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Nimoyan (Star Trek club zine)

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Title: Nimoyan (also, "The Nimoyan")
Publisher: Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans
Editor(s): Sam Cole, Betty Reeves (the 1969 issues), Bjo and John Trimble (the rest)
Date(s): 1969-1973
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Nimoyan is a Star Trek: TOS club newsletter dedicated to Leonard Nimoy in his many roles. It was published by the Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans.

Some Pre-Issues


"Introduction and Credits." It does not include a publication date (but likely 1969) and contains 15 pages. The art on the cover is signed "Anims."
  • Dear Members by Sam Cole
  • Sama Luna!, by Sam Cole as her persona
  • illo of Sama Luna and her cat, artist is DAH (Daphne Ann Hamilton)
  • Our Hero: Leonard Nimoy
  • What is a Leonard Nimoy?
  • illo of a fan grabbing Nimoy's legs, artist is Karen Flanery
  • Mission: Impossible, article about the show
  • Leonard Nimoy's Television Appearances, compiled by Kathy Sedwick


cover of the Sept-Dec. 1969 issue, cover by Karen Flanery

This Nimoyan was published in Sept/Dec 1969 and contains 34 pages.

From Sam Cole in "Two Heads...":

Out of necessity (mental, physical, emotional and financial) a change, again, must be brought about. I originally thought a split in publication procedure was going to solve some rather obvious problems. In March, we came out with a Journal with at least 15 more pages than I planned. The June publication was split and I had figured about 25 pages each to keep in a reasonable financial range. Section I has 41 pages and Section II has 45 pages counting the contents page. Because of this added expense and time involved getting two journals prepared, it was necessary to shelve the Intro booklet and the Sama Luna Book. It was also necessary to hold back a number of Publications, because I did not have money for stamps. Most issues were mailed on July 8th and when ever some generous soul sent, me stamps I would mail what I could, but still had 50 to mail on August 1st. This is no way to run a fan club.

The club offered 4 journals in a membership period and an Intro. The Intro. will be out with this issue as you can see. The Club has already filled the obligation it promised, pkus one, for this year. We plan on January 1st to become two separate clubs. Each with it's own Staff. I will continue as President of each and certain positions have already been assigned. Some will hold previous positions.

This, in essence, is what we plan: Nimoyan Scribes and Spock's Scribes.

It was edited by Sam Cole, the assistant editor Betty Reeves.

  • Chicago Convention by "Scoop" Van Riper (Beryl), who was the official delegate from Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans (con report for the International Fan Clubs Con, in Chicago, organizer was Jean Crocker (1)
  • Letter from Leonard Nimoy, provided by Teresa Victor (1)
  • Letter from Jim Phelps & Answer from Yours Truly (2)
  • Two Heads Are Better Than One, or One & One Makes Two (3)
  • Is PARIS Burning by Rita Ractliffe (hanging out with fans, visiting the Mission: Impossible set, attempts to "peddle" their scripts to Teresa Victor (LN's personal assistant) for Hawaii 5-0 and The Virginian) (7)
  • What is a Leonard Nimoy Fan? (fan testimonials) (8)
  • Illustrated Joke by Janet Morterano (fans chasing Nimoy) (10)
  • The Jerry Lacy Club by Gloria Lillibridge (Lacy appeared in Dark Shadows) (11)
  • The Quest for Better Television by Deck 6 (fans need a better way to be organize and write letters/make phone calls to campaign for the return of Star Trek) (12)
  • Deck 6: The Swingingest Deck on Board by Carol Jean Pruitt and Deck 6 Staff (13)
  • You Forgot How to Spell My Name by Sam Cole (a LONG and DETAILED account of how Cole's club came to be, reprinted from Filmland's Fan Club publication, "The Echo" in November 1968) (14)
  • UNICEF by Sandy Thompson (17)
  • All's Quiet on the Western Front, Or, How to Go Insane in One Easy Lesson, essay by Sam Cole (very DETAILED description of a happy, fannish summer) (18)
  • Happy Birthday - Thanksgiving Day - Christmas Day - New Years - Valentine's Day from Sam, who can not send individual cards this hear and mail a journal too (20)
  • My Visit with the Warden (Sam) by Debbie Kuhn (Debbie and Sam have a visit) (21)
  • Suggestions (22)
  • " & Questions (24)
  • Advertising (25)
  • Personals (27)
  • " & More Questions, Comments & Suggestions (28)
  • Questionnaire about this zine, form for fans to fill out and send to Miss Betty Ann Sheridan (last page, not in table of contents)

Issue 1

Nimoyan 1 was published in 1970 and contains 68 pages.

cover of issue #1, art by Karen Flanery

It is printed mimeograph. The artwork is by Diane Marchant and Karen Flanery.

