Sanctuary (Star Wars zine)

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Title: Sanctuary
Publisher: Full Court Press, Whittier, California.
Author(s): Ellen Randolph
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): April 1988
Medium: print fanzine
Fandom: Star Wars
Language: English
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.
flyer, printed in Luke's Journey #11

Sanctuary is a gen Star Wars 250-page anthology of stories by Ellen Randolph, a sequel to Revenge of the Sith and A New Challenge. [1].

The zine offers a series of short stories, such as Skywalker's Lady, that take place after Luke Skywalker and OC Jessalyn are married.

It has the subtitle: "The Odd Life and Bizarre Times of Luke Skywalker."

The zine has art by Wanda Lybarger, Signe Landon, Marti Siegrist, Nancy Stasulis, Martynn, Connie Faddis, Jean Kluge, Karen River, Betsy Afton, Mary Jean Holmes, Catherine Churko and Mark Fisher and Melea Fisher.

It has prefaces by Maggie Nowakowska, Linda Deneroff, and the author. Marian Kelly is also the author of two of the vignettes.

See: It's difficult to resist Ellen Randolph's interpretation of the STAR WARS universe for Maggie Nowakowska's comments regarding this zine and its universe.

Part of a Series


Cybel Harper described the series as follows: "....the story takes place after RotJ, and has little to do with Anakin Skywalker or his fall. Mainly, it is about Luke, Leia, their families, and how they cope with betrayal and exile." [2]

Another reader described the universe as follows:

The Sanctuary universe was written in 3 fanzines. 2 were novel length, and the third was even longer. The third had short stories in that universe that spanned before Luke and Leia were born (about their parents) until soon after Luke died at the age of nearly 120, I think. The short stories took place throughout those years and between and after Ellen Randolph's two novels. She did a great job with Luke and with his wife, Jessalyn. Luke didn't marry until his early 40's in that universe, and he and Jessalyn had 5 children. The youngest (twins) were born when Luke was in his early 60's, which wasn't all that old, since most people lived into their 120's or so. This is a very complete and different SW story, as it was written before the EU novels, but it's *very* well-done. [3]

Speculation Regarding the Author

Some fans have speculated that these novels were written by Melanie R. under a pseud though other fans have denied this is the case.

The two names, however, are openly connected in a number of fan venues.

Permission To Copy

In issue #23 of the Southern Enclave, the editor and publisher of the series, Melanie R. gave permission for her zines to be photocopied for personal use after the zines went out of print.

The Author Apologizes for the Zine's Publishing Delay

The publication of this zine bumped up against some pro books the author was writing:

First of all, I need to apologize to everyone who's waited -- patiently or otherwise! -- for SANCTUARY to be printed. The delay is unconscionable and I'm very sorry, but the thing is that my agent sold my trilogy of fantasy novels to DAW Books in February and the first one was due in house April 15 (I didn't quite make it, by the way). I had to put the zine on hold. Nothing much got done on it in May or June, either, because the second volume has to be in by November and I haven't finished it yet. I figured I'd better get it done before I forgot what happens in the first one! The third volume is due next year and I haven't even started on that one. Moral: NEVER have your agent sell a trilogy when 1-1/2 of the books aren't written yet. You'll get fewer gray hairs that way... Anyway, I hope you'll all be patient a while longer. Every so often, I take out the artwork and sigh over it -- all of it gorgeous and there are a few pieces that absolutely knock my eyes out. And speaking of artwork, Marty Siegrist has drawn the map for the fantasy trilogy and my agent and editor fell over when they saw it. It's stunning -- all you other fantasy authors out there with maps in your books, eat your hearts out! [4]

Extensive Author's Notes

This volume is meant as an addendum, a companion piece, and a completion of sorts for the novels A New Challenge, and Revenge of the Sith. I purposely kept my commentaries brief in than, but with this zine I've finally got my chance to do a play-by-play on when, how, and why some of this was written.


Almost all the stories started out as vignettes, the way ANC did. "Pavane for a Dead Princess" began life as three lonely little pages — not a single sentence of which appears in the final product, although it did get cannibalized for "There Are No Rainbows on Tatooine." "Skywalker's Lady" was supposed to be a short trip to Dantooine, and ended up as 60+ single-spaced pages before it was dismembered down to a mere 49. How do these things happen? Writers make the mistake of asking questions, and then have to answer them or go utterly mad. For each universe there are different questions and widely divergent answers. Sanctuary contains mine.

