Another K/S Zine
Zine | |
Title: | Another K/S Zine |
Publisher: | Entwhistle and Duck Productions |
Editor(s): | Phoebe Entwhistle |
Date(s): | 1982 - 1984 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | slash |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
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Another K/S Zine is a Canadian series of K/S slash Star Trek: TOS fanzines published by Phoebe Entwhistle. They contain no art.
From A 2007 Interview with Darien Duck:
First of all, remember these were pre-computer times. Stories were typed, if you were lucky on an electric typewriter, if not, on a manual one. Editing involved cutting and pasting and whiteout. Then, you needed to find a business that would photocopy the pages, and if you could afford it, collate them. When Phoebe (my co-editor) and I began our series, “Another K/S Zine,” we knew that explicit art work would complicate the process, so decided to exclude the art. We found several businesses to make the copies for us. Some of the staff were curious enough to read the stories and told us they were looking forward to the next job we gave them! I think that graphic art would have been viewed differently. We took the zines to conventions to sell, also flyers for the zines. We never had a problem driving across the US border from Canada, since what we were officially taking was display material for our Star Trek club. Only once was a zine confiscated and that was one we mailed to a fan in England. I don’t remember the reason given for the confiscation, but it was likely “obscene or pornographic material”. After that, the fan received her zines wrapped in Christmas or birthday paper, and at a substitute address.
Summaries below are by Gilda F.
Another K/S Zine
Another K/S Zine was published in December 1982 and contains 120 pages.
It contains no art.
Beverly Sutherland's story "Resting Place" won Interstat's TrekStar Award in 1983.
From the editorial:
It's approximately eight months since Darien and I sat in a Montreal restaurant and frivolously decided to do our own K/S zine. As the ad says, "We've come a long way, baby." And it is somehow fitting that the original decision was taken in Bill's hometown. The zine has grown a little from our original expectations, but that's not a bad thing, and we both hope that the quality and quantity are pleasing. We are very grateful to Beverly Sutherland for her story "Resting Place", which is our novella, sure to have you reaching for the Kleenex. We are also pleased to be able to print "Hour of Brass", which first appeared in "Duet", and which is reprinted here with the kind permission of the editor, [D. DaBinett]. We would like to print a second issue as soon as possible, before the urge leaves us, and also the submissions we already have. So feel free to send us "any old thing" you might have lying around. Thank you to all those people who have supported us one way or another in our madness, and we hope they find the end product worth it.
- Editorial (2)
- If Dreams Had Winds by Cassie (3)
- Hour of Brass by F. de Licto (also in Duet #3) (Humor: Sarek convinces Spock that Kirk is only marrying him for his money.) (4)
- Les Reves Tranquilles by Aimee (9)
- Just Another Test of Character by Sharon F (Humor: Kirk uses every persuasion to get his bondmate to tell him what he, McCoy and Scotty are planning.) (10)
- Age of Gold by Darien Duck (An aged Kirk, waiting at home while his bondmate is away at a seminar, befriends a neighbor woman and her young son.) (18)
- I Thought I Knew You by Jessica Warren (32)
- Ask and You Shall Receive by Deverly Helm (34)
- Now That He's Gone by Melanie Athene (40)
- Epicedium by Ellen L. Kobrin (41)
- Loving Much by Marjorie McKenna (42)
- Resting Place by Beverly Sutherland (A year after Spockʼs death the bond is finally drawing Kirk after him, and Kirk must deal with his sonʼs and othersʼ reaction to the news: Prequel: "This Simple Feeling" in Nome #6.) (43)
- Completion by Marjorie McKenna (120)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
See reactions and reviews for Resting Place.
See reactions and reviews for Hour of Brass.
See reactions and reviews for Just Another Test of Character.
See reactions and reviews for Age of Gold.
See reactions and reviews for Ask and You Shall Receive.
[zine]:...Another K/S Zine--first and arguably best of a series (Of Course Another..., Still Another... etc.) This is notable for a few reasons. The first story is a parody by Devery Helms. She wrote a lot of these, but this was one of her best. I don't know what happened to her, but any real old-timer would recognize the name.
