Archives' Log
Zine | |
Title: | Archives' Log |
Publisher: | Star Trek Archives (San Francisco, CA) |
Editor(s): | Judith Aho, Evelyn Aguilar |
Type: | fiction, articles, newsletter |
Date(s): | May 1974-? |
Frequency: | |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Archives' Log is a Star Trek: TOS newsletter of the Star Trek Archives, a fan club out of San Francisco.
The newsletter began with the name "S.T.V.A. Newsletter" and its first two issues had this title. In the third issue, there was an announcement that the fan club had changed its name from "Star Trek Video Archives" to "Star Trek Archives." While there is no mention of a change for the newsletter, that is when the title change occurred.
Like some newsletters of that era, earlier issues were published without the required pre-1989 copyright notices, possibly placing the fanzine in the public domain.
Issue v.1 n.1
Archives' Log v.1 n.1 was published in May 1974.
Issue v.1 n.2
Archives' Log v.1 n.2 was published in June 1974 and contains 12 pages.
The editor wrote: "At the last meeting in May, we will discuss beginning our members only policy for attendance. This would mean that visitors would be allowed to attend as guests for three times, then we would request that they become members. We are having a space problem and especially a problem with the contributions jar which is passed around. It seems only members have been contributing lately which does not help out our bank account very well. We have two expensive projects going at the moment: Project Communicator is the most expensive and then this newsletter is not exactly free to put out either. If we want to improve the quality and professionalism of our projects, we will have to have more funds."
- some optimism about the shortly-to-be-doomed Project Communicator
- a reprinted letter by Franz Joseph Schnaubelt regarding Star Fleet Technical Manual's inception, see that page to read the letter
- Three Heads Spoiled the Broth!, an article by Steve Lampen about special effects on Star Trek
- U.S.S. Enterprise Power Systems Report One by Roman Rodriguez, a very technical article about the Enterprise's engines
- transcript of a taped interview with James Doohan, no mention of when and where it was conducted
- Horta's Eggs, newsy bits about Star Trek, the actors' activities
Issue v.1 n.3
Archives' Log v.1 n.3 was published in July 1974 and contains 12 pages. The front cover is by Karin Giblin.
Some news from the editor: "We have obtained exempt status as a civic league (like the Elks) from the state of California and are making a similar application to the Federal Government."
And: "We have written to Ricardo Montalban who played Khan in 'Space Seed' to ask him to come and visit us when he is in town doing 'The King and I.' If he is not able to do that, perhaps he could give us a taped interview."
And: The club announces they are going to have a con called The Red Hour. It will be a one-day "ST festival for the Bay Area in October. We will be showing ST episodes (16 mm), have a fashion show, computer games, huckster tables, food and perhaps guests."
- James Doohan Interview (part two) by Steve Lampen (a transcript of an unidentified audio interview) (3)
- The Trouble With Trekkies, fiction by Art Canfil (5)
- Project Communicator update (no news is still good news to them, they have decided to start with the episode "Is There No Truth in Beauty," they had two "blind consultants" at the meeting and they listened to an audio recording of the episode which helped pinpoint what did not make sense to someone who could not see the action on the screen)
- Helping Star Trek in the Future by Steve Lampen (article) (7)
- a letter in reply to an article by Roman Rodriquez in the previous issue; the letter is by Katherine Gates ("member of the American Chemical Society") (9)
- What's In a Name? by Steve Lampen (article about the guest stars on the show) (10)
- Horta's Eggs, Star Trek and the actors in the news (11)
- a recipe for a hot, non-alcoholic drink, formally called "Hot Phaser Coolant" (includes cherry syrup, Hawaiian Punch, apple cider, water, and cinnamon)
Issue v.1 n.4
Archives' Log v.1 n.4 was published in August 1974. The front cover is by Karin Giblin.
- ed. Evelyn Aguilar,
- Technical Manual by F.J. Schnaubelt (article)
- Dream House by Steve Lampen (Very early and rare RPF—In the story, Shatner, Doohan and Kelley are involved in tense negotiations over whether to appear in the new Star Trek movie. They wake up on the Starship Enterprise in the year 2241. After encountering a Klingon battle cruiser, the terrified actors are more than willing to accept the roles. Reprinted in Archives' Log v.2 n.2/3, and again in Bellerophon #17 in 1980.)
