Zebra Con/1979

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Zebra-Con, and later as Zcon and Zebra Con, was a mixed gen and slash convention held in Chicago, Illinois in the fall.

flyer for the 1979 con
flyer for the 1979 con

Zebra-Con 1 (1979)

Zebra-Con 1 was held in July 27–29, 1979 and had 60 attendees, 51 one of whom were attending members.

It was held at Holiday Inn, Chicago-West in Melrose.

The guests of honor were Linda Walter and Lorraine Bartlett.

The con raised $650 for charity.

The Program Book

cover of the program book, this was four pages long, includes a short essay by Paulie, a list of all attendees, and some thank you's

From the program book, from Paulie, one of the organizers:

I went to my first science fiction con, T'Con, on Paul Michael Glaser's birthday in 1978. That's when I got the idea -if people would come together to celebrate writers and actors of science fiction, fantasy, and horror films, why couldn't someone try to put together a con for people who have loved and devotedly watched a TV show about two cops for four years? Starsky & Hutch fandom, although I've been an SF fan since a toddler, hit me like a ton of bricks. From start to finish, I was hooked, T'Con was responsible for me finding my very first S&H fanzine Zebra Three. In speaking to the people involved with the zine I found that there were hundreds of people buying them. I put my fingers to my head, and I said - If lots of people would buy a zine about S&H, wouldn't at least a few come to a con? Well, at least a few of you have. And to those of you who have, or have supported us in other ways, have a marvelous time, enjoy, and remember, it's for our guys in the blue sneakers and the bowling shirts!

Your tired, but thoroughly fulfilled, Fearless Leader, Paulie


  • one for Hutch
  • one for Starsky
  • a writers' panel
  • a zine editing/publishing panel
  • possibly an artist's panel

The "Best Literary Accomplishments in Starsky & Hutch Fan Writing"

They were not yet called the Huggy Awards.

The winners were:

Progress Reports

There were three progress reports.

cover of either progress report #1 or #2:

"Starsk, we have reports of a crowd gathering in Melrose Park... could be a big case... some sort of cult."
"S'fine with me, buddy, as long as they don't put any rattlesnakes in the fridge."

1st Progress Report

2nd Progress Report

3rd Progress Report

  • July 15, 1979, contains 4 pages
cover of the third (and last) progress report: "You were so smug, you knew it all, you said this wouldn't happen - and it has. Zebra-Con lives!"
"You talk about smug, dirtball -nobody booked a room for us!"
  • info about roommates: "Right now we have one girl, [V B] who needs a ride and a roommate. Anyone wishing to help out can contact her."
  • Voting: "Everyone attending the con will be voting on Best Literary Accomplishments in Starsky & Hutch Fan Writing; also Best Pieces in the Art Show."
  • Program Book: " There will be a complete list of all attending and supporting members in the program book. If you do not want your address listed, you must let us know now."
  • Party: "Remember the Costume/Get Acquainted Party is Friday night. There is a possibility we will adjourn to the pool for the Starsky vs. Hutch Big Balloon-In-Your-Face Water Fight! So bring your bathing suits and water pistols, and be prepared to fight for your favorite detective."
  • Videotapes: "Yes, we have videotapes! Would you like to see "Bloodbath," "A Coffin for Starsky," "Sweet Revenge," "Starsky's Lady," "Rosie Malone," and lots of others?? The machine will be set up in one of the rooms, and tapes will probably be shown mostly at night after things quiet down. If anyone has copies of "Gillian," "Survival," "Dandruff," or "Murder Ward" or or "Moonshine," in the BETA format, please bring them!"
  • Panels: "There will be four panels Saturday afternoon - one for Hutch, one for Starsky, a writers' panel, and a zine editing/publishing panel. There may be an artists' panel if enough interest is shown."
  • Donations: "John Rondeau [sic] has donated xerox copies of three scripts: "Heavyweight," "A Body Worth Guarding," and "A Murder on Playboy Island." These will go up for auction, and proceeds will go to the charity (the National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, in case you forgot!)."
  • THREE: "Do you want you: very own "Zebra Three"?? We will be selling chances -25 cents, no limit -at registration to win our little plush zebra, named "Three. Drawing will be at the banquet, proceeds to the charity."


Art and Fiction Awards

See Huggy Awards.