Second is the first story I read of Kirk and Spock as old. (I should have looked at the zine first, cuz I can't remember story name *or* author, but I loved it, sloppy romantic as it is)
Third, the long Beverly Sutherland: It is post Star Trek II, and written before the other movies. It explores what happened with Kirk mourning his dead bond mate while taking care of Spock's protege Saavik, and getting to know his own son David. It is sad and beautiful (or I am a sloppy romantic, myself.) [1]
And Another K/S Zine
And Another K/S Zine was published in July 1983 and contains 104 pages.
- Editorial
- Uniforms by Sharon F (Kirk and Spock try out the ease at which one can get in and out of the new uniforms.) (3)
- New School of Thought by Caro Hedge (poem) (7)
- Pie Jinks by Melanie Athene (Humor: McCoy booby traps the food synthesizer to keep Kirk on a diet.) (8)
- Gymnastics by Caro Hedge (10)
- If You've Got It by Sherry Bristol (Spock puts the Venus drug in Kirkʼs coffee after Kirk demands that Spock “not hold back” during their workouts.) (11)
- None So Blind by Anne Rowland (Both Spock and Kirk desire a relationship with the other but both are afraid of saying anything.) (reprinted from King Grope) (21)
- Untitled poem by Cassie (poem) (28)
- "You're right, he's not one of us" by Caro Hedge (poem) (31)
- No Secrets by Devery Helm (32)
- No Secrets, poem by Patt (38)
- three poems (The Gift of Self, The Inquest, Ever and Always) by Melanie Athene (poem) (39)
- Second Chance by Ruth K. Lym (40)
- Friends by Jennifer Baxter (42)
- Genesis: Aftermath poem by Ruth K. Lym (49)
- If I Must Go on Alone, poem by Sharon F (50)
- Postscript by Darien Duck (51)
- The Weakest Link, The Slowest Ship by Melanie Athene (Kirk and Spock become lovers after Kirkʼs desires are released when he is bitten by a poisonous creature but when Spock takes leaves on Vulcan, he returns to a Kirk with no memories or control after almost dying in an accident.) (52)
- First Impulse by Melanie Athene (poem) (72)
- "I'll Be Right Here" by S. Meek (73)
- No Time by Patt (poem) (74)
- En Garde! by F. de Licto (75)
- Seasons of the Heart by Darien Duck (78) (It starts out with Kirk secretly nominating Spock for one of the highest awards that can be given to a scientist. When Spock receives a tape announcing that he is this year's recipient of the Hawking award, he was less than pleased. He was downright pissed off to find out that it was his bondmate who had nominated him.)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
See reactions and reviews for Uniforms.
See reactions and reviews for Pie Jinks.
See reactions and reviews for If You've Got It.
See reactions and reviews for None So Blind.
See reactions and reviews for No Secrets.
See reactions and reviews for Friends.
See reactions and reviews for The Weakest Link, The Slowest Ship.
See reactions and reviews for Seasons of the Heart.
[zine]:Browsing for something to satisfy my K/S longings, I saw a story that looked interesting. It was in “And Another K/S Zine” which I was certain I’d read. Quickly I realized that must not be the case, as nothing was familiar. So this Canadian zine printed in July 1983 was “new”. It was published twenty-one years ago and it contains some very hot K/S material.
The first story, “Uniforms” by Sharon F., is the one that drew me to the zine. Kirk comes to Spock at their shared cabin while the ship is docked at Earth. He has a surprise. It seems ‘fleet has come up with new uniforms to replace the horrendous ones from the V’Ger era. Not content to simply unwrap them, Kirk models the new maroon and black, an event which quickly turns into a Vulcan experiment regarding the ease with which said garments can be removed. A very successful endeavor and an entertaining little story.
A poem, “New School of Thought” by Caro Hedge is the next entry. I enjoy poetry that rhymes, as this does. It takes a second in reading this before you realize the words are quite erotic. Nice.
“Pie Jinks” by Melanie Athene explores a Vulcan’s ingenuity. You see, Kirk is covered with gobbets of cherry pie from a malfunctioning synthesizer, which Spock mistakes for blood when he encounters the badly spattered Kirk. His concern for life and limb quickly turns to concern for permanent stains and possible discovery of his captain’s dietary indiscretion. The solution is quite inventive, tasty, and very, very provocative.
If you like silly little rhymes—especially sexy ones—you’ll get a charge out of “Gymnastics” by Caro Hedge. I’ll only give you the first line here: “The Vulcan sports a gold-green cock and nightly takes it for a walk...” Now isn’t that an image? Cute and clever as can be.
