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Proposed Zines/L
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flyer for "Live and Direct" -- a slash multimedia zine proposed in 1989, see below
- L.A. Blues (Starsky & Hutch, 1990, J. Silverstein, fiction)
- La Guirlande (Darkover, 1989, Mary Frey, fiction)
- Labyrinth (1979, Star Trek: TOS, gen novel by Harriet Stallings, "a thriller, with illos by various artists including Leslie Fish, Virginia Jacobson and H. Stallings. Romulan Press estimates publication date will be late summer/autumn '79.")
- The Labyrinth of Night (Star Trek: TOS, 1983, novel by Robert Hicks, "Kirk is gravely injured during a landing party excursion, and Spock has remained on the Enterprise, in command. The hitch is that the Enterprise is plunged into a vortex, only to emerge in unknown space. Meanwhile, Kirk and co. have a few mysteries of their own to solve," 1984)
- The Lacquered Box (Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, 1995, anthology to have been published by Laura Peck)
- Last of the Mohicans (1995, Solstice Press, Peggy Spalding (pub), "Stories, art, poetry, filks based on the recent film starring Daniel Day Lewis and Madeleine Stowe. I'd love to do a one-shot zine if I can get enough contributions, but I can't do it alone. I've gotten some great stuff already but not quite enough yet. I'll also consider widening the scope to include films such as DANCES WITH WOLVES and others with a romantic Native American theme.")
- Late Bloomer (Starsky and Hutch, 1980s, slash)
- Laying Down the Law (1992, "'cops' in any media, plus original work. Fiction & art. PG-13, no slash, 'If You Feel Lucky Press'")
- "Leap" is a Four Letter Word (1993, Quantum Leap, "A strictly straight zine with emphasis on characterization, highlighting the friendship between Sam and Al.", September Star Enterprises)
- The Leaper's Journal (a Quantum Leap letterzine, 1995)
- Legends (K/S, 1998, to have been co-edited by Judy Gran and Dorothy Laoang, "a zine of K/S Legend stories")
- A Legend is Born (Man from U.N.C.L.E., 1993, from Barkie Yorkies Outlaws Ex-Press, "Looking for 1st time mission stories when Illya & Naploen [sic] were just getting to know each other. GUIDELINES: Adult, hurt-comfort, mysteries, drama, humorous themes wanted. No "/", profanity or explicit sex . Art & poetry also filks wanted. Uncle stories doesn't have to be 1st mission stories.")
- Legends: A Medieval Love Story (1995, Beauty and the Beast, Unicorn Press out of the UK)
- Legends of the Lust Weyr (1987, Dragonriders of Pern, "blue stories"/explicit, to have been published by The Lost Weyr)
- Let the Children Come (War of the Worlds)
- The Leviathan Affair (1995, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Otter Limits Press, written by PJ Alexander)
- Liberated Libido (multimedia, "The Joy of Sex in many universes. Elegant erotica by the editors of Organia. Stories by Bush, Crites, Fetter, Gates, Gordon, Gran, Helm, Lay, Lewis, Lorenstein, Osman, Sharaf, and Tucker. Poetry and bawdy limericks by Darnell, Delapenia, Cacciatore, and Sherman. Illos by fandom's finest. Offset, half-tone illos," "will not be sold to any type of entity under 18 years old (Sorry Lumpy...)." 1983)
- Liberating Scorpio (1995, Blake's 7, Brenda Cunningham (pub), "Open for submissions on all four series, post-Gauda Prime and alternates. No slash or "x" rated material but would love to see stories that push the envelope one way or the other. Be daring!"
- Life's Too Short to Slow Dance (Stingray) (It became a story by Rowena Warner in Thoroughbreds and the accompanying story, a Stingray/Andy Griffith teddy bear story was abandoned. )
- Limberlost (1982, gen, Starsky & Hutch, CHIPS, The Professionals, and others were considered, but the Australian editors (of The Galactican) also thought about turning it into an all Star Wars zine)
- The Little Big B7 Zine (1996, Blake's 7, supposedly not finished due Bill Hupe gafiating.)
- Little People (Land of the Giants, "It will probably be a one-shot and the deadline is April 1, 1994 for a MediaWest '94 publication. Guidelines for submission are similar to AA, and it's an anything goes proposition (as usual). This will be a good year for Giants because of the reunion movie that is in the works, so let's all renew our fondness for yet another Irwin Allen series!")
- Live and Die in Ballet Affair (Man from U.N.C.L.E., 1995, Otter Limits Press, written and illustrated by PJ Alexander)
- Live and Direct (see image on this page) ("hosted by Max Headroom", multimedia, 1989, Xenon Press, "A multi-media anything goes' zine. Accepting adult, slash, and gen material. Not only looking for Max Headroom stories but also stories from many different shows: Pros. S&H B&B, SM, DW, ST, MFU, AVE; MG, whatever your particular favorite is. Desperately need poetry, artwork, fiction, filks, cartoons, puzzles, whatever.")
