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Vividcon/Vividcon 2018

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Programming: Panels

include a link to the panel schedule also notes from panels Schedule

What We've Learned [1]

description: What knowledge and insight have we gained along the way? What tips and tricks have we picked up? This series of panels will look at specific areas of vidding technique, with panelists leading discussions on what they've learned over time.
Emotion - mod: heresluck
Tension - mods: Jetpack Monkey & kiki_miserychic
Relationships - mods: Killa & Trelkez
Motion - mods: bradcpu, jarrow & rhoboat
Effects - mods: Kitty & hollywoodgrrl
Multisource - mods: fiercynn, scribe & bironic

Best Advice Ever

mod/VJ: SDWolfpup & ghost_lingering
description: What was the best vidding advice you've ever received? A discussion panel on everything from the foundation advice that you learned to vid from to comments on individual vids.

Aesthetic Shifts

mod/VJ: Destina
description: How have vidding aesthetics changed over time, particularly from the start of VividCon in 2002 to now?

Vid Review

mods: sisabet & kiki_miserychic
description: A two-and-a-half-hour discussion on the VividCon Premieres show. Come share your thoughts on the vids!

Vids as Time Capsule

mods: Killa
description: What do vids tell us about the culture, events and moods of the time periods in which they are made?


mods: Cesperanza
description: A town hall discussion on the state of vidding today and where we're headed.

In-Depth Vid Review

mods: astolat, Jetpack Monkey, Luminosity, rhoboat, sweetestdrain & GhostTownExit, thuvia ptarth, & Trelkez
description: An opportunity to examine specific vids from the Premieres show in greater detail, from both vidding and viewing perspectives. This year's In-Depth will ha tow and a half hours long, with each moderator choosing a different vid to discuss from the show.

Vividcon History

mods: VividCon Staff
description: A Look back at VividCon over the years, with a panel of VividCon staff members past and present.


include a link to the vidshow master list also to commentary on those vids

Recurring Shows

Themed Shows

In-Depth Vid Review

The vids chosen for in-depth review were House of Mercy by rhoboat, Our Ghost by skygiants, Black Sun by Joyo, Eternity by hollywoodgirl, Blow (Deconstructed) by kiki_miserychic, I Did Something Bad by jarrow, and Dream by gwyneth

Review Notes:

Panel Notes

Vid Review mods: sisabet & kiki_miserychic

VividCon Challenge VJ: Milly

Emotion mods: here's luck

Tension mod: Jetpack Monkey & kiki_miserychic

Relationships mods: Killa & Trelkez

Motion mods: bradcpu, jarrow, & rhoboat

Effects mods: Kitty & hollywoodgrrl

Multisource mods: fiercynn, scribe, & bironic

Best Advice Ever mods: SDWolfpup & ghost_lingering

Aesthetic Shifts mod: Destina

Vids as Time Capsule mod: Killa

Town Hall mod: Cesperanza

VividCon History mods: Vividcon Staff

Con reports

  • bironic (part 1, part 2)
    I had a very nice time at the final Vividcon. Talked with many people I don't tend to see the rest of the year—there was a sizeable Boston-area contingent that it would have been fun to spend more time with, but I figured that could happen elsewhen—and met some new ones; attended almost all the panels; successfully co-modded one of them; and watched a lot of vids. Premieres and Club Vivid alone added up to 7 hours.

Notable premiering vids

  • list them here!


  • what did people say on twitter? #Vividcon, #ClubVivid, #VVC18


  1. ^ Vividcon 2018 Panels and Programing (Accessed 16 August 2018)