the right agent. Roy Dotrice gets guest spots on "Picket Fences", Armin Shimerman has a steady role (not a small one) on "Deep Space Nine", Adrian Paul who was a GUEST STAR on "B&B" HAS HIS OWN SERIES, and our Ron gets all the dirt. I will NEVER understand why he can't get a break. I happen to think Ron Perlman is one of the most phenomenal actors of our time, and I just can't get enough of the man.

We were all drawn to BATB by more than a hunky tunnel prince and a pair of blue eyes. Hot that there's anything wrong with tight pants and sexy thighs but it was a coming home for us, to a place deep in our hearts, the one for which we'd always searched, the one we always wished we could find. A place where kindness and caring were the hallmarks of survival, where love was treasured as the fragile rarity that it is. I like to think that these convictions were more than just mere rhetoric at Winterfest, that they were the lifeblood of this tenuous community; just as I like to think this wasn't simply another television show with as much substance as a puff of smoke. All one needed was the belief in Vincent and Catherine's brave new world, if one allowed that small trust, then the belief in oneself followed and everything fell into place. An awe-inspiring concept? Perhaps, but in the past six years, those sentiments haven't faded. And that's why, for me, the Hew Tear will always continue to be a re-affirmation of their faith and hope, a reaching out in the darkness of the old year to greet the bright, new morning.

New Year's is more than a raucous party with horns blowing at midnight and champagne corks popping. It's a lot more. In a sense, a New Tear is a new beginning, a time to take one's measure, to contemplate a change of direction, a broadening of one's tolerance, or even to take that first step outside the lines and towards the light. It may take a bit of courage but as an old friend once said, 'some risks are worth taking'. Let's at least try to make 1994 the BEST year of our lives. A Happy and Healthy New Tear, everyone!

Happy 1994 fellow B&B fans! Could it be that this year is the year we have been waiting for? Is there a day that goes by that you don't think just maybe a or THE announcement will be made? With all the "reunion" shows, it seems that "Beauty and the Beast" is due - overdue.

Have any of you been watching" Dr. Quinn - Medicine Woman"? Can you believe that CBS may have learned how to build and develop a romance? The relationship between Dr. Mike and Sully seems to have all the aspects, all the scenarios that we would have died to have seen between Vincent and Catherine. I can't help but think maybe they learned something from us when I see how these two characters respond, grow and develop together. Again, I think we were there to sow the seeds of how popular a"romantic" series could be.

While fandom is not the fandom of several years ago - I think we are all still out there waiting for the moment when we can once again let loose and start dreaming all new dreams of our two favorite lovers.

Does anyone feel as I do, that the writers of Beauty and the Beast had too many men on the team? I personally feel that when we had women on the team the story lines were simply magical. They were also balanced and they had a heart. If you study the overall plots, there seems to be a vendetta against women in the story lines, as one by one, week after week they hit the dust. So, let me guide you through this. Vincent's mother either abandoned him or died. Next we have been led to believe that Paracelsus murdered Anna, his wife. Catherine lost her mother when she was 10, as did Geoffrey. The Chinese girl had lost both her parents as she lived with her old grandfather. Elliot's mother had also died. Then even little Ellie died in "Ashes, Ashes". Father's wife, Margaret, died when her body turned against her. Thai we are told that Grace, who was Devin's mother, died in childbirth. The bikers who roamed the parks and murdered the girls of the night. In the opening of "The Outsiders", we see a woman murdered and slide down the side of her car. Those who didn't die at the hand of the writers were then discredited. Lisa was a cheap flirt and the downfall of Vincent. In the pilot, Tom called Cathy's school friend a lush. The prostitute in "Ho Way Down" was living a rough life. In "Song of Orpheus" we are given to believe that Father's wife, Margaret, was so weak that she allowed her parents to aid the marriage. Then "China Moon", no women's lib here as the girl is told who she has to marry, even though it was against her wishes. "Temptation" we saw Joe at last in love, but she was made out to be bad as she 'set him up'. Even a grandmother didn't escape their vendetta as they had her reject her grandson in "Everything is Everything". "Arabesque", Lisa is a bitch. "Trial", a woman is so scared to tell the truth against her husband.... they even killed off the beauty, Catherine! When we finally get our movie underway, I hope we will hear of the team of writers being half women and half men. Only this way will we get a balance.

We want footage to treasure after we have worked so hard and come so far, don't we? Episodes like: The Pilot, "Siege", "Song of Orpheus", "Shades of Grey", "The Alchemist", "Ozymandias", "A Happy Life", "Ashes, Ashes", "Dead of Winter", "God Bless the Child", "A Fair and Perfect Knight", "Orphans", "Arabesque", "When the Bluebird Sings", "The Watcher", "A Distant Shore", "A Kingdom by the Sea",... Well, do you agree with me?