- Living and Dying in 4/4 Time (Wiseguy, slash, Marion McChesney, 1996)
- Living for Today (2002, gen, multimedia, AllGen Press, 'Living for Today. Who doesn't know that phrase, now more than ever? And we all love how our favorite characters never give up, try to live fully, fight to the end. Living for Today is a multimedia zine in search of stories about your favorite fighter going not gently into that good night. The theme is: never give up, never surrender, but sometimes, that's not enough. Yes, your character must pass away. But don't let that stop you. A good cry is good for the soul. Death stories only, please, but you KNOW you have one in you.")
- London A to Zed (1995, The Professionals, "Seeking a wide variety of plots, styles, themes, and content, with a London setting. Slash preferred, but I reserve the right to accept any story I like! Emily Ross." - see flyer above)
- Lonely Soldier Boy (1992, Robotech, "A zine devoted to Lancer/Yellow Dancer/Yellow Belmont from Robotech: The New Generation/Genesis Climber Moseeada. We are currently seeking submissions of any kindony onlovely, lavender-locked lady/laddie—stories, art, poetry, song lyrics/filks—adult and slash material (in character) will also most definitely be accepted, "...let your fantasies unwind..."")
- The Loner Collected (late 1970s, Space:1999, the stories in The Loner series, Vendredi Press, see flyer above)
- The Long Leap (Quantum Leap, 1992, "No slash, but we'll look at everything else ~ missing scenes, technical articles, and lots of action/adventure stories classic to the series." -- "Still seeking two or three short to long stories, poetry and artwork. Issue already contains two stories—Sam becomes a hippie in 1967, Sam leaps into Scott Bakula in 1987 to prevent world disaster—plus several articles discussing the show and its themes stories I'd like to see—Sam during the Cold War, Sam as a teacher of inner-city youth, Sam jumping into another series' character—and I'd love to have you write them! Send an SASE for guidelines or if you'd like to see the final product. Lloann'mhrahel Press, Patience Sibeal." In July 1993: "Already includes two stories -- Sam jumps into a hippie in Haight-Ashbury; Sam jumps into Scott Bakula to prevent world destruction; plus articles reviewing and discussing the series in more detail. Need two or three long-to-short stories -- action/adventure, showing Sam in odd situations or where he must deal with both personal or groundbreaking problems -- Sam as a mechanic; Sam as a dyslexic; Sam as Agent Cooper, etc. Or, what if there was a malfunction and Sam travels past the 1900's and past America -- Sara in the Wild West, Sam as a opera singer, Sam as a French Revolutionary, etc. If any of these ideas strikes your fancy, or if you'd just like to see this zine printed, send a SASE." )
- Long Live the Three Muskateers (gen, pub: Jan Keeler, "Come join us as we protect France, the King, the Queen and each other. Alexandre Dumas' novel has been made into movies countless times, so whether you like your D'Artagnan as portrayed by Chris O'Connell, Gene Kelley, Michael York, or Don Ameche, we would like to hear from you. We welcome submissions of fiction, poetry and art from any of the movie versions of The Three Musketeers. Everyone loves a good adventure and with adventure comes a good sword fight. So let's go swashbuckling across France with Aramis and wenching with Porthos and never forget Cardinal Richelieu's plotting and scheming around every corner. Hoping to publish May 1995.")
- Long Neck and Perrier (1988, slash, Houston Knights, was to premier at IDICon, anonymous authors: "We'll give you three guesses, and they're not from Houston.")
- Looking for Love (2000, Equalizer, Unicorn Press, "need stories about any pairings in the Equalizer universe, preferably Scott and Harley")
- Loose Connections (Rat Patrol crossover anthology)
- Lord of the Jedi (1979, Star Wars, proposed by Deb Walsh)
- The Lords of Dark Secrets (1996, "second volume of the "Lords Of... series [ The Lords of Dark Secrets], accepting all original vampire fiction," Forever Knight Canada)
- Lords of Time (Doctor Who, fiction, artwork and poetry, 1983)
- Lovers and Warriors (2003, "LOTR movieverse characters only (we want to avoid the many and sundry book characters who never appeared in the film and whose inclusion in stories generally confuse the movie only LOTR fan), almost any pairing, digest sized.)" Devious Developments Press)
- The Loving Channel (2003, Devious Developments Press, slash, "Take your favorite TLC life altering reality show: While You Were Out, What Not To Wear, Trading Spaces, Better Or Worse, etc and drop your favorite slashy characters into it. Cross universes okay. DEADLINE: April 1")
- Lower Caverns Tales (Pern, "Just what does happen in the Lower Caverns?")
- Luke Skywalker's Adventyr (Star Wars, 1979, fiction zine by Jonas Soderblad, written in Swedish)
- Lunar (1980, advertised as "fandom's first regular full-sized all 1999 fanzine. Submissions are sought. For further info, s.a.s.e. Second Rate Press." Main Computer 3/1 (Oct. 1980) mentioned that the zine had died from a lack of interest)
- Lust and Harmony (2000, from Fredicated and Zortified Productions, multmedia slash, "Any fandom (except Sentinel or SW TPM). Any pairing, any genre except DD, mary sues, or excessive-torture. Also accepting art. No poetry.")