Harry Potter Art

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Tropes and genres
Synonym(s)Harry Potter Fanart
Related tropes/genresHarry Potter, Harry Potter Fanfiction
See alsoMerlin Art
Related articles on Fanlore.

Harry Potter fanart, much like the fandom itself, is intensely varied and widespread. While this article focuses on visual art, other forms of art are also popular within the fandom, including writing and music.


Slytherin House scarf by MarySesami, pattern by Alison Hansel.

A wide variety of crafts is common in Harry Potter fandom, though knitting and needlework seem to be the most prevalent. Fans frequently make their own Harry Potter-related clothes (which are often worn for cosplay), ranging from clothing that the actors wear in the Harry Potter films to Weasley jumpers and the Hogwarts uniform. House scarves are especially popular, as is embroidery of House crests on a variety of things. Harry Potter themed blankets, quilts, and pillows are also popular; for example, totalle.net, a website run by fan Lee Mac, provides patterns for depicting the Harry Potter actors, House crests, and even PotterPuffs, a well-known series of fanart.

The fansite The Leaky Cauldron has a "Harry Potter Crafts" section that contains tutorials that teach fans how to make a number of different crafts from dolls to jewelery to woodwork.[1] The site also hosts photos of hundreds of finished crafts in its image gallery.[2] Other fansites also have craft galleries, including MuggleNet.[3]


Cosplay was extremely popular for Harry Potter movie premieres and release parties for both the books and films, and it continues to be common for Wizard Rock band members and concertgoers. Fans cosplay both as specific characters, such as Harry or Voldemort, and as generic Hogwarts students representing a favorite House. Fans have even been known to cosplay as fanon versions of characters, such as the Potter Puppet Pals version of (naked!)Dumbledore or the A Very Potter Musical version of Draco.

Drawing and Painting

Drawings and paintings, both digitally and traditionally made, are common of almost every character and pairing in the fandom. Gen illustrations and portraits were especially popular at the beginnings of the fandom, as they explore the artist's personal interpretations of the world and characters as they appears in the books. As the films were released and became increasingly popular, characters in many drawings and paintings came to resemble the actors that portrayed them. Shippy art is also very popular for both canon and fanon pairings.

Many fansites and archives have fanart galleries, such as Fiction Alley's Artistic Alley, that tend to be exclusively drawing and painting. Most general fanart journal communities, such as those on LiveJournal, as well as deviantArt also tend to be predominately drawing and painting, though there is more variation. Many fan artists that specialize in drawing and painting create their own websites to showcase their work, and this was especially common in the early fandom. Personal sites include ArtDungeon.net, acciobrain!, and GoldSeven.

Notable Artists

The following are some popular Harry Potter fan artists who have articles here on Fanlore:


Comics and Cartoons


An extensive list of Harry Potter icon and icontest communities on LiveJournal can be found at the Harry Potter newbieguide.

Photo Manipulations and Banners

Popular Harry/Draco manip by Eneada

Harry Potter manips generally feature the actors from the films, though it is not uncommon to use photographs of other actors or models for a character. Manips are generally not posted to fanart communities or galleries, but are often used for banners and icons, especially those promoting a non-canon pairing. This may be because there is a number of popular ships involving characters that barely interact in canon (or at least the films) and thus it is difficult if not impossible to find pictures of the actors together.

Some manips, especially the more risque ones, have received attention even by non-fans. For example, the Harry/Draco manip displayed to the right, depicting actors Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton (presumably) naked in bed, comes up on a Google image search for "Harry Potter" -- something that non-fans have been known to stumble upon unexpectedly. The same manip was shown on the late-night talk shown Conan when Tom Felton was a guest in 2011. In the interview, Felton revealed that he was aware of the manip (and Harry/Draco fanworks in general), and said that his brother had even teased him with it by telling people it was a real photograph.[4]

Vids & Fan Films

Harry Potter fanvids usually feature footage from the Harry Potter films and are set to a variety of songs. They can be found on YouTube, LiveJournal, fanwork archives such as Artistic Alley,[5] fansites such as Veritaserum,[6], and many other places on the web. A large fraction of fanvids focus on a particular pairing, and can range genre-wise from humourous to angsty. Others are gen and may focus on dramatic elements of the plot or character development.

Also relevant are YouTube sensations such as Potter Puppet Pals and A Very Potter Musical, as well as parody and filk music videos, such as Like It's Quidditch & Friday.

See also: Category:Harry Potter Vids
See also: List of Harry Potter Fan Films

Communities & Projects

Collaborative Projects

Fests & Exchanges

LiveJournal Communities


  1. ^ The Leaky Cauldron. Harry Potter Crafts. (Accessed 04 October 2011.)
  2. ^ The Leaky Cauldron. The Leaky Galleries: Harry Potter Crafts. (Accessed 04 October 2011.)
  3. ^ MuggleNet. Potter Crafts. (Accessed 04 October 2011.)
  4. ^ HarrypotterHP7 on YouTube. Tom Felton on Conan 2011 (NEW). Posted 04 September 2011. (Accessed 04 October 2011.)
  5. ^ Artistic Alley. Gallery: Video. (Accessed 04 October 2011.)
  6. ^ Veritaserum. Fan made Videos. (Accessed 04 October 2011.)