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Name: akamine_chan
Alias(es): Aka
Type: fan writer, fan artist, editor, moderator, reccer
Fandoms: due South, C6D, Bandom
Communities: c6d_weekly, ds_snippets, Due_South_Canadian_6_Degrees_Big_Bang, c6d_universe, duesouth, bandombigbang, podfic_love, snowflake_challenge, bandom_holidays, and bandom_meme
URL: Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, Podfic of Aka's work (audiofic archive)
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

akamine_chan is a fan writer, fan artist, reccer and moderator for Bandom. She was formerly involved with the due South and c6d fandoms. She is also known for her fascination with zombies.

As a fan

In spite of being exposed to the internet during the early 90s, akamine_chan came to fandom late in life. She started by reading fic, primarily Final Fantasy VIII and was surprised when she ran across her first Squall/Seifer story. It had never occurred to her to reclaim and subvert the source material like that, and it started her on her journey into fandom.

She lurked in the Firefly and Final Fantasy XII fandoms, with rare, brief visits to the Lost and Harry Potter fandoms. During a discussion with her significant other about slash, she made the claim that she could find slash stories about any character he could name. He mentioned due South, and she found him the slash. She never looked back.

In 2007 she created her Livejournal and later that year she dipped her toes into participation by writing her first ficlet. Until 2011, she was an active member of due South and C6D fandom.

In 2011, while attending Muskrat_Jamboree she tripped and fell into Bandom and is currently still very much in love with Fandom. Ironically, she was at Muskrat Jamboree 2013 when My Chemical Romance broke up and was one of the sobbing fans at the Dance Party.

As a fan writer

akamine_chan started writing fan fiction in September 2007.

akamine_chan tended to concentrate on writing shorter stories for due South and the C6D fandoms, but longer stories for Bandom. She does love the challenge of telling a story or illuminating a particular moment with the fewest number of words.

According to luzula, when akamine chan:

"[…] writes longer stories, she often makes her experience with the short format work for her, for example by writing short scenes that are structured around the theme of the story. Akamine_chan's stories are often angsty, focusing on loss of some sort: relationships ending, death, the end of the world, although she is by no means limited to angst. She enjoys writing explicit sex and kink." [1]

due South writing

akamine_chan writes mostly Fraser/Kowalski, with an occasional rare foray into other pairings, like Denny Scarpa/Kowalski. She also likes to explore the relationship between Fraser and Victoria and Ray Kowalski and Stella. She professes to be madly in love with Ray Kowalski and has the fics to prove it.

Notable works:

  • About Touching (Fraser/Kowalski).
  • Untune the Sky (Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17, 23 000 words) This is an apocalypse story, but for all that it's still a life-affirming story. Fraser and Ray have both lost people they love, and they're broken in some ways, but they struggle on together.
  • Blood and Pine Needles (Fraser/Victoria, R, 640 words) This is a ghost story—or is it? However you choose to interpret it, it's chilling in the best way.
  • Hanging (Fraser/Kowalski, R, 250 words) This snippet focuses on just one moment in time, and the possibilities branching off from that moment. The sensory details make the story vivid and immediate.
  • A Fine, Upstanding Man (Fraser/Kowalski) - Racebent!Fraser.

C6D writing

akamine_chan didn't start writing in the c6d fandom until February 2008. Since then she has dabbled in Aspen Extreme, Battlestar Galactica, Flashpoint, Hard Core Logo, Men With Guns, Canadian actor RPF, Slings & Arrows, Whiskey Echo and Wilby Wonderful, with Hard Core Logo and Battlestar Galactica holding special places in her heart.

Notable works:

  • Life In 4/4 Time (Hard Core Logo, Joe/Billy, R, 4000 words) This is a story focusing on Billy's life just before the beginning of the movie. Joe isn't physically present, but he might as well be, because of the way he's there in Billy's head. Also, Billy's answering machine messages are a thing of beauty.
  • Revolver - Canadian Actor RPF.
  • Tied (Fast 'n' Dirty Remix) - Battlestar Galactica.

Bandom writing

akamine_chan tends to stick to the My Chemical Romance side of Bandom, writing about the band and their wives and friends. She tends to favor Frank/Gerard but is equally at home writing most combinations of the band plus wives plus Grant Morrison plus James Dewees and gen. She also has a soft spot for Lindsey Way and Jamia Iero.

She is fond of canon-complaint stories, but enjoys creating unique worlds as well and likes to play in the Danger Days universe. akamine_chan also dabbles in writing Fall Out Boy, focusing on Patrick/Pete or Pete/Mikey.

Notable works:

Other fandoms

akamine_chan has written a handful of stories in other fandoms such as How_To_Train_Your_Dragon, Welcome_To_Night_Vale, and the Marvel_Cinematic_Universe.

Notable works:

  • Objects May Appear Closer (Welcome To Night Vale, Dana the Intern gen) - Dana the Intern explores the Museum of Forbidden Technologies.
  • blinded by the sun (How To Train Your Dragon, Hiccup gen) - Road trip for boy and dragon.


Many of akamine_chan's fic have been recorded and kindly hosted on General Jinjur's Audiofic Archive.

Notable works:

As an editor

akamine_chan was the creator and editor of c6d_weekly, a weekly newsletter that complies the news and activity, fannish or otherwise, in the c6d fandoms. It was published every Wednesday night.

As a fan artist

akamine_chan originally learned how to make digital images in an effort to create podfic and fanmix covers. She enjoys making covers, matching the right images to the performance, and also has made art for Bandom Big Bang.

Notable works:

As a reccer

akamine_chan has always made an effort to rec things that she likes. She took several turns at crack_van for both due South and C6D, and has recced her favorite stories at fancake.

In July 2013, she and Fire_Juggler created podfic_love in an effort to promote podfics as fanworks and to have a community dedicated to sharing fannish vocal performances. It is mirrored on Tumblr and Twitter.

As a moderator


In 2008, akamine_chan created the crack_van bookmarks for due South and bookmarks for C6D. luzula took over maintaining the due South bookmarks until crack_van closed down in 2013.


  1. ^ luzula, due South Author Profile: akamine_chan posted on 18 January 2010 (Accessed 23 January 2010)