Fannish Dolls

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See also: Dolls (online), Paper Dolls, fanart, fancraft, Fannish Crochet, Fannish Knitting, Customized Action Figures, Ken Dolls
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Fannish Dolls are dolls made by fans, or existing dolls are dressed in clothes that make them look like characters from shows, or sometimes objects associated with the fandom such as video game consoles.

Characters with speaking roles are the most common inspirations, but there are also a lot of dolls made for "mascot" type characters, such as animals or objects. They may be crocheted or knit, made of cloth or other materials. Such dolls may also be called "plushies," particularly in anime, manga, and webcomic fandoms.

Beauty and the Beast (TV) fandom generated many dolls, almost all of them renditions of The Beast, Vincent Wells.

In the early 80s, US-based fan, Francine Ellison, created fabric unicorn and Pegasus Christmas ornaments, sehlats, and Star Trek baby character dolls of Vulcans and Andorians in diapers. Ian McLean commissioned her to fashion a three-armed, three-legged baby Edosian (Star Trek: The Animated Series), which was then sent to his home in Australia.

Fan Lori Custer sold miniature character sock monkeys through eBay for many years. They were often dressed as superheroes and TV icons. Ian McLean's Custer-created sock monkey resembles a Star Trek Andorian redshirt and has travelled Australia (and the world) and visited many fannish locales.

Dolls and Convention Activities

The annual Shore Leave convention in Baltimore conducts a costume competition for its official Bunny mascot. Con attendees create costumes which are displayed in the foyer.

Posing Dolls

Other popular activities include posing Ken Dolls in suggestive positions or using dolls to enact episodes (for example, Wobblevision).

See Customized Action Figures.




Beauty and the Beast Dolls

Star Trek Dolls
