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Name: Xochiquetzl
Alias(es): Katherine the Art Chick, Kate Vassar[1] and others more…
Type: Fan writer, archivist
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Stargate SG-1, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and others
Communities: Moonshadow, jd_ficathon, danielpix[1], hp_for_grownups[2]

Other: https://www.xochiquetzl.com/

URL: Xochiquetzl on AO3
xochiquetzl on Dreamwidth
Xochiquetzl on Eros & Sappho
xochiquetzl at GreatestJournal
xochiquetzl on InsaneJournal
xochiquetzl on LiveJournal
Xochiquetzl on Skyehawke
xochiquetzl on Tumblr
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Xochiquetzl is a fanfiction author. Her name is borrowed from the Aztec goddess.

[LJ's Bio]
Yes, I am the Xochiquetzl who writes Stargate, HP, and Phantom Menace fic. I am also the Xochiquetzl responsible for Moonshadow and The Comfort Zone, the evil genius behind danielpix, and a moderator on hp_for_grownups. I am not, however, the Xochiquetzl who writes Hornblower. That's a different Aztec Goddess. (Sorry.)

I've been online over ten years; back then we had to manually push the electrons uphill both ways using two tin cans and a string. Several years ago, I checked into the Betty Ford Clinic for Emoticon Abuse. I occasionally fall off the wagon.[2]

Pseuds and Fandoms


Xochiquetzl, Kate Vassar, Katherine Art Chick-Darth Halo Ktee, Katherine the Art Chick, Katherine the Art Chick - Darth J Landry, Katherine the Art Chick with Siubhan, Rose and Katherine the Art Chick, Siubhan with Katherine the Art Chick, Xochiquetzl and Dionysus.[1]


Harry Potter, Stargate SG-1, Star Wars: Sith Academy Fanverse, The Archangel Protocol, Original Work, Rome (TV 2005), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, The Dresden Files, Boston Legal, Pulp Fiction, Eureka, Critical Role, Addams Family, Ocean's 8, Northern Exposure, Garnet Lacey, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Welcome to Night Vale, Bound (1996), Clerks, Vorkosigan Saga.

Fandom History

She first started reading fanfic in the early 90s via email and mailing lists[3] and started writing it in 1999.[4] Her first fic was the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story Unquiet Slumbers, posted in June 1999. Shortly thereafter, she began writing in the Star Wars: TPM shared universe The Sith Academy. She started writing in Stargate SG-1 fandom by 2001.

She became involved in Harry Potter fandom and particularly Snape fandom on Livejournal after the release of Order of the Phoenix.[5] She took over running the Snape/Lupin archive Moonshadow in 2005.

Example Fanfiction

Example Meta

External Links


  1. ^ a b "Pseuds for Xochiquetzl". Archive of Our Own. 2021. Archived from the original on 2021-01-19. Retrieved 2024-08-02.
  2. ^ "xochiquetzl - User Info". LiveJournal. 2005. Archived from the original on 2005-04-21.
  3. ^ xochiquetzl's answer to ellidfics (2020-02-04). "The real generational gap is if you started reading fanfiction on live journal, fanfiction dot net, wattpad, or ao3". Tumblr. Archived from the original on 2024-08-03.
  4. ^ xochiquetzl's answer to playerprophet (2017-07-23). ""why are you in fandom when you're 20+"". Tumblr. Archived from the original on 2024-08-03.
  5. ^ xochiquetzl (2017-11-05). "When/at what age did you get into the Snape fandom/community?". Tumblr. Archived from the original on 2024-08-03.