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Name: Baizhu
Occupation: Pharmacist
Relationships: Changsheng (contract)
Qiqi (Employee)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Other: Birthday: April 25th
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Baizhu is a 5-star Dendro playable character from the game Genshin Impact.


Baizhu is the owner of Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue and is known for his vast knowledge of medicine and poisons. Baizhu's appearance is characterized by his long jade plait of green hair, spectacles, and a calm and collected demeanor. He is always seen with his companion around his neck, a white snake named Changsheng.


Prior to his release as a playable character in the game on May 2, 2023, Baizhu was considered a mysterious character with little information revealed about him, leading some fans to speculate about his motivations and background. Fans have been curious about his role in the game's story and how he may fit into the larger narrative.

Some have also expressed interest in learning more about his potential connections to other characters and regions within the game's world. There has been some speculation among fans that Baizhu may have some connection to the Fatui Harbingers and/or the Abyss Order due to his cryptic behavior and interest in medicine, but there is currently no canon evidence linking him to either of these antagonistic factions in Genshin Impact. Some fans have also noted that Baizhu's appearance and personality bear some resemblance to the Harbinger Pantalone.

Baizhu's story quest, titled "Lagenaria," was released in May 2023 and provided more insight into his character and motivations. Players learned more about his background as a healer and the struggles he faces in his daily life. The quest also revealed more about his connections to other characters in the game, such as Changsheng and Qiqi.

While there were still some fans who remained suspicious of Baizhu's true intentions before the release of his story quest, many were able to gain a better understanding of his character and motivations after playing through the quest. As a result, the rumors about him being a potentially evil character or being connected to Pantalone have diminished.

Fanon and Common Tropes in Fanworks


When it comes to shipping, Baizhu is not a very popular character. All of the ships involving him are rarepairs, the most popular being Baizhu/Zhongli, with barely 200 works on AO3 as of April 2024. Reader-insert stories for this character are the next most popular to find.

Example Fanworks





Links & Resources

Genshin Impact
Characters DilucChildeKaeyaZhongliXiaoTravelerVentiScaramouchePaimonmore
Ships Childe/ZhongliAlhaitham/KavehDiluc/KaeyaVenti/XiaoAlbedo/KaeyaChilde/LumineChongyun/XingqiuRaiden Ei/Yae MikoCyno/TighnariBeidou/NingguangJean/Lisamore
Locations MondstadtLiyueInazumaSumeruFontaineNatlanSnezhnayamore
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