It was edited by Bjo Trimble and John Trimble.

This issue contains reviews and articles on various roles played by Leonard Nimoy as well as fan club news.

  • From Sam (1)
  • From Bjo (2)
  • A Pet Pad Frolic, cartoon by Diane Marchant (3)
  • From Sam (4)
  • from Jim Phelps, by Amelia Rodgers (5)
  • illos by Janet Mortorano (6)
  • Comments (8)
  • Surprise (9)
  • International Fan Club & Music Week (9)
  • One Small Step for Mann (10)
  • UNICEF by Mike Sobota, UNICEF Chairman (11)
  • Mission: Impossible, compiled by Jeanie Fudala and Shirley Meech (12)
  • Mission: Impossible, sketches by Karen Flanery (13)
  • The Price of the Image: Do We Need Movie Magazines, essay by Ann Headlee, (15)
  • My Open Communication and Response to Editorial by Linda A. Stanley (dated January 5, 1970) (18)
  • illo by Janet Mortorano (19)
  • Mission: Impossible -- Reviews by Dee Gurnet (20)
  • The Balcony: A Review and illo by Jackie Weeden (21)
  • Renewals Due by L'Shaya/Linda A. Stanley (25)
  • The Jet Assist, sketch by Karen Flanery (26)
  • Glimpses of LN by Ruth Berman (27)
  • Photo Reproduction by Dot Fenger (28)
  • Spy or Spock, poem by T'Yumm (29)
  • The Sounds of War, poem by Alan Cole (29)
  • Barbara McNair Show by Michael Sobota (30)
  • Stamp Contest by Mary Kissel (31)
  • Telethon & Sketch by Karen Flanery (32)
  • Introducing Dot Fenger (34)
  • 1st Year Viewer sees MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE by Betty Ann (35)
  • Pet Pad Frolic, cartoon by Diane Marchant (36)
  • Intro to Middle Earth by Bilbo Baggins (37)
  • Betty Ann Sheridan by Sis (38)
  • Minding My Own Business by Sam (39)
  • Nimoy Watcher by Karen Flanery (40)
  • How the Plot Started by Betty Ann (41)
  • Traitors Exposed! by Betty Ann (42)
  • Mission Assist, sketch by Karen Flanery (43)
  • Presenting Stuart Whitman by Manet Havenridge & Glennys Barnes (44)
  • Personals by Eileen Becker (46)
  • Suggestions (48)
  • Help, Mrs. Cole by Suzann Hughes (49)
  • Advertisements by Betty Ann (53)
  • "No Different Flesh" -- A Fan Club by Valancy Carmody (LAS) (flyer) (58)

Issue 2

Nimoyan 2 was published in November 1971 and contains 41 pages. The front cover is by Karen Flanery, the back by Diane Marchant.

front cover of issue #2, Karen Flanery
back cover of #2, Diane Marchant: a RPF Nimoy family portrait -- note: this example shows the result of part of the cover exposed to sunlight

It was edited by Bjo Trimble and John Trimble.

