On Being Very Fat and Purple and Enjoying It

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Title: On Being Very Fat and Purple and Enjoying It
Author(s): C.J. McNally
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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On Being Very Fat and Purple and Enjoying It is a Kirk/Spock story by C.J. McNally.

It was published in the print zine Still Another K/S Zine.

first page


"McCoy returns to the cabin heʼs sharing with Kirk and Spock after attending a costume party and, unable to manuever to get inside, accidentally sees them making love in the front room through the patio door."

Reactions and Reviews

When McCoy comes back from a night on the town, he is too tired to make it all the way indoors. From the window he gets a show he didn't expect. She puts in lots of nice touches and details. It is definitely the funniest K/S I have read in a while. [1]

Now, here's the smut I've been waiting for! And while it wasn't overly detailed it was well worth the wait, with a little bit of Bones on the sidelines. This one was a lot of fun, and probably my second favourite fic in this zine. Also, gotta love that title. 5/5[2]