- The View from Vulcan by ? (article)
- The Klingon Language by S. Sarris (article)
- second part of the James Doohan interview
Issue v.1 n.5
Archives' Log v.1 n.5 was published in September 1974 and contains 11 pages. The front cover is by Karin Giblin.
- their con has been moved to late January rather than October to avoid prime convention dates
- it is noted that "the next Star Trek convention may be a little hard to get to" as it will be in Leicester, England
- regarding the Star Fleet Technical Manual: "Mr. Schnaubelt informs us the technical manual will be out next spring. It will be published by Ballentine Books in loose leaf binder style and will be 94 pages long. At the end of the book there will be a questionnaire asking what areas people would like him to research for further supplements of the book. He feels that there are 50,000 categories for research. He is willing to give Sandy Sarris the correct format if she is interested in publishing her Klingon language."
- regarding Project Communicator: "The committee completed the narrative script last weekend for our demonstration tape - "Is There In Truth No Beauty". We have been trying to finish it up quickly during the past three weeks, as our narrator is leaving town soon. When the demonstration tape has been put together by Steve Lampen we will play it at one of the meetings so you will all know how the project is coming."
- Art Canfil is working on a Star Trek recipe and bar-tending book
- there is an announcement that Jimmy Doohan is getting married: "He met his intended when she asked for an autograph." [1]
- Scotty and the Children, fiction by Doris Wheeler ("What would happen if Spock and Captain Kirk were transformed into children, with mischief in mind? And danger came?") (reprinted in Star Trek Adventure and The Best of Scotty)
- a review of a William Shatner movie "Big Bad Momma"
- part four of the transcribed interview of James Doohan
- The Klingon Language, A Federation Text—a fictional non-fiction article by "Professor S. Sarris, M.A., Ph.D, D.L.H., D.L., Linguist in Residence, Starfleet Academy, United Planets of Earth"—see Fictional Language
Issue v.1 n.6
Archives' Log v.1 n.6 was published in October 1974 and contains 14 pages. The front cover is by Karin Giblin.
The editor writes: "AREN'T YOU SORRY YOU WERE NOT AT THE AUGUST 27 MEETING? On August 27 we were paid a surprise visit by James Doohan. Mr. Doohan had been working with Steve Lampen at this recording studio and dropped by for a few minutes to discuss our project of producing Star Trek tapes for the blind. He stressed that me must have iron-clad security for these tapes to make sure they will only go to the blind. Mr. Doohan also autographed a copy of the July issue of the Archives Log which has since been framed and can be seen in the Library."
- Annual State of Union Address by Charles Weiss, President (a report on what the fan club has accomplished during the past year, see Star Trek Archives)
- nominations are now open for club officers
- short update on the Red Hour Festival focusing on what films will be available from Paramount and how they match up with the ones the club requested
- The Capellan Star System by Dick Carroll (article)
- Klingonii Language Lesson by S. Sarris (fictional non-fiction, among other things it posits that Klingon children have the bottom of their foot stamped at birth with a ten digit number and do not receive a given name until their fifth birthday)
- a letter to the editor from a Klingon named Korax
- Super Club, fiction by Steve Lampen
- the final part of the transcribed interview with James Doohan
- club members announce a rummage sale with proceeds going to offset the cost of Red Hour Festival
- Uhura's Friend, fiction, part one of two parts, by D.J. Wheeler ("Could Uhura ever betray Captain Kirk? Impossible. Yet -- if it were to happen, what kind of person could persuade her? These were the unusual events aboard the Enterprise on Star Date 5875.9.")
the first set of episode titles are the club's first choice requested from Paramount to be shown at Red Hour Festival, the second set shows the club's alternate choices
Issue v.1 n.7

Archives' Log v.1 n.7 was published in November 1974 and contains 14 pages. The front cover is by Karin Giblin.
- nominations are in for club officers, there are 8 names and 4 spots, this issue also contains lengthy election statements by nominated candidates
- news on the rummage sale, proceeds to go to funding Red Hour Festival: "We did not have our sale the second weekend in October du to a lack of rummage to sell. Come on all you trekkers/trekkies. Let's get some stuff in. I'm sure you can finds some old books, records, vases, dishes, etc. As you friends, relatives, people at work/or school and neighbors too.... We are going to have this sale November 23 and 24. This is definate -- there is no more time to bring it later -- bring it NOW."