Sherry Bristol penned “If You’ve Got It”, where she deftly explores what might happen if Kirk ingested some of Harry Mudd’s Venus drug. You have to admit it’s a promising premise. In a strange twist, Spock administers it to help Kirk match his strength for their bouts in the gym. Spock has conveniently missed the point of exactly what is enhanced by the drug. Whew! This is just a fun story, but a very sexy one.
Captains get lonely in spite of their reputations – lonely and melancholy as Anne Rowland puts it in “None So Blind”. This is a very nice look at JTK and the complexity of his character. It begins with a little interlude at poolside and explores Kirk’s thoughts as compared to his outward words and interaction with Spock. What he wants to say and what he says are divergent and this is told in a most realistic and believable way. There is good insight into Spock’s persona as well. Coming to terms with what they feel for each other is not going to be easy. This author did an excellent job in a few pages of portraying their feelings and their inner turmoil over expressing them.
Another poem, “Touching Us” takes us from gentle loving to heated passion and on to sweet aftermath. It’s written by Cassie.
“You’re right, he’s not one of us.” Forms the title of poetry by Caro Hedge. It gives words to Spock’s feelings after Ekos and shows his acceptance of his changing role in his Captain’s life – and arms.
“No Secrets” by Devery Helm opens with a confrontation I always enjoy: Kirk explaining to McCoy that he is in love with Spock. I never tire of this scenario. Just listen to this description of McCoy trying to find the right words, “OK, Jim, so you and Spock have been” intimate/sleeping together/fucking around... “involved.” The way Kirk describes his love for Spock leaves no room for humor. It is intense. “Completion of my soul”, he declares. Something else that gets me every time is McCoy explaining to Kirk just how revealing are the looks they exchange on the bridge. All through their conversation, Kirk thinks of Spock and things happen to his body in response. He flushes. He squirms and wiggles to relieve the pressure. And there are the memories that McCoy’s questions bring to the surface. Warm, loving, erotic memories that the reader gets to share.
Poetry by the same name, “No Secrets” is written by Patt and puts into verse why K&S choose to share their secret with McCoy.
Three poems by [Melanie Athene], “The Gift of Self”, “The Inquest” and “Ever & Always” take up but one page but have a great deal to say about selflessness, sacrifice and commitment.
In “Second Chance” by Ruth Kwitko Lym, Kirk is dealing with the loss of Spock in STII, with some different results than the movie depicts. Very short and poignant.
Jennifer Baxter wrote “Friends” in which she examines how Kirk and Spock got to the point in STII where Spock is Captain of the Enterprise and Kirk is attempting to find solace in antiques and paperwork. She takes us back to the beginning of their love and the very bumpy road that brought them to Starfleet Headquarters and their present assignments. This is a sad story, with somewhat veiled optimism for the future. But of course, Kahn has not yet reappeared.
“Genesis Aftermath” is a touching, heartfelt poem by Ruth Kwitko Lym that keeps repeating, “You died, my love.” Kirk’s grief comes through to the reader in waves as he struggles to come to terms with this cruel truth.
“If I Must Go On Alone” is very chilling. A poem by Sharon F., it outlines the levels of sorrow one feels at the loss of a loved one over time. The first day, the first night, the first year. Wrenching in its simplicity, it leaves little doubt that things will never be the same again. Though it could apply to anyone, I’m sure it was meant to convey the impact of Spock’s death on Admiral Kirk.
We have all tried to come to terms with Spock’s death in TWOK. In less than a page, Darien Duck describes in “Postscript” how it must have been for Spock. He feels himself die, looks down upon his crumpled body, only to hear Kirk calling his name. Against all odds, he returns to that ravaged shell long enough to reach out a bloodied hand to say goodbye to his only love. Very, very sad and compelling.
“The Weakest Link, The Slowest Ship” by Melanie Athene is an ambitious tale which brings together a number of elements in only 20 pages. It begins with a classic H/C scene in which Spock cares for a poisoned Kirk and progresses almost too quickly to a passionate encounter. Suddenly then, we see Spock on Vulcan, bidding his mother farewell as he prepares to return to the ship. It is here that the main story line begins. As Spock was making plans for their bonding, Kirk has been severely injured in an explosion, leaving him withdrawn and childlike. The author handles this situation very well, showing us the best of a loving, gentle but very determined Spock. She depicts Spock’s and McCoy’s emotions deftly and even though Kirk is not himself, he remains a person we care deeply for.