Before discussing the stories herein, however, I have a few things to say about the two novels. ANC jumped 21 years into the SW future because, quite frankly, I didn't feel like dealing with the immediate aftermath of a successful rebellion. Other people have found brilliant story material in the months and years just after JEDI; I decided I wanted to take the characters further into their lives. This is partially due to the timeline I put together along the way. Palpatine's rule of about 25 years in this universe left Luke and Leia's generation knowing nothing other than empire, but there were still plenty of people around who had known the Old Republic very well and who were young enough to participate vigorously in the establishment of the Alliance. Had Palpatine's rule lasted longer, the habit of empire would have been a stronger one and the clean-up — and its attendant politics — would have lasted much longer. No thanks. I wanted to present matured characters, secure in their varied lives and professions, who had even more to lose than they did during the Rebel years. I wanted to find out what Ban was like as a father by giving him offspring at an interesting age; what Luke was doing regarding a new Order of Jedi Knights; and what effect 20 years would have on. Leia's denial that Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were the same person.

ANC as published is almost exactly the way it went onto the typewriter in first draft. It was cleaned up, of course, and went through four more drafts before it was ready to be printed, but only a few short cenes were added. That it took me five weeks to draft in the first place was only because of that condition cormon to all writers: Neander thal Neck, v^ich prevented more than 8 or 10 hours a day^at the typewriter. Otherwise I m convinced I could've finished it in about 12 days. It doesn't often happen that things flow so fast, but when it does — "Eureka!" (as Archimedes said to his bath tub).

Sith took shape much differently. Small scenes and ideas kept nagging at me in order whatsoever. For instance — I jotted dcwn the scene where Luke discovers Jehan and Bryett kissing in the hallway before I was entirely sure who Jehan and Bryett were.

After 40 or 50 pages of these little teasers, I had to find out how — or if — they all linked up. And even then, what I thought was going to happen didn't. When Luke stares out in shock at the Alliance troops in the desert at the end of Part Two, I was just as astounded and angry as he was.

So you see, I have very little control over what goes into my work. In ANC I wondered why Leia had never accepted Vader; I had no idea how she eventually would or even she would. In Sith I wondered why Luke seemed to be everybody's favorite pawn; I had no idea I'd end up trying to tackle the question of Free Will versus Predestination.

Odd things happen sometimes. While struggling through Sith, I was also editing a philosophy text at work. The Jean-Paul Sartre quote at the beginning of the novel ("No matter what is made of one, one is always responsible for what one makes of what is made of one") practically jumped off the manuscript in neon letters one afternoon. Thanks to that lusciously convoluted sentence defining

"soft determinism," I had the rationale for the novel. I keep telling myself it's my instincts at work here — but then again, my instincts said to kill off Jessalyn before Sith even began. So much for my instincts. In the end, it's not the provisional answers that count, it's the questions; ask the right ones, be open to the answers, and sooner or later you'll be looking at a story. will become readily apparent as you go through the stories, plenty of them were written for the sheer hell of it and have no redeeming social value whatsoever. One of the nicest things about these people is that one can have terrific fun with them. I hope the humor comes through even in the more serious stories, but there are at least half a dozen in here that are unadulterated foolishness and for which I make no apologies at all. Their level of insanity varies, with "Daskan Revisited" probably the most off-the-wall of the collection. Anything in these pieces that even remotely resembles a serious statement is pure coincidence.

Additionally, if it occurs to you while reading that some of the characters end up in bed fairly often, you're right. The three films make use of beds in only one way: people lie down v^en they're injured. Leia on the Death Star; Luke on Hoth, the Falcon, and the medical frigate; Han in Cloud City — as far as I'm concerned, this is a waste of a perfectly good piece of furniture meant for more pleasant pursuits. Thus you'll find The Bed used to excellent advantage in many of these stories.

Enjoy; the characters did.

