Jan Keeler

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Name: Jan Keeler
Type: fanzine publisher, convention volunteer, fan artists
Fandoms: Professionals, Hardcastle and McCormick, Simon and Simon, Stargate SG-1, Kung Fu: The Legend Continues
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Jan Keeler ran the Mediawest FanQ awards for many years and also edited and published fanzines under the name Wizard Works. In 2014, she Lorraine Anderson, and Elaine Batterby launched the website Flogging Zines, as a resource to sell, request submissions, and discuss print zines on the Internet.

In 1996, a gen Professionals story that she edited - "Puppy Love" by Joyce Strohm, won an FanQ award. The fanzine Along the Straight and Narrow also won a FanQ Award.

In 1997, her gen zine Second Story Simons 3 won a FanQ award

She passed away on June 14, 2024 in her 70s:

It is with a very heavy heart that I write to my sisters facebook friends, some of which she held in high esteem and loved. My sister, Jan Keeler, passed away on Friday.[1]


  1. ^ Mediawest: In Memoriam Jan Keeler, Post by Jan's sister public Facebook post dated June 19, 2024.