[Melanie Athene] contributes another short poem, “First Impulse”, which very nicely depicts how Spock hides his own pain to support an injured Kirk. In turn, Kirk struggles to contain his tears and to stand alone to spare his friend. Something we see so often, but these few lines say it eloquently.
S. Meek describes her entry, “I’ll Be Right Here” as slushy, but I found it to be very lovely and heartwarming. Maybe I just like slushy! It’s just a little example of someone (Spock) finding a unique way to say “I love you”.
Eight lines by Patt entitled “No Time” are intimate, sweet and loving.
“EnGarde” is kind of forgettable. Or maybe not. It is different. F.deLecto tells us that Spock has invented a portable forcefield with which one can protect one’s penis from injury. It seems to need another round of clinical trials! Strange but harmless story.
The final story in this zine, “Seasons of the Heart” by Darien Duck, was the most captivating and satisfying for me. It depicted the love between Kirk and Spock exactly as I like to see it – strong but not sappy, gentle and yet passionate. The way the story opens, with their everyday shipboard life and how it has evolved as they became lovers held my rapt attention from the start. There is a good plot revolving around Spock’s being named to receive the prestigious Hawking scientific award. But his aversion to publicity and attention causes a less than pleasant reaction, which spells trouble when he learns it was Kirk who nominated him. I don’t like it when there is a rift between them, and yet it was an integral part of this story, and a necessary plot element. Beneath the turmoil of misunderstanding, it is clear that their love has not diminished, so this makes it palatable. The strength of both men’s character is ever-present as they deal with this new personal challenge. There is enough cuddling and raw exciting sex to please any K/S lover, as well as obstacles to be overcome. All in all, a story well worth reading again and again. This author is adept at pulling you into their lives and insuring that you wish to remain there.
If you can locate and read this classic zine, you will find it well worth the effort! [2]
[zine]:This zine has no illos and 104 pages with 5 vignettes and 6 longer stories and some very moving poetry.
'Uniforms' by Sharon F is a sexy little interlude which allows our two heroes to test the relative merits of the TMP and TWoK uniforms for their ease of removal. This is fine but the author has the distracting tendency to wax lyrical in an effort to avoid word repeats. For example, in one short passage we have; 'gentle fingers', 'instruments of passion', 'digits' and 'deft hands." That's the clean version.
'If You've Got It' by Sherry Bristol was a novelty in as much as the machinations of the plot (although they of course were) were not too obviously directed at getting Kirk into bed with Spock. Spock is giving Kirk the Venus drug, which is said to give a person 'More of what they've got', following a stupid order from Kirk that the Vulcan should not hold back in their next unarmed combat session. Give Kirk more of what he's got? Is Spock mad? As you can imagine, more of what Kirk's got produces quite a response in Spock - Kirk too. However the drug wears off and they wake in flagrante delicto. Spock confesses and Kirk says ...wait for it... "You? An aphrodisiac?' Why Spock?" Should they really let people that dim captain starships?
'None So Blind' by Anne Rowland has already been published in King Grope. It is a little confusing at first until we realise that Kirk is dreaming (I wish I could have dreams to order, like this one) but there is an interesting twist at the end when Spock muses on how he and his father are "not like other Vulcan males", or so he thinks.
I'd like to mention one poem by Cassie and a paraphrase from Leo Buscaglia, who (and I suppose I'm showing my ignorance) I presume to be the original author? They are both chilling in their own ways, especially the paraphrase which is post WoK. The poem 'Touching Us' deals with the togetherness and apartness of love-making and ends with 'If it were not for the love / How bitter would this act become'. Both are difficult to enjoy, exactly, but they evoke a reaction, which proves their effectiveness.
'No Secrets' is by Devery Helm who is, perhaps, better known for her comic writing; this is more serious, dealing with McCoy's reaction when Kirk tells him about the Bond, and it's not good. I rather liked this story: there are two ways of looking at McCoy, either he seems to know already and is desperately pleased or he's thunderstruck. Observing his continual arguments in the series episodes and the way he patently misunderstands Spock, I incline towards the latter view.
