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Pollyanna's Slash Pages
Personal Fanfiction Website | |
Website: | Pollyanna's Slash Pages |
Author: | Pollyanna |
Dates: | 1998 or before - |
Fandom: | The X-Files |
URL: | http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/1177/gateway.html http://www.tifling.demon.co.uk/x/xrecomm.htm (UK mirror) |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Pollyanna's Slash Pages is a pesonal fanfiction and recommendation site. It was hosted at GeoCities. Slash and gen recommendations were on different pages, respectively called Scant/Pickings (slash) Scant Pickings (gen). The site was a member of the X-Files Fanfic Recommendations Ring.[1]
The recommendations were discontinued in February 1999 because they were no longer fulfilling their primary purpose which was to encourage feedback.[2]
Site Description
From the website:
I'm using this page as an entrance to any of my pages which contain references to slash. Slash, for those who don't know, is a type of fan fiction which describes same sex relationships - usually male/male and usually in graphic sexual detail.If you do not wish to read about this or if you are under 18 - go back to Scant Pickings or Pollyanna's Fan Fiction now.
If you are a consenting adult, then you can proceed to any of the pages below. Thank you for your attention.
Description from Mona's Fiction Page:
Here is the place to find the gateway into Scant/Pickings, a recommendation site that's an excellent introduction for people looking to find good (mostly) X-Files slash. There are so many stories out there that it's often difficult to know where to start, so if this is your problem, don't give up, just go here.[3]
- Scant / Pickings - Recommendations of Slash Stories (mostly X-files). Last updated 27 January
- Previous / Pickings - Previous Recommendations of Slash
- Links Page - Links to Authors I have Picked
- Pollyanna's / Fan Fiction - Slash fan fiction. Last updated 21 December - but only Et Cetera
- The Pest House - Slash fan fiction by Sue. Last updated 24 January
Pollyanna's / Fan Fiction
Eye to Eye : 16 May 1997 (PG-13 rated) A very mild piece written for Nicci's enclosed space challenge. (The first fanfic I ever posted on the net ! )
Acquainted with the Night : 24th Jun 1997 (NC-17 rated) Set after "One Breath" Mulder exacts an unexpected revenge on Krycek. Notes for afterwards
Hors D'Oeuvres : 10th Jul 1997 (NC-17 rated) A PWP where Scully and Mulder take Skinner's mind off of work.
Satyrical Grapes : 10th Sep 1997 (R rated) Well, you can't really have a sequel to a PWP, so this is more of the same as Hors D'Oeuvres - set in a Chinese restaurant.
Insatiable but Patient : 7th Oct 1997 (NC-17 rated) yet another 'getting Krycek out the silo' story... Notes for afterwards
Interference : 9th Dec 1997 (NC-17 rated) Missing scene from Duane Barry
End-play : 4th Jan 1998 (NC-17 rated) Sequel to 'Interference' . Missing scene from Ascension.
I Could Not Love thee : 3rd Jul 1998 (G rated) Night thoughts of a character. ( This is the same story as on my General Fan Fiction Page ) Notes for afterwards
Ersatz : 20th Aug 1998 (NC-17 rated) Pendrell and Frohike find that reality can be better than dreams
UNBETAED - Last updated 21 March 1999
Et Cetera
These are just odd snippets that are too small or too strange to appear elsewhere - since they're usually presents for my beta reader they don't get beta'd, which explains the strange phrases, lapses of logic and generally unpolished state!
Two Words and an Ejaculation : This was supposed to be a frothy little piece as a 1997 Chanukah gift for Spooky and instead turned into an incredibly morbid and murky scene. I guess I need conversation to be humorous !
Pillow Talk : A little something I wrote quickly as a birthday present for my beta reader - surprisingly she's still talking to me !
The Scarlet Fox : Added 21 December Another Chanukah gift for Spooky - an alternate universe M/K which will probably have Baroness Orczy spinning in her grave (although, then again, who knows ?)
A Song Story : Added 21 December Just to show I do occasionally write song stories ... of a sort, and I promise not to do it again!