As if it wasn't arrogance enough to write transitions between movies and between certain scenes in the movies, I wrote transitions between my own novels. The twenty years between than constitute a rather large gap, after all. I hope the latter novel demonstrated something of the way the relationship between Luke and Jessalyn developed, but there the marriage is shown in its maturity. "Skywalker's Lady" takes place only a few years after their life together began — and the honeymoon is over. (Truth to tell, I threw this one in because Lucasfilm Guidelines won't let me print the "How Luke finally got the girl and what he did with her when he got her — not to mention what she did with him" story.) As for "Domestic Scenes" — if it reads like a bunch of vignettes in search of a plot, you're right about that, too. I had nowhere else to put them. Generally this sort of thing is very bad practice, but I had so much fun writing these scenes that I figured I'd be forgiven the indulgence.

Now, about Jessalyn.

She was originally put into ANC to be killed off. When emotional impact is wanted without offing any of the major characters, one introduces someone the reader can get to know and maybe like a little, so that when the other characters express shock and grief at the death, the reader can empathize. It's one of the oldest tricks in the world and it's Jessalyn's reason for existing at all. Or so I thought when she first showed up.

In three separate crises, the stubborn bitch flatly refused to buy the farm. This irritated me no end. It wasn't until the end of the novel's first draft, while writing from Leia's point of view, that the princess and I figured out at exactly the same time what Jessa's problem was. The hell with the farm; she wanted the farmboy.

Now, characters are not supposed to do this. They're supposed to behave themselves, jump when the writer says "Jump!", and have the common decency to go away when told. All this was a tidy little lesson in authorial omnipotence — which is to say the author doesn't have any. What I wrote in my comments at the end of ANC was the literal truth. I had no idea any of it was going to happen until it happened.

ANC and Sith I tried to make into paintings. Sanctuary is in many ways a sketchbook of characterizations, plotlines, and ideas. I wanted to watch these people go through their paces — laugh, hurt, make love, argue, comfort, tease, complain, be outrageously silly, and do all the other things the rest of us real folk do in our generally non-heroic lives. Heroes have righteous rages; real people get ticked off and yell without much justification. Heroes are not allowed to make fools of themselves; real people do it with depressing regularity. Real people say the wrong things, make the wrong choices, operate under wrong impressions. Heroes may get their signals crossed, but they're never really wrong about anything. That's their job.

The characters I've tried to write here are decent people, good people who care and do the best they can. They don't set out to be heroes, and avoid such lunacy until it's impossible for them not to behave heroically. I have a particular fondness for the prefacing quote to the novelization of SW:ANH, attributed to Leia: "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." Han was definitely in the wrong place in ANC and saw no other way out than to fly his ship into that Star Destroyer. Jessalyn constructed her Force-weaving in Sith because it was the only thing of value she had to offer. In the same novel, Leia marches out to give Senator Dalibor what he wants only when all other options are gone. And Luke gives in to the First Master's

urgings to let go of the past because he has no other hope of saving what he cherishes. If self- sacrifice is one of the hallmarks of heroic nobility of spirit, then these characters as I view them usually have to be kicked into it. Instead of Heroes, I've tried to show good, decent, caring people who do their best with what they're given. Granted, their gifts are formidable: courage, commitment, intelligence, loyalty, love, laughter. But perhaps these things are responsible for heroism in us all.

You'll find herein some flagrant romanticism (is there any other kind?), blatant nonsense, and maybe even something to think over or wonder about. Whereas none of this pretends to be anything more than a few hours' amusement, I have hopes that I've done the characters and the audience credit. A final note. Don't attempt to devour this in one sitting, or even two or three. Things are arranged chronologically and there are some natural breaks here and there. But I think you'll find that everything makes better sense if you read through the zine in order, even if you've read some of the pieces before. There's a timeline at the back in case you get lost; I still do, and I wrote the silly thing.

May the Force be with you always.

