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Voracity's Imagining's

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Voracity's Imagining's
Author: Voracity
Dates: 1999 or before - 14 August 2004 (last update?) or later
Fandom: BtVS, Sentinel, Poltergeist: The Legacy, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Harry Potter, Soldier of Fortune, Austin Powers, Highlander, crossovers
URL: http://www.e-fic.com/%7Evoracity/
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Voracity's Imagining's was a personal slash fanfiction site. It had separate pages for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Sentinel, Poltergeist: the Legacy, Joxer, crossovers, miscellaneous fandoms, and kinks.

The site used to be hosted by GeoCities and later by Tripod before moving to a different location. It was linked as Voracity Slash Fan Fiction at Ultimate Slash Links[1].

main page, Tripod version of the site (2001)

Buffy, the Vampire Slayer

Individual Shorter Stories

Study Break Xander needs a study break, his lovers help out. Written for the suffering listmommy NC-17, x/o/m, use of toppings.

The Great God Robitussin Xander is sick and Giles and Spike take care of him. NC-17, Buffy, X/G, X/S

Bruised But Not Licked A bad bruise that makes it hard for someone to sit causes good complications in life, and sometimes bad. NC-17 Giles/Xander. (warning: violence)

Detective Work Xander and Ray have to go into my head to find a missing lesson. A preview of what I was working on. (Warning? Attempted humor) NC-17, Sen, Buffy/due South X-over, j/b, x/o/ray k.

Being Together Spike finds someone to fix the chip and the consequences of the price have far reaching ramifications. Buffy/Forever Knight X-over, small x-over into Angel. Spike/Lucien LaCroix, Lucien/Xander, Xander/Giles/Oz, Lucien/Xander/Oz, Lucien/Nick Knight. (warnings: possibly season four of Buffy/season one of Angel (in minimal quantities) and GRAPHIC blood play here during feedings and turnings. Death story) NC-17, for sex and kink, see notes.

How I became a Groupie, POV story about Xander and what I see as his roadtrip (not in line with canon version, written before I knew he got stranded). NC-17, X/O/Devon.

The Foretold One. Xander has to help a prophecy along by being a diversion. (MPREG, barely. No actual looks at pregnant men, but a birth scene.) Set a few years down the road. PG

Saving the Fantasies. Xander is tapped to save the adult side of Fantasia from the violence rips. R, gender switching

Matters of Necessity and Duty.Dark Fic. Xander has to save the day after getting visions of what Angelus is doing to his town. The price, though, is a killer. (serious ANGST and CHARACTER DEATH) NC-17, to be safe, for violence.

Choosing Life. (former Buffy zine story) Xander has to make a hard decision for his friend, whether or not to ask for him to be turned. PG

War. A different take on the 'Xander as Ares' assistant and 'how Strife comes back' story lines. This time, things aren't quite what you expect them to be. NOT A HAPPY STORY! Written long before 9/11, sorry if it offends but I'm still putting it out. Yes, this is a warning, you may not like how I portray certain world leaders. Please consider this before reading it. R, to be safe.

Care and Dancing. Xander finds something that makes him happy. The beginnings of a 'ship. Fomerly found in Xander's Choice, August 2000. G

Crash Test Dummy For Spells. Willow's misspoken spell has some very...odd consequences. R, to be safe.

Why Xander Should NEVER Drink. Xander decides to cheer Anya up by going to her favorite shop and getting his nipple pierced. Big surprise, but it doesn't quite work out that way. PG. 11 pages.

Knowledge Isn't Always Healthy For You. Xander's temporary job is a little odd. Death of an OC character. PG. Odd story, definitely. 22 pages

Big Guy. Xander's getting messages from...the Big Guy in his pants pockets. 4pgs. G. Xander/Spike. Definite Humor warning

Perchance to Dream. Willow is suffering from visions of a past life with two men. She finds them and makes them hers. Rare het-smut. Definitely NC-17, possibly X. Read to find out pairings. Single character crossover.

I Get You. Xander is infected with a demon's desire to help defeat the newest evil while in LA. G. Xander/Wesley. Note: Post season seven. I assume that everyone stayed in LA for a while. I personally refused to watch the end of that season, it made me break out in hives.

The Life. Vignettes of a different Xander, a deadlier and stronger Xander. R for violence. Based on a challenge BigBucks gave out years ago. Slight crossover, not like my usual.