And my S&M; entry for the egg-beater challenge - under 500 words !
Pollyanna's Fan Fiction
Star Trek: DS9
Mission Beyond : 12th Jun 1997 (PG-rated) Doctor Bashir goes on a mission to the Gamma Quadrant. Notes for afterwards
Three Card Trick : 27th Jan 1998 (PG-rated) sequel to Mission Beyond, another journey into the Gamma Quadrant
Polished Shield : 16th Jun 1998 (PG-rated) Good and evil, guilt and justice - all is not as it seems in the small town of Distant Hope.
I Could Not Love thee : 3rd Jul 1998 (G rated) Night thoughts of a character Notes for afterwards
Flowers on a Table : 15th Aug 1998 (G rated) When Scully is in hospital dying of cancer visitors bring her flowers
The other X-files stories I've written so far have been UNBETAED Last updated 7 March 1999
Privious / Pickings
February 10th's Recommendations
A NC-17 story - One possible upshot of S.R. 819...with smut : Palm Pilot . OK, so this has already been recommended elsewhere <g> but I did enjoy this one. A Sk/K combination which always gets my attention to start with, and one where the relationship between them is satisfactorily balanced ... and hot sex too! If you enjoyed it as well, then send some feedback to the author : The Spike If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : The Spike's X-Files Slash Page generously hosted by Nonie.
And if you don't pop by Chez Gwyn very often then Gwyn has a new story up 'What the Stars are for' - a lovely M/Sk piece.
Switching off! This is the last Scant/Pickings, since I've deduced from recent correspondence that it's no longer fulfilling it's primary purpose which was to encourage feedback. As the old saying goes 'You can lead a fanfic reader to a story but you can't make them send feedback' (OK, perhaps it's not that old <g>) So I think the couple of hours a week I spend on this would be more productively spent sending more feedback myself. Cheers Pollyanna (off to make some authors glad).
February 3rd's Recommendation
No rating given but probably about a PG-13 for language, a post-Avatar story : Silence. This is not just a post-Avatar story but seems to follow on seamlessly from that episode in terms of atmosphere and character. A considered look at a desolate Skinner and a tentative but persistent Mulder. If you enjoyed it as well, then send some feedback to the author : Palinurus If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Palinurus' X-files Slash.
January 27th's Recommendation
An NC-17 rated story. This is actually the middle section of a trilogy, but I think it reads quite well standalone : Desert Hearts. I guess taken out of context this is a PWP, but it's one I've enjoyed for a long time. A satisfying mixture of sex, humour and a nice dash of angst. If you enjoyed it as well, then send some feedback to the author : Katy Deery If you'd like to read some more of this author's work (like the rest of the series!) then check out : Night666's Slash Site
January 20th's Recommendation
Not X-files this week, but there is a green-eyed connection ! Here is a NC-17 rated "Once a Thief" story where Mac and Victor have to find a way to get along : Working Together . I haven't seen much of this series but this seemed to capture the atmosphere very well - and it was a lot of fun <G> If you enjoyed it and want some more then send some feedback to the author : Viridian If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Viridian's Fiction Page where there is a sequel to this story.
January 13th's Recommendation
Okay, I'm not highlighting any story this week because I'm choosing something a little different!
My recommendation for this week is that you go and fill in the Nomination Form at the Official Whammy Headquarters. You don't have to fill in six choices and you don't have to fill in every category. If you're shy about sending feedback, then here's the perfect opportunity to show your appreciation not only of the authors but also the Whammy Committee who have put in an immense amount of work getting the site together. And here's a rash offer <g> If you can remember some details of a story you'd like to nominate but can't remember the title drop me a note and I'll see if I can track down the title. I read a lot of X-Files slash and have a frighteningly good memory!