The Series

Contents of the Zine

  • Preface to the Zine by Ellen Randolph (iv-vii)
  • Preface to the Zine by Maggie Nowakowska (viii-x)
  • Preface to the Zine by Linda Deneroff (xi)
  • Han's Story (No Second Chances) -- A longer time ago in that galaxy far, far away.... (1)
  • Pavane for a Dead Princess -- Palpatine's rise, Anakin's fall — and the births of two very dangerous royal children. (reprinted from Guardian #7) (7)
  • A Civilizing Influence (33)
  • Father's Daughter (36)
  • Sandstorm, poem (42)
  • There Are No Rainbows on Tatooine (43)
  • ... At First Sight (50)
  • A Light Against the Darkness (reprinted from Shadowstar #21/22) (52)
  • A Jedi Walks on Light by Marian Kelly (56)
  • Lord Vader's Son -- During five months on Tatooine to plan Han's rescue, Luke comes to a separate peace—with himself. (reprinted from The Wookiee Commode #2) (59)
  • Prelude on Tatooine (79)
  • Call It a Loan -- The Rebellion wishes to purchase Han Solo. Price offered: Princess Leia. (84)
  • Luke and Leia's Theme, poem (102)
  • Come Sip the Cup by Marian Kelly (104)
  • Requiem (reprinted from The Wookiee Commode #3) (107)
  • The Princess and the Pirate (or, But Would You Want Tour Sister to Marry One?) -- Han proposes, Luke disposes.... (reprinted from Shadowstar #18) (113)
  • Leia, filk to the tune of "Holly Ann" by Judy Collins (118)
  • Conversation Best Left to Darkness (120)
  • Just Another Name, filk to the tune of "Butterfly" by John Denver (124)
  • Retribution (126)
  • Do I LOOK Like I'm Ready? The "truth" in three versions behind the rumor that Han panicked at a crucial moment. (132)
  • Father and Sons -- An evening in the lives of Han Solo, his eight-year-old sons, and a bounty hunter. (reprinted from Contraband) (135)
  • Souvenirs (140)
  • Lovers...and Other Strangers -- The girl Luke left behind on Tatooine gives him an interesting evening — with his wife. (143)
  • Stars, poem (152)
  • Skywalker's Lady -- The honeymoon is over, folks. (154)
  • Luke and Jessalyn, filk to the tune of "Yoda's Theme" by John Williams (188)
  • Domestic Scenes, with Jedi -- Excerpts from life at the Sanctuary. (Don't these people ever get any work done?) (190)
  • The Wreck of the Millennium Falcon, filk to the tune of "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot (200)
  • Return of a Jedi, poem (202)
  • Daskan Revisited (204)
  • The Changeling -- What happens to a young man of Solo and Skywalker blood who can never become a Jedi Knight? (215)
  • The One Left Alone (223)
  • Preface, Further Reading, academic paper "by" Ben Skywalker (226)
  • Forever, Alderaan, filk to the theme of the "Jupiter" section of Gustav Hoist's "The Planets" (230)
  • Timeline (232)
  • Genealogy (235)
  • Appendix (236)

Sample Interior Pages

Reactions and Reviews


This collection of stories and poems expands on characters and events in Ellen Randolph's two novels, "A New Challenge" and "Revenge of the Sith." These novels were set twenty, and then forty years after the events of the third SW film. The stories in this collection cover an even greater time period, from well before the up heaval of Luke's time until eighty years after events in the film saga.

Some of the stories were published in other zines, but the bulk is new material. Introductions by Ellen, Maggie Nowakowska and Linda Deneroff provide details on the series; and an appendix, time line and genealogy are very helpful in placing all the characters in the complicated plot. Both of Ellen Randolph's novels were superb examples of the best of SW writing, and Sanctuary is a pleasurable i-e-visit to these characters and events.

Arranged chronologically, the zine begins well before the first SW film with "Han's Story," in which a Jedi Knight suffers from a feeling of being apart and having no future. Ellen fills in a lot of plot details in her version of Anakin's fall and the birth of the twins in "Pavane for a Dead Princess." Chewbacca must be "A Civilizing Influence" on a scruffy boy with a vital future, and Leia is still her "Father's Daughter" on an Alliance mission. Owen Lars may seldom use his Force skills, but in "There Are No Rainbows On Tatooine," even he can feel the rush of destiny when he purchases two droids.

