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Deck 6
Zine | |
Title: | Deck 6 |
Publisher: | |
Editor(s): | Carol Pruitt [1] |
Type: | newsletter |
Date(s): | July 1969-March 1972 |
Frequency: | irregular |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Deck 6 is a Star Trek: TOS newsletter out of Boston. Its original purpose was to encourage a letter-writing campaign to ask NBC and Paramount to bring Star Trek back for a fourth season. It became the second widely-circulated Star Trek newsletter, coincidentally beginning just one month after the final issue of Shirley Meech's Plak-Tow. It kept fans throughout the country in touch with each other in these early years.
The zine was named after one of the crew-quarters decks on the original starship Enterprise.
It is one of the very earliest Star Trek zines published. For others, see List of Star Trek TOS Zines Published While the Show Was Still On the Air.
A Peek into Organization
From a public letter printed in The Nimoyan (Sept/Dec, 1969) regarding the "Quest for Better Television" campaign proposed in DECK 6 Issue 3 but never actually implemented (DECK 6 itself had no such organization); the parenthetical comments were added by Sam Cole, editor of that newsletter:
Enough people have expressed interest in Regional Directorships that we can now more-or-less definitely plan on launching the better TV campaign with a month.
But exactly what does a regional Director do? Here's the way we see it; Perhaps you can suggest some refinements.
As with DECK 6 up to now,, we'll put out a newsletter from time to time (as the situation warrants). Since we have around seven hundred names and addresses, we can't handle a mailing alone, so we would make just enough copies of the newsletter to send a couple to each of you. You would then reproduce enough copies for the members in you region (Xerox; or offset would be the easiest methods, of course; nunei ir souru.t dyokucatir wiykd ordbabkt be cgeaocr.) If there is local news, you could add an extra page or two. (Sorry Carol, that is Sama Luna's help (Translation-mimeo or spirit duplicator would probably be cheaper). Then you would mail the whole thing out to folks in your region.
Of course, this is going to run into some money; but never fear —- we have (as usual) a plan. You'll have to finance the first issue (we'll try to keep it brief, to hold down the duplication and postage costs), but it will inform people that if they wish to continue receiving DECK 6, they'd better send money and/or stamps.
To give us a better idea of how much to ask for, would you please check around to see what sort of money you'll have to spend for duplicating; also, would you prefer that they send cash, or stamps, or a combination? You can count on around a hundred people on your initial mailing list; it may grow or shrink after that — only time will tell. (Suggestion from Sam, Will those in my region please send me a long envelope, addressed. Enclose In the envelope 2 6 cent stamps & 10 cents. When you receive your Deck 6 from me then mail one envelope as requested. Your next issue will come in it. Then send your next envelope, this will save time for you and make it easier for me to tell if you want an issue. When I do not have an envelope for you but still have some of your stamps left you will get two more issues, only & then be dropped from the mailing list. Do not forget the stamps and the dime. Any profit I make I'll go to Mexico on. You can be placed back on the list simply by sending the envelope again.) (You wanna know is you're in my area? I know I got TEXAS, Carol do I have other states????)
One suggestion: if you don't already have a rubber address stamp (Carol, I got 7 but non say Regional Director on Unpublicity Director, sniff, do I get to blow a wad on on two more????) 0r lots of address stickers, It'd be a good idea to get one/some. You'll need to put your return address on each newsletter (though, depending on your mode of duplicating, you might run that right on the newsletter itself.
That's about it. We would appreciate any and all suggestions; we especially need more ideas on what to do with-all these people once they've sent in their money and are trapped on your mailing lists —— we can have mail-ins and phone-ins on very short notice, of course -- any further suggestions or twists on those basic thoughts?
From Sam: Can you help Carol & Ellen with this project? Do you want to be active in this campaign? Do you have time to be a regional director or an assistant to one with a large territory or act as substitute should a Director become ill?
This our TV Future we are working for,. The kind of TV we want for entertainment education & the kind of TV entire families can enjoy on all levels, shows where fact is fact and fiction is fiction and it is so stated.
Issue 1
Deck 6 1 was apparently written on July 12, 1969. It is two pages (a single sheet, printed on both sides). Fans encouraged to write/phone NBC on "Deluge Monday." [2] [3]
Issue 2
Deck 6 2 was apparently written on July 23, 1969, and is two pages (a single sheet printed on both sides). Further preliminaries to Deluge Monday.