- a filk called "The Ballad of Klingon Kor," by Art Canfil, to the tune of a song by Jim Croce
- part two of the story by D.J. Wheeler: Uhura's Friend
- Earther Jokes by "Korax"
- Star Trek in Wax by Judith Aho (article about her visit to Movieland Wax Museum in L.A.)
- On Klingon Language, Lesson Three by S. Sarris (article)
inside page showing a fan-created Klingon alphabet
Issue v.1 n.8
Archives' Log v.1 n.8 was published in December 1974 and contains 15 pages. The front cover is by Karin Giblin.
- club news and Star Trek in the news (1)
- First Annual Red Hour Festival by C. Weiss (a very long progress report covering many details; all club members were required to volunteer at the con, the con was expected to bring in $4000–6000 dollars ($600 to pay off the club debt, and $2000 for the club's bank account), and this con's success was also imperative for the success of Project Communicator) [2] (3)
- The Essential Sulu by D.J. Wheeler (fiction, written from Dr. McCoy's point of view) (5) (reprinted in Star Trek Adventure)
- Blood Composition of the Residents of Epsilon Eridani 7 (Vulcans) Homo Eridani Saraki by Katherine Gates (article) (8)
- Booklet of General Plans (a description and review of the Star Fleet Technical Manual by Franz Joseph Schnaubelt (10)
- The Klingon Language by Professor S. Sarris (article) (11)
- more news (Some tidbits: "Project Communicator has received the waiver from the Writers Guild for use of Star Trek material on our project to adapt Star Trek sound tracks for use by the visually handicapped. We are awaiting word from the Directors Guild, then we will go out to the actors and hopefully we will not require any further waivers, except from, of course, Paramount." And "STA held a garage sale on November 23 and 24. Our goal was to raise enough money to pay for the $200 we would need to rent the films from Paramount for our Red Hour Festival in February. At the end of two days, we had taken in $228.93. This will pay for our films and shipping costs." And "We need wood to build the booths for the carnival area at the festival. Please start looking for wood. Perhaps you have some around your basement or garage you can spare, or if you are passing some on the street or along areas that are being torn down, see if you can get some wood. Once again, we don't want you to carry it on the bus if it is too large." )
Issue v.2 n.1

Archives' Log v.2 n.1 was published in January 1975 and contains 10 pages. The front cover is by Carol Witham.
- club and Star Trek news (1)
- club president will be interviewed on TV for "Creature Features"—something that will boost club activities including Red Hour Festival
- an announcement about a singles' party at a local hotel in which club members show their cards for free admittance, and are encouraged to wear costumes, talk about Star Trek and sell tickets for Red Hour Festival
- The Great Bird of the Galaxy is giving a talk at Stanford; car pools are being arranged
- "Last week we received word from Paramount that they were loaning us the eight episodes we requested for the Red Hour Festival. There was some problems with the Screen Actors Guild giving a waiver for any more ST material for conventions but it has been worked out and they do not see any problems for the future."
- The Klingons (article about the Klingon's home planet) (3)
- a long letter from D.C. Fontana is reprinted; it is chatty and informs fans of what she has been up to professionally and personally (writing books, a description of her costume as she has just joined Society for Creative Anachronism, some belly dancing at stints that include the Roddenberry's christening party for their son and a water ski club, volunteering to "type, file, collate, etc. for John and Bjo Trimble's Mathom House Publications -- the Griffin Gazette (for our SCA freehold members and friends) and the Crown Prints (our SCA principality newsletter," going to Laker home games, being active with the Women's Committee of the Writers Guild, and includes information about her three cats) (5)
- The Star Trek Story by George Costenbader (article) (6)
- The Essential Sulu by D.J. Wheeler (part two/conclusion) of a story that appears in an earlier issue) (8)
- a plea by Art Canfil for club members to be active and imaginative
Issue v.2 n.2/3
Archives' Log v.2 n.2/3 was published in February/March 1975 and contains 30 pages.
