Grip/Issues 36-40

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Issues 001-005 Issues 006-010 Issues 011-015 Issues 016-020 Issues 021-025 Issues 026-030 Issues 031-035 Issues 036-040 Issues 041-045 Issues 046-051

Title: Grip
Publisher: Other World Books
Editor(s): Roberta Rogow
Date(s): 1978-1996
Medium: print zine, fanfic
Fandom: multimedia
Language: English
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Grip is a gen multimedia anthology of fiction, art, poetry, and commentary edited by Roberta Rogow.

There were 51 issues published.

The series had an emphasis on Star Trek and Star Wars.

Rogow created this zine series to encourage and highlight fans who did not have a lot of previous experience creating fanworks.

Rogow was very out-spoken in her her mission to keep "Grip's" material G, or mildly PG, rated, and the title, "Grip," was a poke at Grup, a sexually explicit Trek zine.

Some regular features were the editorial ("The Editor Shoots Her Mouth Off"), fanzine ads ("Backscratching Department"), and letters of comment ("Air-LoC"), the last two spelled a variety of ways.

Issue 36

front cover of issue #36, Pat Posadas
back cover of issue #36, Anna Parrish

Grip 36 was published in July 1990 and contains 64 pages.

The art is by Pat Posadas, by Anna Parrish, Jackie Hecht, Kevin McCraney, Brenda Perry, Tina Schinella, Henry Smith, Jr., and Gennie Summers.

From the editorial:

Here we are again: GRIP #36! How Time does fly! It's been over ten years since I started this fanzine, and I'm glad to say I've succeeded in what I set out: to do; to give beginning writers and artists a showcase for their work. Some of the people who started with me in GRIP have "graduated" and become professional writers and artists, and some have just continued as Fans. As for me…I'm working madly on my Big Book: "Futurespeak: The Language of Science Fiction." It was supposed to be just a Dictionary, but it seems to be turning into a lot more than that. "Futurespeak…" takes a lot of work, and a lot of Time, which is the subject of today's lecture. Not just how much Time is spent on writing, although Lord knows, I've been spending plenty of it lately. More to the point is the way time elapses in stories, and what we have to do about it. Most of the people who write for GRIP are used to TV or movie storytelling. The camera tells you where you are, and various screening devices tell you how you got there. However, in written fiction there is no camera. YOU have to explain where you are,and you have to account for the time it took to get there. Many SF TV series have some kind of transporter device that gets the characters from here to there so that the story can get going. Those nifty bracelets on "Blake's Seven", for instance, or the transporter on Star Trek are there solely to keep things moving. However, once you are down on the planet, it is going to take some time to get from the Palace at Shikar to the Plains of Gol, and you had better allow for this shift of scenery in your story. Let the reader know where we are, and give us time to get there.

  • The Editor Shoots Her Mouth Off (1)
  • Mayday from a Phanton by Tina Schinella (3)
  • A Wreath of Loneliness, poem by Anna Parrish (28)
  • Bev is Back, filksong by Brenda Shaffer (30)
  • Picard's Lament, poem by Lori Scott (32)
  • When No Man Has Gone Before by Pete Kalash (34)
  • Data, the Marvelous Toy, filksong by Cicatrice du Veritas (59)
  • Man is the Measure (of All Machines) by Debbie Gilbert (60) (reprinted in Data Entries #34/35)

Issue 37

front cover of issue #37, Gennie Summers
back cover of issue #37, Gennie Summers

Grip 37 was published in November 1990 and has 68 pages.

The art is by Gennie Summers, Jackie Hecht, David Hillman, Pat Posadas, Melody Rondeau, Chris Schinella, Gennie Summers and Patricia Young.

From the editorial:

I’ve been getting stories both in the "Classic" and "New Generation" mode that involve Klingons...which is the subject of Today’s Lecture. When Gene Roddenberry invented the Klingons in 1966, they were described as "the Mongol Hordes with ray guns". They were supposed to be the all-purpose Enemy, who could be trotted out whenever one was needed. "Errand of Mercy" saw the first (but not the last) appearance of the Klingons: vicious warriors, who thought nothing of executing helpless civilians to impose ruthless order on what they considered a conquered population. They were swarthy, bearded nasties...and they captured the Fannish imagination in ways that the Great Bird never imagined. There were at least three variants on the Klingon culture. One of best was the "Nu Ormenel" series of Fern Marder and Carol Walske which set a Human woman into the middle of Klingon culture. The "Kershu Fighter" stories involved another Human woman and a Klingon martial arts master. Even my own "Dirty Nellie" found brief happiness in the arms of a Klingon lover. With the New Generation and the emergence of Worf we are seeing a resurgence of interest in Klingons, beyond the simple "bugaboo" stage. Just as the popular sentiment has gone beyond the "us vs. them" mentality of the Cold War, so has the public perception of the Klingon gone beyond the ready-made villain aspect. Fans are intrigued by the bits of Klingon culture revealed in ST:NG episodes. Several Klingon-oriented fan clubs and fanzines have been organized in the last few years... Why this delight in Klingon deviltry and destructiveness? Anyone who lives near or must work in an inner-city neighborhood has no illusions about anarchy or violence; they live with it every day. Our newspapers are full of the dangers of random violence. Still, there is something attractive about acting out ones aggressions through a Klingon persona. Maybe we could try to persuade the street gangs to give up their weapons and join in the Klingon Strike Force? Oh well, it was a thought!

  • The Editor Shoots Her Mouth Off (1)
  • The King and I and Him and Her.. by Anna Parrish (TOS) (2)
  • Amazing Grace by Halsey Taylor (TOS) (8)
  • A Shipboard Wedding by Michelle Perry (TOS) (21)
  • Picture Yourself by Dan Crawford (22)
  • Captain Kirk's Last Entry by Ronald W. Angel, poem (28)
  • The Fruitcake Glory by Stephen Mendenhall (TOS) (29) (editor notes it "appeared in a different form elsewhere")
  • The Revenge of the Snarks by Joe Foster, poem (36)
  • Meetings of Minds by Debbie Gilbert (TNG) (37)
  • The Naked Now-and-Then by Guinn Berger (TNG)
  • The Naked Now-Now-and-Then by Guinn Berger (41)
  • To Whom It May Concern by Lori Scott, poem (50)
  • Dateline: Enterprise by Barbara Robertson (TNG) (51)
  • The Reluctant Rebel by Roberta Rogow (65)
  • Backscratching Page (68)

Issue 38

front cover of issue 38, Jackie Hecht
back cover of issue #38, Vel Jaeger

Grip 38 was published in February 1991 and is 69 pages long.

The majority of the zine is a Batman novella. This issue has no letters of comment.

The art is by Jackie Hecht, Vel Jaeger, Jackie Hecht, David Hillman, Pat Posadas, Tina Schinnella and Gennie Summers.

  • The Editor Shoots Her Mouth Off (1)
  • Eurydice by John Fallon, Jr. (Star Trek: TNG) (2)
  • Mission to Aungrim by Barbara Robertson (Star Trek: TNG) (5)
  • Data's Choice by Jennifer Kamper (Star Trek: TNG) (29)
  • Crossed Wires, poem by Teresa Sarick (Doctor Who) (35)
  • Bat-Runes, novella by Nancy Scott Damren (mistyped as "Damien" in the zine) (35)

Issue 39

front cover of issue #39, Christine Schinella
back cover of issue #39, Gennie Summers

Grip 39 was published in July 1991 and is 69 pages long.

The art is by Christine Schinella, Gennie Summers, Nola Frame-Gray, Kate Landis, Pat Posadas, Roberta Rogow, Melody Rondeau, and Pat Young.

From the editor:

Two-score and five years ago, Gene Roddenberrylet loose upon this world a television program so unusual that it was almost doomed before it even got on the air. It pre-supposed a future in which men and women of all the ethnic groups of Earth could co-operate with beings of other planets, to everyones’ mutual benefit, a future in which a hardy group of Earth-born explorers could go "where no man has gone before". This vision of Gene Roddenberry’s was called "Star Trek", and when first saw it all those years ago, I was instantly hooked. Here was a television drama, set in the future, that didn’t depend on cutsy robots or super-villains to make its point...a multi-racial cast, with a mysterious Alien, a Black woman, an Oriental, and a red-blooded American Hero at the helm of a spaceship, leapfrogging across the stars. Stories on "Star Trek" dealt with monsters (who turned out to be mothers defending their young), or technology (not always on the side of Progress), or tolerance for other sentient species, in other words, this was TV for grown-ups. In that dim, far-off time, I didn’t even know about Fandom. I just watched the show...and cheered when it was reprieved, not once, but twice! And I watched the re-runs...and the re-runs...and then I heard about Conventions...and Fanzines... And here we are, 25 years later, and I’m still watching "Star Trek", in the "Classic" and "Movie" and now, "Next Generation" modes. And the Mundanes, those poor souls who are not in fandom, ask "Why?" "Star Trek" still holds up, most of the time, because the dramatic values are THERE. "Star Trek" was a well-written, well-acted, well-produced dramatic series, and it still is. The money goes into the writing and acting, not just the flashy Special Effects. The moral and ethical basis of the "Star Trek" Universe still means something, even though Jean-Luc Picard is less inclined to meddle with affairs of planets for their own good, in the manner of James T. Kirk.