There is a section in the centre of the zine dealing with various aspects of the bond. The first of these, 'Friends' by Jennifer Baxter, deals with Kirk's and Spock's failure to live as lovers, so that they pass through this stage to re-emerge as friends. I suppose one must take some comfort from that, but I found the story unbearably sad. However, for it to be sad it had to be convincing, and it was all of that. I haven't read much of Jennifer Baxter before but I suggest here is a name to look out for, not, least for her portrayal of Spock as a powerful, independent individual who can hold his own with Kirk and against the edicts of Vulcan when he feels it appropriate.
'The Weakest Link the Slowest Ship'. Kirk and Spock have kissed while Kirk is delirious and Spock is reluctant to tell him afterwards; still, Kirk seems to know anyway judging by what they do and how often, though there's really no satisfactory explanation other than Kirk's delirious ramblings. Kirk is then in an accident (which he sees coming) and as a result is apparently brain-damaged. However this isn't a common or garden child-reversion story and the resolution is ingenious and amusing and food for a sequel.
The final and longest story in the zine is by Darien Duck a co-editor of the zine. In (Seasons of the Heart) Kirk has nominated .Spock for a prestigious award. Spock, ungrateful creature that he is, is more than a little annoyed when he finds out and reacts, I believe, somewhat over-dramatically triggering defensive anger in Kirk. Impasse: Spock goes off to a symposium, Kirk stays behind then takes himself off skiing, rebuffing, thank God, some sexual advances in the interim. The two lovers, restore their differences of course, and it is nice to have some exploration of what problems might occur between a Terran and Vulcan bonded pair. But I still feel that Spock is rather stiff necked and, for a Vulcan, illogical in his dismay. It is obvious that the author intended that the split between them was potentially permanent but in that case Spock seems a little muddled by, on one hand, flouting Vulcan by loving a human and on the other, adhering so much to his roots that he believes, to quote Sarek: "The reward for work that has been well done is the satisfaction of knowledge gained." It shows a certain maladjustment and inflexibility which make one wonder how the relationship ever survived Though, I suppose, in view of the fact it nearly didn't, it might be a valid theory.
So, there are several things about this; zine to recommend it: there is no violence, rape or sadism, the two characters portrayed are derived from the series or the movies, nearly all the stories are written in easy, flowing mature English, and it doesn't cost a vast sum! [3]
[zine]:This contains 104 pages of pure fiction with no artwork to complement or detract from the story (depending on your point of view).
'Uniforms' by Sharon F opens the zine; a humorous episode, which details Spock and Kirk's reactions, official and otherwise to their new uniforms. Another piece follows, namely 'lie Jinks' by Melanie Athene. Our poor Captain's perennial weight problem comes to a head once more. Despite McCoy's stringent diet, it is Spock who finds the most satisfactory way to divert Kirk's appetite.
'If You've Got It' by Sherry Bristol has Spock attempting to increase Kirk's physical strength by using the Venus drug; this so that Kirk can then meet Spock as an equal during their combat practices in the gym. He is forced into doing this by the uniikcly interpretation of one of his Captain's orders. Since Kirk doesn't want Spock to 'hold back' in the sessions and Spock can't obey without injuring him, the Vulcan decides to use the drug. Of course, it causes certain side effects. You guessed it! Pretty predictable.
'None So Blind' by Anne Rowland is a reprint of a story which originally appeared in 'King Grope'. A clever merging of fantasy and reality makes this story a favourite of mine.
I can't say the same for 'No Secrets' by Devery Helm, which personally I can't accept. In explaining his unique relationship to McCoy, I can't take both McCoy's reaction to the revelation nor Kirk's explanation for it. This does not mean to say it won't ring true to other readers.
The next two stories and poems involve K/S plots which don't end happily ever after. These may not please those who must have our two lovers together for ever and beyond. I found them all depressing.
The longest story in the zine is 'The Weakest Link, the Slowest Ship' by Melanie Athene. Spock and Kirk discover their love for one another and bond. The human is then injured by an explosion, leaving him emotionally and mentally a child. Star Fleet intend to abandon Kirk to an institution for the mentally disturbed but opock abducts him and.., well read it yourself. The ending is, using Spock's favourite word, interesting.
After two short pieces, one by Sue Meek and the other by P. de Licto, we come to the final story, 'Seasons of the Heart" by Darien Duck, Spock learns he has been awarded the "Hawking Prize" (Federation equivalent of the Nobel Prize) and dreads the attention and ceremony that awaits him. When he learns also that Kirk nominated him, he feels betrayed and a rift opens between the bonded lovers. The ensuing emotional interplay between the two protagonists is well written and expressed - a good read.