After the destruction of the first Death Star, Luke's rest is disturbed by a newborn baby's cries in "At First Sight." Months later, in "A Light Against the Darkness," Han strains every talent to keep Luke alive through the Hoth night. Marian Kelly authored "A Jedi Walks On Light," in which Luke secretly tests himself on Dagobah. A different sort of testing is the subject of "Lord Vader's Son," as Luke journeys through hell in the months after Bespin; and Leia, suffering as well, prepares for her role in the rescue in "Prelude On Tatooine." Afterwards, Han and Leia must make important decisions in "Call It a Loan." And Marian Kelly describes the mental tortures the Emperor inflicts on Luke in "Come Sip the Cup." The past Jedi Masters must cope with the serious question of Vader's forgiveness if the new Jedi Master is to succeed, in "Requiem."

Luke Skywalker finds the Alliance's role for the last Jedi unendurable in "Retribution." But the roles of uncle, father and mother elicit different reactions in "Do I Look Like I'm Ready?" Han's past almost costs him the twins' lives in "Father and Sons," and later these very same imps find Leia's box of "Souvenirs."

The last stories are set between and after the events of the novels. In "Lovers . . . and Other Strangers," Luke's new wife enjoys all too much the reminiscences of Camie about her affair with the young Luke Skywalker. And in "Skywalker's Lady," Luke and Jessa must come to terms with their respective roles and talents when the Alliance and the Sith strike back.

After the Sith are defeated, the Jedi are free to take up their role in galactic affairs; "Daskin Revisited" celebrates their return to power and influence. But all is not roses for the Sky walker-Solos, as the letters in "The Changeling" reveal, when one of Pol's offspring is born without the Force. And "The One Left Alone" is Luke as he retreats to Ben's hut after the deaths of Han, Leia and Jessa. [5]

Sanctuary, edited by Ellen Randolph, is a companion zine to the Star Wars zines, A New Challenge, and its sequel, Revenge of the Sith. It is beautifully written zine and justifies the price of $25.00 with 240 pages of pure enjoyment. Have you ever wondered about the lives of Luke, Leia, Han and the other characters of the Star Wars saga after the movies? How does Han react to the birth of twin sons? Luke to his own children? Sanctuary takes and fills in the gaps with stories of personal life. All of the stories deal with everyday life and how all of our favorite characters deal with the trials and tribulations of family and the Rebellion, which continues although with very different problems. Illustrations are scattered throughout the zine and complement the stories well. My favorites are of Luke and his wife Jessalyn when they deal with their children. Their daughter Jehan is a handful and a delight to watch as she winds Luke around her little finger. She has a one track mind and just loves light sabers. Even as a child she was attuned to the Force that Luke and Jessalyn had to really reinforce the idea that the light saber wasn't a toy! Anakin, Luke's son, is to be Jedi master after him and growing up with the Force as he does make tor a serious child. But Jessa's impishness fights its way out to let him be a child and enjoy childhood. A meeting with his future wife years in advance lets us know that his marriage with a Corellian (and " Solo!) will be a constant challenge. We also see Leia and Han' s sons growing up and their families as well as the future of the Republic. All of these tales are carefully crafted to fit in with what we have learned of the Star Wars saga. It seems so logical that I want to have more movies with these stories used as a foundation. The authors should be proud of such a quality zine. [6]


I believe that Han Solo is basically a nice, decent man hiding beneath wisecracks and bravado, but some of those 'zine story departures are fascinating! Stretches the imagination a bit, even though I may not always adhere to the philosophies. If a story is well-written and revolves around a believable plot, I don't have a problem with something a little more on the Dark Side. Although not a darksider story, my favorite fan trilogy (by the splendiferous Ellen Randolph/aka Melanie Rawn) made Han a Jedi -- a fannish plot I usually abhor! But she wrote it with enough of a twist, while still maintaining Han's personality, that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I supposed if a story's well written, I don't mind the author taking license. It's when the story is poorly written and also offers an off-the-wall theory that I cringe. [7]


I love Ellen Randolph's "Sanctuary" universe, too! Come to think of it, 1 haven't read them for several years now. Might be time to get them out again. [8]


