Protecting the Captain's ASSets

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Title: Protecting the Captain's ASSets
Author(s): Sharon F
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Protecting the Captain's ASSets ("or the Danger of Ignoring") is a Kirk/Spock story by Sharon F.

It was published in the print zine Still Another K/S Zine.


"Kirkʼs new ensign learns the hard way not to try and seduce Kirk when her attempt is intercepted by Spock."

Reactions and Reviews

Another yeoman bites the dust. Wonderful fun, with some touching moments. [1]

This fic starts with the worst poem I have ever read and it's spectacular. A new yeoman on the Enterprise tries to use it to get Kirk to sleep with her but Spock catches her and she turns into one of many who got kicked off the Enterprise for this. I love the funny ones. 5/5[2]