January 6th's Recommendation
This is an R rated angsty X-file with this summary : Until recently epilepsy carried the stereotype of violent antisocial behavior. The brain is really not much bigger than a cantaloupe, and yet so many of its diseases are still largely a mystery. In no small part because it's unethical to cut open living people's heads to find out what's inside : Scatter (163K). This is one of my 'not-quite-slash' pickings. I read it initially because it's an X-file, but it has a great look at Krycek's character, a wonderfully strong Scully, and enought UST to keep the interest going for the slash community. If you enjoyed it as well, then send some feedback to the author : Vehemently No other stories at the moment - so even more reason to send feedback if you liked this one!
The original text of this story is housed at The I in FBI which is a fairly new archive concentrating on case files.[4]
December 16th's Recommendation Seasons Greetings to all visitors ! Since I won't be updating this page again until January 6th, I've chosen a couple of stories to tide you over.
Usually I choose stories that have been around for a while, but I know this is a brand new story since I only finished betaing it yesterday! This is a PG rated modern rendition of a fairy tale : Winter Stars When Carol came up with the idea of updating a particular fairy tale, it sounded like a good idea. And I'm glad to say the result is well worthwhile, sharp and cold as ice, and bittersweet as memory. If you enjoyed it as well, send a present of feedback to the author : Carol Stoneburner If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Archive/X .
This is R rated Christmas schmoop (it's the author's summary not mine <g>) : Gifts A little give and take between Krycek and Mulder. Something seasonal and timeless and as well-written as all her work. If you enjoyed it as well, send a present of feedback to the author : Té If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Té's Fanfic
December 9th's Recommendation
Probably about a PG rating, this is a small vignette that the author has amongst her 'writing exercises' : Weights There's a lot packed into this small piece reflecting on Skinner's past life and current relationship. I really enjoyed this look at Skinner, and particularly the poignant last line. If you enjoyed it as well, send some feedback to the author : Debra Fran Baker If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Debra Fran Baker's X-files Page
December 2nd's Recommendation
This is an NC-17 rated story set five years in the future, Mulder and a long-missing Krycek meet again and embark on an unsettled road trip together : Dover Beach I haven't had much of a chance to read fan fiction while I've been abroad, but I found this story on Ephemeral and really enjoyed it. For me, the ending is one of the most believable scenarios on how Mulder and Krycek might get together. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Nonie Rider If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Nonie Rider's Home Page .
September 23rd's Recommendations
A NC-17 rated story in an alternate future : Fatherland This was written as a going away present for one of Anna's friends so seemed an apt piece to put up this week, since Scant / Pickings will be 'resting' for a couple of months. But swing past next week to check out my placeholder. If you enjoyed this story, then send some feedback to the author : Anna If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : MKRA and MSSS and Archive/X .
September 16th's Recommendations
A NC-17 rated follow-up to One Night , although it isn't necessary to read that one beforehand. Plotwise, Alex remembers that little interlude in the auto body shop fondly, so he calls Mulder to see if he can arrange a re-match : Temptation. This is one of my favourite stories. It is S&M; but very mild (or I wouldn't be reading it <g> ) and I find it a wonderfully erotic piece. If you enjoyed it as well, send some feedback to the author : Anne Zo If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Anne Zo's Fiction
September 2nd's Recommendation One of my 'something different' recommendations - and they don't come much stranger !
A NC-17 rated story featuring a pretty odd pairing : Lessons in Battle This is the first of Miriam's 'Joxer and Ares' series. I've never seen Xena or Hercules (which may be an advantage <g> ) and I just tried this story when I was wandering around looking for something to read earlier this year. Now I can hardly wait for Miriam to come out with the next installment (although my personal favourite remains the third story - The Gods' Tears) so why not try it - you may be surprised ! If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Miriam If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Miriam's Little Corner of the Universe .
August 26th's Recommendation
A small vignette (probably about a PG-13 rating) : Daedalus A balcony scene with a difference - no sex ! But still a wonderful scene between Skinner and Krycek which suggests a whole history without going into detail. Of course, if you want detail or just enjoyed it as it is, send some feedback to the author : Dreamerlea If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Archive X .
August 19th's Recommendation
Probably a NC-17 rating - When you can't remember who you are, you might make a big mistake ... : Amnesia This is one of Xanthe's lighter pieces <g> . I particularly like the scene in the morning where their memories return. If you enjoyed it as well, then send some feedback to the author : Xanthe If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Xanthe's Fan Fiction .
