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You may be looking for the Star Trek: TOS zine, Antares Rising.

Title: Antares
Publisher: Orion Press
Editor(s): Randall Landers
Date(s): 1997-2010
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links: Orion Press
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Antares is a gen Star Trek: TOS fanzine edited by Randall Landers of Orion Press.

There are 19 issues. A twentieth issue was planned for June 2011, but was not published.

Summaries for issues #16-#18 are from Orion Press.

The End of Antares

Randall Landers writes about his decision to stop publishing "Antares":

It's been thirty-three years since I first published STARDATE 1. It's been a wild and wonderful experience publishing fanzines, but lately, our current flagship fanzine, ANTARES, has simply not sold lately, and to be completely honest, I've been told that it's because it's turned into a Chekov fanzine. That wouldn't bother me if it weren't true, but it is true, and that's not what ANTARES was meant to be. ANTARES was meant to be a friendship, action-adventure, humor, drama zine--a genzine, with some adult material from time to time. Lately, it's been nothing but Chekov, Chekov and more Chekov. And sales have plumeted... I've not sold but three of the latest issue of ANTARES. That puts me into the notion that it's time to cease publication of ANTARES. I'll probably come up with another title and a new fanzine series in the coming months, but right now I think it may be time to let things lay fallow for a time. We'll continue to look at submissions as they come in, but I'm not going to worry about soliciting additional material at this time.[1]


Right now, for the time being, we've decided to publish virtually simultaneously, in print and on-line. This will diminish the sales of the zines, but the main thing is that the Orion Press writers, myself included, want their works read. Update #2: After Antares 20 (June 2011), Orion Press will cease to publish new fanzines. Our back issues will remain in print, but there will be no new publications, even though the site will continue to host new material.[2]

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, Zaquia Tarhuntassa

Antares 1 was published in 1997 and contains 126 pages. The cover is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa. Other art by David Lawrence, Joey Rodrigues, and Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

From the introduction:

Let's take a look at the story contents: "If Only"... is set after Star Trek Generations, Leonard McCoy is expecting a visitor in the form of Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard. But he ends up with a surprise guest who bears an even reater burden to share with the retired doctor. This is a terrific story which reunites the three most dynamic characters in all of Star Trek.

"Fun"... os set after Star Trek The Undiscovered Country. after returning to the Enterprise from the frozen surface of Rura Penthe, Doctor Leonard McCoy is visited by a fellow officer with an intriguing offer.

"Cultural Conditioning" set during the original five year mission. Captain James Kirk encounters a new crew member aboard the Enterprise. This is a fun look at our favorite captain as he deals with a relationship with a rather unique Vulcan.

"Shadows Over Deneva" set during the episode "Operation Annihilate! It features a guilt ridden McCoy contemplating the unthinkable after blinding Spock, apparently forever, until someone who knows him almost better than himself intercedes.

"Music of the Night"... is set during the episode, The Doomsday Machine. We learn why Uhura wasn't on duty during that episode, and how close she came to losing her life in a struggle with a powerful entity. Note: this story should be considered part of the official Orion Universe.

Finally, "Prisoners" .... is set after the end of the five year mission. Spock has returned to Vulcan, Kirk has accepted a desk job, and McCoy has received an invitation from a certain Fabrini woman who wishes to pick up where they left off. This is a fantastic and heart wrenching story that should be required reading. And again, please note, this story should be considered part of the official Orion Universe.

Reactions and Reviews

  • "If Only" / Spock & Picard visit McCoy after Kirk is killed; Spock to persuade the doctor to come to Vulcan, where Kirk’s katra will be installed “in a rock” until they are ready to join him.
  • "Fun!" / After Rurapente, Uhura tries to persuade McCoy to sign on as Sulu’s CMO
  • "Cultural Conditioning" / Blonde, vulnerable Vulcan T’Risa comes aboard and inadvertently bonds with Kirk.
  • "Shadows Over Deneva" / McCoy & Spock come to terms with Spock’s blinding in "Operation: Annihilate."
  • "Music of the Night" / Uhura is trapped in a musical & mental fugue, and rescued by Spock with the help of tone-deaf Kirk.
  • "Prisoners" / McCoy finds and loses Natira again, in a set-up glossed over by the Fleet, and finally resigns.[3]

Issue 2

cover of issue #2, Zaquia Tarhuntassa

Antares 2 was published in 1998 and contains 152 pages. The cover is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews for The Kenederis Incident.

  • "The Medal" (p. 5-10) / Spock and Sarek at odds over an act of violence that earned Spock a medal of valor.
  • "First Class" (p. 12-29) / A cadet exercise goes awry on account of Orions. A young pair are re-playing Kirk & Spock.
  • "Out on a Limb" (p. 30-45) / McCoy, Spock & Sulu encounter a determinedly altruistic alien life form.
  • "The Face of the Enemy" (p. 46-62) / Heading back after stealing the cloaking device, the Commander manages to capture Spock on another Romulan vessel.
  • "The Kenederis Incident" (p. 64-88) / The Keneds, their planet quarantined because of prior plague, are suddenly both afflicted with the plague themselves and suffering from violent attacks. Enterprise comes to the rescue. McCoy gets infected when a patient he’s about to autopsy revives, and Spock works with him to find a treatment. Unfortunately, the treatment that works on McCoy leaves the Keneds brain-dead, whether their infections are mild or severe. It turns out that the Keneds are actually a bacterial creature themselves, inhabiting a variety of species on the planet, accounting for their planet’s multiple sentient species who all consider themselves Kened. The plague is from a similar creature that has taken up residence.
  • "The Test of Forever" (p. 89-105) / Aftermath of City on the Edge... requiring a return trip.
  • "For the First Time in My Life" (p. 106-152) / Kirk accompanies Spock to a scientific conference for R&R.[4]

Issue 3

cover of issue #3, Zaquia Tarhuntassa

Antares 3 was published in April 1999 and contains 116 pages. Cover: Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

  • "The Red Shirt" / Kirk attends a dying security guard
  • "The Emancipator of Trill" / Diplomatic and personal troubles ensue when a Trill ambassador, possibly inside a coerced host, views Kirk as her entertainment.
  • "James Kirk: Don Juan, Mata Hari or Dobie Gillis?" / Analysis of Kirk’s romances, with the conclusion that he should remain a Don Juan; real love is too dangerous for all concerned.
  • "Winter Hunt" / On a skiing vacation, Kirk is kidnapped, with ensuing escape and ordeal as his captors pursue
  • "After Platonius" / McCoy forces the couples tortured in "Plato's Stepchildren" to confront one another.
  • "Dead To Me" / Scott, in the TNG era, confronts a relation still holding him responsible for Peter Preston’s death.
  • "The Ride of the Valkyries" / Uhura and Spock, on leave after a night at the opera, take on a young gang of motorcycle riders, including the son of a local dignitary [5]

Issue 4

cover of issue #4, Rick Endres

Antares 4 was published in January 2000 and contains 112 pages. Cover by Rick Endres.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

See reactions and reviews for Last Picked.

See reactions and reviews for Home Sweet Home.