Individual Longer Stories

The Price They Paid: Giles leaves on vacation and things start to go to Hell, literally for one person. (Xander/Oz, Willow/Other, Diana Tregarde/Andre (implied)) X-over: Buffy/Mercedes Lackey Jinx High. Warning: het and slash sex involved/implied. Note: Answer to BigBuck's challenge to merge Buffy and Diana Tregarde from Jinx High. Setting: Somewhere after Oz turns fuzzy, but before the illicit smoochies and Buffy leaves. Angelus is here though, for a while. This is part 1 of a two parter, guys, and I'm working on the second part. NC-17

Heroes Anonymous. X/Hephie/'Dite, Strife/Cupid, Herc/Xena/Buffy. Xander has to fight for what he was given, love. Through it all, his real friends and lovers stand beside him and help him through the traumas that happen. NC-17 maybe, some violence warnings possibly.

With Friends Like These, Who Needs A Normal Life? The fivesome has to go through some more hoops before they're legal. Dawn runs into a few problems of her own as she devotes herself to Cupid. Please read warning at top of the story. NC-17, followup to Heroes Anonymous.

I'm Bored! The Massive X-over: The Godly twins from Assistance decide they want to play with other kids and create a massive plane and portals. Everyone gets confused. (Comes with a chart of who went where; many thanks to Sharon for making this pretty). G, pretty muchly.

Having Fun While Dealing With The Practicalities Of Life. Xander finds his niche in life, doing demon porn. NC-17, with possible squick warning for later sex scenes

Bringing The Group Together. An AU version of the first year of adulthood, seen from Xander's apartment and insecurities. Will the rest of the group give him what he needs or will he push them away in some version of protecting them from the consequences of his life. My very first Buffy story, written way back when. Please read notes. S/X, O/W, B/W, O/X, GILES/JOYCE, B/X, W/X and in talking about A/S.: NC-17 In five parts, with link back at the end.]]

Limited Series

Three Part, Unnamed, Finished Series:

Finding the Whole Friend Xander has a secret that Oz has to find out and then they figure out where to go from there. PG-13, X/O implied.

Succubus Dreams Xander's father makes a bad deal for him. PG-13, X/O implied

Finding the Right Fit Xander discovers some things about himself and makes an important decision. PG-13, X/O implied

Four Part Limited Series: Atonement (From early reviews, I've been told that this series was *different*, and the person who betas for me said she'd probably not ever be able to say if she liked it or not, but she would remember it. Some very strange stuff happens in here. Basically, someone had to be Dru.) PG, somewhat dark and not suitable for children.

I Was Lucky, It Didn't Eat Me. Xander runs to Wesley for some help after the Scoobies are gone.

Mental Screwings. We find out more about what happened to Xander and the Sunnydale group

Reunions Of The Bad Sort. Xander finally does what the voices want, and changes because of it, setting off a shift in the cosmic order

Cosmic Musical Chairs. Cosmic positions are rearranged and refilled.

Dark And Stormy: Xander's life is changed by a spell. Xander/Oz, Spike. G.

Pain! Prelude to the Series, early in the pregnancy.

Dark and Stormy Night. The night after the birth, the gang meets Tyler and some complications arise from the mother.

The Out Of Towners. Spike telling how Xander and Oz had gotten together.

Series Links

New Things Series: A crossover with the Sentinel Universe. Xander is given a drug by the Initiative, and someone comes to help him deal with his new senses.

Buffy/P:tL xover, the Alignment Series. The Scooby Gang finds new friends and allies in a house in San Francisco, and the society it contains. Their lives are changed forever by becoming members. It brings some closer, sends some off the edge, and many new things are learned as they grow up.

The Destiny's Childe Series: A Buffy AU series, focusing on Xander as he learns how to use the abilities someone unlocks for him.

The Family Series: A Buffy AU, resting on two AU principles: the first story line relates one and the other is that Faith did more to Xander before Angel stopped her (season 3 spoilers, to a little extent). A X/other, X/G (gen and not), O/W, X/O, W/B, etc. series, starting at PGish and moving upwards.

The GHSS series. Xander finds himself, and learns exactly what it means to be a member of the Greedy Hedonistic Slut's Society.

