Larry Is Real/Theories

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Fans who believe that Larry Is Real have done a lot of theorizing about Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles's relationship. See Why Larries Believe for a list of proofs larries find compelling. See below for some of the specific theories discussed among larries over the years, including theories that explain how certain canon events that appear to disprove Larry are not as simple as they appear.

Larry Fandom Language

The subset of Larry shippers who believe or at least entertain the possibility of Larry being real have developed their own fannish terminology. While some of this vocabulary is also used by other 1D fans (often to discuss Larries), some is not.

A partial list of terms:

  • 1DHQ
  • AIMH tweet
  • anti-larrie or anti
  • BC - birth certificate
  • The Bee - When Louis confirmed the baby on Good Morning America on August 4, 2015, he said he was "buzzin".[1] At the time it became an inside joke among Larries that when babygate ends, the fandom will get bees tattooed on them. In March 2017 fans on twitter noticed that Harry Styles got a new tattoo[2][3], though it's unclear whether it is a bee or a fly[4]. Many Larries thought it was a bee and were very excited.[5][6] Bees became an important larrie symbol.
  • "buzzin" larrie - a larrie who does not believe in babygate or that Louis is a father[7]
  • BG - Babygate
  • Big Gay War
  • big larrie
  • bullshit tweet
  • CO - when Larry is slated to Come Out
  • "critical thinking skills" - what larries say they have and everyone else in the fandom lacks
  • GP - general public
  • het girl
  • insider anon
  • "iphone conspiracy" - inside joke between larries[8] referencing a July 2017 video interview between Dan Wootton and Louis Tomlinson: original video on facebook. Wooton asked Louis for his view on the "Larry conspiracy"; Louis commented on how people could make a conspiracy theory out of anything and gave iphones as an example. At the time there was a widespread belief that Apple was deliberately crippling older models of iphones to encourage people to buy the newest version, though Louis's comments were so vague as to make it unclear whether he had this specific example in mind. Larries noted that the iphone example turned out to be real[1][2], which they used to not only discredit Louis's statement that Larry wasn't real but claim that Louis was intentionally using a bad example to signal to Larries that he had to lie and Larry was in fact real. The 2017 video denial has since been used as a Larry proof; see Verbal Proof (indirect).
  • larrie
  • larry-baiting/larrybaiting/larrie baiting - the idea that if the "clues" aren't intended as genuine evidence of an H/L relationship, then H/L or management are deliberately leading larries on/giving them false hope, possibly with the goal of getting more money from fans. This idea rests on the assumption that Harry and Louis must be familiar with Larry symbols like the bears, green and blue, etc.
  • "neutral" - a fan who is not a larrie or an anti-larrie, may not care enough to have an opinion or prefers not getting involved in debate.
  • "no stunts larrie" - a true larrie, one who doesn't think any of the stunts are real, including babygate. sometimes abbreviated "ns larrie"
  • "oBvIoUsLy" - reference to the 2017 Dan Wootton interview where Louis is asked about the Larry conspiracy theory and says, "But in reality obviously there's no truth to it, obviously." Larries take his eye roll and repetition of the word "obviously" as a hint to Larries that Louis has to lie and there is truth to it. The 2017 video denial has since been used as a Larry proof; see Verbal Proof (indirect).
  • OT/NT - Old Team/New Team - theory that 1D hired a new PR team before their contract with Modest! expired
  • "pap walk" - theory that any photographs by paparazzi were staged[9]
  • "Print!Louis" - statements made by Louis Tomlinson in interviews with print journalists; larries believe these statements were falsified and don't reflect Louis's actual opinions.[10][11][12]
  • "public girlfriend" - term for Harry and Louis' girlfriends, meaning larries think they are beards.[13][14][15]
  • "Rads" or "Rad Louies" or "Radical Louies" - solo Louis stans who hate Harry and may be former larries. (But there are Louis fans on twitter arguing that rads are just Louis solo fans and not Harry haters.) Fail_fandomanon describes them as a larrie splinter group that "claim to be fans of Louis but still believe he's gay, closeted, bearding and faking a son. They just think that Larry broke up, and that Harry 'betrayed' Louis and is actively participating in sabotaging Louis' career to further his own, so he's now their main villain, guilty of as astonishingly convoluted and actively malicious schemes as any that they ever ascribed to 'management'."[16] Meanwhile on twitter: "Rad Louies was invented by a larrie on tumblr to denigrate L fans who cared more about his music than about shipp."[17] According to one tumblr post, the term "rad Louies" was coined by worshippedlove.[18]
  • RBB & SBB or "the bears" - see Rainbow Bondage Bear
  • seeding
  • stunt - anything larries theorize is not genuine, but a PR stunt meant to make Harry and/or Louis look heterosexual.
  • "twarrie" - derogatory term for a twitter larrie who believes in some of what other larries think are pure PR stunts, such as the public girlfriends or Freddie being Louis' son (babygate).
  • "warning selfie" - theory that Louis posts a selfie on social media prior to something related to Babygate happening as a "warning" for larries

See also larrie-dictionary on tumblr, started 15 April 2016.