August 12th's Recommendation
An R rated story - When Mulder's luck *really* goes bad, Krycek intervenes in his own inimitable way : By the Hand of Providence I guess this is a prime example of the hurt/comfort style of story - there's certainly plenty of hurt ! It should appeal to people with a warped sense of humour <g> If you enjoyed it as well, then send some feedback to the author : Viridian If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : MKRA and MSSS and Archive/X .
August 5th's Recommendation
A NC-17 story : The Plausible Deniability Affair I imagine everyone who visits this page will already have seen and marvelled at Bren's electronic fanzine - there are very few authors who could write so well in so many fandoms. I picked out the U.N.C.L.E. story, mostly because of an old fondness for Mr. Waverly <g;> but I also found it spot on for the style of that era. If you enjoyed it as well, then send some feedback to the author : Brenda Antrim If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Brenda Antrim's Fan Fiction Archive .
July 29th's Recommendation
A nonsensical raving of a lunatic mind : Slash is where you find it of if you prefer here's a text version . If you don't know the Natterings then pop across and try them, they're interesting if you like slash or fan fiction or both! I just picked out this one because it gave me a moment of revelation about the Road Runner <g> If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : The Divine Adoratrice If you'd like to read some more of this author's work (she also writes Sentinel and Due South slash) then check out : The Divine Adoratrice's World O' Fanfic .
July 22nd's Recommendation
A NC-17 rated story pre-XF story : Nameless Have I mentioned that I like Sk/K stories ? <g> This is a great idea, a very sexy scene, and Alex is up to his usual tricks at the end. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the authors : Té and Alicia If you'd like to read another scene in this universe then check out : Archive/X . If you'd like to read some more of these authors' work then check out : MKRA and MSSS .
July 15th's Recommendation
An R rated humorous story where Mulder, Skinner, Krycek, and special guest star Tom Colton (remember him from Squeeze?) attend a rather...different kind of seminar : Male Bondage Even if you've never been on "team-building" seminars this is a wonderfully funny piece. And if you've not read it before then drop by Hal's page for Male Bondage II If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Halrloprillalar If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Halrloprillalar's XF FanFic .
July 8th's Recommendation
Probably about a G rating, a short vignette - There is a bar in Washington, DC known only to a select group of men. : Shadow Bar and for those who prefer it here is a text version I thought the idea behind this was really original and I like seeing a different viewpoint of Mulder. Great atmopshere too ! If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Debra Fran Baker
If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Debra Fran Baker's X-Files Page[4]
Previous Pickings
February 3rd's RecommendationAn R rating for nasty language, and implied m/m relationship. This is a vignette with angst where Scully has her reasons, and Mulder has his : Misogyny. Although nominally a slash story, the m/m relationship just acts as the catalyst for an incisive look at the Mulder/Scully dynamics and the fierceness of their love. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Dawn Pares If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : The Salt Cellar .
January 27th's Recommendation
An X-file with some UST and angst and the summary - Mothmen. Pre-historic insects. Now a publicity shy tribe of murderers. Just another nice trip to the forest with Mulder : Dark Water. An interesting story with some clever misdirection, authentic sounding dialogue and just a touch of mystery. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Suzanne Schramm If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Suzanne Schramm's Fanfiction.
January 20th's Recommendation
This is a PG-13 rated story with romance and angst and no summary : Duplicity . Every time I see this author's name mentioned, I think 'huge stories, not enough time' and then never read any of his work. However, I dropped by his site recently and found that he does write some shorter stuff, and this is one of them - a story that seems to be about deceit, but in the end is about the simplest of truths. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Dawson Rambo If you'd like to read some more of his work (short or long!) then check out : Dawson's X-Files Fanfiction .
January 13th's Recommendation
An R rated story with angst where Scully's mistake leads her to question her working relationship with Mulder : Gun. I found this story when I was doing a search on Ephemeral and was intrigued by the title. I though it a fascinating exploration of words, which is also an original look at communication without words. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Susanne Barringer If you'd like to read some more of her work then check out. Susanne's X-Files Fanfic.