- Trivia Questions (6)
- this issue has the third part of an interview with James Doohan, the first part was in the past July issue, the second was in the past August issue (4)
- The View from Vulcan (article about Spock's home planet) by Dick Carroll (8)
- Mr. Oday and Mr. Spock (fiction) by D.J. Wheeler (10) (reprinted in Star Trek Adventure)
- Since Star Trek (an article about what the actor has been doing since Star Trek ended) by Walter Koenig (appears to be original to this zine) (15)
- The Klingons by Sandy Sarris (article about the Klingon religion and language) (16)
- Dream House (very early and rare Star Trek RPF) by Steve Lampen (reprinted from the August 1974 issue, and reprinted again in Bellerophon #17 in 1980—In the story, Shatner, Doohan and Kelley are involved in tense negotiations over whether to appear in the new Star Trek movie. They wake up on the Starship Enterprise in the year 2241. After encountering a Klingon battle cruiser, the terrified actors are more than willing to accept the roles.) (19)
- Progress of Social Psychiatric Experiment on Board the U.S.S. Enterprise by Art Canfil (a tongue-in-cheek "article" about the different kinds of personalities on board the Enterprise) (22)
- What's in a Name by Steve Lampen (reprinted from the previous July issue, article about the different guest actors on the show and their roles) (24)
- Visions of Paradise (article about the science of the episode "This Side of Paradise) by Dick Carroll (25)
- Three Heads Spoiled the Broth!!! (article about the special effects in Star Trek) by Steve Lampen (reprinted from the August 1974 issue) (27)
- three full pages of portraits of Walter Koenig/Chekov, James Doohan/Scotty, and George Takei/Sulu (artist uncredited)
- a portrait of T'Pring and a short bio of the actress who portrayed her
- this issue has the first part of a talk (second is in the next issue) given by Gene Roddenberry at Stanford on January 28—the opening paragraph: ... we arrived around 6:15 which was very fortunate as the auditorium was filled by (7:00 p.m. for the 8:00 speech. Angry people were poinding on the doors to get in and really got frantic when they could hear the blooper reel being shown. After the blooper reel, Mr Roddenberry was introduced. About 20 minutes into his speech, he was interrupted by the announcement that someone had called in a bomb threat. You guessed it - the auditorium had to be completely cleared so that it could be searched. We stood out in the courtyard for about an hour and it was cold out there. Returning to the auditorium, we found that there had not been a bomb after all, just one of those angry door bangers trying to get even. Mr. Roddenberry returned and finished his speech. We then saw "The Cage", which as you all know, was the original pilot for Star Trek starring Jeffrey Hunter. This has been shown at conventions before, but none of us there had ever seen it. It was quite interesting, for instance there is a scene where Pike says he does not women on the bridge and in answer to a dagger look by #1 tells her that "she's different." Although we did not see a color print, it was great to see the original pilot in one piece.
Reactions and Reviews: v.2 n.2/3
The Log has an extensive interview with Bruce Hyde, which was done while he was at the Eureka Theatre. A very, very extensively researched and nicely writ ten article called "Wolf Ripper" by Albert Hillard-Hughes is included. It begins and ends with the Star Trek episode "Wolf in the Fold", and takes us on a very interesting path through the lore of Jack the Ripper. Franz Joseph, as United Federation Representative of Star Fleet Command, sends memos on replacement of personnel in Starfleet (and slaps Kirk's hand for losing so many crewmen all over the place. And why does Kirk keep asking for all those female yeomen. Tsk! The reproduction really brings out the excellent cover of "Gem", by John McLaughlin. A nicely done zine, well worth the price. The LOG has taken a leap forward in appearance with this issue (mostly due to a new editorial assistant, Evelyn the Editor tells me)! A good, sharp, neatly typed, 2-column reduced format, with much better layout work. I'm very impressed — ARCHIVES' LOG is now the best-looking amateur Star Trek fan publication, bar none! [3]
Issue v.2 n.4
Archives' Log v.2 n.4 was published in April 1975 and contains 20 pages.