Issue 3
Deck 6 3 was published in October 1969. It is five pages, printed on one side.
Issue 4
Deck 6 4 was published in January 1970. It is five pages, printed on one side.
Issue 5
Deck 6 5 was published in February 1970. It is six pages, printed on one side. It includes a review of the tie-in novel, Spock Must Die. It also contains the question: "Will the discontinuation of ST reruns affect the lifespan of Deck 6? I hope not. Many cities have already ceased airing the Treks...."
Issue 6
Deck 6 6 was published in March 1970. It is seven pages (four sheets printed on both sides.
From this issue:
Peggye Vickers lives! But her new job doesn’t leave enough time for her to continue as president of the LNNAF. Peggye, who began the club in Feb. 1967, will remain as advisor to the new president, Louise Stange (whose last name rhymes with “tangy”). Louise’s “Capsule 7” chapter will merge with the LNNAF, so the 2000-and-some member club will now be even larger. For several months it had been assumed that Gloria Lillibridge, the vice-president, would assume the presidency, but she felt that taking on a third club would be unfair to the members of all three (how she manages two is beyond me!), so Gloria will stay on as vice-president. There is also a new position on the LNNAF staff: Mrs. S. Cornelie (“Sam”) Cole, president of the Nimoyan-Spock’s Scribes chapter, has been designated by LN himself as National Chapter Director; Sam will keep Louise and LNNAF members informed on chapter activities. Congratulations to Louise and Sam on their new positions, and thanks to Peggye and Gloria for three years of a fantastic club (and many more to come)!
Issue 7
Deck 6 7 was published in April 1970. It is eight pages, printed on one side.
Issue 8
Deck 6 8 was published in late May 1970. It is three pages (two sheets printed on both sides).
This issue includes perhaps the first published distinction between the terms "trekker" and "trekkie." The editor wrote:
If you object to opinions expressed or statements made in DECK 6, please don’t blame the “Deck 6 gang.” With the exception of issue #1 (which was written by Ellen), I’m responsible. Any contributions by the rest of the gang will be so labeled, so if you’re planning to hit anyone, better aim at me. The gang is a definite help, though – they keep my spirits up, and beat me down when I start acting like a bubble-headed trekkie (rather than a sober, dignified – albeit enthusiastic – trekker).
Issue 9
Deck 6 9 was published in mid-August 1970. It is four pages (two sheets printed on both sides).
Issue 10
Deck 6 10 was published in late-August, 1970. It is four pages (two sheets printed on both sides). It is the "Vulcanalia Issue."
From the editor:
I know I said no tv/movie magazine articles would be mentioned in D6, but this one’s too good to pass up: the October TV RADIO MIRROR will have an article on Louise Stange’s visit to Paramount, LN’s Pet Pad, and the Nimoy home. Louise is, of course, the new president of the LNAF. Yes, just one “N” now – the word “National” hardly belongs in the title of such an international club. (Thanks, Allene Nims.)
Issue 11
Deck 6 11 was published in November 1970. It is four pages (two sheets printed on both sides). The contents of this issue, as others, are small bits of trivia, of Trek in the news, of Star Trek mentioned on road signs and in commercials and other places of popular culture. An example: "Marilyn Hawkes's attic has yielded a wooden shoe-heel stamped "United Vulcan" (do they have a Space Probe Agency, too?). Does anyone know the location of the company?"
A Vulcan's heart is located in the Iower right-hand portion of his chest as every Dorothy Fontana fan knows. Her letter printed in SPOCKANALIA #2 underlines this fact, and mentions that the heart operation in "Journey to Babel" was performed on the left side of Sarek's chest only for reasons of blocking. But perhaps that wasn't a slip in continuity after all. Some humans have a complete reversal of body structure appendix on the left, stomach on the right, and so forth. These persons are also left handed, except for the few who would "normally be left handed. Now it follows a rather tenuous bit of reasoning; Sarek is left handed (this assertion is based primarily on the fact that Mark Lenard is left handed, but is backed up by recent close observation of a "Babel" rerun). He may be an example of reversed body structure in Vulcans. It is even possible that left handedness in Vulcans is always a manifestation of reversed body structure.
Everyone knows that the Vulcan pon farr runs a seven-year cycle, right? It was common knowledge long before the explicit statement in "Cloud Minders." But how did everyone know? Fanzines helped to popularize the notion, but the knowledge must have been available elsewhere (I was oblivious to the existence of trekdom till well into third season, yet I "knew" about the seven-year cycle). Perhaps it was mentioned in TV GUIDE or a movie mag — can anyone pin down the exact source?