"Eleanor Is A Beard" Theory

According to Wikipedia, "beard" is a slang term referring to "a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), or spouse either to conceal infidelity or to conceal one's sexual orientation."[19]

The "Eleanor is a beard" theory was a major early component of the Larry Is Real theory and started soon after the news broke that Louis Tomlinson was dating Eleanor Calder in September/October 2011. The typical Larry theory posits that Eleanor had a contract with 1D's management company to pretend to be Louis's girlfriend, and there was even speculation about how long the contract was for[20][21]. Larries also believed that Louis was being forced to participate in the charade against his will.[22] This infamous twitter exchange took place in May 2012 between Eleanor and a larrie:


@EleanorJCalder I hope your contract is expiring soon


@myaakins Sorry to be blunt but I hope you can take a step back and realise that you are completely deluded.[23]

But some larries on twitter still occasionally asked whether Eleanor knew she was a beard.[24][25][26]

Over the years tumblr larries have often blogged about "bearding" and music industry practices. For example, a 2013 post by hystericalhedgehogs argued that people's idea of what "bearding" looked like was based on outdated information from the 1990s, whereas "today every teenage girl has a camera phone, capable of recording every. single. moment. Do you realize how nerve-racking that must be for a management/PR company, whose job is to promote their client’s public image? EVERYTHING IS PUBLIC NOW."[27] hystericalhedgehogs used this as a counterargument to people who doubted 1D's management would go to such extremes as larries had theorized to fake Louis and Eleanor's relationship.

In 2017, some anti-larries discussed whether the larrie understanding of what being a "beard" involved was accurate. thelarrative said,

I’ve never heard of any account of a woman being paid to be a beard, no. Normally her “payment” is she’s a friend of this man’s and is just happy to do it, or that they both get mutual promo from it if it’s a high profile relationship.[28]

Another person who said they'd worked in the entertainment industry commented that "Closeting and bearding still exists unfortunately" but concluded that,

But no, no one can be “forced.” Pressured yes, but there is simply no legal way to force anyone. A contract explicitly saying you have to closet or fake a relationship or whatever would be illegal and they simply do not exist, that’s completely laughable to basically anyone with any experience of industry contracts. (Again all my knowledge is from film/TV but I can’t imagine music industry is vastly different.) And pressure tactics only really work with aspiring actors. Once you reach a certain level of success, if you’re closeted it’s because you want to be. IME beards are usually unwritten quid pro quo but I don’t know so much about that.[28]

Forced Closeting

The idea that Eleanor and other girlfriends of Louis and/or Harry are all beards is related to another larrie theory--that Harry and Louis want to come out, but that Management is forcing them to stay in the closet. The evidence that Eleanor is a beard overlaps with evidence that Louis is being forced to participate in his own closeting against his will; Larries have analyzed various fan and paparazzi photos of Louis and Eleanor vs. Louis and Harry and determined that Louis looked uncomfortable in shots with Eleanor.

Anti-larries have argued that the kind of "forced closeting" larries believe is happening to Harry and Louis is not a real phenomenon in the music industry. Larries have countered with examples of formerly closeted boybanders like Lance Bass and American Idol star Clay Aiken. In turn, antis have argued that those examples are not comparable to what larries say is happening to H/L, explaining that, for example, Lance Bass didn't even tell his management or anyone else that he was gay.

It is indeed a common Larry talking point to try and say that antis think no one has ever been pressured to be closeted or even unhappy while in the closet, and that is just not true. It’s not what I said, it’s not something I’ve ever seen an anti say....

My problem with their ideas is not the basic idea of closeting. It’s not the idea that powerful people in the music industry would try to pressure young artists into staying in the closet. My problem is with the idea that those artists can be contractually forced into never coming out, and to actively participate in ridiculous stunts that involve every element of their personal lives, including who they’re allowed to hang out with.

As far as I know, there are no gay artists who have come out, certainly not in the past several decades, and said that they had wanted to come out earlier but were prevented from doing so by their management. None have said they were forced against their will to participate in stunts. None have been forced to fake a baby. Everyone’s beards were friends or acquaintances who agreed to attend events with them or be seen on dates, or otherwise were genuine relationships that the closeted artist tried to make work before fully accepting their sexuality. I have never seen or heard of anything close to what Larries say is happening - not ever, but especially not in the western entertainment industry in the past 30+ years or more.

lrambling, 2016[29]

As of 2023, some big larries have commented that Harry and Louis may not actually want to come out of the closet:

Right now it seems like it is no longer Harry’s or Louis’ wish to come out any time soon, there are far fewer signs also of their sexuality and/or relationship if it’s still alive, and so the certainty you have as a someone who believes they are/were together is that you will not be proven right any time soon....

And that’s a choice Harry and Louis are making. They needed us then and used the power of the “rebellion”. And now they are in a different place, they do not need us anymore, and they are choosing to watch us leave one by one.

It’s the reality. I am not happy with it, I would have wanted it to be different for myself, for my friends, for all the LGBTQ people in this fandom I wish it was different. But I can accept that this is their life and their choice and so I will accept the negative consequences that choice has for me.


Eleanor Twin Theory

A widespread belief among larries is that Eleanor Calder, Louis' real-life girlfriend, is a beard hired by 1D's management. However, one Eleanor theory that gained some traction in 2012-2013, but wasn't adopted by most larries, was the idea that she was a set of twins or triplets who shared the responsibility of being seen in public with Louis. The twin was supposedly named Tina, based on a July 16, 2012, tweet by one of Eleanor's university friends in which they seemed to be addressing her as "Tina" (actually the name of their hamster). The third sister was called Gretchen (why?).

1D fans noticed right away and were referencing "Tina" in reply to Eleanor's twitter account as early as July 17, 2012.[31][32] It is not clear when exactly the theory that she was twins was developed, but there are several references to it in September and October 2012:

  • "@EleanorJCalder eleanor will u teach me to be a beard please? i didn´t know you had a twin i like more tina than u bitch ;)"[33]
  • "@EleanorJCalder oh so who has the darker hair you or Tina? It's hard to tell you beards apart!"[34]
  • "@EleanorJCalder @DanielleHarryxx Congrats omg u met the beard tell me Eleanor or Tina???"[35]

July 2012 also happens to be when the Twin Edits meme became popular on Tumblr, but there's no direct evidence the Eleanor twin theory was inspired by the meme. The Calder Twins tumblr tag goes back to July 2012, and while most of it is about the conspiracy theory, a few of the July 2012 posts are about 1D twin edits.

