Patti Cullen

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You may be looking for Patty Hayes, the X-Files fan writer.

Name: Patti Cullen, P.L. Heyes, Patti Cullen Heyes (Mistakenly spelled as "Hayes" at times)
Type: writer, editor, publisher
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Patti Cullen is an early fan who contributed to Star Trek and Space: 1999 zines and wrote fiction and poetry in Star Wars fandom. She was also active in Classic Doctor Who fandom (winning a Zen Awards for poetry in 1986); and later in Shadow Chasers and Robin of Sherwood fandoms, publishing one zine in each. Patti also dabbled in other genres, such as The Champions and Max Headroom, and contributed to several multimedia zines. In the mid 90s and into the early 2000s, she maintained an online presence writing many stories based on Star Trek: Voyager (winning several ASC Awards between 1997 and 2002) and on Firefly, adopting two pseudonyms. Later she ventured into New Who, concentrating on the Eleventh Doctor. Now retired from writing, Patti retains an interest in various modern genres, while sometimes glancing askance at what the Internet hath wrought, and looking back fondly on the early days of Fandom.

Contrary to the previous version of this page, Patti is still alive and was not involved in X-Files fandom.