Bjo Trimble is planning an "ecology fanzine," with information on groups to join, where to send letters of protest (and how to), possible boycotts, and suchlike. She needs addresses of interested groups (large or small), as well as the names of companies guilty of pollution. If you have any of this information, or ideas you think Bjo could use, write to her...
Louise Stange writes that the TV-RADIO MIRROR article on her visit with LN will appear soon (although it was not in the Oct issue — as the trekvine had reported — nor in the Nov or Dec issue). The article will include some photos Louise took, as well as professional shots.
Issue 12
Deck 6 12 was published in January 1971. It is four pages (two sheets printed on both sides).
Devra Langsam reveals that a two-handed version of the Vulcan salute (with thumbs touching) "is actually the gesture of blessing used by the Cohannim, or priestly tribe of the Jews. The superstition is that if you can do it, you're a Cohan" (and any Vulcan who can manage the double salute is a Yankee Doodle Dandy?), A reliable (one might even say authoritative) source confirms the suspicion that Leonard Nimoy knew what he was up to when he "invented" the salute for "Amok Time?" since LN is Jewish, it is a logical sort of joke. Devra feels, by the way, that all this helps to substantiate the rumor that the Vulcans are the ten lost tribes of Israel (I should think that one tribe would suffice after all, one must also account for the Celts, the American Indians, the Basques...)
Copies of the five-page "Strekfan Roster Questionnaire" (sponsored by the LNSTFCCP) will be included in PASTAKLAN VESLA #3 and in T-NEGATIVE #10 (or possibly #9). (Both zines are now in the works, and orders are being accepted. See PV ad, next page; for T-N info: SASE to Ruth Berman address on ad page.) The questionnaire will be compiled into a detailed listing of present-day trekdom. Here's your chance to stand up and be counted!
Many, many thanks to all of you for your cards and remembrances during the recent holidays, A glance at the calendar reminds me that it was just a year ago today that DECK 6's continuation became a planned, rather than a spontaneous thing. It's been a good year. My wishes to each of you for a future filled with the satisfying challenges that make living worthwhile. Yes, and a few heartaches too, for the tears remind you you're human.
Danielle Dabbs (P.O. Box 3923, Bryan TX 77801) announces that TRISKELION #4 is nearly ready for publication. She is now looking for material to be printed in her grand-finale, color-covered issue #5 — particularly articles and drawings.
Does anyone have a tape recording of Jimmy Doohan's BRONSON episode? Or proof that there actually was a fifth printing of Whitfield's MAKING OF STAR TREK?
About the pon far; Jacqueline Lichtenberg reminds me that the apocryphal seven-year cycle is mentioned in THE MAKING OF ST, p 227. But it does seem that I knew before that. Devra Langsam recalls an item in TV GUIDE's "TV Teletype; Hollywood" — can anyone verify that, hopefully with date of publication and/or an exact quote? (This, would have been sometime during the spring-summer-fall portion of 1967.)
Issue 13
Deck 6 13 was published in March 1971. It is four pages (two sheets printed on both sides).
- asks for fans to nominate Spockanalia #4 for a Hugo Award for "best fanzine"
- many, many short announcements about Star Trek celebrities and mentions in commercials, newspapers, television, magazines...
- an announcement by L.E. Wallace: Star Date 3113.7 [4] is the "upcoming production at the Denham Springs Community Theater...Baton Rouge, LA...." This play, inspired by Star Trek, was scheduled for March 10-12, 1971, at the Denham Springs Catholic Center.
It's coming time again for the Hugo Awards (science-fiction fandom's equivalent of the Oscars). "Any generally available non-professional magazine devoted to science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects, which has published four or more issues, at least one of which appeared in 1970," is eligible for the Best Amateur Magazine ("fanzine") award. Since SPOCKANALIA fifth and final issue appeared in 1970, it is eligible (obviously and sadly, for the last time). Perhaps a trekzine has little chance of actually winning a Hugo, but surely the first and all-'round best of the ST zines deserves the honor of being one of five nominees
Issue 14
Deck 6 14 was published in April 1971. It is five pages (three sheets printed mostly on both sides).
