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Name: Zhongli, Rex Lapis, Morax
Occupation: Consultant, Archon
Fandom: Genshin Impact
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Zhongli is a playable five star geo character in Genshin Impact. He's been nicknamed Geo Daddy by fans.


Over the course of the main Liyue archon quest, Zhongli is revealed to be the god of Liyue, the Geo Archon Rex Lapis, also known as Morax. This was widely speculated to be so prior to the 1.1 update where it was officially revealed, as many hints were dropped in the quest content available in the 1.0 release.


Many fans of Genshin Impact recommend pulling Zhongli for quality of life reasons while playing. His powerful shield can make a lot of the game content significantly easier; his usefulness as a character to play also contributes to the fondness many fans feel for him.


Gen Pairings

Fandom History


The "Zhongli-gate" is a controversy that erupted in the Genshin Impact gaming community in December 2020. Zhongli was one of the most highly anticipated characters to be released. When he was finally released, many players were disappointed with his in-game performance and felt that he was not living up to his potential as a 5-star character.

The controversy began when players started to complain about Zhongli's kit, his abilities, and his overall strength. Many players felt that he was not as strong as he should be for a 5-star character and that he was not worth the investment of time and resources to obtain him.

The controversy continued to escalate as players began to express their frustration with the game's developer, miHoYo. Some players felt that miHoYo had intentionally released an underpowered character in order to incentivize players to spend more money to try and obtain other more powerful characters.

As a result of the controversy, miHoYo issued a public statement acknowledging the community's feedback and promising to re-evaluate Zhongli's abilities and overall performance in the game. The company subsequently released a patch that improved Zhongli's abilities, but the controversy remains a topic of discussion within the Genshin Impact community.[1]

Example Fanworks





Stars Fall, Light Dims Cover

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Meta / Further Reading

Genshin Impact
Characters DilucChildeKaeyaZhongliXiaoTravelerVentiScaramouchePaimonmore
Ships Childe/ZhongliAlhaitham/KavehDiluc/KaeyaVenti/XiaoAlbedo/KaeyaChilde/LumineChongyun/XingqiuRaiden Ei/Yae MikoCyno/TighnariBeidou/NingguangJean/Lisamore
Locations MondstadtLiyueInazumaSumeruFontaineNatlanSnezhnayamore
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