  • The Editor Shoots Her Mouth Off (1)
  • The Match by Joe Foster (TOS) (3)
  • Confessions of an Addict, poem by D. A. Martin (9)
  • Come Into My Parlor by Carol Hansen (TOS) (11)
  • Kirk's Crisis by Michelle Perry (17)
  • Just Once by Teresa Sarick, poem (19)
  • Safety First by M.L. Perkins (TOS) (20)
  • Generational Flow by Dan Crawford (TNG) (24)
  • ST:TNG cartoons by Nola Frame-Gray (30)
  • Slexus IV by Halsey Taylor (TNG) (33)
  • At the Convention by Kelly Robbins (TNG) (39)
  • Good-Bye by Montgomery Lopez (47)
  • In Mind (Trapped In My Story) by Arby James (53)
  • I Want a Whiskey Voice Like Princess Leia, filk by Susan Smith (52)
  • The Queen and the Killer by Roberta Rogow (59)
  • Backscratching Page (64)
  • front cover by Christine Schinella, back cover by Gennie Summers, other art by Nola Frame-Gray, Kate Landis, Pat Posadas, Roberta Rogow, Melody Rondeau, Christine Schinella, Gennie Summers and Pat Young

Issue 40

front cover of issue #40, Kate Landis
back cover of issue #40, Gennie Summers

Grip 40 was published in November 1991 and is 64 pages long.

The art is by Rafael Benitez, Mary Chmielewski, Kate Landis, Pat Malone, W.C. Pope, Roberta Rogow, Gennie Summers, Benson Lee, and Pat Young.

From the editorial:

People have been kvetching to me about Fandom, how it's changed since the Good Old Days. Well, I've been around for a looooong time (as Fandom goes) and I've seen other Fandoms come and go: Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Blake's Seven, Dr. Who, the Prisoner...but Star Trek has managed to outlast all of them. There are more fanzines out there now than there have ever been before. New fans are searching the resale boxes to pick up on what they missed out on. Bill Hupe has gotten reprint rights on some of the grand old 'zines like Masiform-D. The "Next Generation" is not shouldering out the "Classic", not by a long chalk, and now Paramount is starting to weave both halves into a harmonious whole, so that we'll soon have a "Star Trek Universe." What happens next? Who knows? I wouldn't even try to guess, not after the events of the Summer of '91. We won the Cold War, there was a "Coup Klutz Clan", and the Evil Empire is rapidly disintegrating into its component parts. There won't be a World War III, unless it's started by Saddam Hussein in a fit of pique....and Khan Noonian Singh seems to be safely locked up in Afghanistan.

  • The Editor Shoots Her Mouth Off (1)
  • Listen to the Wind by Michele Perry (Spock story) (3)
  • His Love, poem by Teresa Sarick (6)
  • Blinking Lights, filk by Ann Louise Fallon (7)
  • Captain's Personal Log, Earthdate December 24, poem by Debbie Chilton (8)
  • Vega IX Landing, poem by Dan Crawford (10)
  • From Another Life by Nancy Damren (Klingon story) (13)
  • We are Klingons, poem by Pamela Wetzel (24)
  • Pie in the Sky by Ann Louise Fallon and John Fallon, Jr. (Star Trek: TNG) (27)
  • Nursery Rhyme for the 23rd Century by Ann Louise Fallon (31)
  • Banned from Argo, Still by the Toronto Trek IV Filkers (32)
  • Of Human Minds and Android Hearts (Star Trek: TNG) (34)
  • A Little Talk by Beth Ketterer (Star Trek: TNG) (45)
  • Night View, poem by Lorraine Rovig (49)
  • Space Hike, poem by Lorraine Rovig (49)
  • The Chosen Paths by Benson Lee (Batman) (51)
  • No Fate by Barbara Robertson Terminator 2) (55)
  • Give it Back to the Comic Strips, filk by Roberta Rogow (56)
  • A Jogger's Tale by Lorraine Rovig (58)
  • Up Against the Wall (pre-Quantum Leap) (59)
  • Backscratching Page (64)