For those who haven't come across it yet Ephemeral is an excellent way of browsing the a.t.x.c newsgroup if you don't have a newsreader or if you're just interested in reading the stories and not the discussion.
January 6th's Recommendation
A PG-13 rated X-file with angst where a man is stalked by a voice - a terrifying presence that *wants* him. Into his dangerous world come two FBI agents, newly partnered, still distrusting each other, already doubting their future together. Into his dangerous world comes Fox Mulder and Dana Scully... : Union (180K). Starting off the new year with my favourite category of X-files. Two excellent authors have combined to look at how Mulder and Scully might have worked on a case file in the early days of their partnership. The case file is intriguing and the look at the characters refreshing. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the authors : Pellinor and Rebecca Rusnak If you'd like to read some more of Pellinor's work then check out : Pellinor's Fanfic. If you'd like to read some more of Rebecca Rusnak's work then check out : Gossamer Author Listings.
If, like me, you enjoy case files then drop by The I in FBI which is a fairly new archive concentrating on case files.[2]
December 16th's Recommendation
This is a G rated Christmas tale of Mulder and Scully : Tinfoil If you didn't read this story last December, then don't miss it this year, and if you have read it before I'm sure you'll agree it's a story that bears re-reading (probably every Christmas!) It's a tale which is full of sentiment without lapsing into sentimentality. If you enjoyed it as well, send a present of feedback to the author : Loch Ness If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Loch Ness: Texas X-files Fan Fiction where you can find not only her fan fiction but The Texas Files : X-Files fan fiction from the Lone Star state
Probably about a PG rating, this is a story in which Krycek gains an arm, and Mulder gains a pet : A Cat Tale or go here for a : text version. This seems to me like a fairy tale with cats and strange transformations and Mulder even sleeps in his bed ! Light-hearted fun for the holidays. If you enjoyed it as well, send a present of feedback to the author : Cody Nelson If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : The C-Files.
And here is something for the 'Bah! Humbug!' gang <g>. Last week I picked Tonight I Was and here is its sequel a R rated story with angst. Summary - Death would have been too easy. Mulder gets help, and sees things through to their unnatural conclusion: To The Bone Blood, violence, death, great dialogue between Mulder and Skinner, and characters that stay recognizable in spite of the strange setting. Did I mention blood? If you enjoyed it as well, send a present of feedback to the author : Brighid If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Brighid's Fanfic.
December 9th's Recommendation
Back in the summer I picked one of the first stories this author wrote, and I was delighted to see that she's carried on writing and produced some great pieces. This is an R rated story set in an Alternaute Universe where a late night call turns Mulder's world inside out. : Tonight I Was Another Scully story this week, where she loses control and things do not turn out well. The tension in this story builds to an unexpected climax. (Don't forget I like stories with a twist in the end!) If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Brighid If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Brighid's Fanfic . Where you'll also find some interesting stories incorporating old legends.
December 2nd's Recommendation
A PG rated vignette where Scully stands with Mulder in the X-Files office at the end of Season 5 : A Walk Through Fire I liked this story when it first came out as an inspired look at what Scully might be thinking after the fire, and I thought it would be interesting for people to read it again now Season 6 has been underway for a while. If you have some thoughts about it, why not send some feedback to the author : Joann Humby If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Gossamer Author Listings .
For regular visitors just a note to say that I'm planning to have just one recommendation each week instead of the previous two, since it cuts down on the behind the scenes work a lot. Two or more stories may still appear when circumstances are congenial!
September 23rd's Recommendations Two behind the scenes vignettes
This is a PG-13 rated vignette with angst where Skinner learns of the events unfolding in San Diego : Out of the Loop. An interesting look at the Emily story from Skinner's point of view, and an intriguing last line ! If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Sue If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Gossamer Author Listings .
