Jack/Daniel Ficathon

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Name: Jack/Daniel Ficathon
Date(s): 2004-2017?
Moderator(s): annejack, eilidh17, paian, princessofgeeks, sid, xochiquetzl (dreamwidth comm)
Founder: Greensilver
Type: ficathon
Fandom: Stargate SG1
Associated Community: jd_ficathon on dreamwidth
URL: AO3 collection
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

The Jack/Daniel Ficathon is an annual slash ficathon originally run on the mod's personal livejournal and later moved to a dreamwidth community.


The rules for the first round were posted on March 29, 2004:

To sign up: Fill out the form below in a reply to this post. Anonymous replies are enabled, so if you don't have a LiveJournal, you should still be able to enter the ficathon that way.

Getting/writing your assignment: Signups close at midnight EST on Friday, April 30. Assignments will be emailed to you on May 1. Fic should be 1,000 words or more; you have a month to write it, so feel free to be as verbose as you want to.

Posting your fic: Fic should be posted in your journal on June 1; if you need an extension, ask. If you do not have a LiveJournal, email me your fic and I will post it here for you. I'll post a master list, you'll reply to that post with a link to your fic, and I'll add links to fic to the master list as I get 'em. Got all that?

Dropping out: If you have to drop out of the ficathon, email me [...] and let me know. If you drop out after assignments are sent, make sure to include a note about what your assignment was in the email.