The editor wrote about the play, Star Date 3113.7, and said Wallace "chose the play's title (which is the date of the second log entry in 'Tomorrow is Yesterday') to emphasize the relevance of his theme....to life in the 20th Century." [5] Pruitt's comments on this talk page,
First off, some follow-up coverage of the ST event of the year. Star Date 3113.7 ran for only three nights in a 150-seat theater, yet it managed to attract a total audience of nearly 700 people. This meant standing room only for each of the three performances, which makes "Star Date 3113.7" the Denham Springs Community Theater's most successful presentation to date; director Charles Gibson speculates that the play could easily have drawn audiences for a second week. Interest in STAR TREK is obviously still very much alive.
Does anyone know who does the "Good morning, Mr. Phelps" tapes for MISSION? Or what pop song of a year or two ago contained the words, "So I'll hold out my hand, and I'll be your friend; you don't have to be mine"? Kris Trott and I remember the song, and agree that it's a perfect theme for Christine Chapel, but neither of us knows the title.
As most of you have heard by now, Leonard Nimoy will not return to MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE in the fall, A special newsletter with his detailed explanation will he sent to LNAF members within a few weeks; a Nimoyan-Spock's Scribes bulletin will quickly follow with excerpts from the letter.
Steven Garlberg (P.O, Box 1958, Sarasota FL 55578) would like to form a ST APA, Let's see, I believe that's "Amateur Publishing Association;" at any rate, the general idea is this: suppose 20 people with trekkish material they'd like to see in print start the APA; each of them would send 20 or more copies of their story or whatever to the collator (an APA's version of editor), who would collate the first issue and mail copies to each contributor. Most APA's print more copies than they have members, then sell to other fans to help meet incidental expenses (I don't know that this would be Steven Garlberg's plan), let him know if you're interested.
Thanks to Devra Langsam and Shirley Meech, we now have definite word that the seven-year pon far cycle was mentioned publicly before "Cloud Minders" — before "Amok Time" was aired, in fact. In a letter to Devra from Shirley, dated 6 July 67: "'Dateline: Hollywood ((a segment of one network's eleven pm news)) last week had a news flash from Gene Roddenberry - they put Leonard's picture on the screen and the gossip-column girl (Rona Barrett, probably) said, 'You can call it SEX TREK next year! Roddenberry says Mr. Spock will have things better in the coming season. Because of a mating drive, he must return to his home planet every 7 years and find a woman, or die!'" The seven year cycle was also mentioned in MOVIELAND & TV TIME (not sure of exact title), Oct 67, "Fan letters I Answer First" -- Nimoy is quoted as saying, "Now I'm about to reply to a letter that feels sorry for Spock with this news. The series is giving him a mating drive that makes him go back to his own planet every seven years to look for a woman to love. If he doesn't find her, he'll die." This would have hit the newsstands in early September, a couple of weeks before "Amok Time" was run. (Thanks, Ruth Berman.)
Squelching of the Rumor Dep't; Word is going around again (*sigh*) that a network ST movie-special is in the works with the original cast; and, so the rumor goes, if the show is well received, the series may be revived. Not true. The old regulars have not been approached about any such thing. It all seems to have started back in '69 when Mort Werner remarked that such a movie "might be nice." Another completely unfounded rumor has it that the ST CONCORDANCE is out of print; thus existing copies may purportedly command a higher-than-original price. Again, not true. Bjo Trimble tells me that she Will keep the CONCORDANCE in print until people stop ordering it. The third-season supplement is in the works, and should be ready for Noreascon.
Ruth Berman has a story ("Ptolemaic Hijack") in the Spring WORLDS OF FANTASY magazine. Chalk up one for our side — it's basically a 20th century re-write of Ruth's "Star Drek" (SPOCKANALIA #1, wherein Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Uhura find themselves in Spenser's geocentric universe, complete with wizards), with a jetliner replacing the ENTERPRISE. I am not going to tell you how Ruth got around the "elf's or man's or neither's kiss" spell without Spock. Buy a copy yourself, before the magazine vendors decide it's no longer "Spring"!
What with all the new trekzines popping up, it would he useful for people to have some idea what each one is like (considering that few of us has the cash to afford allof them). I'd like to run trekzine reviews from time to time; not only my opinion of the zines (in some detail), but also an objective description of the zine's contents, appearance, price, and such, (for those of you familiar with the reviews in LOCUS, this is the sort of thing I have in mind.) Editors who would like their zines to he reviewed should send me a copy; in return you will receive what amounts to free advertising, as well as a free copy of that issue of D6 (editors with subscriptions would have them extended). If you know (or think) I already have a copy of your zine, and you would like it reviewed, just let me know (no free D6 in this case, of course). This need not be limited to new zines; I will he glad to review any trekzine (or genzine with a substantial amount of ST material) that is still in print. I will not review any zine whose editor has not requested it. (And if you think this is just a clever ruse to get free trekzines for myself, I didn't think it was all that clever.)
