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Multi-Species Medicine

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Title: Multi-Species Medicine
Publisher: FTL Publications and The Doctor's Exchange
Editor(s): Joan Marie Verba
Date(s): 1994-1999
Frequency: monthly
Medium: print
Size: letter sized
Fandom: Star Trek: DS9
Language: English
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Multi-Species Medicine is a gen non-fiction monthly newsletter for the Siddig El Fadil fan club, the actor who played Julian Bashir. It was edited by Joan Marie Verba and won a 1995 and 1996 FanQ.

Initially the ieda was that it would come out every other month: January/February and March/April... but then the pace picked up and it became a monthly publication.

It was published independently from the official fan club, The Doctor's Exchange, until issue #12. As of issue #13, it became an official club publication.

Somewhere around 1997, fan's complete addresses were omitted of their letters and instead, just had city and state or city and country.

While there was some small amounts of discussion of same sex relationships in the politics of the day, there was no discussion of slash as it related to Deep Space Nine or any other show. Slash zines, however, were openly advertised in the want ads.

"Multi-Species Medicine" included, especially in the earlier issues, fans' periodic discussion of fan fiction, but these this topic became rarer and rarer as time went on.

One thing the newsletter illustrated was fans and their reactions to and expectations of the Internet, and in that sense, is a fascinating look into the introduction of the online world. One fan would regularly print excerpts of discussions and poll results from what she had seen on the Internet for the benefit of fans who were not online. Another example of the influence of the Internet is that starting around 1997, the letters sent to the newsletter became fewer and fewer and, for a few issues, the bulk of content became a transcript of fan's discussion of various episodes from The Doctor's Exchange listserv.

The Editor's Guidelines

On pseudonyms: "If I suspect someone is using a pseudonym, I will return the contribution. I may make an exception if an individual is better known by a pseudonym than by a legal name. But you must be identifiable. I believe in personal responsibility, and it is my conviction that if you state a position in public, you ought to be able to stand behind it by using your actual name. I am also of the opinion that role-playing games are activities best practiced among consenting adults. Therefore, I will not accept letters written in the "persona" of a role-playing character or under the name of one (examples: Klingons, Romulans, captains of starships, members of the "Q" continuum), unless you've actually gone to court and legalized your role-playing character name."

On editing: "I reserve the right to edit (or reject) any contribution. My experience is that the vast majority of letters are publishable with only minor changes in grammar or spelling. Once in a while, however, someone sends a letter that consists of a bunch of words thrown together at random (at least, it reads that way). I will either send such letters back or edit them so they make sense. Other letters come in with problems in expression or organization (dangling modifiers, for example). These will be fixed before publication."

On addresses: "I believe in printing addresses in letterzines because it allows people to extend discussion beyond the confines of the letterzine and make new friends, or to pursue matters best discussed in private. On the other hand, I realize that some individuals have valid reasons for withholding an address. Therefore, I will print your address unless you instruct me not to, in which case I'll simply add your city and state (or province, or locality)."

On reprinting: "Permission to copy this publication is granted provided that the copyright notice is included."

Other Deep Space Nine Letterzines

Janet D'Airo's Illos

Janet D'Airo did some illos for a number of issues. Below is a sample.

Issue 1

Multi-Species Medicine 1 was published in January 1994.

  • Siddig El Fadil in St. Charles, Missouri, a con report
  • couple of fan letters
  • fan art
  • a listing of fan zines

Issue 2

Multi-Species Medicine 2 was published in March/April 1994 and contains 10 pages.

front page of issue #2
  • "Siddig El Fadil in Baltimore, Maryland," a con report by Gayle Stever
  • "Sid on Tape" is an article by Joan Verba - in it she recounts listening to a number of taped convention appearances and summarizes them all
  • this issue has a letter from the actor himself; an excerpt: "Um.. .I'm not really sure how to write this thank you note, partly because the situation I'm in is unprecedented. Not too often in my life have I read an entire newsletter dedicated to what I've always known to be a fairly un-newsworthy subject...me. However, considering that my life has become littered with moments of the sort of surrealism which make Dali look like a comic strip artist, I'm just going to make believe that this sort of thing is something I'm not only used to but completely at ease with. I don't think I could have paid anybody to be as kind as you've all been—and LA's the mecca of hired goodwill. Thank you. If I have any criticism of your publication, it is that there are no negative points in it at all, and although this is a most welcome omission, I want to be the first to say that any critical stuff you might have to say about my work on this or any other show would be equally appreciated. I, like all other screen actors, always have the protection of being able to blame someone else— the producers or the editors or the writers—so feel free."
  • this issue has a review of Nine, see that page

Issue 3

Multi-Species Medicine 3 was published in May 1994 and contains 10 pages.

front page of issue #3
  • "An Interview with Siddig El Fadil" by Gayle Stever -- she says she has been studying fandom for five years and that this interview was done for some of her academic studies (a Masters Degree thesis that involved the study of the fans of pop stars); the interview focuses extensively on the differences in fandom in Europe and the US, and the differences between pop star fandom and actor fandom, his views on conventions, on fans who dress up in ST uniforms, and what it's like to be admired by fans
  • one fan's letter has a long review of the DS9 story in The Agony Column #1

Issue 4

Multi-Species Medicine 4 was published in 1994.

  • "Space Doctor"
  • other unknown content

Issue 5

Multi-Species Medicine 5 was published in 1994.

  • "A Partial Family History"
  • other unknown content

Issue 6

Multi-Species Medicine 6 was published in August 1994 and contains 16 pages.

front page of issue #6
  • "First Season Character Development" by Angela G. Jones
  • the editor reminds fans that with this issue, their subscription ends and asks them to send in timely renewals; she also points out: "Renewal time seems to result in a significant loss of subscribers. Both Janet Quarton of the IDIC Newsletter (circulation over 1000), and Lorraine Bartlett of A Writer's Exchange (circulation somewhat less) both have reported losing half their subscribers on renewal. This was my experience with Treklink, as well."
  • there are the results of a poll about favorite episodes in the first season, though the surveyor is disappointed that there were only six respondents
  • "Fact and Fiction in Khartoum" by Joan Marie Verba, in which she watched and reviewed the 1966 movie "Khartoum" -- she sums it up with: " ... if you want an accurate account [of Sudanese history], skip the movie; read a book."