  • "Something to Remind You" / Thoughts of music send Uhura into odd panic attack after the Nomad incident; Spock assists in her recovery.
  • "A Bird in the Hand, A Bird in the Bush" / Starfleet asks Kirk to teach a seminar on the Prime Directive to the dismay of McCoy & Spock - and finds a fitting metaphor in fledgling cardinals.
  • "Whales Weep Not" (p. 29-41) / Gillian Taylor attempts to adjust to the 23rd century, and a couple of crushes.
  • "The Way Back" / Sulu attempts to salvage Chakotay’s career.
  • "Intruder" / post-STV; crew encounters mothership apparently engaged in biological warfare; McCoy eventually concludes that it is restocking life forms for preservation purposes - its “battle” is to seed the universe with life
  • "Home Sweet Home" / The Enterprise has recovered an old Vulcan probe; Vulcan demands its return, and Spock has an unsatisfactory return to Vulcan and equally unsatisfactory encounter with Dad. This premise of a racist elite in control on Vulcan, which turns up quite often, doesn’t seem to fit to me... but then, I’ve never been able to reconcile Vulcan logic with Vulcan hoo-ha.
  • "Last Picked" / Nice romp for McCoy, getting to be the hero when the trio try to rescue a protestor and Kirk & Spock wind up wrapped in glass silk by a big icky predator, and put into storage as dinner for the kids. Favorite line is Spock's: “Thank you for saving my sorry skinny green Vulcan butt.”
  • "The Viewing" / Vignette of old Admiral McCoy welcoming Jim's corpse home, 80 years late for his own funeral.[6]

Issue 5

cover of issue #5, Zaquia Tarhuntass

Antares 5 was published in July 2000 and contains 112 pages. The cover is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

  • The Wreck of the Aurora Borealis (P. 6-30) by Cathy German [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.2])
  • Paragraph 17 (p. 31-37) by Anna Perotti [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.2])
  • The Lesson (p. 38-56 ) by Cathy German [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.2 and Orion Archives 2001: Beginnings]
  • Spider's Lair (p. 57-92) by Randall Landers
  • Comeuppance (p. 92-109) by Cathy German [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.2]
  • Duties and Responsibilities (p. 110-112) by Randall Landers [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: Chekov's Enterprise])

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5

See reactions and reviews for The Wreck of the Aurora Borealis.

See reactions and reviews for Comeuppance.

See reactions and reviews for The Lesson.

  • "The Wreck of the Aurora Borealis" / Enterprise is assigned to guard a wreck full of gold dust, and ends up facing an angry cat, Orion raiders, and a large, amorphous, hungry space entity with a taste for gold. Creative, fun, and well-executed.
  • "Paragraph 17" / In a first contact encounter, things go nicely with Kirk wining and dining the Beta Reticulan head of state until he discovers that though the people are startlingly human-like, their secondary sexual characteristics are reversed on that planet. Cute.
  • "The Lesson" (p. 38-56 ) / Starfleet sends desk-jockey Jude Osborne to figure out what makes Kirk’s command crew tick so well; she finds out with a vengeance, on the bridge in the middle of a battle. Superbly written. Starts in battle, backtracks around in time to show vignettes of an unfortunate incident with a Vulcan roommate, shows the crew in normal mode and then in crisis. Nice touch is everyone’s immediate reaction “Intruder! Who? Ah... Jude”
  • "Spider’s Lair" / Evil “Q’xl%” (pronounced Kicksulpop) shows up every 30 years to slurp up 5 insignificant lives. It happens to take them from a landing party of the Shenandoah, commanded by Kirk and his second Gary Mitchell, with Sulu present. It is unaffected by laser weapons. Sulu is sent back 30 years later to try again. A nice touch here is that we don’t know if Sulu has managed or not - he does lose his 5 crew, though. Interesting contrasts of Sulu’s command crew and Kirk’s - Sulu’s does not come together like that of Enterprise.
  • "Comeuppance" / Humor columnist Rose Osborne, who has been having fun with the E-crew for some time, comes aboard. She loses her sense of humor after she accidentally encounters what’s left of Yeoman Leslie Thompson after the Kelvans crystallized and crunched her, and becomes obsessed with understanding the girl and why she was on that mission. Charming. A bit trite having her finally understand by throwing herself in harm’s way for Kirk, but all in all excellent.
  • "Duties and Responsibilities" / Chekov family vignette - his uncle berating him for not coming back for his father’s funeral.[7]

Issue 6

cover of issue #6, Zaquia Tarhuntassa

Antares 6 was published in 2000 and contains 128 pages. The cover is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

  • After Paradise (p. 4-15) by Caroline R. Kummer [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.3])
  • A Form of Release (p. 16-29) by Rob Morris [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: Third Mission v.1])
  • The Ambassador's Taxi (p. 30-53 ) by Jim Ausfahl [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.3]
  • Banshee! (p. 54-61) by Mary R. Schuttler [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.2])
  • A Serpent in Eden (p. 62-116) by Jim Ausfahl [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: Second Mission v.2]
  • The Unexplained (p. 117-125) by Mary R. Schuttler [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: First Mission v.3])
  • Light Speed in an 85 mph Zone (p. 126-128) by D. G. Littleford [Reprinted in: Orion Archives 2001: Beginnings])

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

See reactions and reviews for The Ambassador's Taxi.

See reactions and reviews for A Serpent in Eden.

  • "After Paradise" / Kirk discovers that Spock has been working himself to death during the asteroid chase from “Paradise Syndrome” and teaches him a lesson about trusting his crew.
  • "A Form of Release" / Peter Kirk, on Tantalus Rehab colony after the events of The Dianasian Gift, is interrogated by an unseen counselor with regard to his possible parole, and is reluctant to defend himself, but slowly reveals aspects of his relationship with his uncle Jim Kirk - who, of course, turns out to be the interrogator.
  • "The Ambassador’s Taxi" / Points for new lifeforms. The dreaded ambassador turns out to be Hoorash, a tree-like silicate life form requiring high temperatures. Spock & McCoy visit him in his “pup tent” in the shuttle bay, inside little egg carts. Duties finished, Hoorash is anxious to get home to Suzr before his deathly-ill and dearest lifemate dies. So, the E cuts across Klingon space. Hoorash has to rescue them by stealing dilithium crystals from the Klingon ship, but is injured in the process. McCoy manages to save him by transfusing a solder alloy Scotty rigs up. When they reach Suzr, he does the same for Hrashass, buying her years of life.
  • "Banshee!" / Nicely written but silly premise - a banshee haunting sickbay, almost killing Kirk until his link to Spock calls him in to the rescue - leaving Kirk knowing that he will die when he is alone.
  • "A Serpent in Eden" / Though I couldn’t follow the set-up for this little Chekov whodunit, it was delightfully written with a plausible new civilization. Chekov goes undercover as Socath, a Seeker in a rigid (pre-contact) caste society, trying to figure out what has become of a vanished starbase. He is only allowed to speak in questions, which is one of the finest points of the story. He is immediately nabbed to be on a jury in a murder incident and turns detective. Evidence points to Romulan involvement - all such evidence is hushed up by Jonax, their jury’s Holder of Hidden Knowledge. I didn’t quite follow the resolution - the Holder evidently decides the time has come to reveal his Hidden Knowledge - the existence of other planets and peoples - because some kind of danger of paradox is now past.
  • "The Unexplained" / A Halloween story; Kirk recounts a nasty episode from his childhood in which he, Sam, Gary Mitchell, and the unfortunate Petey play with a Ouija board in a haunted house and Petey ends up bludgeoned by an psychopath’s spirit.
  • "Light Speed in an 85 mph Zone" / Nice little vignette - young Kirk is celebrating his admission to SF Academy by getting another traffic ticket, forcing the long-suffering cop to admit he’ll miss him.[8]

Issue 7

cover of issue #7, Christine Myers

Antares 7 was published in June 2001 and contains 116 pages. The cover is by Christine Myers.