- Horta Eggs (club and Star Trek news) (1)
- an article by Judy Aho about Equicon/Filmcon (2)
- a short blurb about Sacramento Valley S.T.A.R.'s film/costume show at Sacramento City College on April 12 (related to Equicon); Walter Koenig and George Takei were to be Guests of Honor (3)
- Star Trek word find puzzle by Carol Witham (3)
- The Trouble with Trivia by Steve Lampen and Bill Deen (8)
- Bones Wins Out (fiction) by Katherine Gates Runkle (10)
- a copy of a March 1975 letter by Save the Star Trek Cast giving an update on the fan campaign to pressure the movie's creators to keep the original cast (14)
- answers to the trivia test (15)
- a con report of sorts—a fan's description of Gene Roddenberry's appearance at Stanford (this is the second part/conclusion, the first appeared in the previous issue) (16)
- there is a con report for The Red Hour Festival, see that page (18)
- two con reports by Rod March—the 4th Annual International Star Trek Convention by Al Schuster (Jan 10-12) in New York, and the Star Trek convention held at the Commodore Hotel (Feb 14-17). He much preferred the second one: The Star Trek Convention, held at the Commodore Hotel February 14–17 was, by comparison, well worth attending. This convention was organized by a group of people who left Al Shuster's organization last year, headed by Devra Langstrom. Special guests included - Gene Roddenberry, Majel Barrett, William Shatner, George Takei, William Ware Theiss, Robert Lansing, David Gerrold, Jeff Maynard, Isaac Asimov, and Hal Clement. From the start, this convention was more neatly run than Schuster's. There was less crowding, especially in the dealers' rooms and art rooms, although this convention, too, had a habit of scheduling only one interesting activity at a time. Again, there was no way to see the major guests, except on stage, along with 8,000 other fans (I happened to run into William Shatner outside the convention in New York, but he was unfortunately too busy to talk). The highlight of this convention was Gene Roddenberry's talk, and the panel discussion between Roddenberry Shatner, Barrett, Takei, Asimov, Gerrold, and Lansing... In closing, The Star Trek Convention stood out as a worthwhile experience, when compared to the 4th International Convention, but neither of them can compare to the excellence of Equicon 74.
Issue v.2 n.5/6
Archives' Log v.2 n.5/6 was published in May/June 1975 and contains 26 pages.
From the editor:
Star Trek Archives has Just weathered a crisis, during which two officers and several members resigned from the organization. The very fact that this issue of the Log is in your hands proves that the Archives is now strong enough to withstand such a problem. The needs of the membership and efforts such as Project Communicator are more important than personalities. It is time for all members, regardless of their personal opinions, to close ranks and once again move Star Trek Archives ahead. We must, we can, and we will do so.
- News About the Second Red Hour Festival ("Star Trek Archives' SECOND ANNUAL RED HOUR FESTIVAL Is scheduled for May 15 and 16, 1976 at the Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. We have few details now, but this will be a Festival to even exceed in quality our First Annual event. We plan to have one of the three TOP BILLED stars of the Star Trek show, plus special guests, our famed Shore Leave Planet Carnival Midway and films hosted by local TV personality Bob Wilkins.")
- Letter from Gene Roddenberry (3)
- Horta's Eggs (club and Star Trek news) (4)
- The Cesspool of Space (fiction by Bruce Henderson) (5) Just about any of the reasons responsible for the low quality scripts of the original Star Trek's third season are inherent in the animated show. One of the causes which have been brought to light, was thinly disguised messages. Now with only half an hour to work with, things are really laid bare. Another problem was the overuse of Earth parallels. The difficulties that spawned this Problem in the live program are not found in the cartoon so the staff has carefully avoided it. The cartoon has also avoided over emotionalizing Spock, among other syndromes. However, animation has it's own problems, namely childishness... The Star Trek cartoon has it's good points and it's bad. As an action/adventure science fiction program it fails at many points. As an example of Star Trek the half-hour format has pretty much crushed any chance of excess. But as a Saturday morning cartoon it is one, no THE, best example on the air. With all the advantages animation has to offer to a format like Star Trek's, and the great writers who have contributed, I feel the Star Trek staff could have done better than they have thus far. What do you think? Use the opinions I assumed you had at the beginning of this article, and the opinion I have presented and make your own decision.
- Analysis: Animated Star Trek by Bill Norton (6)
- Safety First (fiction by Bruce Henderson) (11)
- What If (12)
- Star Trek Trivia Quiz (12)
- Chekov: A Story of Sutt (13) (reprinted inStar Trek Adventure)
- Archive's Maze (puzzle) by Rafe Needlem (28)
Issue v.2 n.7
Archives' Log v.2 n.7 was published in July 1975 and contains 28 pages. The front cover is by D. McCarthy. Interior illos by Bonita Frank, Frank Torrano, and Deirdre McCarthy. This issue lists the "Advisory Board" as consisting of Bjo Trimble, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Billy West, and Bob Wilkins.