Issue 7

Multi-Species Medicine 7 was published in September 1994 and contains 14 pages.

front page of issue #7
  • this issue contains Season Two episode poll results
  • the editor writes that a fan, [G S], has finished her PhD (topic is fandom) and [G S] writes of some of her findings that she included in her thesis in the article "Fan Perceptions of Siddig El Fadil:
    The title of my dissertation was "Parasocial Interaction: Motivational Antecedents." A parasocial relationship is a "oneway" relationship. It is one we have with someone we know intimately in some detail but differs from a more typical social relationship in that the object of our interest doesn't usually know us at all. A perfect example of a parasocial relationship would be the one that Bashir fans have with Julian Bashir. Obviously he doesn't know you at all—because he is a fictional character and doesn't exist! But fans of the character know as much as there is to be known about him and we learn more about him as his backstory is developed by the creative artists who work on the show. So the parasocial relationship with a fictional character is often characterized by fantasy interaction with the character. The fan comes to have her own ideas about what this character is like and how he might behave. Some fans write fiction about their favorite characters, some do artwork depicting the character, some write songs or poems. There are many ways to express thoughts and feelings about the object of parasocial interest. Parasocial relationships don't have to be with television personalities. People can become parasocially involved with characters in books as well. It is said that the address where Sherlock Holmes lives—in books about the character—is regularly inundated with mail for him such that the business housed there had to assign someone to handle it! This is an example of how real these characters can become to us and how easy it is to forget the difference between a real person and a fantasy person. It is even more difficult to make the fantasy/reality distinction when there is a real live actor walking around who looks and acts just like this character that the fan is parasocially attached to! I learned through my study that fans do things like write to Patrick Stewart and ask him to officiate at weddings (Picard could do that—Stewart can't!). Gates McFadden reported at a convention that she gets numerous letters asking for medical advice (as did DeForest Kelley-I wonder if Sid is getting that kind of mail yet?). The main thrust of my dissertation is that parasocial relationships are motivated by as many diverse feelings as are real relationships. Fans look at their media heroes as role models, lovers, friends, brothers, parents, coworkers—literally any relationship that is possible in the real world is also possible in the parasocial realm. So for some fans, Patrick Stewart/Jean-Luc Picard is a father figure while for others Kira Nerys is a role model or friend... I once read that the mind can't tell the difference between something that has really happened and something that is repeatedly and vividly imagined... Thus, the parasocial relationship can often seem very real and very important -- a big influence in a fan's life. So if Star Trek sometimes seems 'real' to you, perhaps this article has helped you to understand a little bit better as to why!

Issue 8

Multi-Species Medicine 8 was published in October 1994 and contains 16 pages.

front page of issue #8
  • this issue has a con report for the first Lunch with the Doctor
  • the editor says that 75% of subscribers have renewed
  • the editor writes a long piece on the comparisons between the DS9 episode, "Crossover," and the Anne Rice book, "East to Eden": "Now that I have read the novel, my opinion is that any similarities are minimal, if not nonexistent. Any claim to similarity between the episode and the novel would have to be based on the sexual aspects of each. But the sexual aspects of "Crossover" were incidental to the plot. In fact, the first time I saw "Crossover" I completely missed that Kira and Sisko were having sex together. To me, the main theme of "Crossover" (and its predecessor, "Mirror, Mirror") is a revolt against tyranny in general and slavery in particular. In contrast, Exit to Eden treats slavery very casually and has little to say about politics."
  • the editor also tackles the complicated subject of slavery and how most fan fiction writers get it wrong -- she reprints an essay that she first published in Treklink #13 in 1988: "To show where I stand, allow me to repeat an editorial of mine that appeared in Treklink 13 [called] Themes of slavery in Star Trek fan fiction. For some time, I've been reading ST stories which include slavery and reviews of stories which include slavery, and I am fast coming to the conclusion that this theme is being overdone. More to the point, it is being done from the wrong approach. First and foremost: slavery is not fun. Too many stories deal with it superficially, even benignly. Too few stories deal with the physical and emotional hardships—especially the emotional hardships—of being a slave. Where is the examination of the psychological hardships of one's life not being one's own, of constantly having to do what someone else wants to do, of rarely or never being able to do what you want to do, of having to eat, sleep, marry, leave, come, and exist at someone else's whim? These things are sadly absent, making slavery look like a romp through the woods, instead of what it really is—a degradation of spiritual integrity. Second, slavery is not only glossed over by some writers, it is being used by beginning writers, or writers wishing for the characters to engage in sex, as an easy device for getting characters to act in a certain way. Can't get Kirk into bed with your favorite character? Make him a slave, then he has to. Can't think of a way to get Spock to do what he ordinarily would not do? Why, make him a slave, and then he has to. In short, using slavery as a writing device has simply become a shortcut for writers who do not wish to take the trouble to think up positive, free-will situations in their plotting. In short, I would like to see writers not use slavery in their writing unless they are ready, willing, and able to explore it realistically. Further, I would like writers to think up better ways of getting their characters to behave in unusual ways or of getting them into bed with whomever. Also, I would like to see editors and reviewers discourage the glorification or trivialization of a degrading institution."
  • Ruth Berman addresses the article about "parasocial relationships" from the previous issue: "[G S's] comments on "parasocial relationships" are interesting, but it seems to me they would benefit from more sorts of examples. She mentions that "parasocial" relationships can involve books, but considers the involvement people experience with books as less "real and powerful" than with TV. That may be, but it leaves room for considerable strength and power in involvements with fictional characters. Also, relationships-with-people-you-don't-know include real people as well as fictional ones~the authors of books as well as their characters, politicians, religious leaders, singers, sports stars, and so on. I suspect also that in all parasocial relationships, the people who do not feel drawn to the "idol" in question are likely to overestimate the possibility that a fan is confused about the difference between the person and the persona. When I worked at Lincoln Enterprises, out of all the mail I was sorting (hundreds of letters a week), I saw only one example where the fan seemed to be seriously confused (an individual who hated other races and thought that Captain Kirk shared this hatred), and only a few letters from fans who seemed mildly confused (youngsters who sent Shatner invitations to come visit them). I didn't see any letters to DeForest Kelley asking for medical advice, and neither did Kelley~he did not have his fan mail passed on to him after Lincoln Enterprises had dealt with it. The anecdotes about people who asked him for medical advice may be entirely fictional, or may come from a few examples that loomed large in memory although they were so small in number."
  • a fan suggests that with cases like Anne Rice's over-protective actions regarding her books and characters that "often an author's parasocial bond is deeper than any sane fan's." She goes on to write that "if a parasocial bond didn't form between a character and an audience, the author wouldn't have a job. I do not sell stories, I sell parasocial bonds! I want to make you suffer with my 'adopted children' from the Trek universe.... using the medium of sterile words to create something you will accept as 'real' for as long as I choose to carry the lie. The instant I hit a wrong note, and disrupt the parasocial bond, I lose the audience -- in a sense, I'm fired."

