The ZhongXiao Alliance

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Title: The ZhongXiao Alliance
Author(s): Yellow_Canna
Date(s): December 25, 2020-June 13, 2021
Length: 98k Words, Complete
Genre(s): Mutual Pining, Romantic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Fandom(s): Genshin Impact
External Links: AO3

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The ZhongXiao Alliance is a popular Xiao/Zhongli fanfiction by Yellow_Canna. As of November 2023 it is the most popular fic on AO3 for the ship by Kudos[1]. It is rated Explicit. The fic is also notable for its status as a popular English-language fic that follows Xiao's Chinese characterization over his English characterization.


“You requested the bard to get you porn?” Diluc questioned with a skeptical look on his face.

“No!” Aether shouted, waving his hands frantically in front of him. “It’s for…for Paimon!”

“WHAT?!” Paimon screamed off the top of her lungs before spinning around to see the pair of crimson eyes narrowing at her while the blue one twinkled with amusement. “No! Paimon would never read these kinds of things! It’s Adeptus Xiao!!”

“An adeptus from Liyue want you two to get porn?” Kaeya arched a fine brow.

“This is all for Morax’s sake!” Venti piped up from behind Aether as if that would make the situation any better.

"So it is the Geo Archon that wanted the porn?”

Aether buried his face into his hands. He should have never taken up on Xiao's request. No, before that, he shouldn't have taken Zhongli's request.

This whole mess started when Zhongli confessed to Xiao in the wrong order, starting with sex.

Now, it's up to one traveller, one emergency food, and one bard to make things getting Xiao a guide to sexual intercourse (aka porn).

AO3 Summary

Fan Reviews and Responses


R18 fic. I think this must be the most popular?? ZX fic with a little bit of VenAether too... it is the one fic that appears in the search engine when you type “zhongxiao ao3″, haha. But it is so worth it. The characterizations are well done. Also, it has EVERYTHING. Comedy, drama, romance, angst, absurdity, smut, misunderstandings, character evolution, babies. It is a whole ride. I love how Xiao and Venti are written here in particular, as well as the prose in the middle part. I enjoyed reading this so much and have even re-read some memorable parts. If I start reading it I end up reading everything... it is a very dangerous story! But it is such a nice read! Just read the summary. Not putting it here because it’s quite long. It is a whole adventure.

Some ZhongXiao fics on ao3 that I love a lot. by zuragin

shoutout to whoever wrote the zhongxiao alliance on ao3 literally revolutionary

Tumblr Post by xiaoyun



Genshin Impact
Characters DilucChildeKaeyaZhongliXiaoTravelerVentiScaramouchePaimonmore
Ships Childe/ZhongliAlhaitham/KavehDiluc/KaeyaVenti/XiaoAlbedo/KaeyaChilde/LumineChongyun/XingqiuRaiden Ei/Yae MikoCyno/TighnariBeidou/NingguangJean/Lisamore
Locations MondstadtLiyueInazumaSumeruFontaineNatlanSnezhnayamore
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