I wanted to point out quite possibly the best SW fan-fic read...ever. I consider myself an old-school SW fan-fic reader, meaning, I was reading this stuff well before the internet. That's when readers had to buy this stuff and then get it through the mail. Anyway, there are 3 vintage Star Wars fan-fic novels called "A New Challenge", "Revenge of the Sith" (yes, written 20 years before the movie came out) and "Sanctuary". And they are very, very good. It takes place 20 years after "Return of the Jedi" when Luke is a Jedi Master, in his 40's, and not married. To make a long story short, the Sith rise to destroy Luke's Jedi school and we come to find out that one his students who is 20 years younger than he (her name is Jessalyn) is in love with Luke Skywalker - but is scared to death of him (because Luke is portrayed as mystical and mysterious). The author leaves us dangling with that knowledge. Then going into the second novel, "Revenge of the Sith", it is 20 years after her first novel, and Luke and Jessalyn are married. When we get to "Sanctuary", her third fan-fic novel it is a series of stories that takes place in her timeline...and even short stories about Luke and Jessalyn early on in their marriage. I discovered that a lot of people are still interested in reading these novels when I did a google, and they appear to be hard to find. I have all of them, and would like to recommend them to the fans here who like fan-fic. Because these novels are the best of fan-fic, to be sure. I've read them countless times, and many of the character's names and plot-lines are identical in her Exile Books which are published professionally. So *wink, wink* ...Han Solo's son is named Pol (Pol's wife is named Tobin) in her fan-fic, and in her novels there is a character named Pol and Tobin too. lol There is a rumor going around that the author of these old-school 1980's popular fan-fic novels were written by a known author named Melanie Rawn. And a lot of the characters names and situations are identical. Anyhow, I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of these fan-fic novels before. Because I have all of them and they are very well done. [9]

Oh my goodness! I HAVE this…and I bought it back in 1986 when I was only 13 years old. I met Ellen at the 10th Anniversary SW convention…GOD…her stories rocked; I’m telling you, that whole thing with Jessyln and her being 20 years older than Luke, and falling for the Jedi Master. It was genuis! Ellen…you’re genius. WHY or WHY did you stop after Sanctuary with that whole Luke/Jessalyn thing??? “Sanctuary” is where they finally get married, and Ellen doesn’t tell us just HOW they got it on really, but she just jumps right into the marriage with a series of short stories throughout their life… these stories rule…too cool for fan-fic, and not your ordinary fan-fic.[10]

That story she admitted to writing called “Skywalker’s Lady” is a short story in her third novel “Santuary”. I know, because I have it. I opened it up and doubled checked the Table of Contents, and one of the short stories (of many, like “Do I look like I’m ready?”) is in “Sanctuary”. There was only three novels to her Star Wars fan-fic timeline. Jessalyn is Skywalker’s Lady…and Jessalyn is the same character throughout her timeline (Luke’s romantic interest in her fan-fiction). So if she admited to writing “Skywalker’s Lady”, which is in Sanctuary and written by Ellen Randolph, than they are one and the same. Wow…I knew she was a great writer, even when I read her Star Wars fan fic. And I met her too! Only wish she had written an actual story about how Luke and Jessalyn actually hooked up…because Randolph did a “fast-forward” and that always irked me. Anyway, Jessalyn was a cool character and I think the official Star Wars gaming industry ripped off Ellen’s/Melanie’s character. There is a Jessalyn character in a Star Wars video game, and like Ellen’s version, they both have red hair and green eyes, and their last names start with a “V”, and they are flight tech’s and a student of Luke’s. Only one difference, they remained friends where in Ellen’s/Melanie’s tale, they were lovers in Jabba’s Palace where Luke fashioned his final Jedi school as a hide-out (thus, the meaning of Sanctuary). Check out this link: [11]


  1. ^ Source: Use A Kiss Zine Sales (now offline)
  2. ^ Source: A Larger World (now offline).
  3. ^ Source: A Larger World (now offline).
  4. ^ from Southern Enclave #16
  5. ^ from "1988 in SW Zines," in The Wookiee Commode #6 (1989)
  6. ^ from Datazine #55 (1989)
  7. ^ from comments in Southern Enclave #39
  8. ^ from Southern Enclave #47
  9. ^ Anyone here ever read or hear about the vintage Ellen Randolph Star Wars fan-fic novels?, Archived version
  10. ^ comment in Revenge of the Sith 1986? dated June 24, 2010.
  11. ^ comment in Revenge of the Sith 1986? dated June 24, 2010.