Issue 9

Multi-Species Medicine 9 was published in November 1994 and contains 20 pages.

front page of issue #9
  • "Second Season Character Development," an article by Angela Jones
  • a fan writes: "I was rather surprised to see your editorial, in last month's MSM, on the relationship between "Crossover" and Exit to Eden. Whenever I mentioned any such connection I always did so in a most lighthearted manner, and never meant to imply any major similarities between the two. The sexual overtones in "Crossover" are "between the lines," at most, and my allusions to Exit to Eden were mostly "tongue-in-cheek" (or elsewhere). Regarding your Treklink editorial: certainly, real slavery is not fun, but what occurs in fantasy S&M is far different from that. What Exit to Eden deals with is consensual role-playing that allows people to explore areas of their sexual psychology. Real slavery has no connection to S&M slavery. "The Club" in Rice's novel is a fantasy, but it is a grander version of real places that exist in the very widespread S&M community. S&M is first and foremost a psychological activity and no one fools experienced practitioners to slip through the cracks of a club's screening process! Nor are such places homes for the emotionally maladjusted. Mostly you find well-adjusted people who choose to explore, rather than suppress, their fantasies. Rice's novel is not meant to be a sexual encyclopedia, it only depicts one aspect of that repertoire—one that does exist, and appeals to many people. It is certainly not the only means of sexual expression, not even for those heavily involved in the scene, but the immense popularity of the novel says that it does speak to many people."
  • a fan expresses a fear: "My friend looked over at the copies of MSM that I was reading on the bus, and commented, 'Jeez, Jess, you need a life. Most of your life is on television or on paper.' He's right, for the most part. I crave knowledge, and I worry a lot about sliding too far into fandom. I've seen cases of it, and I'm scared to death that it'll happen to me, almost like a terminal disease."
  • a fan describes her audio cassette tape collection and describes how she has picked out some for every DS9 character and listens to them as she writes
  • a fan writes that she wonders what the DS9 actors think of the erotic literature, both het and same-sex, being written about their characters: "I know that Shatner and Nimoy were very aware of the existence of K/S zines... One can imagine that Shatner, being Shatner, would be amused, and probably flattered. I do remember hearing Patrick Stewart at a con in 1989, and hearing him react with indignation and annoyance at the erotic fan fiction written, at the time about Picard and Crusher." The fan assumes Stewart's unfavorable opinion was because he was married at the time.
  • there is a very long con report for the first Lunch with the Doctor

Issue 10

Multi-Species Medicine 10 was published in December 1994 and contains 16 pages.

front page of issue #10
  • "Siddig El Fadil in Burbank, California," a con report for a Horizon convention, by Gayle Stever
  • this issue has a transcript of the interview Sid did at Lunch with the Doctor

Issue 11

Multi-Species Medicine 11 was published in 1995.

  • "A Day with Sid at Paramount"
  • other unknown content

Issue 12

Multi-Species Medicine 12 was published in February 1995 and contains 18 pages.

front page of issue #12
  • the editor says this is the last issue published independently, and that with issue #13, the newsletter will become part of the The Doctor's Exchange, the official fan club
  • "Julian and Jadzia: The Relationship Question" by Jessica Marie Krucek
  • a fan explains to another fan who Shirley Maiewski is: "Shirley is often affectionately called "The Grandmother of ST" ... I and many fans are indebted to her, and a few others like her, who virtually founded ST fandom and helped then-neofans like myself to get around it. If it weren't for Shirley and others who refused to let TOS die, there would be no fandom, no TNG, no DS9. Since my return to fandom, it has heartened me to see veterans like Shirley, Joan and Ruth Berman still plugging away. It is no exaggeration to say that without these good people, none of us would be here."
  • a fan comments about The Same Old Plot: "I've noticed how many fans frequently observe or criticize an episode from borrowing or reworking old story ideas. Sometimes I think these observations are a bit of a stretch and assume the show's writers recall every minor aspect of previous episodes the way fans do. I don't fault [the show's] writers for reworking old ideas because there's no such thing as an original idea. It's what they do with them that counts."
  • the editor writes a long explanation of the history and reasons for the Fan Q Awards, and this issue included a loose-leaf ballot

Issue 13

Multi-Species Medicine 13 was published in March 1995 and contains 14 pages.

front page of issue #13
  • A Chat with Sid
  • this issue has two poems by Jacquie Groom called "Julian" and "Dax"
  • a review of The Hostages, see that page
  • this issue has a column called "Netchatter" by "Brenda S. Antrim, Cyberspirit, Keeper of the Flame" which is "a highly irregular opinion column that takes a decidedly nonscientific glance at random postings about Deep Space Nine and our favorite Doctor from all over the Internet. Absolutely no attempt is made at comprehensive coverage, because even with the help of friends, the net is much too large and face-paced for one person to cover everything. This is then a flavor, a sample, an impression gathered from postings to many Star Trek electronic forums. If it [the Internet] piques your interest, I highly encourage you to check it out. It's fun, informative, entertaining, sometimes rowdy, and always a treat. I've met some of my best friends through the happy convergence of Star Trek and electronic communication." She says she will not include email addresses or directly quote anyone with their express opinion as "copyright law is still very fuzzy when it comes to e-communications." She lists these sources:

Issue 14

Multi-Species Medicine 14 was published in April 1995 and contains 20 pages.

front page of issue #14
art from issue #14, Madalena Mumford
  • "Fan Fiction and Dr. Julian Bashir" by Kronette. It is an article about the results of a survey done by a fan in an on-line setting. She said she had 25 respondents. It talks about why fans write fan fiction, how they found out about fan fiction, and what about the character of Bashir complels them to write (mainly that he is flawed and attractive and has a suggested past that can be speculated upon). The fan includes this: "Half the respondents were new to the fan fiction arena (in the last three years or so), myself included. Since almost all the responses were generated off the Internet, a lot of the authors claimed that after getting on-line, they were intrigued by the stories they found there, and wanted to try their hand at it. Two writers stated that they didn't realize others wrote fan fiction until they attended a convention or got on-line."
  • the editor comments on clubzines: "As most of you know, my previous newsletter, Treklink, was a newsletter for the discussion of Star Trek fanzines. I have been a fan of fanzines (26 years) almost as long as I have been a fan of Star Trek (29 years). That is why I am happy to include fanzine listings and information in Multi-Species Medicine. Stephanie, Gayle, and I are in agreement about helping club members spread the word about their DS9 or Bashir fanzines. At present, we know of a number of club members who are editing fanzines or newsletters, and we've included announcements about those publications in the newsletter. At present, however (aside from the membership booklet and membership supplement booklet, which include or will include stories), the Doctor's Exchange has no official club fanzine for stories. There is a strong possibility that the club will publish such a fanzine eventually, and if so, I will edit it."
  • the editor writes that she is trying out the Internet: "Student Driver on the Information Superhighway: Well, it's been an interesting experience. I'm afraid thatGEnie DS9 discussion boards aren't nearly as lively as I've heard the ones on AOL or the Internet are, but I've seen some ongoing discussions nonetheless... Speaking of the information superhighway, I think I ought to note that I consider a posting on an online bulletin board as "publication," so to avoid the editorial guideline about duplicate submissions, please send comments different from what you post on the bulletin boards. I appreciate your attention on this matter"
  • this issue has a installment of "Netchatter" by Brenda S. Antrim: "There have changes and upheavals on the Net..." She goes on to list a number of new DS9 webpages -- she also gives this advice: "If all you seem to see are negative posts, surf a little. It's more fun and you never know what you might find... There are many people out there you may find to fight :-} but there are also a lot of postings you'll want to explore."
  • this issue has a review of For There is Much to Dare, see that page

Issue 15

Multi-Species Medicine 15 was published in 1995.

