A Serpent in Eden

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Title: A Serpent in Eden
Author(s): Jim Ausfahl
Date(s): 2000
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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A Serpent in Eden is a gen Star Trek: TOS story by Jim Ausfahl.

It was published in Antares #6 and Orion Archives: 2266-2270 The First Mission #2.

Reactions and Reviews

Though I couldn’t follow the set-up for this little Chekov whodunit, it was delightfully written with a plausible new civilization. Chekov goes undercover as Socath, a Seeker in a rigid (pre-contact) caste society, trying to figure out what has become of a vanished starbase. He is only allowed to speak in questions, which is one of the finest points of the story. He is immediately nabbed to be on a jury in a murder incident and turns detective. Evidence points to Romulan involvement - all such evidence is hushed up by Jonax, their jury’s Holder of Hidden Knowledge. I didn’t quite follow the resolution - the Holder evidently decides the time has come to reveal his Hidden Knowledge - the existence of other planets and peoples - because some kind of danger of paradox is now past. [1]