  • Special Membership Renewal Offer! (2)
  • Table of Contents (3)
  • Dear Friends, a letter from Sam Cole to the membership (4)
  • Sam's "Leonard Nimoy" Storylines (5)
  • How to Produce a Beautiful Fanzine by Bjo Trimble (6)
  • cartoon (7)
  • What's a Leonard Nimoy?, essay by Beryl Van Riper (8)
  • illo, pic of Paris by Marty (9)
  • Review: Mission Impossible by Dee L. Gurnett (10)
  • Peeping Through the Knothole by K-Nut Flanery (16)
  • cartoon, Trials of Spies by Marty (17)
  • Unicef Report by Jeanie Fudala (18)
  • Trick or Treat by Bjo (20)
  • cartoon, Cool Cats by Alan Cole (20)
  • Comments on the review of The Balcony by L'shaya S. Salkind (21)
  • A Poem to Leonard Nimoy by Trish (22)
  • TheWatcher by Karen Flanery (23)
  • cartoon (26)
  • No Different Flesh by Sylvia Stanczyk (Mission Impossible story) (27)
  • cartoon, images by Karonutt (32)
  • Flight #507 by Betty Ann Sheridan (33)
  • Biography of a Retarded Genius by Sam Cole (34)
  • The Sun Shall Rise Tomorrow Morning, But Until Then Let's Have a Piece of Today, poem by Karen (37)
  • Spock-Paris, essay comparing and contrasting these two characters by Edna Mae Hahn (38)
  • cartoon, Perils of the Autograph Purist by Karen (39)
  • A Verse-A Rhyme-A Poem-A Game by Diane Marchant (40)
  • B-Jottings, ramblings & rappings from Bjo, mostly about taking over this fanzine (40)

Issue 3

Nimoyan 3 was published in November 1971 and contains 43 pages. It was edited and published by John and Bjo Trimble.

front cover of issue #3, Karen Flanery
back cover of issue #3, Tim Courtney

The front cover is by Karen Flanery, stenciled by Bjo. The back cover is a "minor sketch" by Tim Courtney, stencilled by Bjo.

This issue contains a long and disdainful scold addressed to Star Trek fans by Bjo Trimble, the topic is about good and bad fans:

Star Trek fandom surprised us with its high quota of "gimmee" and "grabbee" types, but we've since found that movie and TV fans [1]are like that to a terrifying extent. It is very easy to bug someone like Sam for not getting "your" fanzine out on time without checking on a reason, or trying to be more tolerant.. just hold out the grubby li'l paws and DEMAND your "rights." We've sent out thousands of film clips FREE to ST clubs and fanzines, very few "thank you's" and lots of complaints that "I already have this clip; can I have a different one?"! Several fanzine editors have kept the film clips for themselves, or sold them for personal profit; and one large cardboard boxfull of ST souvenirs, film clips, scripts, etc, intended for UNICEF has never been seen again. How many ST fans really GIVE anything?

This is an old, old story: go to church on Sunday, sanctimoniously pray for favors (never pray for aid in becoming a better human; just more "gimmee"), and turn about on Monday with the latest in juicy gossip! It is all too easy to fall into that line of thinking; gossip really isn't "bad" so it's easy to rationalize that it's OK...besides, it's fun! There is a deep-down tickley fun feeling in passing on a good bit of scandal, however mean and small! There's almost a sensual feeling in hearing a really juicy piece of libelous gossip; especially if the victim is more important than you; in a higher position than you. It's lots easier to work for the fall of that person than to work harder and honestly for a better position for yourself, isn't it? Never check for facts; never go to the source and ASK for the truth, for that would spoil the "fun”!

It all comes back to YOU; the fan, the human being, the citizen of this world. Are you allowing yourself to be led astray by the petty things, by the LITTLE people who would tear down everything good, from jealousy?

Are YOU working for a better tomorrow, or just helping the nerds of this world be part of the problem? Think about it; how kind have you been lately, to someone who needed it? How tolerant of other's problems? How much real BUILDING have you accomplished for a friend, your club, your community... and yourself? -- Bjo Trimble

From the Q&A section by Bjo Trimble:

Q: Where did Gene Roddenberry get the idea for Spock, originally?

A: In the very first outline for the show, of which we have a Xerox copy, it says that Spock was supposed to be red-skinned, and look "devilish". He was, in effect, just going to be an interesting addition to a space travelling ship, by being alien. The red skin didn't work; on black & white TV, it looked too dark, so they switched to the light Chinese base makeup. Gradually the character developed a personality; the one you know and love today was basically the work of D.C. Fontana, who "understood" Spock perhaps better than the show's originator.

Q: Is it true that you, Bjo, quarreled with Theresa [sic] Victor, calling names?