Issue 16

Multi-Species Medicine 16 was published in June 1995 and contains 16 pages.

front page of issue #16
  • "Bashir and Garak Discover Atlanta," a con report by Pam Buickel
  • the editor publishes the address for the "DS9 WWW page" but warns that it "took an hour for me to load the upcoming episode information at 2400 baud."
  • a fan writes that "I've read fanfic so good, it ought to be professional, and fanfic so bad I want to barf by the third page."
  • a fan comments that "once again, I utter a groan at the very thought of a Julian/Nerys pairing. That two characters of different genders are bound to wind up in bed if they hate each other is pure TV, and even purer garbage."
  • there is another installment of "Netchatter" by Brenda S. Antrim, a column meant to summarize fannish reaction on the Internet for fans who were not online -- one interesting note is the use of the phrase, "Next issue, we get to ... find out what the Net thought of the inner workings of Julian's mind," with the use of "the Net" suggesting the giant hive mind that it can be

Issue 17

Multi-Species Medicine 17 was published in July 1995 and contains 17 pages.

front page of issue #17
  • "A Dangerous Man: An Analysis" is a movie review by Janis C.
  • "Netchatter" by Brenda S. Antrim reports on the "episodes that rocked the Net" as well as some new websites to visit and mailing lists to join

Issue 18

Multi-Species Medicine 18 was published in August 1995 and contains 18 pages.

front page of issue #18
  • "An Officer and a Gentleman... and a Doctor (The development of Dr. Julian Bashir in the third season") by Angela G. Jones
  • the editor writes of the newsletter's recent Fan Q Award: "Thanks to all who expressed their congratulations... I'm thrilled, Sid's thrilled (and forwarded his congratulations as well), and I'm pleased the readers are thrilled, too. The competition was tough; all works nominated were worthy of attention. Editors and publishers are always encouraged to put out their best efforts simply because that's what readers deserve (and rightfully expect), but it's always satisfying to know that others agree on matters of quality."
  • the editor, Joan Verba, says she will be a guest on RTC: "For those on GEnie, or those who know someone on GENie, I will be the featured guest on Real Time Conference on Sunday, August 20 at 6 p.m.... The topic is the history of Star Trek fandom and the history Star Trek fanzines."
  • there is a letter from a fan that criticizes fans' willingness (in general) to put up with TPTB's watering down and ruining shows (a direct references to what she felt to be the declining quality of DS9 as well as its unwillingness to take chances), and how other fans would simply defect; it is written in allegory-form and uses food as a metaphor: ketchup and fried food chosen over tasty and unique ethnic dishes: "The old guard kept coming back for a while longer, eating the fried chicken and reminiscing about the special quality of the mouthwatering dishes that had gone west. For a while, they could actually make themselves believe that they were still eating those old dishes that had kept them coming back to the restaurant for years. But it all palled after a while, and when the rare Indian cinnamon ice cream was removed from the menu to make way for Otter Pops, they finally decided they had had enough. They left, departed for the new restaurant down the street, the one that was serving that new Babylonian cuisine."
  • a fan sums up an opinion many fans seem to share: "Worf on TNG -- good. Worf on DS9 -- bad."
  • the compiler of Internet DS9 news in "Netchatter" writes: "This column is merely a nibble at the wide array of goodies available on the net. Because of that, sometimes a crabapple creeps into the feast. I want to sincerely apologize to my friends who acted upon certain recommendations I made in this column and were subjected to personally unpleasant and in some cases hurtful communications in the course of attempting to join in organized electronic fandom. Please, don't think that this is the norm on the Net. Check out the newsgroups. Yes, there are a fair share of obnoxious people and time-wasting posts...but there are also many free-ranging, intelligent, thought-provoking and fun posts as well. Whatever happens, please don't let negative experiences sour you on net fandom! Keep looking, with other listservs, Usenet groups, forums and other private e-mail discussion :-). There is a big world of fandom out there!"
  • "Netchatter" also has this summary of what fans online are thinking in terms of pairings: "Two new polls announced their results in the last few weeks. One enterprising Netter held a "best ST character" survey, and Sid's fandom rang loudly. Doctor Julian Bashir was the highest-ranked DS9 castmember, at number seven overall. The only other DS9ers in the top ten were Odo at number 9 and Dax, tied for 10th with Montgomery Scott. In order, the other Niners were; Garak, 11th; Sisko, 12th; Kira. 15th; Quark, 16th; O'Brien, 17th; Gul Dukat, 22nd; Vedek Bareil, 23 rd; Morn, 25th; Nog, 26th; and Keiko, Jake and Rom didn't register :-}. The other noteworthy poll was an interesting counterpoint. It was the Cutest Couple Contest, and the diversity of the Net was definitely in evidence here. The top vote-getters were a Voyager couple (Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres), the second place couple were from TNG (Bev Crusher and Captain Picard); and the third place vote getters were three couples, including the highest vote-takers from the Station, Jadzia Dax and Julian Bashir. Obviously, there are a lot of die-hard romantics among the Niner Net crowd. Other multiple vote-snagging couples were: Dax and Sisko, Dax and Kira, Bashir and Garak, Bashir and Tom Paris, and Kira and Odo. I guess someone liked "Heart of Stone." These results were very much in keeping with the majority of the fan fiction that has been posted in the last several months as well. Fans are a fascinating bunch."

Issue 19

Multi-Species Medicine 19 was published in September 1995 and contains 19 pages.