The winners as reported in S&H #38:

Convention Reports

It was held in Chicago the last weekend in July. There were 66 people in attendance. We had sign-in on Friday, a get acquainted party Friday night. Saturday we had panel discussion. Banquet and art show Saturday night. Plus, a pool party - (Hutch won the tug of war.) Sunday more panel discussions and sad farewells. There were video tape machines and the S&H shows were shown all night to anyone who wanted to watch. Also, they were shown in the day time whenever enough got together who wanted to watch. Which was EVERYDAY! We all made some great lifetime friends. Until the CON, I had begun to think that I was about the only SOUL LOVER out here. There are so many more than you can imagine. We also had tables of traders, and people selling what ever on S&H that you might want to buy. LOTS OF PICTURES. Also, we had an art sale, It was so much fun. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. [1]

I have to admit to being very jealous of all those who were able to attend Z-Con. Does the next one have to be in October?!? Some of us poor people are in the process of earning their sheepskins and October is mid-term month (the agonies of which I'm currently going through.) Which brings something to mind, I feel like I'm on the young end of the spectrum. ST fandom pretty well covers all the ages, but what's the make-up of S&H fandom? I'm certainly not asking anyone to divulge their age. I think It's a lot more fun to let people guess than to tell them. But not having gone to the con, and being only letter-acquainted with a few people, I was wondering what kind of audience has grasped the special quality found In the show. [2]

Zebra Con was held at the Melrose Park Holiday Inn, July 27, 28, and 29, and was attended by about 60 of the 65 people scheduled to come. We also were proudly supported by 35 others. I suppose I should take things in order, so…..

I'll start with Thursday night; the 26th. I finally finished printing the Dirtball Dispatch, and would like to extend a very heartfelt "thank you" to Joanne and to Zort, who helped collate 'til 4 a.m. Speaking of the Dirtball, also thanks to Paula Smith and whoever else came to my room to help collate (forgive me for forgetting your name - I was on drugs! ). Also thanks to CR (you know who you are) for coming up and spooning (for those of you who don't know; spooning is a primitive - but effective - way of closing staples.).

Friday afternoon - the con begins! And so does mass confusion, due to a sudden influx of fans. Thanks to Karen and Shirley for running the registration desk so smoothly! Most of the confusion was just everybody meeting "names" - names we all knew of through fandom, but were meeting in person for the first time. Like Connie Faddis, Lorraine Bartlett, Laurie Haldeman, Jan Lindner, Teri White, and Liz Tucker - who gets first prize for chiding letters to apathetic fans. Registration was followed by a somewhat "loose" costume/get acquainted party, which was mostly everyone sitting around talking S & H. Which is what it was all about anyway! There were some hucksters already doing great business Friday, selling live photos of the boys, magazine articles and pictures, toys, and other collectors' items. Friday ended with the showing of videotapes from 9 until about 3: 30 in the morning. Thanks to Karen and Randy for bringing their machine!

Saturday morning blossomed afresh with the: opening of the dealer's room and the art show. We by no means expected the quantity of art we got - it was marvelous! Thanks Signe, for sending your beautiful pieces even though you couldn't come - see you next year! Throughout the afternoon, we had three excellent panels, and a slide show by Rita Dyan which gave us a wonderful glimpse backstage. We then adjourned to the pool for the First Annual Starsky vs. Hutch Big-Balloon-In-Your-Face Water Fight, which was won by the Hutch team - who cheated - but it was all just in fun anyway. (But wait 'til next year, Starsky fans. Sweet revenge!) (Sorry)

After the pool fight, everybody took a needed break, then came the highlight of the con - the banquet. Professional photography was donated by Bob Cortier (thanks Bob!). At the banquet, the guests of honor speeches were made, given by two shaky, shy, but marvelous ladies who have done a lot for fandom - Lorraine (Zebra Three) Bartlett and Linda (Collector Supreme) Walter. Awards were given for Best Costume (Simone...Simone...), and literary and artistic achievements in S & H fandom. Most of the awards were won by Miss Connie Faddis, who must have set off every airport alarm on her way home….

The banquet was followed by the Zebra Con Art Auction, and at this time I should like to thank everybody who contributed - artwork, scripts, zines, slides, dolls, and othersuch "for the kids." Also, a very big thank you to Paula, Joanne, (who ran the table and handled the money); all the runners; and Karen and Kyym for helping auctioneer. Couldn't have done it without ya!

The auction was over about 1, and the masochists ran off and flayed themselves with more episodes in the video room - 'til ' 4 am. *Sigh* Ain't fandom grand?

Sunday was a day both happy and sad. There was another panel, a writers' workshop, and a dead dog conference, where, I'm happy to report, it was unanimous to go for Zebra Con II - The Sequel. It was here that I announced that Zebra Con '79, the very first S & H Fandom Convention, (and hopefully not the last), made $650 for the National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse. Thank you, all. And God bless you every one.

The sad part of Sunday was the goodbyes. As always, time goes far too quickly when you're having fun.

Now, all you people out there - if this con report seems slightly sketchy and not fulfilling enough - all of you non-members of Zebra Con may purchase an in-depth review, including photos, highlights, transcripts of panels, award list, etc. in the form of the Zebra Con '79 Yearbook,[3] for the paltry sum of $1.50 (not including postage, which will be determined by size). [4]

Friday: Registration started at 1 pm, though by this point almost everyone had arrived, meeting everyone else. The hotel staff didn't understand us, and tried to charge certain of the con members more than was originally agreed on, causing a few raised voices to be heard at the main desk. Soon, however, all this was resolved and we got down to business. [Karen B] signed up people, handed out our t-shirts, and handed out badges. Some of us helped set up the dealer's room and it opened at 2.00. There were few dealers, but what merchandise they had was excellent. Linda Walter brought most of her foreign photo's and clippings from overseas magazines, which quickly sold out. Another table had live photos of Paul with a half grown beard, and a snap shot of Elizabeth, Paul's lady.