The resignation of Art Canfil from the presidency of Star Trek Archives left a void which needed filling. Rather than refill that void with one person, the membership elected to have a thirteen member Board which, as a whole, would have the executive powers held previously by the president only.
- Authorizing Resolution—STA's executive board (1)
- Executive Board of STA (2)
- Statement from the Chairperson (2)
- President's Letter of Resignation (3)
- Report on Project Communicator (4)
- Letter from Gene Roddenberry, a form letter about the movie (4)
- Tholian Web Puzzle (6)
- Guess Who's Coming to Berkeley, James Doohan and George Takei will be at the Federation Trading Post to sign autographs on August 17, 1975 for two hours (9)
- Sulu Needs Assistance, a letter asking fans to help George Takei get a role in a proposed movie: "Fear of Flying" based on the Jong book (10)
- Galactic Thoughts About Star Trek by Gloria Oberste (article) (12)
- Letter from S.T.S.T.C., the "Save the Star Trek Cast" which begs people to tell "all your Star Trek friends" that information in the newly released Star Trek Lives! has three errors: it lists the cost of the STW Directory at fifty cents, not seventy-five cents, it doesn't say requests for it require a stamp on the self-addressed envelope, and it gives the wrong address—all these things are costing the STW money and business: "At the rate questions are now coming in because of Bantam's incorrect information, STW is losing aprox. $25 a DAY! Losses such as this cannot be absorbed and could conceivably cause Star Trek fandom's finest organization to fold.... Please tell all your Star Trek friends about the incorrect address and charges. And DO remind them about the stamp! And please write, and get your friends to write Bantam Books and ask them to change the information or enclose a STW flyer in each book. STW has helped all of us in Star Trek fandom. Now we can return the favor. Let's not let the best information service in fandom die because a publisher did not bother to check his information before he printed it." (14)
- Captain, Captain, a filk by Dona M. Kerns to the tune of "Reubin, Reubin" (15)
- Wires and Coils, fiction by Anita Corelli (16)
- Bylaws (26)
- Report from the Constitution Committee (26)
from v.2 n.7, the S.T.S.T.C. flyer
Issue v.2 n.8
Archives' Log v.2 n.8 was published in August 1975 and contains 20 pages.
At some recent point, the zine got an "advisory board"—members at this point were Bjo Trimble, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Billy West, and Bob Wilkins.

- What is Star Trek Archives (1)
- Executive Board of S.T.A. (1)
- Library Presentation (1) ("On September 26, 1975, a presentation of STAR TREK slides and films was made at an East Bay library by Sandy Sarris. A report about this will be made at a regular STA meeting.")
- Constitutional Convention (3) Star Trek Archives is currently iw the process of obtaining status as a non profit organization. In order to do this, we must have a constitution and by-laws. Certain sections must be included as required by law. It was for this reason the Archives held-a Constitution meeting on September 23. The purpose of the meeting was to go over proposed constitutions which the Archives would follow. All members were invited to come and express their ideas and views with the condition that no $tar Trek episode would be seen that evening. That evening less than ten members showed up during the course of the meeting. We went through the proposals and left the meeting with the final draft to. be ratified by you, the MEMBERS. The point I want to impress upon you is that this is your club. It's everybody's Star Trek Archives, not just a handful of member's. The Archives cannot and will not function or grow without every member's help and cooperation. All members who can come to the meetings should and must support this Archives. After all, each member paid his or hers dues to get in to it, and therefore they have a voice in the matters of the Archives.