front page of issue #19
  • "DS9 Third Season Poll Results" by Angela G. Jones -- Best Episodes: "Past Tense," "Distant Voices," and "Life Support." Worst Episodes: "Meridian," "Heart of Stone," and "The Defiant."
  • Janis C. announces she has started a "new majordomo mailing list" for members of The Doctor's Exchange, and she lists some of the rules for joining and participating. Joan Verba writes she thinks this listserv is a good idea but she says aside from information announcements, "the editorial policy on duplicate submissions apply." [1]
  • there is an update that Sid now has two pet dogs, one named Alex and the other named Lucas
  • from "Netchatter": "The main topic of conversation [and panic and rumor and innuendo and fear) on the Net lately has been the addition of Michael Dom as Worf on DS9. Speculation has run rampant. Many longtime fans who were afraid that DS9 would lose its special focus once TNG was canceled are very upset with the addition. With so many regular castmembers and favorite semi-regulars, many Netters don't see where the writers are going to put him without bumping another character, and the two characters that have been cropping up most often as potential bumpees are Bashir and Garak. There have been quite a few comments to the effect that this will speed up the action on the show, followed by outcries that the previous season was the best so far, and why mess with something that works? The debate rages on. Only time (and TPTB) will tell if the show remains Deep Space Nine or morphs into The Adventures of the Defiant and her Merry Crew. The Net is a-buzz... One theme popped up in a number of threads, both on the public boards and the private lists. People tune in to DS9 because they are concerned about what will happen with the characters, while on TNG they tuned in to see what the situation would be that week. There is a great deal of concern across the Net that TPTB are drifting away from character focus/interaction in favor of action/situational writing. As one netter put it, "We don't need to worry about them TNGifying—they're too busy B5ing it!" Posts pointed out that there are still many characters in the regular cast (Bashir/Quark and Bashir/Kira, for example) who have notnaA much meaningful character interaction other than momentary blips in B stories. This complaint, and speculation (and trepidation) over "major" changes in the series have upset a LOT of fans."

Issue 20

Multi-Species Medicine 20 was published in October 1995 and contains 20 pages.

front page of issue #20
  • there is a submission request and guidelines Salutatorian: one interesting note -- it requires that the accepted submissions will need to wait one year before they can be "posted to a newsgroup or listserv"
  • the actor, Sid, suggest a different tactic to fans who do letter-writing campaigns, and he brings up the example of the exit of the character Vedek Bareil:
    The one thing I can say with fair certainty is that Vedek Bareil will not be back again. I am so sorry. There was apparently a letter-writing campaign to the writing department and as a result of that, he's definitely not coming back again. The writers were going, "this is enough, we don't want any more of this." So I would suggest a different tactic, if you were one of those people writing letters...a less vitriolic tactic, because they're really actually nailing the coffin shut right now, because of these letters. Because at the end of the day, they have the power to do that.

  • Joan Marie Verba also addresses this issue:
    At Lunch with the Doctor, Sid confirmed what I also heard from another source at Paramount, and that is, that the producers/writers were thinking of bringing back Vedek Bareil, but due to receiving so much hostile mail on the subject, they have made a firm decision not to. Now, I am aware that many fans who want Vedek Bareil back wrote perfectly courteous letters, but apparently some did not, and, unfortunately, those letters were the ones that irritated the producers. So please remember: if you write to Paramount about Sid/Julian, or write with concerns about fourth season, be polite, be calm, be courteous!

Issue 21

Multi-Species Medicine 21 was published in November 1995 and contains 21 pages.

front page of issue #21
  • "A Dangerous Man: Another View" by Sandra Necchi
  • fans have many lively comments about the addition of Worf to the show
  • a fan thanks other for their kinds words about her vids: "Yes, I made the 'Hero,' Kira/Bareil and 2 Bashir ones you are finding at the end of your MN con tape, the video tapes a fan made at the con
  • one fan from Texas recounts how she flew to Minnesota for the Lunch with the Doctor but neglected to write down the name of the hotel
  • there is much more discussion of the "Underwear Prank" that occurred at Lunch with the Doctor

Issue 22

front page of issue #22

Multi-Species Medicine 22 was published in December 1995 and contains 22 pages.

  • "Con-Rad and CompuServ: Sid and Nana Meet the Fans," an Interview with Sid and Nana Visitor at the Con-Rad convention in Universal City, CA by Gayle Stever
  • Sid and Companion Games - announcement of an contract with a role play gaming company
  • some fans write and say they love Kira's new uniform; other fans hate it and are writing Viacom to complain
  • most of the LoCs are focused on episode discussion

Issue 23

Multi-Species Medicine 23 was published in January 1996 and contains 24 pages.

front page of issue #23
  • "Our Man Bashir" on the front cover
  • "Our Man Siddig," part one of an interview conducted by Gayle Stever
  • there is an essay, by Joan Marie Verba, about Andy Robinson and a photo of him as he appeared at a Creation Convention in Minneapolis
  • a fan, Carol R. Walker, is putting together a compilation of all the DS9 zines published and asks for help
  • a fan writes that she was just diagnosed with leukemia, got dumped by her fiancee and her July wedding has been canceled, and she was so depressed that she "actually bought Red Shoe Diaries on video" but the good news is she can now go to Anaheim in August

Issue 24

Multi-Species Medicine 24 was published in February 1996 and contains 24 pages.

front page of issue #24
  • "Sid on CompuServ," a report of the the January 13, 1996 hook-up, a transcript
  • this issue has a transcript of an interview with "Sci-Fi Buzz" on the Sci-Fi Channel (while it aired in January 1996, it took place on November 1, 1994)
  • this issue has a transcript of an interview on AOL with Malcolm McDowell by Gayle Stever
  • the editor writes at length about the cyclical-ness of fandom, about fans' right to be disappointed in what is depicted in canon, about respect for others' opinions, and that she considers (despite what others feel) that the fourth season is no better or worse than other seasons
  • fans refer to online fans as "netters"
  • there is much discussion among fans about the Worf addition and various episodes
  • a very active fan, [S N], is leaving this fandom: "Looks like the time has come for another departure, and one that I'm not thrilled about. DS9 isn't what it was -- and what it could be any longer... The characters challenged all gender stereotypes -- a long wolf commander who was nonetheless a loving single father, a strong confident woman as second-in-command who was still humorous and romantic, a gender-bending science officer, a gruff and grumpy security chief who still managed to pine for someone, and a doctor who combined the best traits of nurturing, playfulness, and occasional impulsive butt-kicking. Nearly all of the characters mixed and matched traditionally "female" and "male" qualities handily. The interaction between Bashir and Garak showed that, while they had a way to go regarding nontraditional relationships, they weren't afraid of at least hinting at them. The stories dealt with the inner space of the characters—not relying on tired explosions and "action" sequences of dubious worth for thrills. Compare that to the trends of late—the strong woman somehow finds herself wearing, against her will, enough makeup to shame a 45-year-old floozy, and a costume so tight she probably cannot wear underwear with it. According to Andrew Robinson, TPTB were "concerned after the first couple of episodes that this [his friendship with Bashir] might be construed as a gay relationship, so they wanted to change that." (It seems to me that this change has been implemented by subduing the friendship between the two characters.) An outside character is introduced who falls squarely on the macho side of the equation, not mixing gender characteristics in the slightest... But the show isn't what it was—and the direction it is taking distresses me. Individually, the changes seem "minor" but taken together they hint at a trend that is downright infuriating. It's plain that Paramount isn't interested in my viewership. Perhaps it is "only" because we are fiction writers that we disapprove-but it says something when the people in the club who are most adept at stringing words and ideas together aren't happy with things. It tells me that the committed fandom, those most adept at not only looking at the characters but working with them, those such as myself with money to spend and the desire to spend it, are opting out. I feel slightly silly at investing a mere TV show with such importance, at being so very bothered by what I've seen as the demolishing of the only flavor of Trek to rival (and surpass) those old ensemble classics - M*A*S*H and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. But even thinking of watching DS9 seems akin to pressing a bruise - seeing the reanimated corpse of a lost loved one walking and talking in front of me."
  • another fan says the reason she stick around, to use the "restaurant analogy" from an earlier issue: "The food has been lousy, but the clientele is second to none. I enjoy the people here, so I'm willing to go home and take my Pepto-Bismol, or go home and cook something that will keep my stomach from growling (fan fiction) because the food was not very filling."
  • another fan clarifies a point she made in an earlier issue: "...not all fan fiction writers are unhappy with the show and not everyone who is unhappy with the show is unhappy because the show doesn't fit with their stories. As with any theory in the social sciences, the best of them explain only a part of the cases and certainly not all of them. Sorry if there was any confusion about that! One of the best illustrations of the theory I was trying to explain comes from Beauty and the Beast fandom where I understand that fans continued their fiction in a different trajectory from the show after the producers killed off a character that the fans loved."

