End of the Beginning

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Title: End of the Beginning
Author(s): Jennifer Boxer
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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End of the Beginning is a Kirk/Spock story by Jennifer Boxer.

It was published in the print zine Of Course Another K/S Zine.


"When Kirk is unwilling to forego other sex partners, Spock calls off their affair, hoping it will make Kirk finally decide what it is he wants."

Reactions and Reviews

Egad, one of those 'Kirk can't keep his dick in his pants to save his life' stories. And it doesn't matter that he's with Spock. To say I don't agree with this premise is putting it mildly. If there's anything I loathe more than this scenario I don't know what it is. Why is it that so many writers believe that just because someone doesn't marry their high school sweetheart that they're incapable of being faithful? Sure, Kirk has been around. What good-looking, young, successful, single man hasn't? But to posit from that that he'd have to almost lose Spock in order to stop fooling around? No, that's not the man I see at all. It denies him the traits of loyalty, kindness, courage and intelligence.

Not that Spock comes off much better. After finally deciding not to be a doormat anymore, he decides that he would have to prove to Kirk that he had something that Kirk couldn't get anywhere else. That he would be 'convincing' Kirk to be faithful, that Kirk would be coming back out of necessity rather than love, doesn't seem to enter Spock's mind. Of course, Kirk relents, having 'changed' the habits of a lifetime in a couple of weeks. And, of course, Spock takes him back. Oddly enough, a thought Spock has at the end of the story doesn't say much for the future of this particular relationship:

Sometimes one expended a great deal of effort in achieving something one wasn't entirely sure one wanted. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #166