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Name: MuggleNet
Owner/Maintainer: Emerson Spartz
Dates: 1999 – present
Type: news, fanfiction, editorials, media resources
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: (read-only back-up site of
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MuggleNet is a renowned Harry Potter fansite, founded by Emerson Spartz in 1999. It was and is the first port of call for fans of the Harry Potter series looking for news, editorials, and acts as an encyclopaedia for the Potter canon. It hosts fanfiction, and runs fannish competitions such as the weekly caption contest. Fans have been known to first hear of fanfiction on MuggleNet, and venture out looking for more.

Notable Fannish History

  • 2006 book,'s What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Falls in Love and How Will the Adventure Finally End?

In 2020, the Site Distanced Itself from J.K. Rowling

On July 1, 2020, the US-based sites MuggleNet and The Leaky Cauldron released a joint statement rejecting Rowling's beliefs on transgender rights and detailing their commitment to providing a safe community where all feel welcome. This statement was in response to an essay Rowling wrote in which she commented about gender identity on her website. She immediately faced criticism and condemnation from LGBTQ+ activists and fans, who called it "devastating."

The joint statements: Our Commitment, Archived version and Addressing J.K. Rowling's Recent Statements, Archived version.

Further Reading

MuggleNet FanFiction

Staff at MuggleNet founded a fanfiction site in 2004, at The site went down and is now hosted at

External Links