  • Conversion (p. 4-9) by Cathy German
  • Captain's Bars (p. 10-16) by Rick Endres
  • Dear Mom (p. 17-20) by Cathy German
  • The Pearl (p. 21-57) by Jim Ausfahl
  • My Gift (p. 58-60) by Cathy German
  • The Haunting (p. 61-70) by Mary R. Schuttler
  • Only So Much(p. 71-81) by Cathy German
  • Contempt of Council (p. 82-114) by "Selek"
  • Blood Oath (p. 115-116) by Rick Endres

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7

See reactions and reviews for Dear Mom.

See reactions and reviews for Only So Much.

See reactions and reviews for Conversion.

  • "Conversion" / Events of "The Naked Time" from the pov of Pat's gruff Italian redshirt Sotello, in which he is nearly skewered by Sulu, and comes to terms with his nerd roommate. Delightful writing.
  • "Captain's Bars" / Kirk informs Sulu that his long-overdue promotion has come through - though not his ship of choice.
  • "Dear Mom" / Leslie Thompson's excited letter home, prior to the Kelvans turning her into a dodecahedron. Another of Pat's great, poignant shorts on the lives of crewfolk we saw briefly if at all.
  • "The Pearl" / Scott is inexplicably found dead shortly after McCoy has given him a clean bill of health. McCoy and Spock join forces to determine that the death has been faked, and then to rescue both Scott and his kidnapper, a species inhabiting its planet's oceanic vents.
  • "My Gift" / In his final seconds, heading for the engine room, Spock contemplates the reactions of those he will save because he is the only one who can.
  • "The Haunting" / During an engineering fire, Kirk has the area flooded with fire suppressant, only to find that ensign Karen Jenkins was left behind to smother, and that Cody denies having given the all-clear signal that Kirk is sure he heard. Kirk suffers sundry visitations by Jenkins' ghost, but it is only toying with him - which it reveals by frightening Cody into confessing to panic.
  • "Only So Much" / Kirk goes ballistic when a crewman commits inexplicable suicide. McCoy takes the brunt, trying to force Kirk to accept that he can't control everything, can't keep everyone safe. The lesson is almost driven home when McCoy himself is drowning, trapped under a tree... but Kirk manages to pull off another miracle rescue and is back to himself, secure in his omnipotence. As always, excellent characterization, dialogue and relationship insights.
  • "Contempt of Council" / Events of the Genesis Trilogy, as experienced by Sarek: Spock's death and the resultant strain on his parents' marriage; his attempt to retrieve the katra from Kirk; the discovery that Spock's body lives, and request for fal-tor-pan; his advocacy for the crew at their court-martial.
  • "Blood Oath" / Kor, Koloth, Kang and Curzon Dax take the oath against the Albino that will be fulfilled in Deep Space 9.[9]

Issue 8

cover of issue #8, Zaquia Tarhuntassa

Antares 8 was published in 2002 and contains 100 pages. The cover is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

From the editor: "Most of the other stories in this issue deal with the U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-B under the command of Captain Pavel Andreievich Chekov. The creative process here was somewhat different from normal. I jotted down half dozen ideas and exchanged emails with Rob Morris, Jim Ausfahl and Rick Endres. The results are series of connected stories."

Story summaries are from a flyer:

  • Command Potential (p. 5-19) by Donna Frelick ("Set aboard the U.S.S. Farragut, under the command of Captain Garrovick, James T. Kirk finds himself finally in charge of landing a party mission to a mining planet's surface. Unfortunately, things don't go as smoothly as his captain thought it would. This story is a rework of a portion of Donna's out-of-print novella. Into the Nexus.")
  • Too Great a Risk (p. 20-24) by Randall Landers & Rob Morris ("While reviewing potential crew replacements, Saavik rejects young officer who reminds Chekov of someone else.")
  • Reminiscing (p. 25-48) by Selek ("For "Reminiscing," Selek came up with wonderful story looking at the first meeting between Sarek and Amanda. It's a very satisfying story that looks at the characters in somewhat different light than we've seen in our zines. Selek also did the proofreading for the zine, and several of you have noticed.")
  • Planet of the Killer Chickens (p. 49-54) by Jim Ausfahl ("Chekov and Ch'terr find that all the diplomatic training Starfleet could offer hasn't prepared them for the natives of the planet Calyu.")
  • Chains of Command (p. 55-72) by Randall Landers (""Chains of Command," written by Randy Landers. During an accidental incursion into Romulan space by the dreadnought Alliance, Chekov finds that sometimes being in the center seat is no better than being a prisoner to the regulations he has sworn to uphold, and one of his crew learns that there are limits to what you can say to your captain.")
  • Freefall (p. 73-82) by Randall Landers & Rob Morris ("En route to the Enterprise, tragedy befalls one of the crew...")
  • The Odd Couple (p. 83-91) by Rob Morris ("Lieutenant Peter Kirk finds himselfsharing a cabin with Federation star reporter Willis O'Brien, much to the chagrin of both!")
  • Sometimes a Cigar (p. 92-96) by Rob Morris ("Saavik finds the nuances of English perplexing while sending her captain into fits of laughter.")
  • Phantoms (p. 97-98) by Rob Morris ("Ambassador Spock finds himself reflecting on the crew of both ships named Enterprise.")
  • Ashes (p. 99-100) by Randall Landers ("a short and bittersweet Sulu story")

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8

[Planet of the Killer Chickens]: I thought this one was rather imaginative and different. I recall it being a little difficult to understand quite what was going on the first time I read it, because I was still getting familiar with the characters from Chekov's crew. I don't think I'd seen this done before, where you extrapolate an alien race and appropriate customs based on an intelligent avian evolution. [10]

  • "Command Potential" / Action tale. Commanding his first landing party on what should have been a routine shopping trip for thorium, Lieutenant Kirk instead finds himself rescuing a mining crew from Tellarite marauders.
  • "Too Great a Risk" / Chekov, taking command of Enterprise-B, argues with Saavik over her elimination of Peter Kirk from the recommended crew roster, pointing out that by her criteria, both she and Chekov himself would be barred.
  • "Reminiscing" / As the aging Amanda recovers from a dangerous insect bite, Sarek reminisces over their courtship - a nicely written set of incidents in which Sarek winds up nearly drowning during a "walk on the beach" and then nearly dying from the resulting cold. Excellent characterization.
  • "Planet of the Killer Chickens" / Security Chief Skorr (the avian) has to show Captain Chekov how to establish proper pecking order during Federation membership negotiations -- literally. Jim's usual good fun.
  • "Chains of Command" / Action. Helmsman Demora Sulu questions Captain Chekov's direct order during battle. At the resulting court-martial, she accepts reduction to petty officer and removal from bridge rotation to shuttle pilot. Chekov has to tell Hikaru Sulu about it.
  • "Freefall" / Just after picking Peter Kirk up for his new assignment to Enterprise, Demora Sulu suffers a seizure from a brain fluke and dies.
  • "The Odd Couple" / Chekov assigns Peter to room with galactic reporter Willis, who was Demora's lover and is not taking her death well. Peter hates reporters, and in these delightfully written vignettes, Willis does nothing to endear himself. The two finally duke it out over Willis' jealousy of Peter's relationship with Demora.
  • "Sometimes a Cigar" / One unintended Freudian phrase leads to another in this little romp, centered around Saavik's review of Peter Kirk's work.
  • "Phantoms" / Bittersweet vignette of Spock observing the new crew and seeing the old -- and seeking his own Kirk on Deck 15.
  • "Ashes" / Vignette. New rec-room manager Guinan caters to Hikaru Sulu's grief for his daughter.[11]

Issue 9

cover of issue #9, Zaquia Tarhuntassa

Antares 9 was published in June 2002 and contains 160 pages. The cover is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