Issue 25

Multi-Species Medicine 25 was published in March 1996 and contains 16 pages.

front page of issue #25
  • "Our Man Siddig," part 2 by Gayle S. Stever, an interview transcript of an interview with Sid
  • there is much discussion about fans' generally overall disappointment with the show, and they explain in great detail what they dislike and what should be done about it; some fans way the club is about supporting the actor not the show; some fans suggest fan fiction as a salve, others took issue with the editorial in the previous issue
  • the editor writes: "More than one source has suggested to me that my editorial of last month may have been confusing to some. After reading my editorial over several times, I realize that it's possible to have missed that I was making two separate, but related, points: (1) that fans become disappointed in a show when the show fails to reflect their "ideal" concept of it (which I consider a natural and normal reaction), and also (2) that if a fan becomes sufficiently disappointed, the fan may stop watching the show. Item 1 applies in general to those disappointed in the show, item 2 applies only to those fans who have stopped watching the show altogether. I see now that I may have failed to separate these two points adequately so that item 1 seemed to merge into item 2. So any misunderstanding may have stemmed from my failure to properly distinguish these points. Certainly I didn't mean to intend to imply that fans disappointed in fourth season are "hopeless." Indeed, in my editorial, I referred to my remarks in Jenkins's book, Textual Poachers, which read as follows: 'Many of us who are fans of Star Trek enjoy Star Trek despite its faults, not because we think Star Trek is perfect, and not because we do not think it cannot be improved. To criticize Star Trek, then, means that we enjoy Star Trek enough to want it to be the best it can be, and we wish to point out flaws in the hope of improvement (that is, to learn from mistakes, rather than to pretend they do not exist). If we didn't care, we wouldn't criticize.'... Note the date: I wrote this before DS9 was ever conceived as a series, and I stand behind that statement today. Fan criticism, in proper context, is quite natural and can be useful. What I took exception to, in last issue's editorial, were those fan critics (and I was careful to say that this didn't apply to anyone writing in this newsletter) whose feelings resulted in hostile, rude responses, either directed at other fans or to the actors. Fan critics who are merely disappointed, or even those who are so disappointed that they can't bring themselves to watch the show anymore, I have no quarrel with (certainly I stopped watching SeaQuest, for instance, when the show simply strayed too far from my concept of what its potential could be)."
  • a fan requests that other fans not address letters to her with "Mrs.": "I do not use the title "Mrs." I am of the opinion that women should be no more obligated than men to broadcast their marital status. My name alone is sufficient, but if you feel a need to be formal, use Dr."
  • a fan is unhappy with other fans abandoning the DS9 ship: "It's a shame that people are leaving the CLUB when it's the SERIES that's disappointing them... Most of us are only too well aware of the flaws and weaknesses of ST. For me, it's a case of loving DS9 IN SPITE OF its faults. The original series has now reached the age where we love BECAUSE OF its faults and polystyrene rocks."
  • a fan suggests fan fiction as a way to satisfy: "Several Fandoms have fan fiction that follows alternate timelines. A better example than Beauty and the Beast is Blake's Seven, where many zines organize their stories according to the seasons and each alt.timeline attached to the season. However, modern Trek Fandom seems to have an aversion to alt. stories in fan fiction, which I find odd, as well as disturbing. The growing trend toward disrespecting anyone with a differing view about Trek (or any other fandom they are involved in, for that matter) is, I think, a good part of why altuniverse fan fiction isn't as tolerated today. While I believe that "official" material should follow canon—such as the Pocket Book novelizations, I'm not so picky about fan written material. I always thought that differing ideas on where the show should go was one of the reasons for fanzines :-)." The editor interjects: "My main reason for starting to read and write fan fiction in the 1970s was because I wanted more Star Trek stories. Though I found occasional alternate universe stories entertaining, what I preferred to read were more episodes, in the format that I had grown to love. To me, it's a matter of preferring the established timeline over an alternate one—which is simply a matter of taste-as opposed to "disrespecting" someone else's view. Certainly fans are entitled to their alternate universes (which is a reflection of their tastes and preferences), but I see nothing "disrespectful" about preferring the established timeline, either."
  • a fan comments on Beauty and the Beast fandom: "As for Beauty and the Beast, I understand why the fanfic writers stayed with their style of writing after the show took its slide into hell. When Hamilton quit (and Catherine died), it was not Beauty and the Beast anymore. Beauty was gone, and the Beast turned into some vigilante. Forget it. When the studio screws up that badly, disregard canon and abandon show. DS9's not there yet, but it's getting there..."

Issue 26

Multi-Species Medicine 26 was published in April 1996 and contains 20 pages.

front page of issue #26
  • Distant Voices: A Futuristic Fairy Tale by Joan Marie Verba
  • A Letter from Sid
  • there are many letters from fans commenting on episodes, and many complain about where the show was headed. One fan writes: "I've been very sorry to see so many letters in the last few issues of MSM from people who seem to feel that the show has become something they can no longer enjoy."
  • a fan writes about a book that has just come out: ".. every fan should get a hold of a copy of Textual Poachers. (I love that title!) Every time one of my political friends bugs me about bring into popular culture, and fandom, I trot it out to show them that, unlike most TV viewers, fandom is made up of people who are active critical consumers, who work to improve their favored product."