Catherine is not dead, she is alive and well and living below in the tunnels with Vincent and their children per the fanzines. However, should she be "dead", while I do agree that she would want Vincent to have another love, (and he would feel the same for her) he wouldn't want to. Why should he? When you have the best, nothing else would do and I truly believe they are rare eternal soulmates. I don't know why society thinks you have to be a "two-some".

While I saw the addresses for Ron Koslow and Spelling and do intend to write my letters to each, I have no faith that they will even read the letters. I did meet Ron Koslow briefly at TunnelCon II and while he does seem like a nice person, I still can't trust him to bring back Catherine. I was raped and betrayed by third season and I have to be shown that he is even working on a script (I can't even believe that) with Catherine alive and well. Hey, Gene Roddenberry and his writers revived Spock, why can't the same be done for Catherine? I wouldn't even mind if someone else played her (although it would be a desperate acceptance on my part just to have the character of Catherine come back.) I even thought for a few days that Jo Anderson was signed to be a new Catherine. (She, of course, was signed to play Diana as I found out later.)


I do intend to stay home Feb 14 & 15 for the 15-hour Vincent and Catherine "Love" marathon on Sci-Fi and since I don't accept third season at all, should they dare run an episode from that year, I'll turn the sound off and read a good fanzine for the hour!

Jeanne, I still am in shock over that telephone operator. I wanted to call you, I didn't know your number, only the P.O. address in Once. Thought it would not work. But I mentioned that you are Jeanne Cloud of "Once Upon a Time" and boom, she gave me your middle initial with your name, your phone number and said I know who she is! God, to think somewhere out there is an AT&T operator who is a fan too!

I haven't written an LOC in a very long time because to be honest there hasn't been all that much to write about. However, something has recently come to my attention that sort of piqued my interest. It seems that it was suggested somewhere along the line that Stephen HcHattie might possibly be invited to Tunnel Con. How before anybody runs screaming from the room at this news, it has apparently been decided definitely HOT to do this. But it got me thinking that perhaps it would have been an O.K. idea. I know to sane I've just committed the ultimate fan heresy. It truly is not my wish to hurt anyone's feelings. I just think it may merit consideration. Personally, I'm a major "Classic" fan. Yes, I'm "third season tolerant" as the expression goes but my wish has always been to see Catherine alive, well and living the Dream with Vincent and in my heart I tell myself that's what ultimately happened (it's a fairy tale, I can pretend what I want). The character of Gabriel made my skin crawl and I had tremendous difficulty with the thought of Diana and Vincent as a couple. However, Stephen McHattie and Jo Anderson are NOT Gabriel and Diana. The are ACTORS. Remember what Father said about the danger of confusing the magic with the magician? Well, I think it's a point well taken here. Both of these people had major roles in numerous episodes, working alongside Ron, Roy, Jay, Edward, etc. I'll bet they have some interesting anecdotes and insights. I know I'd be interested in hearing anything new about the show at this point. Plus, it seems to me there is an important consideration here. There is a portion of our fandom who enjoyed third season. Some even PREFERRED it. Perhaps it's past time they had some opportunities in terms of convention guests or subjects. It just seems only fair. As far as I can tell, we classic fans are in the majority by a wide margin. Are we really that threatened after all this time by the mere appearance of a guest star that reflects a different point of view? I'm sure there would be a way to handle a question and answer session so that those who did not wish to hear about third season themes could simply skip that part. All it would take is a little understanding and tolerance - good Tunnel qualities right?

At a time when large convention attendance is by no means a sure thing for any convention organising group, I can understand their reluctance to do anything that would keep even a few people away but it seems a shame if it comes down to that. There really is room for everyone.

I've attended all four national cons. There has always beat a wide range of activities to appeal to many fan interests. Expanding to include another point of view could he a very positive thing if we let it. Just a thought!

Issue 52

front cover of issue #52, K.G. "Cat" Miles
back cover of issue #52, Rosemarie Hauer

Once Upon a Time... Is Now 52 was published in March/April 1994 and contains 26 pages.

This issue contains two clippings about the movie, "Chronos." One includes a photo of Ron Perlman and Guillermo del Toro.

This issue contains some photos of fans at Great Expectations.

Several fans give detailed descriptions of their local fan clubs and fan groups' Winterfest gatherings.

A fan comments at great length about a CD called Hyperspace by Don Davis. This album, recorded in early 1991, was originally meant to be a follow-up to Of Love and Hope.

Issue 52: Excerpts from the Letters

... a question that has mystified me for years — why is it that Catherine's eye color changes from 'zine to 'zine? I have read, in various 'zines, that she has brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, just about everything other than grey (of course, I could've missed that 'zine!)! Any light to be shed on this curiosity?

Been a while since I wrote but still hanging in there waiting for movie and still a great fan of Vincent and Tunnel World, so glad to see many others are too.