Issue 15
Deck 6 15 was published in August 1971. It is five pages (three sheets printed mostly on both sides). This issue has reviews of Masiform D #1, T-Negative #11, and The Enterprise Papers: Warp One, see those pages.
The lag between issues (yes, the last one really was in April) confused a lot of you about the status of your subscription. [snipped] Let me state for the record that D6 is not necessarily a monthly publication (just in case some of you still haven't guessed. Once a month is about as frequently as I could put it out, but sometimes I can't get to it that often — though l do try to make the gaps as short as possible.
A STAR TREK parody, "Star Trip," has been recorded by a group called the Congress of Wonders, according to several of Steve Murphy's friends. Shirley Maiewski heard what I assume to be excerpts from the same album on the radio: a "Vulgarian" first officer, busy signals on the communicator. Can any of you (or a local DJ) verify the title of the album and name of the group — and find out what label it's on? I'd love to order a copy.
Elyse Pines and Al Schuster have announced a STAR TREK Con, with slide shows, displays, continuous showings of ST episodes, blooper films, a hucksters' room, and an art show. It'll be 21-23 Jan 1972 at the McAlpin Hotel in Hew York City (scene of this year's Lunacon [6]
Devra Langsam reports that Gail Barton got up a "simply fabulous" Horta for the Westercon costume ball, and won second prize in the BEM ("bug-eyed monster") division. Does anyone have a photo?
Anna May Hall brings up this question: Haven't a lot of scientific/science- fiction terms been adopted from ST? She mentions the word "sensor" as having been used in recent sf stories and during the Apollo flights. That term could have been in use before ST (does anyone know?), but I'm nearly certain that "phaser" (which I've come across several times since ST) was coined by Gene Roddenberry. Contrariwise, several of the bemmish creatures on ST appear to have been named for friends (enemies?) of the authors. The Boston phone book, for example, lists two Gorns and a Tribble (I've heard serious speculation, though, that David Gerrold's purry-furry critters were named for John and Bjo Trimble). Disappointingly, there weren't any Hortas.
SF writer Larry Niven (Whose RING WORLD is up for a Hugo award) has published a Trek to (literally) end all Treks, both-in APA-L and in Ed's APA (the Amateur Publishing Societies of the LA SF Society and the New England SF Ass'n, respectively;. "The Pastel Terror" (I have the feeling he isn't too serious about this) is a five-page story outline which "involves destroying the ENTERPRISE a piece at a time, and allowing Spock to betray Kirk twice, for the most logical of reasons.
Fan printer Jim Thomas (who ran off THE VOYAGES on his mimeo) may soon acquire "an offset press of monstrous proportions capable of the most beauteous and colorful adventures . . . photo screening and all." Problem is, Jim can afford this potential boon to fannish publishers only if enough people let him know they'd like to have such a printing service available. You can tell Jim you'd like him to print your zine (or newsletter, or flyers, or artwork, or photos. or . . .), or inquire about his prices (which will be "flexible" and, of course, well below commercial rates), by writing to P.O., Box 474, Los Altos CA 94022.
Sue Clejan writes that her William Shatner Appreciation Society will be publishing a book of ST poetry.
Issue 16
Deck 6 16 was published in March 1972. It is four pages (two sheets printed on both sides). It was the final issue. The editor announced the demise of the LNSTFCCF, which she speculated might continue under the name STFCCF. [7]
From the editorial regarding the Star Trek Convention held in January 1972 in New York City:
That ST does indeed have quite a following was amply demonstrated by what may become known in fannish history as the first annual STAR TREK Con, The 5,000 attendance figure makes the STCon the largest sf convention ever held (Noreascon, the '71 Worldcon, sold just over 2,000 memberships), and Joyce Yasner assures me, in the name of the STCon committee, that there will be another in '73, Perhaps next year's committee will be prepared for the attendance; this year's expectations were for perhaps a tenth the number who showed up. Program books and other hand-outs soon disappeared, but Gene Roddenberry was there, as were Majel Barrett and D. C. Fontana, and a great time was had by all, despite the general short supply of food, sleep, etc, Kris Trott reports that when Roddenberry first appeared before the assemblage, and saw his Vulcan salute responded to in kind by 3,000 hands, his first words (in a meek little voice) were, "I think I sort of know how it feels to be nominated for President," Roddenberry mentioned, in the course of one of his two talks, that there a possibility of a new ST movie or tv-movie or somesuch, (I've also heard rumors that the networks are thinking of reviving ST, or a similar series.) Speaking of networks, the STCon was covered by both ABC and CBS; NBC was conspicuous by its head-in-the-sand stance.