Dreamverse: A New series, where everything has changed and nothing is as it ever was before. All because of a sneeze. This is a multi-verse crossover with multiple pairings. Starting out: Strife/Methos, Blair/Rain (OFC), Xander/Philip, but who knows where everyone's going to end up.


Huh? Blair helps Jim destroy a fundamental illusion of life. Jim/Blair, R- on the safe side, 30.3k (the title is a direct quote.

Jim Finds Blair Some Songs: Just what the title says. Jim/Blair, G, 9k

Oh, NO!! See Blair almost panic as another thing happens to him in class. Jim/Blair, PG, 14.5k

Milky Way Fantasies: Someone sent the bullpen a box of drug-laced candybars that give them fantasies. You'll never guess what some of them are (I admit to being under the influence of no sleep in days when I wrote this. Fair warning!!!!) NC-17 and probably higher, Everyone involved, 45.3k

In the Kingdom of the Warrior King: Two stories in one, the first is an AU set back in one of those Pre-Christian fairy tale kingdoms, and well the second, you just have to read to understand J/B, J/S, B/m, J/B/m, NC-17 to be safe, some angst. PLease read notes included with the story.

Toys: Blair has a problem, Jim fixes it, but will it bring them closer together or.... NC-17, J/B, B/S

Watch Me, Play With Me, Help Me: Their first night together. B/S, NC-17

Coming Together Again: My fix for S2P2 before I saw it. Blair is gone and Jim is lost in himself. Can Blair come back and save them both? NC-17, J/B, lots of angst

Jim Gets A Boo-Boo: Jim's head injury leads to some....strange behaviors. J/B, R

Precious Bundle: Blair gets an unexpected delivery. R, j/b

Joining the Two: They travel to Peru as a family to bond. Sequel to Precious Bundle. R, J/B.

Together: They're married, and the wedding is almost interrupted. Sequel to Joining the Two. R, J/B.

The Family ( Addam's Family 1): Jim meets some of Blair's distant relatives. PG-13, humor, j/b

House Sitting (Addam's Family, part 2): Blair goes to house sit. PG-13, small humor.

Growing Up (Addams Family 3): PG. Wednesday is growing up and making plans for her future.

Addams Family - The College Years. Side story to series - heavily buffy. PG-13, nudity, B/X/O

Fairytale Series

Finding Home: Blair finds his father, a little too late. Pre-slash, J/B. R for graphic bodies

Fitting In: Blair and his Step-father get closer until he has an accident. Death of orig. Character. R J/B

Learning to Cope: Blair and Jim work together to keep the store going. Naomi shows up with a surprise. PG-ish. J/B, Simon/Naomi

Making it Work: They work on Naomi's little problem and we learn more about it. Oh, yeah, and they have a small incident with the truck. PG-ish, J/B, S/N.

Poltergeist: the Legacy

A show about paranormal researchers in San Francisco, Poltergeist: the Legacy is sci-fi/fantasy - occasionally bordering on horror. The Legacy is a worldwide organization that has been around since the beginning of time to combat the forces of evil that plague man. Many houses exist but the show, and most of my stories, are about the San Francisco house and its in habitants.

So join Derek, their Precept, and his colleagues Nick, Alex, Rachel, and occasionally Kristen as they fight evil and sudden attraction for their housemates.

Note: I do not make a claim on the characters represented here or in the stories linked below. I have no copyright title and plan no infringement to the people who do. I do not make a claim about the actors or the wishes of the production staff, they who are no longer together, nor do I wish to be sued by such people.


Old Stories, mostly not beta'd, fair warning, and from when I first started to write.

Boredom Nick gets bored and Derek fixes it for him. N/D, PWP, 5K

Coming Out Nick and Derek come out to the house. little angst, PWP, 25k

I Can't take this anymore! Alex can't take anymore of her class. Alex (f), PWP, 3.5k

Girls Night Out The women of the house go out for an evening on the town after the men go away. A/K/R, PWP, 17k

Oh, my How Humiliating A couple at the house celebrate an anniversary with their friends. PG, funny, 7k

Learning Curve Nick is found getting lessons on how to please his lover. N/D, PWP, 15K

New Beginnings A new arrival at the house spells changes, also a new assignment, and the relationship between the men changing. (NC-17, N/D/P, Drama/Romance, lots of angst, esp. Nick angst. 298K)

Oh, my The butler helps Derek and Nick along, or does he. PWP, 5k

A Peaceful Night at home, at last Nick and Derek spend a quiet moment at home. N/D, PWP, 11k