On the whole 'Another K/S Zine' is a good effort. [4]
Yet Another K/S Zine
Yet Another K/S Zine was published in February 1984 and contains 111 pages.
Claudia Crawford did the proofreading, Wendy Rathbone did the typing and Caro Hedge created the border on page 25.
The editorial:
This time, I thought, we could forego an editorial. After all, who actually reads one? And editors almost always use it to air their apologies for the zine being late/early/full of mistakes/printed upside down .... However, there was nothing else to fill this page, and there is one thing that must be mentioned so, here once again, is an editoriaI.
You may have noticed that this issue is reduced to a nice, handy size which will fit in the average handbag. He thought it was a wonderful idea, right up there with the invention of Fizzbin. But, as so often happens in this life, reduction came with a purseful of problems, which didn't become apparent until it was too late to do anything about them -- naturally. So we apologize for deficiencies, not all of them in the printing, and tell you that the next issue will be back to "normal" standards . . . and you were hoping for improvements? Silly.
Recently we received a letter which asked: "The K/S relationship [sic] is special because of its friendship and love. Why does that have to include sex?"
In this issue, Devery has one answer. We have another: There is very little real love in this world; we should never turn away from it, just because it may appear unfamiliar form. Let's remember IDIC.
- Editorial (2)
- United They Fall by Devery Helm (meta, thoughts on writing K/S.) (3)
- Advice and Consent by Vivian Gates (Asked by Kirkʼs yeoman to look in on him, Spock discovers that Pike, and his relationship to Spock, are the reasons for Kirkʼs seeming depression.)
- The Choice by Wanda Butler (8)
- A Letter to My Love by Jennifer Baxter (After they run into the man who has Kirkʼs first male lover while Spock was at Gol, Kirk writes a letter to Spock.) (13)
- Sonnet by Carol Huntington (19)
- Untitled by Cassie (19)
- My Time by Patt (20)
- A Contribution to Science by Sharon F (Kirk uses sex to distract his lover when Spock has trouble resolving a problem in the lab.) (21)
- New View by Patt (25)
- And the Truth Shall Set You Free by Claudia Crawford (Kirk apologizes to Spock for his tactics in dealing with the spores on Omicron Ceti 3, thinking thatʼs the reason Spock has withdrawn from him.) (26)
- Just Tonight by Patt (38)
- Human Magic by Noelle Harrison (39)
- Time by Susan Beecham (40)
- Cycles / Cycles (on AO3) by Darien Duck (Their becoming lovers, parting and then reuniting, seen through the celebration of Kirk and Spockʼs birthdays through the years.) (41)
- Vigil by Sharon F (90)
- Love Is—no author listed (90)
- After by Kathy Resch (Kirk comes to regret not having had a death bond after Spock dies saving the ship from Khan. Prequel: Incidents.) (91)
- When Only Love Remains by Melanie Athene (A/U: Kirk finally returns to the Genesis planet and discovers a reborn, feral Spock, who he must tame as he comes to realize his sexual desire for him.) (93)
- Memories by Jennifer Baxter (inside back cover)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
See reactions and reviews for United They Fall.
See reactions and reviews for The Choice.
See reactions and reviews for A Letter to My Love.
See reactions and reviews for A Contribution to Science.
See reactions and reviews for And the Truth Shall Set You Free.
See reactions and reviews for Cycles.
See reactions and reviews for When Only Love Remains.
See reactions and reviews for Advice and Consent.
Still Another K/S Zine

Still Another K/S Zine was published in July 1984 and contains 106 pages.

From the editorial:
Well, the movie is out: we saw it and were... disappointed. But what the heck, Kirk looked fantastic (and Spock is back), so it wasn't a total loss. (And there were some really good lines, too.)Somewhere near the middle of this zine is a small section on the new movie, (Remember when ST:TMP was the new movie?) Some pieces were written before the writer saw "The Search for Spock" as will be apparent on the first reading. We included them because they were good, and because they offered an alternate, K/S type, ending, which we feel would have been a much better way to conclude the action.
And while we are discussing the contents, we would like to thank Gene S. Delapenia for giving us permission to reprint her poem, "Ni Var", in this issue. It previously appeared in "Southern Star" #5, January, 1979.