Tumblr resources:

Management Tweets

It is known that some public relations staff had posting access to 1D's personal twitter accounts and occasionally logged in to make promotional tweets. A few times the ghost-written tweets were embarrassingly obvious, such as in September 2014 when "Niall" tweeted promo for "Steal My Girl", and then tweeted again to say he'd been asleep.

Larries use the fact that staff have access to their accounts to discount any tweet that contradicts Larry. High profile examples include Louis Tomlinson's tweet calling Larry "the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard" in 2012 and stating "I am in fact straight" in 2014. By contrast, the authenticity of "Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Yours sincerely, Louis", tweeted in 2011, has never been questioned.

Larries also point to a particular incident on April 22, 2012, as evidence that Management was tweeting from Louis's account. Liam Payne tweeted "Louis fell asleep on the plane and look what happened", with a picture of Louis asleep with mysterious white powder poured on his leg. Three minutes later Louis tweeted @EleanorJCalder Love YOU ! xxxx. Larries assume that the photo was posted immediately after it was taken, arguing there was no way that Louis could have woken up in time to tweet at his girlfriend. Larries interpreted this moment as Management "reinforcing his closet" and tweeting at his girlfriend for him. A twitter search shows larries in the 2020s still tweeting about this incident as proof that Management controlled Louis' twitter account.[36][37][38][39]

The debunk is that neither Liam nor Louis tweeted until after the plane landed. 1D had a concert in Auckland NZ on April 21 and another in Wellington NZ on April 22, so they would have taken an hour-long flight at some point between the two concerts. Liam's tweet occurred at 12:39 am UTC April 22 or 1:39 pm April 22 in New Zealand. This 1D update account claims they took a flight that landed at noon in Wellington. And a New Zealand media outlet tweeted a link at 1:29 pm to their article reporting that the band "arrived in Wellington around midday".


Your hand fits in mine
Like it’s made just for me

fanart by evenasyoungastheyare (original, 2015), depicting Louis and Harry's rope and anchor tattoos.
Screenshot of larrie predictions for Louis getting a dagger tattoo and their excited reactions when he finally got one. (2014)
"Louis got the dagger tho" is a common larrie rebuttle to naysayers, suggesting that larries consider it ironclad proof of Larry.[40]

Larries believe that a number of the tattoos Harry and Louis got from 2012 onward are couples' tattoos. bulletprooflarry kept a frequently referenced tumblr masterpost called Timeline: Tattoos to Date.[41] daisiesonafield, whose blog includes a number of larrie resources, has a tattoos tag with more masterposts.

The ones referenced most often are the ship and compass [42], rope and anchor, heart and arrow, and rose and dagger[43]. Other complimentary tattoos include Lock and Key and Bird and Birdcage.

One Tumblr user said:

But I kept coming back to the tattoos. No one would permanently ink their skin with such meaningful symbols for just marketing. And please anyone who thinks the tattoos are coincidence needs to relearn the meaning of the word. Forget all the 6, just the 3-ship/compass, anchor/rope and Rose dagger are enough to convince one. Especially if you know the context and timing surrounding these tattoos.

an anonymous submission, posted on Tumblr on 26 Apr 2019. (Accessed 9 Sep 2019)

Non-larries for the most part do not see these tattoos as intentionally complementary, if they are aware of the larrie theories at all. To be clear, none of Harry and Louis's tattoos are what people usually think of as "couples' tattoos"--matching tattoos, often on the same part of the body and usually acquired at the same time. Tumblr anti-larrie 1arry-isnt-rea1 noted in their 2014 masterpost, Complementary/Matching Tattoos, that the tattoo theories didn't even need to be debunked and that they were "only making this post to offer an opinion that I would like to share since most people think this is concrete proof." Basically, the argument is that the tattoos are likely coincidences; they are individually very common tattoo themes, and since Harry and Louis each have so many tattoos, it's inevitable that some of them could be interpreted as matching. Meanwhile, the argument against the Oops/Hi tattoo theory is that it's pure fanon invented by larries and not complementary at all.[44] In 2020 an anonymous person on fail_fandomanon was especially annoyed at how the Oops/Hi origin story had become common knowledge despite not being based on fact:

This type of fifth-generation echo chamber through channels that are usually reliable, or through "just everyone knowing", because that's the "information" that has overwhelmed any searches, comment sections, twitters, youtube... It's all originally coming from the "real" larries, who managed to have enough momentum to pass that saturation threshold all over the web, and now the new generations coming in come straight to the lies; come FOR the lies; because that's the only game in town. Those teen larries certainly were not there when the tinhatting was born, nor even when the band was together. All they've learned is alternative truth, and they're totally eager and guileless.[45]

This chart is a list of six pairs of tattoos most commonly agreed to be complementary by Larries:

Harry's tattoos Louis' tattoos Why Larries believe they are complementary Non-Larrie view
Harry has a tattoo that says "Hi" next to his left armpit. (late June 2012, Unknown Artist) Fans first noticed it at the June 23 Dallas concert and initially thought it was written in sharpie, speculating about who had done it.[46][47][48][49][50] Louis has a tattoo that says "Oops!" and is underlined on his right arm. (November 8, 2012, Shamrock Tattoo/Freddy Negrete?)[51] "Hi" is theorized to be in Louis' handwriting and "Oops!" in Harry's. It is also theorized to be their first words to each other because Harry and Louis met in a X-Factor bathroom. Larries also believed that Harry's 30 November 2011 tweet--""I'm glad I was stood next to you at the urinals..if I had to get someone's pee splashed on me, I'd much rather have your pee than his pee."--was a reference to their initial meeting. The story about their first words to each other is pure fan invention, so the tattoos aren't complementary. 1arry-isnt-rea1 also argues that even if the tattoos were written in each others' handwriting, it wouldn't mean they were romantically involved; Harry has had other friends do some of his tattoos.[52] Finally, Louis has mentioned in an interview that the "Oops" wasn't particularly meaningful and was in reaction to another tattoo.[53] (Larries believe he lied in the interview.)
Harry has a ship on his left shoulder. (December 18/19, 2012, Freddy Negrete)[54][55] Louis has a compass pointing to the word "Home" on his right forearm. (Late December 19, 2012, Shamrock Tattoo/Freddy Negrete)[56][57] The prevailing theory among Larries is that they are complementary because a ship needs a compass to guide it home. According to 1arry-isnt-rea1, who points out that Zayn also got a skull tattoo at the same time, the larrie theory is an example of confirmation bias. "So since Harry, Louis, and Zayn all got complementary tattoos within 24 hours, does that mean they are all dating? Did they have threesome? Or how about we go with something logical like realizing nautical themed tattoos are very popular?"[52] See also kinghorun's jokey tumblr post suggesting the three were in a "pirate cult"[58]
Harry has a butterfly on his torso. (January 22?, 2013, Liam Sparkes)[59][60][3] Louis has an "It is what it is" tattoo on his chest. (March 25?, 2013, tattoo artist unconfirmed)[61][62] [4] In May 2013, lourrykisses made a popular tumblr post announcing that "They got matching tattoos again and we didn't even realize." lourrykisses found both designs in a 2010 flickr post by Liam Sparkes, the artist who made both tattoos, and shared a cropped version of the photo showing just the two designs. The phrase "It is what it is" (same font but different capitalization as Louis's tattoo) appears above the design of a butterfly (slightly different design from the one Harry ended up with).[63] Other larries have since shared the original uncropped photos, showing a "flash" series of various tattoo design options for customers.[64][65] Liam Sparkes has since deleted his flickr account. Larries think that these were originally meant to be one tattoo but that Harry and Louis split it and each had half tattooed. 1arry-isnt-rea1 noted that lourrykisses had cropped Liam Sparkes' image to show only the two designs larries were interested in, but that the original image was of a larger sheet of paper with several tattoo designs on it, meaning that the two designs were not connected after all. "I find this another example of how Larries only see what they want to."[52] Larries assume that the same tattooist did both Harry and Louis's tattoos, and the few anti-larrie debunks assume the same--this detail wasn't included in the press coverage, and the design is similar to Liam Sparkes' flash designs. However, a twitter exchange between Louis and Bo Bruce, complete with a photo of them both at the tattoo parlor, suggests that Louis got his tattoo at Skunx Tattoo instead.[66][67] Most non-larries don't know and don't care who did Louis's tattoo, and are probably not aware that Larries believe it has a connection to Harry's butterfly tattoo.
Harry has a rose on his left arm near the elbow. (September 2013, Unknown Artist)[68][69] Louis has a dagger on his left forearm. (November 27?, 2014, Bondi Ink)[70][71] Larries were very excited about the idea of the dagger and rose being in same place on the same arm.[72][73] Larries had been theorizing that Louis would get the dagger tattoo for about a year because a rose with a dagger is a common tattoo. Some Larries even speculated that Louis had already gotten the dagger tattoo--on his torso, because they hadn't seen him shirtless recently.[74][75] Larries believe that Louis must have been aware of Larries' theories about the dagger, so to them for him to have got the tattoo anyway is evidence that Larry is real.[76][77] Larries have sometimes claimed that the non-larrie view is that "louis got the dagger to taunt the larries", but anti-larries say that they've never argued this.[78] Some people on twitter apparently tweeted that Louis got the dagger to stab larries with, but much of twitter has since been deleted or privated, and it's not clear if the remaining tweets are sincere or joking.[79] A tumblr post about stabbing larries with the dagger was an expression of frustration with larries and not meant to be taken literally.[80] 1arry-isnt-rea1 mentioned that larries ignore the fact that the dagger was not the full tattoo; Louis paired it with the quote "given a chance".[52]
Harry has an anchor on his left wrist, covering up an earlier tattoo. (January 2014, Unknown Artist in Los Angeles)[81] Louis has a rope with a "nautical style knot" wrapped around his right wrist. (June 25, 2013, Tattooed Heart Studios in Maryland)[82] [5] Larries believe the placement of the tattoos is significant. Usually, but not always anchor tattoos have a rope attached because without a rope the anchor is lost when it gets tossed off a ship. A year later, tumblr larries noted that the first time after Harry got that tattoo that Louis was seen in public, he was wearing a shirt with an anchor on it.[83] 1arry-isnt-rea1 shared an assessment from a songwriter on twitter who worked with 1D: anchors are attached to ships with chains, not rope, and the expected pairing would be anchor/ship.[52] However, the songwriter wasn't aware the 1D fan was asking about a tattoo, and the fan was correct that a number of tattoo designs featuring anchors with rope when you google it. 1arry-isnt-rea1 also pointed out that the tattoos were acquired months apart in different cities.[52]
Harry has an anatomical heart on his upper left arm. (February 18, 2014, Shangri La Tattoo/Liam Sparkes?[84][85][86]) Louis has an arrow along his left forearm. (March 8, 2014, Shamrock Tattoo/Freddy Negrete?[87][88]) Larries believe it is significant that Louis got the arrow less than three weeks after Harry got his heart tattoo. Larries think that the anatomical heart and arrow were likely one design of an arrow through a heart but spread across two people. At this point larries had theorized connections between so many of Harry and Louis's tattoos that as soon as Louis got his arrow tattoo, some non-larries on twitter predicted that Larries would make Louis's tattoo "about Larry" somehow.[89][90][91] 1arry-isnt-rea1 argues that the tattoos are probably not connected because they were acquired on separate occasions and were inked by different artists in different cities.[52]