The Sight Kat asks some questions about Nick and Derek's relationship, and they find out she has a special problem. N/D, Romance, little angst, 16k

Sick Leave (Or Nick Leave Those Poor Men Alone - a Rachel title) Nick visits his sick men in the hospital after a routine injury (at least for them). N/D/P, PWP, 21k {{{Written for my sick listsibs.}}}

Sore Feet For some reason, Nick is getting Alex's PMS. Watch Derek deal with it. N/D, PWP, 8k

Nick Meets the Three Stooges The stooges show Nick what life really means. PG - implied, humor, 13k

Let's Celebrate: A happy and tender D/N piece, no sex.

The Writing Demon Alex's writing demon rears it's head in the house, prompting Nick and Derek to figure it out. N/D, first time, sweet. 18k

Valentine's Day Depressions Philip gets a new assignment, some old ghosts show up, and they learn about Derek's past. {{{Valentines Chall.}}} 51.5k N/D/P, small non-con warning (in memory)

New Stories: (beta'd by Mary and/or Dine, who are just great people to put up with me, or my Kaiya, who I corrupted to Slash.)

Nightmares and Illnesses Nick and Philip are sick and they hallucinate to old tv shows. N/D/P, R

        part 1              part 2                part 3

No More, Please! Blair has Derek tell him a story to cure his bad day xover with sen : D/BS, NC-17

Kat Presents Freud (NC-17, D/N/P) Katherine's presentation on Freud's Ego Development Theory turns out to be thought provoking.

A Bedtime Story For Sarah. Alex interrupts Nick's free time and Derek intervenes. A story to help Sarah get to sleep. (PG, N/D)

Coincidence? Not! The people at the house are reminded that there is no such thing as a coincidence for them. Notes: Set ten to fifteen or so years down the road. Contains Philip as a priest. This is a cross over with the Sentinel (almost), also set well out of their timeline. (G/PG, Philip/f, Nick/Derek, done last summer (99))

Unicorn Series

Strange Visitors. (G) A strange visitor comes to Derek's dreams to tell him something about Nick.

Seemore's Strange Side-paths. (G) The Legacy's Unicorn helps Kat come out to her mother, and to her future girlfriend.

Three of a Kind Series

A N/P/A(/D eventually and xover with Sentinel) AU. They were brought together by a strange new perfume, but the consequences are not so little. Most are NC-17 in nature, except the first two, who are all in rememberance.

Possession: Alex's new perfume creates some new and interesting problems in the house. (16.5k, N/P/A)

Testing the New Skills: The morning after, and when they learn about the bond. (22k, N/P/A, small angst)

Another Place, Another Time: They go to a cabin in the woods to learn more and to make the bond grow stronger. Some new things are learned along the way about an old bond, and why it's not good to resist (59.5k, N/P/A, some angst.)

Reality is Strange (or who let her in the medicine chest): The short morning after piece. Alex takes some aspirin and has a reaction that spreads in an interesting way. (12k, N/A/P)

Fighting It To The End: The trip home, and part of their first night back. They learn just how deep into the link Derek really is. (75k, N/A/P, D)

Resolution: Alex is kidnaped, they find Derek's place in the bond, and Nick learns what it all means. (NC-17, D/N/A/P and J/B (small crossover with the Sentinel))

The More Things Change....: A week after the super epilogue in Res.. And an AI appears, Blair sets up an educational system and the kids go nuts. (NC-17, D/N/A/P and J/B (crossover with the Sentinel).)

Changes in the Wind: Katerine's activities with the older children is discovered and Jim/Blair make it official. Kids feed the spirit guides. (R, D/N/A/P and J/B.)

The Many Kinds Of Joxer: (Herc)

The Many Kinds of Joxer.

The muses seem to like him and I must obey the muses' wishes. As they have many versions of how they see Joxer, so are they shown below. Please heed the warnings where given.

All updates are marked with a *.

Realizing. (PG, gross descriptions of wound, Warning: Death Story, but a gentle one at the right time.) Joxer's arm wound brings him to his family. He realizes why he's him, someone else realizes why he's him.