The editor voiced a complaint common to fanzine editors:
A gentle reminder to trekfen is in order, brought to mind by a letter: Whenever you v/rite to a club or fanzine requesting information, the decent thing is to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE), or at least a stamp, for the reply. Those of you in other countries can enclose an International Reply Coupon, available at your local post office. Clubs and zines are generally a hobby rather than a money-making project, and dues/subscriptions are figured to cover just the cost of printing and mailing the publications. Answering more than a few inquiries can break the president or editor if the inquirers did not enclose return postage. And, believe me, those requests that enclose the stamp are so far between as to bring on a touch of the misty-eye when they do arrive.
On the latest James Blish book:
Blish's latest collection of travesties, STAR TREK 6, is to be issued soon, possibly this month. STAR TREK 5, for those of you who haven't seen it, includes "Whom Gods Destroy," "Tholian Web," "Last Battlefield," "Turnabout Intruder," "Requiem for Methuselah," "Way to Eden," and one lone non-third-season episode, "This Side of Paradise." Cover painting shows the ENTERPRISE landing on (taking off from?) some random planet. At least they got the registry number right this time.
A comment on "money-grubbing":
SCIENCE FICTION: WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT, a 95 cents Ace paperback, includes two or three pages panning ST. Prom the inauspicious beginning, "... STAR TREK . . . stubbornly held to the standards current in the pulp magazines of the thirties," author Sam Lundwell goes on to proclaim that, in his role as producer for Radio Sweden, he "did not buy the series." But there is one paragraph where I find myself in accord with Lundwall. "This sf series has, however, has given "birth to an unparalleled following, in the wake of which comes the usual offer of icons and holy objects — at a price." And so on to describe the money-grabbing tactics of Lincoln Enterprises.
From the editor, who says farewell:
Here I sit at a desk strewn with mail dating back to last summer; more letters are on the book shelves beside me. 'Tain't easy acquiring a job and a husband all in the same month (namely last November), And the activities preliminary to both events chewed up most of the summer. That's where I've been. I was hoping to get this issue out sometime in September or October, after the Noreascon. Didn't make it, as you can see, although I think I did answer some mail then. The realization slowly came upon me that I no longer had time to put out anything vaguely resembling a bi-monthly (or so) fanzine. I'd be lucky to make it bi-yearly. So I've reluctantly designated this as the final issue of DECK 6.
On to the gruesome details of closing out a trekzine. Each of you, except for those whose subscriptions expire with this issue, will receive a refund check with this issue. If you'd rather take your credit in back issues, just return the check and let me know which issues you d like. I've been asked if others could take over D6; thanks, but I'd rather not it's been "my baby" for over two years now. But why not start your own ST newszine?
I'll be in touch with most of you, through the other zines, , and in letters (which I hope to catch up on eventually). But for now, and for the last time here, peace.
- ^ As pointed out later (in issue #8), issue #1 was written by Ellen Winder; the rest (regardless of their end credits) were written by Ms. Pruitt.
- ^ According to a number of Australian websites, Deluge Monday was July 28, 1969, in which case issue #1 was written July 12.
- ^ The issue #1 sample shown is a later reprint; the first two issues originally had their title done in Magic Marker (see sample of issue #2).
- ^ Note: Star Trek Lives! erroneously calls the play "Stardate 7113.7"
- ^ Various online sources give the stardate of that episode as 3113.2, so 3113.7 sounds reasonable for the second log entry, dated December 4, 2020..
- ^ This con may be related to Mini Trek Con One.
- ^ "This issue includes what seems to be a complete collection of correspondence pertaining to the recent LNAF/LNSTFCCF falling out, which I do not pretend to understand, even though I was contacted by both sides early in the argument. Suffice it to say that the LNSTFCCF is no longer a chapter of the LNAF; I assume they will revert to their former name, the STAR TREK Fan Club of Concerned Fans (STFCCF)."