  • Helmsman (p. 3-11) by Rick Endres ("Sooner or later, Jim Kirk would have to find someone to replace Gary Mitchell at the helm. Here's how...")
  • Let Them Die (p. 19-21) by Sean Corbett ("Jim Kirk contemplates his choice of words.")
  • The Kid Down the Way (p. 22-25) by Rob Morris ("Hikaru Sulu reflects on the young man who once helped his daughter.")
  • Da Woid (p. 26-42) by Cathy German ("The Enterprise returns to Sigma Iotia II with an even greater problem to solve.") (reprinted in Orion Archives: 2229-2265 The Beginnings)
  • The Old Once Over (p. 43-48) by Rob Morris ("Captain Chekov's ship psychologist has some issues of her own.")
  • The Unforgiving Minute (p. 49-64) by Rob Morris ("McCoy's perspective on the actions of Peter Kirk.")
  • There Would Be Others (p. 65-80) by Cathy German ("McCoy has to deal with a severe injury to Spock during a landing party to an arboreal planet.")
  • Honesty (p. 81-83) by Randall Landers ("Captain Chekov can't help but give his honest opinion to Saavik during a shuttlecraft trip.")
  • Growing Up Together (p. 84-87) by Rob Morris ("Two lives are intertwined to a degree neither could have expected.")
  • The Tale the Cap Told (p. 88-100) by Cathy German ("McCoy seeks to solve the mystery behind a family heirloom and unwittingly involves Kirk and Spock in events which could cost them their lives.")
  • Angel Face (p. 101-115) by Rick Endres ("Rick explores what Chekov did during "The Naked Time."")
  • Angel (p. 116-141) by Randall Landers & Rob Morris ("Lieutenant Commander Saavik finds herself the target of some unwanted attention, and the Enterprise-B itself is in danger as a result!")
  • Freedom from Fear (p. 142-150) / Rob Morris ("Uhura finds herself seeking counsel over some old wounds that have been reopened.")
  • I Never Said Goodbye (p. 151-157) by Rick Endres ("An outstanding short story. Spock returns to Vulcan after Sarek's death.")
  • Randy's Rantings by Randall Landers—A comprehensive rating of all Star Trek episodes and films.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 9

See reactions and reviews for Da Woid.

See reactions and reviews for Angel Face.

See reactions and reviews for The Tale the Cap Told.

See reactions and reviews for There Would Be Others.

  • "Helmsman" / After Gary Mitchell's death, Kirk boots Sulu into the Helm position.
  • "Certifiable" / On Chekov's Enterprise, Security Chief Ch'terr attempts to improve redshirt safety with a refresher course on hand-to-hand combat... which devolves into a potato-chip party.
  • "Let Them Die" / Vignette. Kirk, on the way to Enterprise, is troubled by his own outburst to Spock of "Let them die."
  • "The Kid Down the Way" / Sulu receives a condolence letter from Peter Kirk on Demora's death and determines to get to know him.
  • "Da Woid" / It's not McCoy's communicator that makes for new trouble on Iotia, it's an e-book containing a self-help book and the Bible. Kirk barely manages to rescue Spock by playing God and changing the illustration of Satan (to Harry Mudd).
  • "The Old Once Over" / Captain Chekov has trouble accepting his ship's psychologist's personnel recommendations.
  • "The Unforgiving Minute" / Post STVI, Peter Kirk has saved McCoy's wife Theresa by taking on four Klingons, and is comatose. Told first-person by McCoy as he discovers that Peter has also saved her before the attack, by taking her on sexually when her medication ran out. [I must have missed a dumb plot point here somewhere in the Theresa storyline... apparently she goes into a pon-farr-like rut periodically without medication. Ah, yes, Theresa the sex object and nothing but a sex object. Bleah.]
  • "There Would Be Others" / Post-"Empath." McCoy and Spock have had a falling-out and Kirk has sent them -- just the two of them -- on a planetary survey to work it out. Spock is hit by a spear-trap and falls into a lake; McCoy gets him out but loses all their equipment and is left trying to care for a very ill Vulcan with no modern miracles. A small hunter alien who actually aspires to be a storyteller manages to overcome fear and poor communication to bring the pick-up shuttle to the pair. Pat's typical excellent dialog and aliens.
  • "Honesty" / Chekov and Saavik accuse one another of improvising their reactions and statistics. Cute.
  • "Growing Up Together" / Several short clips out of the lives of Chekov and Peter Kirk, all beginning with Chekov's query, "Are you all right?" and Peter's response, "No." Nicely done.
  • "The Tale the Cap Told" / An unnerving take on the irresistable "put McCoy in the Civil War" theme. Kirk and Spock accompany McCoy to a Velsian antiques dealer to authenticate a Confederate cap that's been in his family for generations. McCoy makes the mistake of asking how the verification is done -- they look into the dealer's heart and McCoy and Spock find themselves in the war surgery. They are seeking McCoy's ancestor (who turns out to be a woman -- I'm skeptical, were there *any* female doctors in the Civil War?) when Spock is brought in, spilling green blood all over his Confederate uniform from a stomach wound, and they can't find their way back.
  • "Angel Face" / Rick's typical sex-laden story - this one of Chekov reminiscing over his experience during "Naked Time" - which he spent with lusty Angela Moretti of Security.
  • "Angel" / A lonely immortal entity draws Saavik to it, taking on the image of David Marcus as an angel, and endangering the Enterprise in the process.
  • "Freedom from Fear" / Uhura reviews incidents from a variety of episodes that continue to haunt her, in consultation with the ship's psychiatrist.
  • "I Never Said Goodbye" / Spock performs the ceremony of returning Sarek's ashes to the garden to mingle with Amanda's, and feels their spirits in the form of silver-birds.[12]

Issue 10

cover of issue #10, Michael Corker

Antares 10 was published in June 2002 and contains 160 pages. The cover is by Michael Corker.

  • Trapped (p. 3-19) by Cathy German ("Trapped under a collapsed building, McCoy learns that Spock and he share a certain penchant.")
  • Another Such Victory (p. 20-21) by Rob Morris ("Commodore Robert Wesley reflects on the events that lead to a major decision for his career.")
  • No Refuge (p. 22-25) by Cathy German ("Uhura comes to a sudden realization that things may never be the same again.")
  • Parallel Lives (p. 26-32) by Rob Morris ("Peter and Saavikfinally show each other the skeletons in their respective closets.")
  • The Float (p. 33-37) by Cathy German ("What went through James T. Kirk's mind during his time trapped in interphase.")
  • The Trainer (p. 38-67) by Jim Ausfahl ("The senior officers of the Enterprise find themselves evaluating a new teaching tool.")
  • Good Luck Charm (p. 68-69) by Paul Starkey ("While treating an ailing ambassador, McCoy isforced to employ an Alcrani good luck charm in his sickbay.")
  • The Logical Choice (p. 70-73) by Elise ("Sarek reviews the marriage candidates selectedfor him and comes to his own logical choice.")
  • Sarek's Flitter (p. 74-88) by Selek ("While Sarek is negotiating with the Legarans, Amanda allows Kirk and Spock to borrow Sarek's flitter.")
  • Robbie (p. 89-105) by Rob Morris ("Afew scenes from the life and times of Chief Science Officer Roberta Vasquez of the Enterprise-B.")
  • A Family Holiday Surprise (p. 106-144) by Selek, Saidicam & T'Lea ("Christmastime on Earth for Spock and his father as they visit Amanda's parents.")
  • With Thee (p. 145-147) by Rob Morris ("Peter Kirk and Spock discuss McCoy's tragedy on the day that such tragedies are remembered.")
  • Encounter at Deneb (p. 147-151) by Lord Garth ("Ever wonder how James T. Kirk would have handled things differently?")
  • It Isn't Logical (p. 152-160) by Elise ("Sarek breaks the news to Amanda about the decision he's made, but he doesn't quite get the reaction he expected!")
  • Letter To an Absent Son (p. 161-162) by Joanne K. Seward ("Prior to the events o f "Journey to Babel, "Amanda writes her son.")
  • Close Contact (p. 163-184) by Jim Ausfahl ("Jim Kirk has his hands full with natives on Dhamar II and the Starfleet official slated to meet with them.")
  • Crowded Theater (p. 185-187) by Rob Morris ("James T Kirk deals with his security department following the events of "Turnabout Intruder."")