Louis's dagger may be the most significant of the tattoos for Larries, probably because it's a rare Larrie prediction that came true. Explaining how much it meant to larries that the dagger became real after a year of them theorizing about it, worshippedlove commented, "I’m just overwhelmed, almost seven months later because I still can’t believe it."[75] Larries celebrate the anniversary on social media--for some reason on November 25, although the celebrity news sources say he got it on the 27th (there could be some timezone confusion since he was in Australia at the time). Larries have Tumblr tags for he got the dagger and louis got the dagger.

In 2019 Louis Tomlinson did a video for GQ explaining his tattoos.[92] Larries found it suspicious that Louis's explanation for the "Larry" tattoos included phrases like "random," "Have no reasoning behind [them]," and "no meaning behind that one." Due to this the majority of the comment section is filled with Larries saying things like, "Ladies and gentlemen Here is Louis Tomlinson, the best liar you've ever seen," "I didn't know that Harry changed his name to 'No reason,'" "there's only one person that could match this level of avoidance and he has the other half of these tattoos."[93] Tumblr larrie daisiesonafield has a tag called Louis lying about his tattoos for 6 minutes. This post collects some larrie youtube comments.[94]

Songs and Lyrics

Larries have speculated that certain songs written by Harry or Louis are about their relationship, including Don't Let Me Go, Something Great, Strong, If I Could Fly, Home, Two Ghosts and Sweet Creature. See bulletprooflarry's brief analysis of songs over time, "Character Development"[95]

1D bandmembers have all made lyric changes during their live shows that fans noticed and commented on. While most fans assume these changes are done as jokes, larries believe that some of the lyric changes made by Harry and Louis may be either Larry-baiting or references to their relationship.

Larries also find it significant that Harry and Louis sometimes sang at each each other onstage, most notably Little Things.[citation needed]

Blue and Green

fanart by evenasyoungastheyare (original, 2018)
2022 blue and green hearts tweeted by larries at Louis Tomlinson

The colors blue and green have come to be associated with Louis (blue) and Harry (green) by larries. These are the colors used to identify their microphones, as well as their eye color. Each member of One Direction had a color-coded microphone that was visible in many concert photos and became well-known to fans: red for Liam, yellow for Zayn, green for Harry, blue for Louis, and the Irish flag for Niall.

Larries frequently use blue and green hearts as a symbol for Harry/Louis. After Louis's instagram banned mentioning the word "Larry" in 2016[96], larries would often reply to posts by Louis with blue and green heart emojis. Twitter users still tweet blue and green heart emojis at Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles's accounts as of 2021.[97]

Larries also felt that the blue and green stickers sometimes appearing on Rainbow Bondage Bear were a sign from Larry.

The Bandana Project assigned bandana colors according to 1D's mic colors, with the exception of Niall. Larries kept track of every time Harry wore a blue bandana after the project happened.

Here's an example of a larrie poem about Harry/Louis: when green eyes met blue, Archived version

Bluegreener is a derogatory term for larries who take things too far, aka the kind of person who spams instagram posts by Louis' friends with blue and green hearts. See urban dictionary, Archived version. The term is also known to be used by Supernatural fans in reference to extreme Destiel shippers, similar to Hellers.[98][99]

An anti-larrie's perspective on the blue/green theory:

If I decided today I would see signs and messages from certain celebrities based on very common colors or symbols, then I would invariably see messages confirming my theory was true. It’s an incredibly easy thing to do which should tell you how meaningless it is. I don’t understand how this blue/green concept was allowed to take off, it would only take a few seconds of thinking about how this applies to Louis/Harry (any couple so obsessed with each other’s eye colors that they’d be wearing them everywhere or sending them as signs to people would be incredibly unhealthy) or to the world at large in how blue/green could be applied to everyone and every celebrity for it to fall apart, yet it’s one of the mainstays of their fandom. It’s really bizarre to me.[100]

September 28

Fans wishing Harry and Louis happy anniversary on Twitter in 2021.

Larries believe that Harry and Louis got married on September 28, 2013. The media site Hollywood Life reported on fans' anniversary celebrations in 2015: Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson Married? Fans Celebrate ‘Anniversary’ Of Rumored Nuptials, Archived version. A twitter search reveals that as of September 28, 2021, the tradition of wishing Harry and Louis a happy anniversary has continued ever since, although a casual scroll shows the most activity on the 2015 anniversary date.[101]

In general, the number 28 is considered significant to larries. See for example this 2015 masterpost by ohwaititwasharry, compiling instances where the number was associated with Harry or Louis: The Significance of #28 - Larry Stylinson, Archived version. See also this 2019 masterpost by theystudyrainbows: 28 - a masterpost, Archived version. One of the catalogued instances of "28" is a tattoo on Louis' fingers, but anti-larries have pointed out that he said in interviews that it referred to the number on his jersey given to him by the Doncaster Rovers for a charity match.[102][103] Here is a masterpost by an anti-larrie: 28 is not a Larry number - a masterpost, Archived version.

Hollywood Life explains the origin of speculation about the "Larry wedding" date was due to a September 29, 2013 tweet by Harry quoting a Joni Mitchell lyric: "We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall." Two other tweets seemed to confirm that a wedding took place: one a day earlier by Ed Sheeran about his best friend getting married[6] and Harry's mother, Anne, saying, "Good decision Louis." However, ohwaititwasharry notes that Ed and Anne's tweets were later debunked.