Issue 27

Multi-Species Medicine 27 was published in May 1996 and contains about 20 pages.

front page of issue #27
  • "Ivor Bartels: Sid's Double" by Gayle Stever
  • fans comment on something Siddig said in an earlier interview about putting on high heels and a dress. Some fans find this horrifying, two fans admitted their husbands thought this was hot, and one says that she found it "to be a hoot" Ironic, too, as I personally know of a few fans who have often fantasized or written about the character donning one form or another of risque footwear. And frankly, at this point in the season, it couldn't hurt!"
  • one fan says that she is "concerned about the current division in DS9 fandom in that if you don't think season four is wonderful in every respect, you're just not a good little soldier. Well, I've put my time in the army..." She also comments on some fans' complaints that other fans are stifling their opinions: "I'm sorry some readers are accusing those who write articulately, with vigor and passion and thoroughness about the things they don't like this year to be forcing their opinions on others and demanding that others not enjoy what they do not. Excuse me, but I have written and read nothing of the sort in this newsletter! I agree with Abra that everyone here has been respectful of other fans. If, however, you feel those negative criticisms are infringing upon your own opinions, then perhaps you weren't confident or committed to them in the first place. No one can force his or her opinions upon you. It is up to you to accept or reject them at face value or upon reflection. However, as you would like the chance to say long and loudly what you enjoy, then others must be given the same right to do the opposite. You can't have it one way, but not the other."
  • a fan comments on this comment from an earlier issue: "Like several others in the club, I have experienced rudeness and intolerance over differing opinions online." And she adds: "I have also experienced and battled this from time to time. I know that on the Trek Internet mailing list that I run for Emissary, such intolerance is not tolerated (and I can kick that person off the list). What you have to realize is that online fandom is a VERY small part of overall Trek (or DS9 for that matter) fandom. Most people don't have access to or own their own computer and those of us who are online (myself included) tend to forget that fandom at large is not on the Internet. I personally do not think of the Internet as, to use a statistical term, unbiased estimator of how good or how bad the show is doing. That's what Nielsen ratings are for."
  • a fan writes about Klingons and the seemingly unpopularity of Worf on this show: "That's why I like the Cardassians -- they're intelligent! I've never understood the Klingon subcult in fandom because these guys are too brainless to be taken seriously. When compared to the the classic Klingons, I always figured there must have been some major genetic alteration in their brain matter since the days of Kor, Koloth, and Kang."
  • one fan writes: "I don't like Kira's new outfit or boyfriend."

Issue 28

Multi-Species Medicine 28 was published in June 1996 and contains about 20 pages.

front page of issue #28
back cover of issue #28, by Stephanie Etmanski, reprinted in a later issue as well
  • "Garak Speaks Out on Bashir: An Interview with Andy Robinson" by Gayle Stever
  • "Full Speed Ahead at Warp Two: Sid and Nana in Cardiff," a con report by Karen Colohan
  • a German fan writes that "I remember not liking Bashir at all at first. His German voice made it even worse. It sounded so sensation-seeking, and my thoughts were: no, not another typical ladies' men. I still have problems with his German voice, while the other voices are surprisingly okay. This isn't often the case. Babylon 5 is unbearable in German. It completely lacks the atmosphere and the intensity of the original."
  • a fan comments: "Fans ARE scholars. The reason that we are considered "weird" is because we like dissecting things the "high culture" people frown upon. Dissect James Joyce, Hemingway, and Shakespeare with vigor and passion-you're an English major. Dissect Star Wars, Dr. Who, and Star Trek with the same passion and you are strange and weird. Kind of a bummer. I mean who's to say one story's better or more "artistic" than another. Heck, Leonardo Da Vinci painted on commission..."
  • while some issues have the occasional cartoon by Janet D'Airo, this issue has a rare piece of art by Stephanie Etmanski

Issue 29

Multi-Species Medicine 29 was published in July 1996 and contains 16 pages.

front page of issue #29
  • "Sid and Nana in Sydney" by Peter Bryce is a con report or a con that took place on May 18, 1996
  • fans comment more on TPTB's inability to tell a good story: "TPTB have a good cast, a good premise, and they have thrown out a lot of fascinating possibilities for stories... but they aren't doing a whole lot to develop the avenues they've hinted at. To me, it is almost as though the writers can't quite get past the fact that they have to make every episode have a quick, pat, wrapped-up-with-a-bow ending."
  • a fan writes that she is very proud to be "the brand-new listmom" for Emissary.

Issue 30

Multi-Species Medicine 30 was published in August 1996 and contains 14 pages.

front page of issue #30
  • "Visicon: Sid and Nana in Dublin" by Karen Colohan
  • fans congratulate the editor on another "very well-deserved Fan Q Award
  • some fans write that they feel the character Kira has lost her hard edge, and they miss it; another fan writes that the "good thing about Kira/Nana's pregnancy is that she won't have to wear those slinky skintight suite and high heels for a while!"
  • there are many comments that TPTB are constantly mis-reading what fans want to see
  • one fan compliments another about her zine: "LOVED your stories. I find myself rereading parts of all the stories. I can hardly wait for your next story in the fall. Have you ever thought about sending The Wormhole Disaster to the producers? They need all the help they can get! I'm serious. Write a script based on TWD and send it to them. It was a great story!."

Issue 31

Multi-Species Medicine 31 was published in September 1996 and contains 14 pages.

front page of issue #31
  • it contains a con report for Novacon
  • the newsletter has a long article about the DS9 episode "Trials and Tribble-ations," which combined footage from ST:TOS
  • this issue congratulates Janet D'Airo for her Fan Q and prints several of her cartoons

Issue 32

Multi-Species Medicine 32 was published in October 1996 and contains 20 pages.

front page of issue #32

Issue 33

Multi-Species Medicine 33 was published in November 1996 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 34

Multi-Species Medicine 34 was published in December 1996 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 35

Multi-Species Medicine 35 was published in January 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 36

Multi-Species Medicine 36 was published in February 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 37

Multi-Species Medicine 37 was published in March 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 38

Multi-Species Medicine 38 was published in April 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 39

Multi-Species Medicine 39 was published in May 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 40

Multi-Species Medicine 40 was published in June 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 41

Multi-Species Medicine 41 was published in July 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 42

Multi-Species Medicine 42 was published in August 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 43

Multi-Species Medicine 43 was published in September 1997 and contains 20 pages.

front page of issue #43
  • "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" by Gayle Stever is an interview transcript and a description of a visit to a day of filming on location for the episode "Rocks and Shoals"
  • the editor gives to some hints to how to write an effect letter to DS9's TPTB: "Letters should be typewritten and no more than a page in length... Do NOT identify yourself as a long-time Star Trek fan, or as a member of any Star Trek club...Paramount is currently more concerned with courting 'ordinary' viewers than pleasing the show's devoted fans. The main demographic is ages 18-34. If applicable, please identify yourself as being in this age group. Be polite. Try to compliment them on aspects of the show you DO enjoy before giving constructive comments on how you wish the show to be improved."
  • this issue only has seven letters from fans and the rest of it consists a transcript of many fans discussing the episode "Children of Time" on The Doctor's Exchange listserv

Issue 44

Multi-Species Medicine 44 was published in October 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 45

Multi-Species Medicine 45 was published in November 1997 and contains 20 pages.