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10

See reactions and reviews for Trapped.

See reactions and reviews for The Trainer.

See reactions and reviews for A Family Holiday Surprise.

{{Quotation[Contact]: This story about intelligent insectoids was terrific scifi and Star Trek at the same time. It was truly gutsy of Jim to depict these beings as having reverted to their primal instincts of eating each other, ambassadors, Orions, and any one else they could get their appendages on, as a result of the famine. I also liked the character Elul and his subterfuge for buying the landing party some time. I'm not sure whether I would have wanted this planet in the Federation after all that, however. ;-) Nevertheless, this story is not only my favorite of Jim's fanzine stories, but for me it's among the most memorable of Orion Press' offerings. [13]}}

  • "Trapped" / Spock and McCoy are trapped in a collapsed building after an earthquake. McCoy discovers that Spock has been hiding a mortal injury so that the rescuers will not attempt a dangerous beam-out that might kill McCoy as well. After a successful beam-out and reattachment of Spock's arm, they argue it out in Sickbay, Spock convincing McCoy that there was in fact no difference in his action on Mellak and McCoy's on Minara. Pat's usual marvelous, gripping telling and spot-on characterization.
  • "Another Such Victory" / Vignette of Commodore Wesley's response and resignation following the M-5 experiments (Ultimate Computer).
  • "No Refuge" / Uhura suffers through the grief - and Amazing Grace - of Spock's funeral ceremony.
  • "Parallel Lives" / Peter Kirk / Saavik romance. Peter reveals to Saavik (his new love) his past love for and adultery with the dead Teresa (McCoy), along with his use of her friend Calita to gain distance from Teresa.
  • "The Float" / The "Tholian Web" from Kirk's pov as he floats in his own dimension.
  • "The Trainer" / Post-STV. Kirk & Co. agree to help test a virtual-reality training program only to find that the creator's teenage son has turned it into video game in which they have each been transformed into a superhero - Spock is a gargoyle stone man, Uhura a giant warrior, McCoy the Grim Reaper, Chekov a flying harpy, and Kirk a giant pet. (Sulu & Scott are away). A nice gambol with Jim's usual talent for new worlds & creatures.
  • "Good Luck Charm" / Kirk and Spock browbeat McCoy into housing a stuffed lizard in Sickbay as a good-luck charm for a visiting ambassador who refuses to undergo surgery without it.
  • "The Logical Choice" / Skon sends Sarek a list of prospective brides.
  • "Sarek's Fletter" / With Amanda's flitter out of order, Kirk and Spock take Sarek's prized flitter out for a an errand, which Kirk turns into a joyride - which leads to a family anecdote about Sarek having broken a few rules when testing the machine as a young man.
  • "Robbie" / Events around the death of Demora and arrival of Peter Kirk, from pov of Roberta Vasquez, Science Officer on the new Enterprise under Captain Chekov, and her assistant Natalie Buchanan.
  • "A Family Holiday Surprise" / Spock, Sarek & Amanda spend Christmas with Amanda's parents. Actually a pretty cute story, though a bit disturbing that the authors seem to want to turn the Vulcans into humans in order to relate to them - and that they assume that Christian holidays are universal on Terra in the 23rd century.
  • "With Thee" / Peter Kirk and Spock agonize over a condolence message to McCoy after the deaths of Teresa and his sons.
  • "Encounter at Deneb" / Romp. Encounter at Farpoint with our guys in the dock; they flummox Q handily.
  • "It Isn't Logical" / Sarek informs Amanda that he has chosen a bride - but neglects to mention that it is her.
  • "Letter To an Absent Son" / Vignette' Amanda's letter to Spock fretting over Sarek before the Babel conference.
  • "Contact" / A Jesuit priest creates conflict aboard the Enterprise, but redeems himself in dealing with hungry insectoid aliens eyeing Kirk and McCoy as dinner.
  • "Crowded Theater" / Kirk is disturbed by his Security men's ready acquiescence to Janet Lester's outrageous demands while in his body; Chekov's responses to his inquiries encourage him to move Chekov to Security to remedy matters.[14]

Issue 11

cover of issue #11, Michael Corker

Antares 11 was published in April 2003 and contains 120 pages. The cover is by Michael Corker.

  • Twixt and Tween (p. 24) by Rob Morris ("Gary Mitchell always had a penchant for playing God...")
  • It's Not Fair (p. 5-17) by Richard Dyke, Lisa Evans, & Rob Morris ("Janice Lester's rejection from Starfleet Academy as seen by her and her friends.")
  • Free Market Incident (p. 18-56) by d. William Roberts, a Shaun Kelsey story set during In Harm's Way ("Shaun Kelsey finds another nest of Kelvan after their defeat in the war.")
  • The Hitchhiker (p. 57-85) by Jim Ausfahl ("Jim Kirk and his crew take aboard a hitchhiker, unaware that his true nature could cost the crew their lives.")
  • Incident (p. 86-94) by Rob Morris ("Demora Sulu gets to attend a unique lecture by the captain's nephew.")
  • To Explore (p. 95-97) by Rob Morris ("Tommy Starnes faces up to the tragedy caused by the Gorgon.")
  • We Start Our Walking (p. 98-116) by Rob Morris ("The relationships between the second generation of the Enterprise family grows stronger.")
  • One of Those Things (p. 117-118) by Angela Solomon ("a First Mission tribute to those who perished during Columbia's final flight. McCoy comes to grip with a tragedy.")
  • The Last Word: Is This a Mirror Universe? [essay] (p. 119-120) by Donna G. Littleford

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 11

See reactions and reviews for It's Not Fair.

See reactions and reviews for The Hitchhiker.

