Archons (Genshin Impact)

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Character Group
Name: Archons
Type: Deities
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Members: Venti, Zhongli, Raiden Ei, Nahida, Furina, Murata, Tsaritsa
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Archons are the gods of the seven nations of Teyvat in the game Genshin Impact.


Each archon rules over one of the nations and one element - Zhongli is the Geo Archon of Liyue while Raiden is the Electro Archon of Inazuma, for example. The main plot of Genshin Impact involves the player character, the Traveler, trying to meet each of the seven archons in pursuit of their twin sibling.

Many of the archons were not the original god to hold their title. The group of gods that emerged victorious and ruled over Teyvat in the wake of the Archon War are referred to as the "Original Seven." The only two members of the Original Seven who remained in power as of the start of the game were Venti and Zhongli (Barbatos and Morax).

While most allogenes believe that the Archons are the ones who give them their Visions, one of Raiden Ei’s voicelines reveals that this is a misconception, as they do not choose who gets a Vision.


As each new archon's appearance is revealed, fanworks start to regularly incorporate more and more of them. It's common to see fanworks featuring just Venti, Zhongli, and Raiden, as they were the first three archons we meet, then after Nahida's release it became common to see works featuring all four of them. We can expect to see this trend continue as players meet the next few archons.

Common Tropes in Fanworks

  • Archons being the ones to personally choose which characters receive Visions (elemental powers), and thus, become allogenes.

Example Fanworks





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Genshin Impact
Characters DilucChildeKaeyaZhongliXiaoTravelerVentiScaramouchePaimonmore
Ships Childe/ZhongliAlhaitham/KavehDiluc/KaeyaVenti/XiaoAlbedo/KaeyaChilde/LumineChongyun/XingqiuRaiden Ei/Yae MikoCyno/TighnariBeidou/NingguangJean/Lisamore
Locations MondstadtLiyueInazumaSumeruFontaineNatlanSnezhnayamore
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