- Red Hour Project (3)
- STA Library (3) (Three internal scrapbooks have been added to the library, one is the S.T.A. Logbook and contains all issues of Archives' Log, one deals with miscellaneous and full length articles on Star Trek and the people involved in the series, and "one contains the Constitutions S.T.A. Activities past, present and future; S.T.A. Paraphenalia, where it can be obtained; correspondence; logs from other organizations; and Si-Fi articles other than Star Trek"
- Condition Yellow (4) (about the resignation of a staff member)
- What If? by John C. Deely (4)
- Chairperson's Report by Dave Walda (2)
- Visit from Doohan and Takei by Rita Fattaruso (7)
- The Klingons (article) by Sandy Sarris (8)
- Tholian Web (puzzle) (21)
- The New Arrival (fiction) by Carol Ann Sweeney (12)
- Ralph and Irving (19)
- Horta's Eggs (news) (20)
- Space: The Final Frontier, a Archives' L by ' |publisher=[[St (20)
A unique convention, SPACE: THE FINAL FRONTIER, was held on October 5, 1975 at DeAnza College in Cupertino. Both George Takei and Arlene Martell were there to speak and. sign, autographs in what the Archives Log Committee found to be a very relaxing atmosphere. George and Arlene took the time to talk and pose for pictures with individual fans both during the convention and after 6 o'clock, the official close-up time. The hucksters were missing, but instead attendees got a peek at what is going on in the galaxy right now. John Dobson spoke on "Structure of the Universe" and Dick Preston on "NASA Plan for Space Cities".Supply could not keep up with demand for the printed program "Spaces The Final Frontier #1" which sold for $1.00 plus postage. SASE to TERMAN'S STAR TREK.
- back cover, front cover, other art by D. Bishop, other art by Bonita Frank, Frank Torrano, and Dierdre McCarthy.
Issue v.2 n.9
Archives' Log v.2 n.9 was published in September 1975 and contains 18 pages. The advisory board: Bjo Trimble and Bob Wilkins.

- Star Trek Archives Business (1)
- Commentary from President Dave Walda (2)
- Elections for Year 1976 by D. Walsh ("STA needs to get back on its feet. I feel that we have recovered a little. But we heed a good corp of officers to get the club functioning properly and keep it that way. We need to build up our reputation not only as a good club, but one that tells other people that we are a service club extending our resources to others who also like Star Trek. We have to get Project Communicator working again so that it's just not something we talk about, but is a reality.") (2)
- Archives Library by B.C. Coombe (Coombe raves about The Starfleet Technical Manual and says that it is now available in the club library.) (3)
- New Store in San Jose (Starbase 1) (3)
- Archive Log Honors James Blish (4)
- Excerpts from Fan Information Sheet (10/1975) by John Trimble and Bjo Trimble (5)
- Adonis by Dona M. Kerns (5)
- Star Trek Adventure by D.J. Wheeler (6)
- Slide Show Presentation ("On November 22, 1975 Star Trek Archives put on a slide show presentation entitled 'Journey to Babel and Other Star Trek Episodes" plus Morris Scott Dollens' Astronomical Art Paintings "Impressions of the Universe"' at the Sunnyside Convalescent Home in San Francisco. The patients and staff enjoyed it very much and invited us to come back.") (7)
- 11 Years Ago (December) plus Mark Your Calendar (7)
- Failure of Space: 1999 by B.C. Coombe (8): There is one good word I can say about this miserable waste of time, money, talent, and film. The special effects. They are truly fantastic. The use of miniatures and special photography make the laughable plots interesting and almost save the show, if anything can, with their pizazz. The genius, and I do not use the word lightly, behind the special effects is the man who created the special photography for such movies as "ANDROMEDA STRAIN", "SIIENT RUNNING", (which he also directed) and of course "2001-A SPACE ODYSSEY" - Douglas Trumbull- . His ability to create such breathtaking scenes for television is a credit to his talent and should be applauded. In the final analysis, it is not one single fault but a multitude that caused Space 1999 to become known, at least to me as, Space Opera 1999.
- ST Conventions (11)
- To Paramount (poem) by Dona M. Kerns (11)
- Star Trek Archives Coloring Book (ad) (11)
- The Enterprise Song (filk sung to the tune of "The Titanic") by Judy and Gail Ivey (12)
- Merry Xmas to Members and Non-Members and to All Beings (13)
- The Collapsar Phenomena, part one, by B.C. Coombe (fiction) (14)
- Trivia Questions by Bruce Henderson (18)
- front and back covers by Jonesy Parrinello, other art by Jerry Kellogg, Jonesy Parrinello and Don Bishop
Issue v.2 n.10
Archives' Log v.2 n.10 was published in October 1975.
Issue v.2 n.11
Archives' Log v.2 n.11 was published in November 1975.
Issue v.2 n.12
Archives' Log v.2 n.12 was published in December 1975.
Issue v.3 n.1/2
Archives' Log v.3 n.1/2 was published in January/February 1976 and contains 30 pages. The art is by Jonesy Parrinello (front cover), Linda Whitten, and Michael Vincent.

