HP Art Daily

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Newsletter Community
Name: Harry Potter Art Daily
Date(s): 03/24/2004-04/16/2010
Moderator: tbranch
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: HP Art Daily on LJ; WebCite Profile Page; WebCite Main Page

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The Harry Potter Art Daily was a weekly publication (that used to be daily when there was more HP art being posted, hence the name) specializing in the promotion and encouragement of fan art. They listed the best art both on and off of LJ as well as fandom events and artist resources.

Departing Message

From 2004-2010, The Harry Potter Art Daily published a semi-regular newsletter of the very best fan-made Harry Potter artwork the internet had to offer. The community is no longer active, but stands as an archive of all the great art that was linked over the years.

A few notes: - The Art Daily was begun before LJ implemented tags, and as such, the entries are not tagged.

- Links are not guaranteed to still work.

- Please do not contact the community admin regarding the community. It is officially closed.