Let Me Make You Happy: Prequel to Once Upon a Kitty. How Strife and Joxer meet up and why they're together

Once Upon a Kitty: Bliss causes mischief as only he can for his grandfather and some mortals to ease his father's suffering. NC-17, Strife/Joxer, Ares/Iolaus/Cupid

An Old Family Matter. Joxer, as a youth, was given an blessed sword to make him a better warrior. A look into his former life and his future as he fights for his family's way of life.

Why Me, Gaia!!?!! Strife's daughter proves to be more than the House of War can handle.

Prophecies Suck! (Or, alternately, Oops, Sorry! Didn't Mean To Get You, Sweetie!)Aphrodite enacts a prophecy and catches some others in it by accident.

That Little White Bottle. Joxer finds Xena's stash of little white pills and then finds out why Ares gave them to her.

Politics Of War. Ares decides to give some of his warlords a toy. Iolaus is called in to talk to one of the cadets, as is Joxer.

Protecting The Family Interests. Jace is in trouble so his family, brothers and extended, have to go help him.

No, No, No. Joxer's father sends for him because it's time for his arranged marriage. (One of the people on my list did tell me that something in this story bothered her, so I will warn you that this is a story about arranged marriages and breeding for the family line.)

I Made Joxer The Mighty! Jace demands his grandmother take her curses off the triplets

The Fate Of Many Will Be Decided By The Bored One. Cupid's desperate for a sitter and talks the Fates into it. Of course, Bliss wants to play with the pretty colors.

Bet Me You Will! Joxer, and his three sides, have to stop the Twilight before he looses all his family. Slight Angst Warning! Authors Notes: I'm screwing with the timeline some. You'll see why soon enough. Spoilers for (sorry, don't know names): the first ep. with Joxer and Callisto, the Baccae ep., the Cleopatra ep., the one where Strife dies.

Finding Your Path. Jett and Iolaus find their path after Xena causes problems. Author's Notes: Set sometime after the whole "Way" fiasco, but before the baby travesty. Yeah, Hercules is stuck up. Prequel to Heroes Anonymous - which is on the Buffy page with its sequel.

Family Thing. Strife figures out what's missing in his life, he needs his own muses. So he creates them. PG-13 to be safe. 15 pages.

Goddess D'Nalia (d'nalia/ares, d'nalia/strife): our beloved friend as a misplaced, pregnant goddess who's being helped by the House of War. 17 pages. R, maybe

Child of a son. Iolaus is given the most precious task of raising a child correctly for the Gods. Will she turn out okay or like Xena? PG for some mild swearing.

Lottery Strife is given the task of finding a new Warlord while Ares is on vacation NC-17 to be safe.

The Many Worlds Of Crossovers: HP and Assorted Xovers

Curses and Foils Again Universe (Crossover HP/Buffy/etc)

The Miscellaneous Worlds Page

Cross Overs

Proving Him Wrong: (Austin Powers/due South) R, Scott/Austin, Benny/Both Rays. Scott decides to get back at his father using Austin.

A Change of Plans: (SoF/Sentinel) Jim has to leave Blair for an assignment but things quickly get out of hand, forcing Blair to save his love.

New Home Teams: (PG) The first mission of the new VCTF LA team. How Sam gathers her teammates and their first case. (This is the Blair and Sam from the Family Series, to avoid possible confusion <G>, and their series)

Getting Everything Settled Into Its Proper Place. Profiler Xover 2: A new serial killer brings the last member to the team and brings Blair some peace.

Cross Over Series

Assistance Series:

A Hercules/Buffy Crossover, focusing on Xander/Ares, Oz/Giles, and how it came to be.

Part 1: Disappearing From View: (NC-17, but no actual sex, Xander/Ares). Xander leaves Sunnydale and runs into some trouble, someone saves him and demands his assistance for it. (Warnings: Just take this one and the next one on face value, the third one starts to explain things, these are basically a 'setting the story lines up' story.)

Part 2: GodWar 1: Gathering the Troops Together: (NC-17. Pairings: Xander/Ares, Jim/Blair, Giles/Oz, Daniel/Jack) GodWar has begun and they have to brief the troops and get them started. (Warnings: This is a 'set-up' story and needs to be taken on face value. Later stories will explain the inconsistencies so please be patient until the next GodWar part comes out.)

Part 3: Title: Reviews of Past Accomplishments: (PG-13) Xander fixes Oz's furry problem and Oz gets to see some of the events that made Ares and Xander the couple they are.