  • "Twixt and Tween" / Academy days vignette of Gary Keillor Mitchell matchmaking for Carol and Jim when Ruth breaks up with Jim. A reasonable background to both romances - Ruth is older than Jim and sure his love "has an expiration date."
  • "It's Not Fair" / Academy days tale, giving the back-story on Janice Lester's obsessional hatred for Jim Kirk. Janice was abused as a child by her Starfleet-hero father, and has grown into a brilliant but paranoid, self-doubting student suspicious of all men. Her Kobayashi Maru solution - to blow up the Kobayashi Maru because the crew logically must be already enslaved or collaborating with the Klingons and better off dead - does not pass review, and when she explodes at her failure to get into Command School, she is dropped from the Academy and heads off to Mars and megalomania. Nicely written, and it quite properly ignores the chauvinistic nonsense we saw in "Turnabout Intruder" to assume that, of course Starfleet in the 23rd century has women in command positions - it was just that Janice as an individual was unfit.
  • "Free Market Incident" / A Shaun Kelsey story, ST universe, but no Enterprise characters. A battle adventure against marauding Kelvans, who have the nasty habit in their true, tentacled forms, of biting beings' heads off - partly for food, but mostly to absorb the information in their brains.
  • "The Hitchhiker" / A quantum-tunneling superior being who dotes on the Sixties (music jams, tie-dying, and pizza 'n pop parties) snags a ride on the Enterprise hiding from his 'evil twin' until he is finally forced into a good/evil, chaos/order, wilderness/civilization not-quite-final battle. Entertaining, but lots of hocus-pocus, and overall not as satisfying as most of Jim's tales.
  • "Incident" / Serenidad series story, told from cadet Demora Sulu's pov: Peter Kirk, now a hero for having taken out a Kh'myr Klingon bare-handed while protecting Teresa of Serenidad, is now a lecturer in exobiology at the Academy. The story is mostly Demora's musings about their friendship as the chilren of famous Starfleet heroes, but the incident is that of Peter foiling a harassed cadet's to obtain revenge on his classmates with a smuggled phaser.
  • "To Explore" / Vignette, post-"And the Children Shall Lead." Kirk tries to explain to Tommy Starnes how they all go on exploring after the needless deaths in their wake - that Starfleet crew people choose exploration with risk over safer lines of work. Best line: "Mr. Spock can explain anything to anyone, except of course to Dr McCoy.".
  • "We Start Our Walking" / After Demora Sulu's death, Peter and Saavik embark on a shaky romance.
  • "One of Those Things" / H/C vignette. After several of McCoy's staff are instantly freeze-dried in a shuttle accident, Spock attempts to help him regain perspective by sending him information on the Columbia and Challenger disasters.
  • "The Last Word: Is This a Mirror Universe?" [essay] / Eloquent discussion of the lamentable change over the Star Trek incarnations from the dominant themes of responsibility, self-sacrifice, and the superiority of man to machine to tales in the more recent series in which the main characters elude responsibility, place personal friendships ahead of the safety of the Galaxy, and glorify cyborgs and holograms over hmanity.[15]

Issue 12

cover of issue #12, Gamin Davis

Antares 12 was published in 2003 and contains 160 pages. The cover is by Gamin Davis.

  • First Contact 101 (p. 1-61) by D.G. Littleford ("Cadet James T. Kirk has a lotto learn at the Academy, including more about himself than he ever expected. Meanwhile, Cadet Spock finds acceptance by his fellow cadets a challenging task. An excellent look at the beginnings of their friendship.")
  • Something Evil (p. 62-71) by Mary Schuttler ("Doctor McCoy has inherited a house from his aunt, and asks his friend Jim Kirk to help him get it ready for sell. Unfortunately, inside that house lurks something evil...")
  • The Choice (p. 72-148) by Jim Ausfahl ("While the Enterprise command crew are on a diplomatic mission to Walven IV, a talented musician disappears, and Spock is the prime suspect!")
  • Lawful Warrant (p. 149-159) by Rob Morris ("While exploring a lost Human colony in the Beta Quadrant, Peter Kirk and Uhura encounter an old 'friend.'")
  • The Last Word [editorial] (p. 160) by Randall Landers

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 12

See reactions and reviews for The Choice.

See reactions and reviews for Something Evil.

  • "First Contact 101" / Academy Days composite, featuring Finnegan torturing Kirk as a plebe, Kirk breaking up with Lystra Davis after forgetting her birthday, Kirk defeating invincible chess champion cadet Spock on his first try, a variety of bigoted cadets, and the uneasy origins of their partnership when defense instructor Rodriguez forces them to be first sparring partners, then teammates.
  • "Something Evil" / McCoy inherits a haunted house, whose ghostly occupants very nearly do Kirk in.
  • "The Choice" / Federation membership is coming up for vote on planet Walven, a modern society with a tourist-attracting medieval monarchy full of pomp and circumstance. With suitable raoyal foolishness, Kirk is knighted, made Duke of a volcanic hunk of ocean, and then asked to find the villains who assassinated King Peter's father by beaming out some snow to create an avalanche. A variety of goodwill competitions are set up between Enterprise crew and planetary teams, including soccer and junkyard engineering to build playgrounds, and crewmembers are sent down to spend money touristing. Spock participates in a concert with galactically famous pianist Amanda Adeodata, is accused of kidnap when she disappears, is cleared by his rare blood type, and solves the mystery - she was not, as supposed by the government and media, taken by the Tower of Ares military sect, but staged her disappearance in order to have some privacy with her new husband. Meanwhile Kirk serves as bait for the assassins by taking the same fatal ski route as the former king, blithely giving McCoy his fatal line, "What could go wrong?" What goes wrong is Klingon nemesis Karg; King Peter dispatches Karg, but not before Karg sends Kirk over a cliff - but planetary doctors manage to repair the damage. All is well, the mysteries solved, and Walven votes for membership.
  • "Lawful Warrant" / Chekov's Enterprise. Peter Kirk and First Officer Uhura reluctantly rescue Harry Mudd from the Nausican friends of a knife-wielding lowlife whom Mudd has bilked out of a substantial pile of cash by cheating at cards - and more cheerfully hand him over to local authorities.
  • "The Last Word" [editorial] / Randy's touching comments on not having called Ann Zewen the night before she died of complications of surgery.[16]

Issue 13

Antares 13 was published in 2004

Issue 14

cover of issue #14, Joseph Melvin

Antares 14 was published in 2006 and contains 132 pages. It has a color cover by Joseph Melvin

  • Adventures in Iowa by D.G. Littleford (Cadets Jim Kirk and Spock spend a memorable time in the Spring of 2252 during their Easter Liberty Weekend with they visit Majorie Kirk's farmhouse...)
  • Family Comes First by Rick Endres (The Lady Amanda lays dying on Vulcan, her body ravaged by the strain of living so long on the hot, thin-atmosphered planet. But she will not pass until she has said goodbye to her son...)
  • Annum by Rob Morris (To most in the galaxy, December 1, 2295 (by old Earth reckoning) merely passed as days usually did, and for others, it did not...)
  • By the Back Door by Jim Ausfahl (A look at how Montgomery Scott came to be the chief engineer of the fabled starship Enterprise, and at a very special instructor who helped him realize his goals...)
  • Finnegan's Challenge by Diane Doyle (When Starbase 6 plays host to the Enterprise crew on shore leave, Seamus Finnegan has no choice but to lay down the baseball mitt before his former plebe, James T. Kirk...)
  • Greater Love Hath No Man by Rick Endres (a sequel to "The Empath" Spock and McCoy discuss why the doctor chose to sacrifice himself to the Vians...despite the logic of letting Spock do it...and giving Spock something to think about...)
  • The Beginning by Mary Rottler & Lynn Syck (a sequel to "Where No Man Has Gone Before" Doctor Leonard McCoy joins the crew of the Enterprise...) (archvied here)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 14

[zine]: I received my copy of Antares 14 the other day, and just love it! A terrific issue. Of course, I get a thrill to see that the cover features an illustration pertaining to my own Adventures in Iowa story. :-) But I love the other stories too! Read the two short ones right after mine in the first few minutes after removing it from the envelope...

Then I was drawn to the back to read the story about McCoy's first few days and weeks on the Enterprise (Mary Rottler and Lynn Syck's "The Beginnings"). I found that scenario very plausible after the events of "Where No Man Has Gone Before." And a great idea for spotlighting McCoy's important role in the command structure.