I add my thanks to all of you who take the time to write in detail about the cons. I have no idea if I will ever be able to attend one in person, and if LOC's only mentioned 'how great it was' or 'can't wait to see next year's skit', etc., it would leave those of us non-attendees 'locked out' and yearning for more! So, thank you all very, very much for filling in all the spaces and allowing us to peek over the fence and catch some glimpses vicariously!

Hey, has anyone computed the odds that one of us could conceivably win a big lottery, or have Ed McMahon appear on our doorstep, so that perhaps we could become a major investor in Spelling Entertainment contingent upon the money going into production of THE MOVIE? Or, how about cultivating any billionaires out there into our circle? Buy the rights and make the movie? Ah, to dream is to hope is to dream!

I just got my flyers from those wonderful people putting together TunnelCon III and at the risk of starting up some controversy (Heaven forbid!!!), I was a little disheartened and perturbed by seme of what I read accompanying the flyer.

It boggles my mind to think that seme person is actually sitting down at a typewriter, writing that Stephen McHattie or the actor who played Moreno or Tony Jay for that matter shouldn't be invited to the convention because they may have had a role in the death of Catherine Chandler. How, I know to some fans, these characters are very real. It has and always will be a big part of their lives. However, these are only actors, folks. They got a script, they read their lines. I don't think they thought to turn to the camera and ask, should I really be doing this?? Should I really be the one that gives the lethal blow to a character that's become a symbol to these fans? To expect that is ludicrous!! What probably was really going through their minds was, hey, I can pay my rent this month! Hey, I've got a job on a television series! When do I get my paycheck?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that some of us have seemed to have evolved beyond B&B. It will always be an important part of our lives. It's not that we're going to start putting our 'sines on the auction block, or our tapes, but the show's been over a long time now. Even I tried to fight the inevitable, but you get on with your lives! B&B gave me friends I will treasure for the rest of my life. It gave me morals and ethics and a niche that I gladly buried myself in. But (and I have to say this) I think the prospect of a movie seems a pipedream now. Ron Koslow has seemed to have vanished off the face of the planet. Maybe he was on the last shuttle and they dropped him off on the moan? For myself, I hope those in charge of TunnelCon III invite everyone from Samantha and Ripper to Gabriel and Diana!!!

Anyway, that's my opinion. I really didn't want to stir up a nest of vipers, or whatever that phrase is, but I hope we get as many guests as we can to this convention.

I hope the "TunnelCon III - A Family Reunion" works out this simmer. From the information I an getting from them, they are asking people going to please send in their money, so they can try to book same guests. Same stars have other things that they are doing at that time, or some cast have been seen several times at conventions. I would like to see Ellen Geer (Mary), Tony Jay (Paracelsus), a couple of the tunnel children, Beah Richards (Narcissa).

I want to respond to Gwen Lord's concern that the story lines were slanted against women. To be sure, a lot of women were dealt a rough hand. But the more I thought about it, a lot of men were too. Not only did Catherine's mother die, but her father did too, as did both Jeffrey's parents, Winslow was killed by Paracelsus' thug. Kanin accidentally killed a boy and ended up in prison. Alan Taft was murdered. The detective who found Paracelsus in "The Alchemist" was murdered by him; Paracelsus also killed Lou. In "Ashes, Ashes", Dimitri died of the plague. In "Trial", an abusive father killed his own son. Adam Gold was murdered in "A Distant Shore". Jerry was tied to a fence and assaulted in "Sticks and Stones". Elliot's father was killed in the helicopter crash. Finally in the third season even Elliot was killed. Actually, it would probably be shorter to list the regulars who didn't get killed and who weren't jerks: Father, Mary, Jaime, House, William, Joe, and Rita, as well as same of the less frequent "regulars" (Peter and Rebecca come to mind).

Probably what is at work here is this: As sad as it is, TV writers and producers know that violence and tragedy attract viewers (this says something about our society). I think each writer or team of writers was trying to make their episode have enough impact to "sell," since each is considered individually. B&B is unique in that despite some "obligatory" violence, the show also explored what it means to be human, to be connected to others, to overcome adversity with grace, and to be truly in love. (It's something of a miracle, when you think about it, that B&B ever made it on the air!) Personally, I find that the episodes that affect me the most - the ones I watch over and over - are those which are less violent and which instead explore the life of the mind and heart: "A Happy Life", "Remember Love", "Orphans", "Shades of Grey", "A Children's Story". The more we counteract violence with love, the better.

I would like to let anyone know that is a member of "The Beauty and the Beast International Fan Club", that-it appears another person has closed up shop and headed off into the sunset with money due us. I have sent out a few letters in the last couple of months only to have then returned with the note, "P.O. BOX CLOSED". Why do people do that to us? This is not the first tine this has happened. It makes you lose your faith in people.

I have written my post cards (easier and cheaper) to Blockbuster and Spelling as suggested in one of my "B&B" publications, and again to Ms. Basich is at Spelling as suggested by Helper's Hotline about a movie. I can't help but believe we'll get our movie someday.