We have had several requests from readers to explain the pictures that appeared on the covers of the last two issues. We chose objects that we associated with Kirk and SpOCk. (And a baby sehlat doesn't have BIG fangs, any more than a Human baby has teeth!) To Our surprise, many people found the symbolic nature of these pictures quite obscure. So for all our readers, we have gone with a less ambiguous cover this time.
Finally, a "thank-you" to all the nice people who keep writing to tell us what a good job we're doing. As long as you keep writing, we'll keep on putting the zines out ... so you know what to do.
- Editorial (2)
- Ni Var by Gene S. Delapenia (3) (reprinted from Southern Star)
- Folly by Vivian Gates (Pre K/S Spock is trapped with Finnegan during an explosion at the starbase Finnegan is commander of.) (4) (This story won a 1985 K/Star Award.)
- Protecting the Captain's ASSets, or the Danger of Ignoring by Sharon F. (Kirkʼs new ensign learns the hard way not to try and seduce Kirk when her attempt is intercepted by Spock.) (20)
- This Time by Robin hood (25)
- Altered Perceptions by Shawn Masters (While on shoreleave together, Kirk wonders at Spockʼs withdrawal from him when he had seemed to be enjoying himself, until he finds out that Spock is going into pon farr.) (26)
- Descent into Darkness by Janus (38)
- Hold Me Till the Morning Comes by Janus (40)
- Untitled by Jennifer Baxter (41)
- Like a Black Rose by Meg Fine (42)
- A Fine Madness by Sarah Leibold (43)
- Waiting for the Dawn by Jennifer Baxter (44)
- Don't You Remember Me? by Sarah Leibold (44)
- Miracles, One and All by Sharon F (45)
- Come by Patt (46)
- Once Upon a Night by Melanie Athene (Spock begins having nightmares that Kirk alleviates by sleeping with him, a situation that leads to a change in their relationship.)
- On Being Very Fat and Purple and Enjoying It by C.J. McNally (McCoy returns to the cabin heʼs sharing with Kirk and Spock after attending a costume party and, unable to maneuver to get inside, accidentally sees them making love in the front room through the patio door.) (47)
- Fire Watch by Vivian Gates (57)
- ... Being Very Fat & Purple by C.J. McNally (58)
- Perspiration by Patt (65)
- Rub a Dub Dub by Devery Helm (Kirk talks Spock into taking a bubble bath with him while the lovers are on leave together.) (66)
- On Second Though by Meg Fine (70)
- Nothing Ventured by Robin Hood (71)
- Old Friends by Toni Cardinal-Price (Kirk is glad when an old friend is temporarily assigned to the Enterprise, until the man turns out to be an old friend of Spockʼs as well and first starts monopolizing his time and then tells Kirk he plans to try and make Spock fall in love with him.) (72)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4
See reactions and reviews for Folly.
See reactions and reviews for Protecting the Captain's ASSets.
See reactions and reviews for Altered Perceptions.
See reactions and reviews for Once Upon a Night.
See reactions and reviews for On Being Very Fat and Purple and Enjoying It.
See reactions and reviews for Rub a Dub Dub.
See reactions and reviews for Old Friends.
[zine]: The latest production from the editorial team of Phoebe and Darien is just as good as you would expect after ANOTHER K/S ZINE, (recently reprinted and with a few copies still available) AND ANOTHER K/S ZINE, and YET ANOTHER K/S ZINE. STILL nice but not flashy; it has a plain cover and few interior illos, but wonderfully clear text with nice layout. It includes 7 stories, 3 of some length. The highlights... "Folly" by Vivian Gates. In a disaster, Spock is stuck in a room with Finnegan. We find out why Finnegan and Kirk got along so badly, and Spock finds out more than he wants to about emotions and himself. Excellent, shows imagination, and my favorite. "Protecting the Captains ASSests" by Sharon F. Another yeoman bites the dust. Wonderful fun, with some touching moments. "Altered Perceptions" by Shawn Masters. A pon farr story that I had problems with. The premise was unlikely, and Kirk and Spock seemed to play alot of Male Dominance games. Good ending though. "Once Upon a Night" by Melanie Athene. After a power shortage locks both Spock and Kirk in Spock's room, they do some long overdue catching up on their friendship. Proof a story can be at once silly and touching. "On the Matter of Being Very Fat and Purple and Enjoying It" by C.J. McNally. When McCoy comes back from a night on the town, he is too tired to make it