  1. ^ Louis Tomlinson Talks Fatherhood on 'GMA': 'I'm Buzzing', Archived version, Entertainment Tonight clip, uploaded to Youtube 4 August 2015.
  2. ^ THAT BETTER NOT BE A BEE TATTOO HARRY I SWEAR TO GOD, Archived version, tweet by hanjimix, 25 March 2017.
  3. ^ So Harry has two new tattoos an "R" and bee? Or some type of bug, Archived version, tweet by larryisathome, 25 March 2017.
  4. ^ "It’s unclear if this tattoo is a large bug, fly or bee, but it was done in 2017 and takes up a ton of real estate on his forearm." All of Harry Styles’ tattoos and their meanings, Archived version, By Melissa Minton, Page Six, January 4, 2021.
  5. ^ if harry gets a bee tattoo im killing myself, Archived version, tweet by heIIishfire, 5 April 2017.
  6. ^ harry got a tattoo of a bee because louis is always 'buzzin' 😩🙌🏻 pick someone who is supportive, Archived version, tweet by thembabiez, 5 April 2017.
  7. ^ Wayback Machine copy of a tweet explaining some larrie terminology, 5 Jun 2021.
  8. ^ tweet by Majos23always, Archived version, 13 May 2018. Joke by a larrie with 1K likes and 383 retweets.
  9. ^ Paparazzi/Pap walk, Archived version, tumblr post by larrie-dictionary, reblogged by back-to-louis, 23 April 2016. As of 22 November 2021, this tumblr post has 34 notes.
  10. ^ Print!Louis: Of course I'm thinking about marriage! Actual!Louis: *googles how to take out a restraining order on behalf of your dog*, Archived version, tweet by itsloutual, 24 January 2020. (Accessed 26 November 2022.)
  11. ^ yeah I mean, irl Louis and Harry are still amazing, it's just print Louis that needs to stfu. Altho I do think the fuck you was him, Archived version, tweet by tomlinbumming, 18 November 2012. (Accessed 26 November 2022.)
  12. ^ FRIENDLY FUCKING REMINDER: Print!Louis thinks Larry rumors are THE. WORST. OnCamera!Louis thinks shitty soccer skills rumors are THE WORST., Archived version, tweet by Politicalarrie, 25 November 2013. (Accessed 26 November 2022.)
  13. ^ "public girlfriend" louis, Archived version, twitter search 8 January 2022.
  14. ^ i am a larrie, and i don’t believe in any of the stunts. (louis isn’t a father, none of their public girlfriends have been real, they’re both gay and married;)), Archived version, tweet by HalebsLoveChild, 15 October 2020.
  15. ^ Tumblr usage example: "He still is in the closet, he still has a public girlfriend who was at his show on Tuesday and hugged his mum." anon ask answered by theystudyrainbows, Archived version, 15 Mar 2018.
  16. ^ Re: Fandom Venting, Archived version, anonymous thread comment, fail_fandomanon, 2020-10-18.
  17. ^ tweet by CONSIGLIERE369[Dead link], Jun 2, 2021
  18. ^ anon ask answered by seasurfacefullofclouds1, Jun 1st, 2021.
  19. ^ Wikipedia:Beard_(companion), accessed 1 October 2023.
  20. ^ For example: "Pure speculation here, but the timing of all these Elounor breakup rumors lead me to speculate that PERHAPS a 3 year heavy bearding contract started in March 2012 right before she took her first highly publicized trip to NYC." Elounor timeline: breakup speculation, Archived version, tumblr post by crumblinghouseofcards, reblogged by bulletprooflarry, 22 March 2015.
  21. ^ wait y'all just now found ohdirectionarmy she believes eleanor is a beard she said her contract was ending in september i think, Archived version, tweet by stylesmystyles, 15 August 2012.
  22. ^ For example, see this 2012 larrie post analyzing paparazzi photos of Louis and Eleanor: "I think Louis was mad about being shipped off to France with Eleanor so he did this as a defiance to Management, but he made it obvious that he wasn’t voluntarily there and was ticked off about being there." Tiny analysis on the trip to France, Nice, Archived version, tumblr post by reasonswhyelounorisntreal (July 26, 2021)), reblogged by stoponedirectionsmanagement (Dec 2, 2014).
  23. ^ tweet thread, Archived version, 30 May 2012.
  24. ^ I was thinking... what if Eleanor doesn't know she's a beard?, Archived version, tweet by justtrusthobi, 15 October 2012.
  25. ^ What if Eleanor doesn't know she's a beard and think she's actually dating Louis, Archived version, tweet by LarryIsDeCraic, 26 November 2013.
  26. ^ People asking things like "Did Eleanor know she was a beard..." OH HONEY. OHHHHHHHHHHHH HONEY. 🙈, Archived version, tweet by LostInCapeTown, 31 December 2015.
  27. ^ tumblr post by hystericalhedgehogs, Archived version, 31 March 2013.
  28. ^ a b untitled tumblr thread, Archived version, reblogged by back-to-louis, 28 August 2017.
  29. ^ anon ask answered by lrambling, Archived version, 13 April 2016.
  30. ^ anon ask answered by thisiskatsblog, Archived version, 28 October 2023.
  31. ^ to:EleanorJCalder until:2012-07-19 tina, Archived version, twitter search 18 December 2021.
  32. ^ Just read that my real name is actually Tina! I'm a fraud! Haahaaahha, Archived version, tweet by EleanorJCalder, 18 July 2012.
  33. ^ tweet by jimercurywhore, Archived version, 4 September 2012.
  34. ^ tweet by HoodratHalsey, Archived version, 10 October 2012.
  35. ^ tweet by harrysweetly, Archived version, 30 October 2012.