A R rated vignette where things are not always as they seem. Told from the point of view of Mr. X : Amaranth. I think the author has captured X's voice very well here, and the idea behind the story fits in with the tenet 'nobody really dies on the X-files' ! If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : D.A. Prewitt If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Wild Women's Fanfic Archive .
September 16th's Recommendations Trust no one - including Mulder ?
A R rated X-file with angst - Shibboleth, n. 1. A common saying or belief with little current meaning or truth. 2. A word used to detect people attempting to conceal their true identities (Biblical) : Shibboleth. A look at just what Scully might think believable and an intriguing story which makes you believe everything is possible. The author was actually surprised to hear I'd enjoyed it, so why not surprise her with some more feedback : RivkaT If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : RivkaT's Bookshelf .
This is a R rated story with angst, romance and humour. The truth about Samantha Mulder. Or: Nascent develops her split personality : Said the Spider to the Fly There's a very good reason this is by Dark Nascent, since if this is humour it's very dark humour <g>. The story is terrifyingly believable because the characterization and descriptions are just right. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Dark Nascent If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then it's hosted at : Jordan's Webpage .
September 2nd's Recommendations Samantha is back and all is well - or is it ?
A PG rated story with angst where Scully meets a mysterious stranger in a halfway house who could hold the answers to what she and Mulder have been seeking for a long time : Halfway There. I was surprised when uploading this story to see how long it was since it's so original in its views about Samatha's possible return that time passes quickly whilst reading it ! If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Leigh Alexander If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Leigh Alexander's Fanfic .
A PG rated story with angst - What would have happened if Samantha really had come back in Colony/Endgame? : End of the Game Samantha is back but was the price too high for Mulder? A story from Samantha's point of view with a great ending. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Melissa Rabey If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Melissa Rabey's Fanfic Index .
August 26th's Recommendations A couple of 'plain' X-files, both over 100K
A PG-13 rated X-file where Mulder and Scully investigate a murder in Minneapolis that involves a strange connection between identical twins : The Third Self. A well-thought out X-file with all the threads tying together and a unique example of Scully and Mulder working together in the end. ( And a great last line ! ) If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Prufrock If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Gossamer Author Listings .
A NC-17 rated X-file with no summary : Ex Oriente Lux. This story was posted in 1996 but the characterization of Scully and Mulder is still accurate, and the story itself is intriguing. It was also a refreshing change for the religious types to be the good guys for once ! If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Michael Aulfrey If you'd like to read some more of this author's work, including the sequel to this story, then check out : Gossamer Author Listings.
August 19th's Recommendations Forgetting and remembering
This is a G rated vignette on four years of death : The Final Step Every time I read this story I feel I'm on the verge of understanding it ! Its mystery makes it compelling - for me, at least. If it intrigued you as well, send some feedback to the author : RosesDecay If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Roses' Decay Fanfic Page .
A G rated vignette with angst - Scully waits by Mulder's grave : All of His Funerals This is a piece you'll find recommended by many people. Deceptively simple, it's beautifully written. Here are just a couple of sentences as an example - I grow and harvest death. What I plant does not stay dead. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Punk Maneuverability If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : The Underground .
August 12th's Recommendations Mulder and Scully in a park acting out of character - or are they ?
A PG rated story with angst - When Samantha returns, Mulder finally has something to laugh about : The Sound of Laughter This is one of those stories that lingers in the mind - disturbing but believable. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Rebecca Rusnak If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Gossamer Author Listings .
This is a PG rated vignette with romance and angst and the short summary - an afternoon remembered : The Pinwheel When I first started reading this story it wasn't a Scully I recognised, but then it became credible and rather sad. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Jennifer Stoy If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Jennifer Stoy's Fanfiction .
August 5th's Recommendations Different perspectives of time and character.
This is a G rated story where Mulder and Scully travel to a horse farm in Southern New Jersey to investigate an unexplained death accompanied by a strange light. From the perspective of a silent witness : From Another Perspective or if you prefer a text version This has got to be one of the most unique perspectives I've ever seen in a story ! It works well and you end up feeling in sympathy with the character, which makes the ending particularly poignant. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Kathleen Brown If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Fanfic of Kathleen Brown .