all the way indoors. From the window he gets a show he didn't expect. She puts in lots of nice touches and details. It is definitely the funniest K/S I have read in a while. "Old Friends" by Toni Cardinal-Price. An old friend of Kirk's, and Spock's Greg Martin, takes temporary duty aboard the big E. Being close friends with both of them can be work! The longest one in the zine, it is very good, and the next to the last page is wonderful. Rub-A-Dub-Dub" by Devery Helms. Rub-a-dub-dub, two men in a tub, and of course the two you think it is. A shore leave story of Spock and Kirk. I would say it is early in the physical stage of their relationship. Devery has a nice handle on Spock's character throughout. There are 15 poems. They are uniformly too short but still quite nice. "Don't you remember me?" brought tears to my eyes. A couple of them are humorous... which is a nice change. The zine is well worth your money. Personally I put it at not quite as good as Another... but better than Yet another (of course my roomate exactly reversed the order of preference!) and definitely recommended. Oh no, I almost forgot the best part. I received this zine just 2 weeks and 2 days from when I ordered it. A record! [5]
Still, I can't say it's a bad zine. It has plenty of fun stories, and even if I've read better ones for free online, the experience of actually holding a zine, a piece of history, was well worth it. Old Friends was on par with some of my favourite modern stories, and Being Very Fat and Purple had that classic charm I quite enjoy. All of these stories are somewhat products of their time, but none of them have aged poorly. I also read the whole thing in one day, as it's only 106 pages long. All in all, this was a very enjoyable zine.[6]
Of Course Another K/S Zine
Of Course Another K/S Zine was published in July 1985 and contains 102 pages. Calligraphy by Pat Friedman. It contains no interior art.
- Editorial (2)
- A Spoonful of Logic by Devery Helm (Unable to perform, Kirk gets drunk and is unable to decipher McCoyʼs cryptic riddles as to what, and who, he really needs.) (3)
- Dear Jim by Melanie Athene (6)
- The Gift by Gene S. Delapenia (7)
- Later on Selaya by B.L. Barr (Unwilling to let him out of his sight, Kirk follows Spock to his cabin after the fal tor pan and finally agrees to the bond.) (8)
- Nightingale Mediation by LYON (14)
- Sanctuary by LYON (15)
- And Will Go Free by Vivian Gates (Kirk struggles to get a shipload of slaves to safety after they are rescued by the Enterprise, while dealing with his and Spockʼs newly expressed feelings for one another.) (16)
- Ode to a Falling Star by Sharon Fuchs (The treatment to improve his eyesight goes wrong as Kirk approaches his 50th birthday.) (37)
- Stranger in My Bed by D. Booker (48)
- Vulcan/Terran Dictionary, Second Edition by Melanie Athene (49)
- The Terrible Threshod by Janus (50)
- Just Old Friends by Robin Hood (Afraid that they will die before a cure is found for the radiation sickness that is aging them, Spock confesses his feelings to Kirk.) (52)
- Waiting by Patt (56)
- Seconds by Gene S. Delapenia (57)
- Now It Can Be Told by Kate Daniels (After Kirk has another near miss, Spock struggles to find a way to reaffirm his captainʼs continuing existence.) (58)
- End of the Beginning by Jennifer Boxer (When Kirk is unwilling to forego other sex partners, Spock calls off their affair, hoping it will make Kirk finally decide what it is he wants.) (62)
- Vulcan Contagion by Looby-Lou (73)
- The Demons in Each Man's Soul by Sharon F. (Kirk is hard pressed to follow the healerʼs advise and not tell Spock of their love after the fal tor pan.) (74)
- Journey's End by D. Booker (102)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5
See reactions and reviews for A Spoonful of Logic.
See reactions and reviews for Later on Selaya.
See reactions and reviews for And Will Go Free.
See reactions and reviews for Ode to a Falling Star.
See reactions and reviews for Just Old Friends.
See reactions and reviews for Now It Can Be Told.
See reactions and reviews for End of the Beginning.
See reactions and reviews for The Demons in Each Man's Soul.
- ^ comments by Sandy Hereld at Virgule-L, quoted with permission (April 5, 1993)
- ^ from The K/S Press #101
- ^ from Communicator #15 (Oct 1984)
- ^ from Communicator #15 (Oct 1984)
- ^ from Not Tonight, Spock! #6
- ^ "I Read Still Another K/S Zine So You Don't Have To". Archived from the original on 2023-04-25.