An interesting follow-up to the Gem episode. And I got a pleasant surprise from the story of Scotty as an assistant instructor at the Academy. Not just a Scotty story, but about a young Robert Wesley also! I'm still working my way through it. And I still have the Finnegan story to read. I know I'll enjoy that. I just didn't want to wait to finish it all to tell you.[17]

  • Adventures in Iowa / Charming "getting acquainted" story for Kirk and Spock, together with a nice roller-coaster adventure. Cadet Kirk brings Spock home on holiday for a visit to the family farm. Kirk must decide whether his future can include the girl he left behind to go to the Academy. Spock learns more than he really wants to know about young Kirk's disreputable teen years. The pair's future as a team seems doomed as Spock fails to pick up on Kirk's plan when they find themselves in an elaborate cave confronting evildoers - a la Tom Sawyer. In the ensuing car chase, however, their magic comes together.
  • Family Comes First / Amanda's body has worn out under the physical demands of living on Vulcan, and she has decided not to extend her life artificially. Spock races home in the midst of a crisis to bid her farewell.
  • Annum / Vignette of the various mourners commemorating the anniversary of Jim Kirk's death on the Enterprise B.
  • By the Back Door / A fine tale of how Scotty (working third shift technical support at the Academy) and his miracle-working propensities are discovered by a professor who catches him sneaking into courses, and then takes him on as his assistant. Scott devises delightfully devious and challenging lab experiences for the cadets until finally, after he and his professor visit his engineering marvel of a grandmother in Scotland, he is persuaded to join Captain Pike's Enterprise.
  • Finnegan's Challenge / Enterprise arrives on Starbase 6 to find Finnegan in charge - and to accept his challenge to a not-so-friendly game of softball.
  • Greater Love Hath No Man / Spock confronts McCoy over his actions and motivations in "The Empath." Nice little friendship vignette.
  • The Beginning / McCoy arrives on Enterprise to take up his post as Chief Surgeon at Kirk's request, only to find Kirk behaving rather ferociously toward Spock and being reluctant to let Spock do his job as First Officer. McCoy traces the problem to the case of Gary Mitchell, but has rough going getting either man to open up about the incident so that it can be dealt with. The resolution revolves around a rather predictable but still gripping life-and-death situation in which Spock follows Kirk onto a vessel about to break up, and is critically injured as a result. Fine characterization and an interesting take on the trio's early days together.[18]

Issue 15

cover #15, Joseph Melvin
flyer for issue #15

Antares 15 was published in 2006. It has 174 pages, printed by photocopy, spiral bound. Art by Joseph Melvin.

From a flyer:

This issue features a variety of stories, ranging from Captain Pike on his Enterprise to Admiral Kirk on a cadet training cruise, from Ensign Chekov trying to fit in with the command crew of the Enterprise to Commander Chekov dealing with Spock's death, from Samuel T. Cogley and Areel Shaw wrestling over Ben Finney's case to Montgomery Scott wrestling with his soul. All in all, a very good issue you'll definitely enjoy!

  • The Illyran Princess by Jim Ausfahl (Captain Pike and his crew try to rescue an Illyran princess from the clutches of the Orions before she drives them crazy!)
  • Rules of Life by Diane Doyle (While on shore leave, Lieutenant Chekov meets a pair of old friends and discovers a secret plot to kill one!)
  • A Change of Heart by Jim Ausfahl (Montgomery Scott has his lack of faith challenged by a book left to him by his deceased grandmother...)
  • What Navigators Do by Patricia Wright (In an attempt to win a race against the crew of the Valiant, Captain Kirk has placed command of their schooner in the hands of Pavel Chekov who may or may not be up to the task at hand...)
  • A Campaign of Whispers by Rob Morris (A departure from our regular stories, this one looks at the aftermath of the events of "Court-martial" wherein Samuel Cogley defends Benjamin Finney from Areel Shaw's prosecution. An excellent look at these characters!)
  • A Hole in My Cover by Jim Ausfahl (While conducting a cadet cruise, the Enterprise suffers damage and unintentionally influences a civilization. Kirk and McCoy beam down to ascertain the damage, but the admiral decides that this may be one occasion he needs to violate the Prime Directive!)
  • Russian Winter by Patricia Wright (Following the return of the Enterprise to Earth from the Genesis planet, Chekov finds himself under scrutiny from his old mentor at Starfleet Academy, his friends like Sulu, and most importantly, himself...)

Issue 16

cover of issue #16, Randall Landers

Antares 16 was published in 2007 and contains 148 pages. It has a color cover by Randall Landers.

  • First Tour by Patricia Wright (During his first night aboard the Enterprise, Pavel Chekov was determined to find out what sort of man James T. Kirk was...not from his officers, but from his crew.)
  • Romulus Ascendant by David Landon (The Romulans' newest battlecruiser is headed across the Neutral Zone. Kirk and Spock must race against time to discover if its commander comes in peace, or if he intends to launch a one-man war on the Federation.)
  • Ski Vacation on Centaurus by Diane Doyle (While vacationing on a nearby planet, Pavel Chekov and his girlfriend become involved with a deadly mystery.)
  • Leaving Vulcan by D.G. Littleford (Spock prepares to leave his home—and his mother—for Starfleet Academy.)
  • Rigelian Fever by Diane Doyle (After visiting the planet Scorbinius, Pavel Chekov unknowingly infects the Enterprise crew with a deadly plague!)
  • The Pet by Jim Ausfahl (The Federation's negotiations with the alien Vharang are approaching a critical point. The final step cannot move forward without Bharii Shandar's exotic companion being found in a search that makes finding a needle in a haystack look like a pushover...)
  • Missing in Action by Patricia Wright (James T. Kirk is not the sort of man to leave one of his officers behind...)
  • "The Final Frontier" Finally Reviewed a review by Patricia Wright
  • A "Country" Well Worth Discovering a review by D.G. Littleford

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 16

Finished David Landon's "Romulus Ascendant." It was quite good! Seems like he took a good many lines right out of the movie.  :) My only criticism is that it wasn't longer! I would have liked to see D'Taj call Kirk a "Buckaroo," for example. And I was looking forward to seeing Tacitus use his knowledge of his former student, to defeat him. Don't know how Landon could have done that though... In any case, I very much enjoyed the story. [19]

Issue 17

cover by Dave Landon

Antares 17 was published in 2008. 114 pages. Editor: Randall Landers. Consultants: Jim Ausfahl & Rob Morris. Proofreader: Selek. Cover Artist: Dave Landon. Interior artwork by David Lawrence, Patty Wright and Zaquia Tarhuntassa. Review of Star Trek III: The Search of Spock by Diane Doyle. Closing editorial by Randall Landers.

  • The Summons by D.G. Littleford (Cadet Spock receives a summons from the Academy Commandant and a rather unique order as well.)
  • What E'er the Course by Diane Doyle (A look at the events of "The Menagerie" from Chekov and a security guard's point of view.)
  • The Prize by Patricia Wright (Chekov finds himself the center of some not necessarily unwanted attention...)
  • Fool Me Twice by Rob Morris (In our universe, Spock has to turn to one of the mirror-universe officers for help...)
  • Cloud of Insanity by Diane Doyle (Pavel Chekov questions his own sanity following the events of the past few weeks wherein he lost is mind during the Enterprise's encounter with the interphase, and when he was possessed by the hate-consuming energy being.)
  • The Man Behind the Curtain by Rob Morris (Still confused and upset by the Excalbian duplicates of Lincoln and Surak, Kirk and Spock turn to McCoy for answers, but does he have them?)
  • A Walking Shadow by Rob Morris (The Enterprise crew learns the tragic reason behind the Sarpeidon nova.)
  • Negotiating with Havatari by Jim Ausfahl (The Enterprise is carrying an ambassador to complete delicate negotiations with an exotic, socially challenging life form and finds itself unexpectedly plagued by exotic life forms that appear and disappear without warning. Can the beleaguered crew of the Enterprise pull off the negotiations despite the intruders?)
  • Delegate by Diane Doyle (Lieutenant Chekov finds that he must learns that delegating has some unique advantages...)
  • Choices by Rick Endres (Kirk and Chekov discuss what led them to their exile on Vulcan.)
  • Do-Over by Rob Morris (Peter Kirk undertakes the dreaded Kobayashi Maru test...)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 17