  36. ^ "meanwhile we all know their twitter was controlled by the management, and there is proof, louis tweets he loves elenor and liam took a pic when louis was sleeping on the plane, in the same time that tweet was sent." first tweet by TikekSofor, Archived version, second tweet by TikekSofor, Archived version, 16 May 2023.
  37. ^ even though Louis isn’t signed to a record label or management right now let’s not forgot that they could most likely still have access to his accounts- we all remember the love you Eleanor tweet that Louis did not tweet himself., Archived version, tweet by HoneyLarrys, 5 April 2021.
  38. ^ Management made that tweet! They also had Louis tweeting an I love you to Eleanor while he was sleeping at his laptop. Confirmed by Liam!, Archived version, tweet by LelaMPowell1, 7 January 2021.
  39. ^ that was tweeted at the time when he had literally no control over his social media, it was proven that multiple tweets including one to eleanor was sent by management and not louis and that tweet made him sound extremely homophobic, Archived version, tweet by ltsweaterpaws, 1 December 2020.
  40. ^ tumblr post by twopoppies, Archived version, 31 July 2020.
  41. ^ Posted to tumblr by bulletprooflarry 9 August 2013 and last updated 2018. archive link. As of 5 December 2021, the tumblr post has 10,442 notes.
  42. ^ "hmmm", Archived version posted on Tumblr on 9 Nov 2013. (Accessed 7 Sep 2019)
  43. ^ DEAL WITH IT., Archived version posted on Tumblr on 26 Nov 2017 (Accessed 10 Sep 2019)
  44. ^ tumblr thread between im-on-fire-now and debunkbullshit, Archived version, 20 November 2014.
  45. ^ Re: Fandom Venting, Archived version, anonymous thread in fail_fandomanon, 2020-10-18.
  46. ^ Harry's tattoos and a fan got to write 'hi' on his under arm before the show! Lol, Archived version, instagram photo by ukfoolishly, 24 June 2012.
  47. ^ Harry tonight in Dallas. It says "Hi" near his tattoo. Haha, Archived version, tweet by _RealSvenstar, 24 June 2012.
  48. ^ I honestly don't think harry has a new tattoo, one of the boys probably just wrote "hi" on him for the hell of it., Archived version, 24 June 2012.
  49. ^ Someone wrote 'Hi' next to Harry's tattoo's, Archived version, tweet by cashtonwoah, 24 June 2012.
  50. ^ @1Dneews the one above the star isn't a tattoo!!!! Louis wrote "Hi" on Harry's arm before the show last night in sharpie!, Archived version, 24 June 2012.
  51. ^ Band of tattooed brothers: One Direction's Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson get new body art just hours after Harry Styles gets inked, Archived version, Daily Mail, 9 November 2012.
  52. ^ a b c d e f g Complementary/Matching Tattoos, Archived version by 1arry-isnt-rea1, 29 December 2014, reblogged by toobadforthefacts.
  53. ^ Band of tattooed brothers: From secret societies to their biggest hits, the meanings behind the many inkings of One Direction, Archived version, Daily Mail, 26 November 2014.
  54. ^ Taylor Swift Accompanies Boyfriend Harry Styles to Tattoo Parlor, Archived version, Us Weekly, 19 December 2012.
  55. ^ Harry Styles gets new tattoo with Taylor Swift - pictures, Archived version, Digital Spy, 19 December 2012.
  56. ^ Liam, Louis & Zayn at Shamrock Tattoo Parlour in LA last night, Archived version, ohnotheydidnt, 20 December 2012.
  57. ^ Pool, pizza and more tattoos: One Direction hone their tougher new image on visit to LA, Archived version, Daily Mail, 20 December 2012.
  58. ^ tumblr post by kinghorun, reblogged by katiemcwrath, Archived version, 20 December 2012. As of 14 December 2023, this tumblr post has 8613 notes.
  59. ^ Addicted to ink! Harry Styles gets another tattoo as he reveals HUGE butterfly design across his stomach, Archived version, Daily Mail, 9 March 2013.
  60. ^ Harry Styles: Butterflies in his stomach?, Archived version, USA Today, 11 March 2013.
  61. ^ tumblr post by lrambling, Archived version, 28 September 2016.
  62. ^ Tatt’s What Makes him Beautiful: Louis Tomlinson shows off new inkings, Archived version, The Sun, 26 March 2013.
  63. ^ tumblr post by lourrykisses, Archived version, 2 May 2013. As of 16 December 2023, this tumblr post has 22510 notes.
  64. ^ tweet by tomlinhabitson, Archived version, 21 December 2019.
  65. ^ anon ask, Archived version, answered by stylesforstiles, 30 November 2014. As of 16 December 2023, this tumblr post has 2200 notes.
  66. ^ @bo_bruce nice chatting to you today. Hope the tattoo comes out good. Thank you @skunxtattoo :), Archived version, tweet by Louis Tomlinson, 25 March 2013.
  67. ^ Ta @Louis_Tomlinson @onedirection for distracting my session. (didn't hurt one bit ;-) @JuliaSeizure @richphoto xx, tweet by Bo Bruce, 25 March 2013.
  68. ^ Harry Styles' New Tattoo Is A Giant Rose On His Left Arm (PICTURES), Archived version, 'Huffington Post, 11 September 2013.
  69. ^ Harry Styles gets massive rose tattoo as he continues body art obsession with 44th inking, Archived version, Mirror, 11 September 2013.
  70. ^ Some Aussie ink! One Direction's Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson get new etchings from famous Bondi tattooist before jetting home to London, Archived version, Daily Mail, 28 November 2014.