Part 4: GodWarII: Protectors: (NC-17, X/A, G/O) A pretty full story. Xander's Protector status comes under discussion, we meet a Xander from the past, and Xander tries to find Strife. Oh, and they have to fix a paradox before another Twilight happens.

Part 5: Gods and Lessons. (NC-17, X/A, O/G, X/A/O/G, Strife/Cupid) Things start to settle down in the land of the Gods, once Xander gets lessons on how to be Godly from Strife.

Part 6: Consensus, Concerns, and Counting. (NC-17, to be safe (aborted sex scene), X/A/G/O) Dahak has Xander, the Census is starting, and Athena has to plan.

Part 7: Poor Baby: Xander's sick, poor baby, and things just don't go his way. Even when Ares and Strife go watch his pawns for him.

Part 8: Oh, Boy, Did They Screw Up! : (NC-17, X/O): Xander's new job helps him go to a whole new level. Ares has a *really* bad day, then Xander loses something dear to him.

Austin Powers

Series: Mental Torture (Or the I'm Better at Mind Fucks Than You Are) Series

Paybacks are a Bitch. (a very tame G, for now) Scott gets back a little of his own, and proves a point to his father.

Interesting Revelations (Still PG) Scott shows more of his hand. Warnings: my humor muse? Maybe?

Smiley Faces Are Dangerous Scott's new family is found out and we find out more about Chastity.


Realizing. (PG, gross descriptions of wound, Warning: Death Story, but a gentle one at the right time.) Joxer's arm wound brings him to his family. He realizes why he's him, someone else realizes why he's him.


Healing the Hurting Words (Control): Richie needs help getting away from Duncan.

Soldier of Fortune

Individual Stories:

Finding the Perfect Spot to Put it: (NC-17, Benny Ray/Matt) Benny Ray needs help finding a spot to put it.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell: (PG, Deke (who is played by Dennis Rodman for those who don't know)/Matt) Just a silly little thing.

Unnamed Series: (R unless noted.) Benny Ray/Nick, Margo/Other. 1) Trust: Nick's dream leads to finding a problem for the whole team.

2) Breaking Away: Nick's left the group, Margo and Deke go to find him and get him some help.

3) Hiding Again: Nick's brought back to Hermosa Beach. Benny Ray has to deal with Nick's problem now.

4) Truth: (set between ending and epilogue of part 3). The Team finds out why they were bugged and has to go rescue someone. Small crossover with SpyGame. Technically, there is a story that will go here, but it is not written yet.

5) Old Lives: (set about eight months after epilogue of part 3). Nick has a strong reaction to a case and goes back to his old, undercover lifestyle, much to the pain of Benny Ray.

Thieves' Paradise Series (Lupin the 3rd/Buffy) * 08/14/2004

Kinks Page

Welcome to Dark Desires

my kinks page

This page is full of the darker sides of my writing demon, my muse, the creature that whispers stories to me while I try to sleep. Here you will find all the little kinks, the good, the bad, and the painful. Enter if you dare, but beware, the contents are not only graphic but are extreme in some cases. This is the only warning you will receive!

Here resides the twisted offspring of my muse, ones that I could not refuse. This is where the sex flows like water in a river, where all facets of your sexuality can be explored. This is where there are people that like to be hurt, others that have fetishes, and still more that are exploring their own dark natures. Enjoy, if you dare. Close your eyes if you must. Grab someone for support or pleasure if it is your will.

All stories are marked as to content and/or kink, so please heed them.

Secret Lives: (Buffy. nc-17, X-demon. X-O, violence, semi consensual activity) The group finds out exactly what sort of contribution Xander makes to the town's well-being and exactly what he can do.

Blood Lust: (Buffy. NC-17, X-W, X-O, O-W, pseudo-bestiality, n-c, blood) WIllow's period brings out the worst in her, and she makes Xander join her.

The Things Your Mind Can Make You Do: (Buffy. NC-17, O-X-G. n/c, pseudo-bestiality, enemas, some bondage, some food) Xander is programmed and his mind makes him do things.

Becoming One: (NC-17) Summary: I can't, just read it. Just try it, you'll see. Notes: This is not in any fandom, nor is it original. This is meant to be applicable to any pairing in any fandom, just pick your favorite men and put them here.


  1. ^ USL: Q-Z, via Wayback: 05 April 2001. (Accessed 15 October 2016)