A PG rated vignette with angst - Time does not heal all wounds : Uncertain Return or if you prefer a text version This is a story set at some point in the future. The setting works wonderfully well, and although there is very little dialogue, a whole history is conjured up by what is left unsaid. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Morgan Bowman If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Morgan's stories . Where you'll find The Power of Distance a sequel to this story, which is only available on Morgan's site.
July 29th's Recommendations Both these stories are over 100K in length and feature Skinner.
This is a PG-12 rated X-file. Summary: Skinner's in the hospital, Mulder's in jail, and the mysterious old woman from "Avatar" is back. Is she here to save or damn them? : Bodhisattva Very effective use of flashbacks here and a story that is involving right from the beginning. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Ophelia If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Gossamer Author Listings .
Probably a PG rating. A story where Mulder bonds with a small child : Red and here is a : text version . As the author says in her notes, Skinner is in this one eventually ! The concept behind this story is fascinating, and it also has an intriguing look at Mulder. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Xanthe If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Xanthe Fan Fiction .
July 22nd's Recommendations These pieces have the loose association of women in Mulder's life, but, more honestly, are just stories I enjoyed recently.
This is a G rated vignette with angst, a missing scene from Demons after Mulder gets his mom all upset, then goes off in a tizzy : Between Slate and Glass With very little to go on, fanfic authors come up with some wonderful ideas for Mrs. Mulder. Sometimes she's a heroine and sometimes the villainness. I admired this story because it seemed to tie in so well with the Mrs. Mulder from canon and presented in a very short scene a well-rounded character. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Rachel Howard If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Rachel Howard's Fanfic Page .
A PG rated vignette with angst and no summary : You Are Here After last week here's another look at Scully and an ENDFIC which I enjoyed because it did mention (in passing) the other side to the X-files, the monster-of-the-week cases <g> If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Rocketman If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Gossamer Author Listings .
July 15th's Recommendations Two of my favourite authors with a couple of short pieces about Scully
A PG rated vignette with angst where - An imperiled Scully finds herself with little to do but contemplate life, death, and her partnership with Mulder : Poised for a Fall I read this story ages ago and could never remember the title or author so I was delighted to find it again recently ! And it was just as good as I remembered - a great study of truth and belief. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Jill Selby If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : Jill Selby XF Fanfic and read A Note from Jill.
A PG-13 Rated vignette where Scully ponders the question - why is she still with the X-Files? : Quiddity A considered look at the partnership between Scully and Mulder, perhaps summed up by this quote He shows me how to soar on the rising winds. I remind him to stay out of downdrafts and keep on flapping his wings. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Joyce McKibben If you'd like to read some more of this author's work then check out : The Joyce McKibben Fan Fiction Archive .
July 8th's Recommendations First fanfics which both have an original twist to them.
This is a PG rated vignette with angst with no summary : Waiting for Morning I started reading this thinking it was just another "Mulder and Scully have a meaningful discussion after Small Potatoes" scene. But the ending to this story gives it substance and poignancy. If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Brighid She currently has one other story at Gossamer : Listings by Author: Bre - Burs .
A G rated story where - An old house wakes memories for Scully. Why does the memories haunt her, did anything happen there, and is it even real? : The world in green and white As I read this story I kept wondering how it was going to turn out. It seemed too short to be an X-file. But when I did get to the end I found it very satisfying and completely in character. (The author notes that English is not her native language, but this is rarely obvious in this piece.) If you enjoyed it as well, why not send some feedback to the author : Mina
No other stories yet, so definitely some encouragement needed I think ![2]
- ^ Scant Pickings, via Wayback: 04 February 1999. (Accessed 07 March 2021)
- ^ Jump up to: a b c Previous Pickings. (Accessed 07 March 2021)
- ^ Mona Ramsey. Mona's Must-See Slash Links, via Wayback 1999. (Accessed 06 March 2021)
- ^ Jump up to: a b Previous / Pickings. (Accessed 07 March 2021)