I haven't finished all of the new ANTARES, but "Fool Me Twice" is an excellent read. I always thought there was an interesting story to tell on "our" side of "Mirror, Mirror", and Rob Morris superbly realized it. Focusing on the Mirror Scott was a masterful touch. I loved D.G. Littleford's "An Error" also; she writes the best young Spock stories I've ever read. I eagerly anticipate reading the rest of the 'zine. I must say, I enjoyed Hyperion 3 a lot more than I thought I would. I'm not a big fan of starship crews composed of secondary main characters and created characters, but "Dreamscape" and "To Leap Tall Buildings" were excellent science fiction stories that any Star Trek fan could enjoy.[20]

ANTARES 17 was definitely the "Sequel to Original Series Episodes" issue (between myself with one to "Day of the Dove" and Rob Morris to "All Our Yesterdays" and "The Savage Curtain"). Then Rob also wrote about what happened on the "real" Enterprise while "Mirror Mirror" was going on, and I wrote by "below decks" view of the "The Menagerie." In any case, I enjoyed reading the zine.[21]

Issue 18

front cover of issue #18
flyer for issue #18

Antares 18 was published in April 2009 and contains 124 pages. It has a color cover by Dave Landon and Interior artwork by Jim Ausfahl, Patrick Carter, David Landon, David Lawrence, Gennie Summers and Zaquia Tarhuntassa.

  • Change of Command by D.G. Littleford—Jim Kirk takes command of the Enterprise in a wonderful, character-driven piece.
  • The Hobby Barn Duty by David Lawrence (Sulu finds an off-hand remark gets Mister Scott in trouble, and he blames Chekov!)
  • Muraviov's Law by Diane Doyle (Ensign Chekov finds everything that possibly could go wrong with a landing party assignment does!)
  • An Error by Ster Julie (Immediately following the events of "The Immunity Syndrome," Starfleet tries to assign the Enterprise to yet another mission.)
  • Not That Green by Diane Doyle (Set during the events of "Catspaw," this short story reflects Pavel Chekov's perspective during the crisis on Pyris VII.)
  • The Sonic Maneuver by Sera T. Graham (Leonard McCoy finds things curiouser and curiouser until he's victimized by the 'sonic maneuver'...)
  • The Tholian Contact by Jim Ausfahl (While trying to learn more about the Tholians, the Enterprise is called upon to ferry two aliens to a newly established Tholian colony. And that's where the trouble began...)
  • Barrafluda by Diane Doyle (Alpha Andromedae III is beset by a medical mystery, and it's up to the crew of the Enterprise to find the source of a plague!)
  • Going Ashore by Rick Endres (Following the Kelvan War, the Enterprise stops at Omicron Delta V, giving Captain Kirk some quality time with one of the most important people in his life.)
  • Settlers by David Eversole (What goes around comes around—a former follower of the late Doctor Sevrin must face her own past when her daughter falls in with a certain Vulcan mystic.)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 18

See reactions and reviews for Settlers.

[zine]: I've read and enjoyed your recently published fanzine, Antares 18 and wanted to send some feedback on my favorite stories from there.

Jim Ausfahl continues to be one of your more imaginative writers. I was very much intrigued by his story "The Tholian Contact" with its mysterious Shuul allies. I loved the amusing ending (and solution), but was most frustrated that we did not learn more about the oddly fused, crystalline lifeform!

Author's Reply: Thanks for the kind comment on my writing... The Shuul are actually reasonably well worked out in my head, but like a lot of the whacko aliens I develop, the details of their physiology and function would have bogged the story down... However, to slake your thirst for information: The Shuul are actually an energy life form that requires matter (In the case of the Shuul, crystalline matter) to anchor the fields that make them up, and to aid in their interaction with the world of matter. The fusing of their crystalline portions, as with Chonahoa and the Badmash, allows "married" pairs to stay together. Their native environment is in the high-energy, intense magnetic fields in the gaseous envelope of a magnetar (which I recall as being a rapidly spinning neutron star with a major magnetic field, but as memories go, mine did...), living off the energy of the eddies in the matter and magnetic field, for the most part. I've got a few more exotic aliens up my sleeve, and am always trying to cook up more... -- Jim Ausfahl}

I also found Nomad's "Going Ashore" to be particularly charming and touching. Jim Kirk spending an afternoon fishing with his grandfather on the Shore-Leave planet was quite believable and full of terrific attention to detail. I appreciated his mention of Garth the barncat from "Adventures in Iowa"!

"Settlers" by David Eversole did a great job seeing the similarity of themes in the stories of "Way to Eden" and Star Trek: The Final Frontier and giving them an ironic twist. I loved the humor in the story of a former follower of Doctor Sevrin having to deal with her daughter joining up with Sybok! It had a number of clever lines ("Was that a bicycle wheel you were playing?"). My only wish about this story (and I express this only because I like it so much) was that Mister Eversole had given us a little more as to why the bohemian protagonist, Mavig, fell in love with Herb in the first place. There is one complimentary statement about how he is a caring father and grandfather, and then thereafter it comes across pretty much as Mother Knows Best. I would like to have seen Herbert valued for his dependability or trustworthiness, or other important qualities that perhaps brought stability and healing to Mavig's life. Even so, congratulations on a fun story idea! [22]

Please congratulate Writer's Contest winner Ster Julie for me, I really enjoyed her story, "An Error"; it was fun and true to the spirit of the original series (something the Pocket Books novelists of the last few years seem to have real trouble with)....

David Lawrence's "The Hobby Barn Duty" was an interesting take on the off-duty lives of the crew and the belowdecks happenings on our favorite starship, but I thought Sulu acted rather out of character. The Sulu we saw on television from week to week was never a hothead; in fact, he usually served as a cool, unflappable counterbalance to folks like Bailey and DeSalle.... [23]

Issue 19

cover of issue #19, Jeremy Vilmur

Antares 19 was published in 2010 and contains 107 pages. The cover is by Jeremy Vilmur. Interior artwork by Mary L. Barners, Randy Landers and Jeremy Vilmur.

  • One Last Goodbye by Nomad (Angela Martine-Teller has found the Shore Leave planet to be a personal trap she may not be able to escape... Note: Story contains sexual situations.)
  • Russian Machine by Diane Doyle (Ensign Pavel Chekov finds he has more in common with Mister Spock than he previously thought.)
  • Directive Prime by Jim Ausfahl (McCoy is disturbed by the fact that Jim Kirk finds it difficult to accept that he's incapable of controlling bad things that happen to the people in his charge.)
  • To Heal Old Wounds by Mary L. Barnes (Leonard McCoy and an old friend work to solve the murder mystery behind the Petros mining operations on Beta Arae.)
  • Locked Out by Diane Doyle (Security Chief Pavel Chekov has found himself locked out of the security squad room!)
  • The Blue Rose by Nomad (Chekov arrives aboard the Reliant and meets up with an old girlfriend. Note: Story contains violence and sexual situations.)
  • Just Like You and Me by Nomad (Pavel Chekov and Thela Kazanga beam abouard an Orion slaver to rescue their hostages. Note: Story contains violence and sexual situations.)

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