- About Star Trek Archives (1)
- Intercom (LoCs) (2)
- A Story of Christmas Future???? by Carol Anne Sweeney (4) (also in The Best of...)
- there is a long LoC complaining about the content of Star Fleet Technical Manual, see that page
- puzzles by Bill Roberts (9)
- Horta's Eggs (club news) (10)
- The Electronic Shirt by Bruce Henderson (article about a fan seeing another fan at a con who was wearing a shirt with "Led" lights; the article is about this new invention and how to make one yourself) (11)
- Thoughts, poem by Evelyn Aguilar (13)
- Shakespeare in Outer Space by Albert Hillard-Hughes (a study of the film Forbidden Planet based on Shakespeare's The Tempest) (14)
- cartoon by Michael Vincent (29)
- Heavy and Light Quotes (filler) (30)
Reactions and Reviews: v.3 n.1/2
A wide variety of material can be found within the pages of ARCHIVE'S LOG. From Star Trek to Science Fiction, to hard science. The basis is still quite Star Trek, as can be seen by looking at the lovely cover by Jonesy Parrinello, In fact, while layout has improved little oyer earlier issues, the increaaing contributions by professional illustrator Jonesy have classed-up ARCHIVE'S LOG quite a bit. The major feature of this issue is the lengthy "Shakespeare in Outer Space" by A, Hilliard-Hughes. This is a sophisticated study of the film "Forbidden Planet" comparing it to Bill Shakespeare's "The Tempest." The piece is very competent in terms of keeping the reader from getthg lost even though he may not be familiar with either the film or the play. ARCHIVE'S LOG is an enjoyable and regular little fanzine. I look forward to each new issue.[4]
Issue v.3 n.3/4
Archives' Log v.3 n.3/4 was published in March/April 1976 and contains 40 pages. The froth cover is by J. McLaughlin. Interior illos are by A. Frevele.

- Personnel replacements list from Franz Joseph (humorous satirical long "letter" from Starfleet written to Kirk about all the problems he's having with his crew regarding too many casualties and Kirk's too-avid interest in the ladies) (2)
- Calendar (6)
- Of Science and Logic, fiction by Steve Schenkofsky (illoed by screenshots and one fan-drawn illo) (7)
- Horta's Eggs, news of Star Trek (17)
- Log Interview: Bruce Hyde by Evelyn Aguilar (article) (18)
- Stardate (22)
- "! Error...err..." (corrections to errors in the last issue) (22)
- Return of the Frontier, fiction by Art Canfil (23)
- The Wolf Ripper by Albert Hillard-Hughes (article about Jack the Ripper) (35)
- Intercom, a satirical long LoC written by Franz Joseph in the form of an official transmission from Star Fleet (not numbered)
- filk, "All Through the Night" by Judy and Gail Ivey
- 4 full pages of cartoons, ENTERPRISE by Michael Vincent (36)
Reactions and Reviews: v.3 n.3/4
This zine has a pleasant, professional-style layout. It is illustrated mostly by photos from ST and has only one fan-drawn interior illo and cartoon strip. The cover is a nice drawing of Gem done by John McLaughlin. There are four major pieces in this issue: two stories and two articles. The first story is a Spock-saves-the-day tale by Steve Schenkofsky; he has a good handling of dialog and movement in the story, but motivation is a little poorly done. In this story, the Enterprise is sent after yet another 'villainous' thingamaob in space that has done in yet another Federation starship. The Enterprise fails to deter or destroy the ship. Then Spock, failing to even mention the telepathic information he has received from the lone alien in the ship, steals a shuttle from the Enterprise to go into the alien ship to put things to right. The reasoning (that only a man who can control his emotions can fix the situation) does not excuse Spock's behavior. The other story is a the-big-E-is-for-real story called 'Return of the Frontier' by Art Canfil It's unusual in that the crew of the Enterprise is cloned from the actors who played in ST and the Enterprise is built by the group who carried out the cloning! The writing is about on par with the other story. Also, AL has an interview with Bruce Hyde (Kevin Reilly in ST) which covers some of his background in acting... about his feelings about work and people on ST, and how he got into the ST con merry-go-round. And, lastly, there is an article on including 'Wolf in the Fold.' In the intro to AL it is said that part of AL's purpose is to 'promote artistic and literary creativity.' There certainly is talent connected with this zine. And it's a zine that many ST fans would enjoy.[5]