Issue 46

Multi-Species Medicine 46 was published in January 1998 and contains about 20 pages.

front page of issue #46
  • "Medicine in the 24th Century... and a little of the 23rd" by Joan Marie Verba is an essay about the role of medicine in the future
  • this issue has only three letters from fans and the rest of the content is a transcript of the online discussion at The Doctor's Exchange listserv as fans discuss the episode "Statistical Probabilities"

Issue 47

Multi-Species Medicine 47 was published in March 1998 and contains about 20 pages.

front page of issue #47
  • Deep Space Deep Philosophies: An Interview" by Gayle Stever (she notes that she has interviewed Siddig ten times thus far)
  • two fans write of their experiences touring the DS9 set
  • there is an announcement that Gayle Stever is compiling a zine of all the interviews she has done with Siddig over the years: "The booklet will be about 50 pages, bound, with a color cover and includes many photos by [M H] and [J T]. A second collection coming out later this year will include all of Gayle's interviews with Andy Robiinson, René Auberjonois, Armin Shimerman, Nana Visitor, Colm Meaney, Terry Farrell and other DS9 cast members... Orders will be shipped as soon as the booklet is finished (February 15)."
  • the editorial encourages fans to vote in the Fan Q Awards and includes a brief explanation; the editor also has a lengthy plea to readers to please give her some feedback as she receives almost none and doesn't know if fans like what they read in the newsletter
  • the editor discontinues "Threads" the transcript of online fan discussion

Issue ?

Multi-Species Medicine (issue not stated) was published in July 1998 and contains about 20 pages.

front page of the July 1998 issue
  • "More Drill Bits Than God Could Use": a con report, Alexander Siddig at Starfest Denver by Jani Fleet
  • The Question of the Issue: "Bashir and Garak's Friendship -- three fans write a letters in response
  • this issue has six LoCs

Issue ?

Multi-Species Medicine (issue not stated) was published in September 1998 and contains about 20 pages.

front page of the September 1998 issue
  • "Infinite Visions Convention," a con report by Michele Hauser (Boston, July 11-12, 1998)
  • this issue has four other con reports for "Infinite Visions"
  • there is a con report for Fantasticon
  • a fan notes that the club now has about 173 members

Issue ?

Multi-Species Medicine (issue not stated) was published in November 1998 and contains about 20 pages.

  • this issue contains a letter by [A M] asking why it was okay to portray a "lesbian kiss" on the show but that the subtle "flirting" Garak did with Bashir wasn't; many fans respond to this letter in the next issue
  • other unknown content

Issue ?

Multi-Species Medicine (issue not stated) was published in December 1998 and contains about 20 pages.

interior art from the December 1998 issue, Barbora Papouskova
front page of the December 1998 issue
  • "DS9 Sixth Season Poll" by Sue Boggs
  • a fan responds to another's letter in a previous issue: "I found your last letter interesting to read. I totally agree with you that this is a place for all of us to air our views on DS9 and Sid, whatever they may be. You did make one point that I feel obliged to respond to: "Why, I ask myself, is it okay to portray a subtly lesbian theme between Dax and her former wife, but it is not okay for Garak and Julian to engage in exchanges which only hint at sexual flirting?" You then went on to say how we no longer even see the 2 characters partaking of lunch together. Have you considered the possibility that maybe Garak and Bashir are no longer put together because of so many fans' bizarre wish to see more into this relationship than simple friendship. It is my guess that TPTB no longer write scenes for Garak and Bashir because they do not wish to see these characters go down that road, and quite frankly, neither do I! (On a similar note, I was pleased to see that BTW vol. 2 is now being advertised as containing slash. Unfortunately the warning came too late for me)."
  • another fan offers her opinion about homosexuality and how its portrayed (or not) on the show: "I wanted to add that I agree with [A M]'s opinion on DS9's skittishness about male homosexuality (shared by all Trek series). Many SF books I've read (for instance, Melissa Scott's Shadow Man) explore the many facets of love and sexuality with intelligence and empathy, but I've never seen it done on television with any depth or sensitivity, and movies are uneven at best. It seems to me, from observation, that lesbianism is more 'acceptable' than male homosexuality in TV, and I can't help but wonder what they are afraid of. I also agree that the relationship between Bashir and Garak, whatever you read into it, was one of the best in the show, and it was a tragedy that the writers did away with it. Hopefully they'll come to their senses and give them a few scenes together-or perhaps an entire show—before the end of the series."
  • more response to [A M's letter: "[A M] asked a question in the November issue of MSM which I would like to answer from my own perspective. She asked, "Why is it okay to portray a subtly lesbian theme between Dax and her former wife—even to the point of showing a real kiss between the two women-but it's not okay for Garak and Julian to engage in exchanges which only hint at sexual flirting?" The answer is that Dax has always had a dual nature—male and female—from the very start. She's been a mother, father, daughter, and son. Bashir was unambiguously heterosexual from day one. Garak may be bisexual or gay and that's fine by me. He's attracted to Bashir on many levels and why not? But to suggest that a heterosexual man would become bisexual is not only wrong, it's dangerous. It's the kind of misconception that fuels hate against gay men. Homosexuality isn't contagious. Your son can have gay friends and he won't become gay. This is important! It's better not to have a gay story line at all than to have one that sends the wrong message. I too miss the scenes between Garak and Bashir."
  • and more: "I too miss the little intellectual chats over lunch between Julian and Garak and I think you may have a point when you say that the reason the writers no longer write these innocent and highly enjoyable scenes is because of slash fan fire. Which is a real shame as all we, the non slash fans, ever wanted was what we originally had. Two friends enjoying each other's company, nothing more. I can't say I agree with your comments regarding the hint of sexual teasing though as I personally don't see it as such. Even Sid said at a convention that in the beginning it was toyed with that Garak was this camp Cardassian coming on to the young doctor but that Julian didn't realize. He was too busy chasing Jadzia. Sid also said that the writers didn't pursue that story line of camp Garak because, and I quote, "There was simply nowhere for it to go." So I rest my case."

Issue ?

Multi-Species Medicine ? was published in May 1999 and contains about 20 pages.

front page of the May 1999 issue
  • "Weekend on the Promenade 1999" -- some photos and a very long con report by Joan Marie Verba -- one comment: "In the lobby, it was obvious that there was another convention going on at the same time as ours—The Lincoln Impersonators Association of America. Everywhere one went in the hotel, it seemed, one ran into either a tall man dressed as Abraham Lincoln, or a woman dressed as Mary Todd Lincoln. Through the weekend, they showed that they were as interested in and curious about our event as we were of theirs."
  • this issue has a long, negative review of the movie Trekkies: A Documentary


  1. ^ This seems that it would have been a rule that would seem to be nearly impossible to police, and, with fans in one, both, and not the other, probably not wise. But it is an example of fans trying to figure out the boundaries and overlap between online and offline.