  71. ^ One Direction's Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson get EVEN MORE tattoos while out in Oz for awards bash, Archived version, Mirror, 28 November 2014.
  74. ^ i truly believe that louis has a dagger tattoo BUT LI... — TORSO HE REFUSES TO TAKE HIS SHIRT OFF WE WENT AN ENT..., Archived version, tweet by predawngrizz, 12 November 2014.
  75. ^ a b tumblr post by worshippedlove, reblogged by straightguysdont2, Archived version, 15 June 2015.
  76. ^ if louis wanted people to think he is in fact straight he wouldn't of gotten the dagger tattoo everyone has been wanting this for months, Archived version, tweet by gothth0ttt, 27 November 2014.
  77. ^ The comment about “the rose” is one of those things. Still, I don’t see why this makes any difference? The fact that Louis got the dagger after fans wanted him to for so many months, tattooed on the same place as H’s rose tattoo and the same size is SO LOUD. You can’t debunk that, Archived version, tweet by Habitsantidote, 28 November 2023.
  78. ^ tumblr thread reblogged by thelarrative-blog, Archived version, 26 March 2016.
  79. ^ Louis got the dagger to Stab Larries cos he Wants them Dead, Archived version, tweet by rxry_gilmxre, 9 May 2015.
  80. ^ "the dagger is probably symbolic of how much he’d like to stab all of y’all for trying to assign meaning to his body mods tbh" anon ask answered by literalbullshit, Archived version, 27 November 2014.
  81. ^ Harry Styles gets new Popeye-style anchor tattoo to cover up 'I can't change' ink, Archived version, The Mirror, 12 January 2014.
  82. ^ Update: More details on One Direction’s Glen Burnie tattoo session, Archived version, Baltimore Sun, 27 June 2013.
  83. ^ anon ask answered by ohthefond, Archived version, 12 January 2015. As of 17 December 2023, this tumblr post has 3943 notes.
  84. ^ Harry was photographed at Shangri La Tattoo on February 18. Liam Sparkes worked there at the time, but the tattoo artist in the photo is Shae V. Lou Bones shared the photo on instagram. Harry with Lou Bones and Shae V at Shangri La Tattoo shop in London today. (02/18/14), Archived version, tweet by MileneUpdates, 18 February 2014.
  85. ^ The tattoo itself was not revealed until several days later, when Harry was on a different continent. Wearing his heart on his sleeve... literally! One Direction's Harry Styles unveils graphic new heart tattoo on his bicep as he shops in LA, Archived version, Daily Mail, 27 February 2014.
  86. ^ Larries believe, not without reason, that Harry's tattoo was done by Liam Sparkes. tumblr post by bulletprooflarry, Archived version, 24 February 2014.
  87. ^ Going in One Direction! Louis Tomlinson shows off huge new arrow tattoo on his left arm and Pac-Man and Noughts and Crosses inkings similar to those on his right arm, Archived version, Daily Mail, 9 March 2014.
  88. ^ Louis' new tattoo is an ARROW! -, Archived version, tweet by 1DAlert, 9 March 2014.
  89. ^ LARRY SHIPPERS ARE SO STUPID I MEAN LOUIS NEW TATTOO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LARRY STFU, Archived version, tweet by ElounorShipper7, 9 March 2014.
  90. ^ I was literally just waiting for someone to make louis new tattoo larry related😒, Archived version, tweet by touchinmystyles, 9 March 2014.
  91. ^ So what conspiracies have been formulated for the meaning of Louis's new tattoo? #louistomlinson #louisnewtatoo #LarryStylinson #elounor, Archived version, tweet by TSwift_1D_13, 9 March 2014.
  92. ^ Louis Tomlinson Breaks Down His Tattoos, Archived version, GQ YouTube channel, 5 December 2019. As of 16 January 2022, this youtube video has 2,204,581 views.
  93. ^ screencap of a youtube comment posted to tumblr, Archived version, posted by louisandthedagger, Feb 25, 2020. As of 16 January 2022, this tumblr post has 3605 notes.
  94. ^ Let’s do a deep dive into the best Youtube comment section, Archived version, by daisiesonafield, 30 July 2020. As of 16 January 2022, this tumblr post has 235 notes.
  95. ^ bulletprooflarry. "Character Development". Archived from the original on 2022-01-03. posted on Tumblr on 5 Nov 2015. (Accessed 7 Sep 2019)
  96. ^ Louis Tomlinson Bans "Larry" From His Instagram & Gets Trolled Hard, Archived version, E! Online, 16 September 2016.
  97. ^ "💚💙" (to:louis_tomlinson), Archived version, "💚💙" (to:harry_styles), Archived version twitter search 26 November 2021. Search results also include fan accounts with the heart emojis in their display names along with the many tweets that contain the emojis.
  98. ^ Bluegreener sammyunhinged dictionary on Twitter (2021)
  99. ^ Saturday Jib Summary by ghost-of-bobby on Tumblr (2022)
  100. ^ anon ask answered by thelarrative-blog, Archived version, 20 September 2017. As of 22 November 2021, this tumblr post has 16 notes.
  101. ^ to:harry_styles until:2021-09-29 happy anniversary, Archived version, to:harry_styles until:2015-09-29 happy anniversary, Archived version. Twitter searches, 13 February 2022.
  102. ^ tumblr post by lrambling, Archived version, 20 July 2017. As of 13 February 2022, this tumblr post has 43 notes.
  103. ^ tumblr post by larriefails, Archived version, 23 January 2019. As of 13 February 2022, this tumblr post has 19 notes.