Lyda Morehouse

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Name: Lyda Morehouse
Also Known As: Tate Hallaway
Occupation: Author
Medium: Novels
Works: Archangel Protocol aka AngeLINK series, Earth's Shadow Trilogy, Garnet Lacey series, Vampire Princess of St. Paul series, Precinct 13 and Unjust Cause, Song of Secrets, etc.
Official Website(s):
lydamorehouse on Dreamwidth
Fan Website(s): Lyda Morehouse at Wikipedia
On Fanlore: Related pages

Lyda Morehouse is a professional science fiction author. She is also a fanfiction writer.[1]

Morehouse hosts both fanfiction and fanart of her Archangel Protocol universe on her website.

History as a Fan

From Lyda Morehouse's FAQs:[2]

[When did you first start writing?]
I'm a victim of an over-active imagintion. I almost always made up stories. When I was little, I coerced neighborhood kids into playing "Star Wars" with me (I was always Han Solo). Eventually, that became somewhat awkward and inappropriate, so I had to find another outlet. So, I started writing things down on paper.

I also was, as a youngster, very fond of the Deryni series by Katherine Kurtz and the Dragonrider series by Anne McCaffery. I have notebook after notebook after notebook filled with what is essentially fanfic. It took Katherien Kurtz (and Anne McCaffery) too damn long to write her next book, so, while waiting, I'd make up what happened next. Using her characters, her world, and essentially her plots, I started practicing writing dialogue and scene setting. Thank the Goddess that I came of age in a time pre-Internet or there would be piles of fanfic out there by me. As it is, you can only find bits and pieces of "shared fluff" written by me when I was a member of a listserv (back before it was spelled with the "e" at the end) called VAMPYRE-L. And, since I know you'll go looking for it, the embarassment lives here, at RedOak.

[Kirk or Picard?]

Don't get me started. I once started a flame war on STREK-L about why I thought the New Generation was a bunch of NAZIs.