Things were moving slowly this first day, but this suited us. At 7.30, we adjourned to the Large Colonial Room to have a Get Acquainted Party. Also at this get together was the costume party. Unfortunately, it was not listed in the Program so many people didn't realise they should bring their costumes. Therefore, we three (Mary Leonhart, Ann Leonhart and Liz Tucker) easily won first place. Simon, Simon! In case you don't recognise it from the above, our costume was from BLOODBATH and the final execution scene. The water pistol fight, scheduled for this time was put off till the next day to allow the weather to warm up.

Saturday: The art room opened at 9.00 with some lovely works from the various zines. Predominately displayed were works by Connie Faddis, in attendance, and Signe Landon, unable to make it. Also on the tables were pieces by Ruth Kurz, Paulie Gilmore, for Dr. Who freaks in the audience. Since the Art Auction didn't actually start till ten that evening, everyone had plenty of time to wander in and out of the display room and make their preliminary bids.

Next on the agenda was a slide show by a special guest, Rita Dyan, who had the unique pleasure of working on the set while Starsky and Hutch was in production, and had even worked on the, set of The Rookies when David guested on it. She was able to tell us the truth about the men and their relationship off the screen as well as on, and the funny stories and odd happenings behind the scenes with both the stars and the crew. She showed unusual shots that she had taken when the men were unaware, like Paul between scenes of DANDRUFF playing his guitar, the same one loaned to David Soul for some of his publicity stills. She told how down Paul might be and how his face would light up from a joke from David or the appearance of Elizabeth with a car load of children. Each of us had long, happy hours talking to Rita about the series, learning how things really were there.

At approximately two o'clock the first panel began: THE BLOND BLINTZ PANEL with Lorraine Bartlett, Connie Faddis, Marion Hale, and Jan Lindner on it. They discussed with each other and the audience such diverse subjects as Hutch's medical background, why his attraction to weird women, his relationship with Starsky, and his guilt complex. At three was the second panel, THE DIRTBALL one, with myself, Linda Walter, Judy Maricevic, Jan Lindner, and contributions from Paulie Gilmore in the audience. Again discussed was the attraction between Hutch and Starsky, and what Starsky's background was like. We resolved one thing from these panels, never again to separate the two men. Each panel wound up discussing the other's man.

At four was the writer's panel, which I didn't attend (I was starving!) so I can't give a report on it. The dinner was at 7.30 with lots of delicious food, fine company and outrageous jokes on our guys, some of them quite raunchy! The awards were given at this time, miniature oscars. Faddis and Lindner took more than anyone else, which surprised no one. Teri's COPKILLER copped a prize, as did Jan and Judi Lindner's THE END, a sad story contained in SYNDIZINE 1. THE END was probably the most hated and best written story in the short story class. Hated because they both die in the end, and treated so well that you cry through the whole thing.

At ten was the art auction, what everyone had been waiting for. I was lucky enough to pick up two Walter cartoons, one Faddis, one Gilmore, and one Signe Landon. Not a bad haul for one evening! The Faddis was from SOLITAIRE and features both Starsky and Hutch, but the other two are originals of Starsky only. Other things besides art was auctioned off, like a 1979 Annual from England that went for $125 to Teri White after a hotly contested bidding. Replicas of Starsky's leather necklace with the foreign coins was also auctioned off, as were special books and magazines, and one advertisement for a David Soul concert in Europe that had 'Souled out' on the front. All in all, everyone went back to their rooms happy. Proceeds from the auction went to the charity of Con: The National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, suggested by THE CRYING CHILD. During all this other stuff, there were episodes being played in the room upstairs? and later a special "letter to home" a la M-A-S-H, was done for the con attendees, spoken by 'Starsky'. The vocal was emphasized by cuts from the series. Hilarious!

Sunday: At ten all the buyers at the art auction picked up their stuff and paid for it, stashing it in their rooms or carrying it around for the rest of the day. The dealer's room was open for one more perusal, but it was mostly sold out. A fanzine panel with Lorraine Bartlett, Laurie Haldeman, Jan Lindner, and Judy Maricevic on the fine art and exquisite agonies of doing your own zine was held. Cost was the biggest discussion, with selection of various methods of printing and their advantages and drawbacks.

Paulie called the remaining members together for one last meeting, in which it was voted to have another con next year (1980) with all at this one attending. There will be at least as many as the 79 Con and hopefully more.

In numbers, there were 60 attending members and 0650 raised for the charity. In all, it was a great way to spend a weekend and a deserving charity to work for. [5]


  1. ^ from Maggie Lowery in ACTV's - Partners #4
  2. ^ from S and H #4
  3. ^ it is unknown if this was ever published
  4. ^ from Blond Blintz Bulletin, was written by Paulie
  5. ^ from Lizabeth Tucker from The Striped Tomato