A: No, this is only one of a series of rumors started by jealous and sick Spockies. For some weird reason, it just drives certain types crazy to know that one fan enjoys something that they cannot; in this case, my visits to the studio and the set. To "compensate", they wrote odd letters and started kooky rumors. Actually, we've [2] met Theresa [sic] only a few times, at parties or on the set, but found her to be a lively, pretty girl with an intense involvement in her job. There has never been any emnity [sic] between us, nor any reason for us to have quarreled, since we just didn't have that much association, and of course, no reason at all for calling names. Try to keep this kind of stupid incident in mind when you hear a "juicy rumor"; ask yourself if there is any real reason why the person being slandered w0uld do what is being claimed. Then look at the person spreading the rumor; are they happy about it; do they enjoy telling a tale on someone? Then they'll enjoy telling one on YOU, first chance they get; remember that!


Q: Where can I reach Gene Roddenberry now that Star Trek has ended?

A: He worked for a time at MGM, but now, according to latest report, works at home, You might try to reach him via Star Trek Enterprises, but the odds are that you'll only get a catalog, and he won't get the letter though GR purportedly owns the company.


Q: Were the Trimbles and Roddenberry close friends?

We thought we were, after We'd planned and run the 1-million-letters-to-NBC "Save Star Trek" campaign. However, after we'd installed Star Trek Enterprises as a going business, the relationship was terminated by GR. Though we’ve seen some of the stars of ST since, we have had very little contact with GR, though we've always hoped the misunderstanding could be cleared up.

  • Thoughtfulness and Other Comments by Bjo (2)
  • Table of Contents (3)
  • An Editorial That Really Isn't by Cathy Greathoues (4)
  • poems by Kathy Watkins (5)
    • Four Men and a Challenge
    • Paris
    • four un-titled ones
  • cartoon, Brown Bagging (Leonard Nimoy asks his wife, Sandi, if he can keep a falcon for a pet, a reference to "The Falcon" which was a Mission Impossible episode) (7)
  • A Visit from Sama Luna and Others by Karen Flanery (8)
  • illo: Paris in Love by Karen Flanery (11)
  • Mission Impossible by Betty Ann Sheridan and Linda Frappier (12)
  • cartoon, Krackers, Mickey by Bjo (Spock as a child doing math) (15)
  • cartoon by Karen Flanery (making a falcon joke, reference to "The Falcon" which was a Mission Impossible episode) (15)
  • review by Luanne Hofschulte: Assault on the Wayne (16)
  • review by Farren Michaele: Assault on the Wayne (18)
  • Science Fiction Notes by Bjo (19)
  • Sound of Silence (20)
  • cartoon (21)
  • Quiz for Mission Impossible Buffs by Rusty Hancock (22)
  • Sun Signs (24)
  • Speaking of Horoscopes (28)
  • Paris by Daphne Ann Hamilton (29)
  • Writing for Mission Impossible by Jackie Franke (30)
  • cartoon, Paris and Pills (31)
  • review of Sea Hunt (32)
  • cartoon (33)
  • Luvly Parts by Trish (34)
  • cartoon, Plans by Marty (35)
  • Love: It Comes in All Colors by Luanne Hofschulte (about "Let the Sun Shine In" commercial, about Nimoy's participation in it, his dedication to his marriage, about Nimoy's record albums -- all things that demonstrate "genuine love, interest and care") (36)
  • The Inquiring Mind: A Question and Answer Column by Bjo (37)

Issue 4

Nimoyan was published in 1973 and contains 72 pages. The editors are not specifically named, though the editorials are by Karen Flanery and Sam Cole. Instead, the club titles and their officers are listed.

cover issue #4, Evelyn Turner

From the letter by D.C. Fontana (which was also reprinted in Romulan Wine #4:

Despite what anyone has said, no one has ever objected to the sale of film clips for charitable causes, as swaps, or even reproduced as photos or slides for sale at conventions. There is NO great profit in it for anyone, least of all Paramount, who could not care less about someone's couple of bucks extra selling clips.

What is unethical, illegal, and in violation of Paramount's right to license and merchandise is a situation where someone has reproduced scripts and is selling them, or the situation which arose wherein items were bought from STAR TREK ENTERPRISES (the only licensed Star Trek souvenir dealer) and then resold to fans at some 25 % more. And if I were a new fan who had been taken in such a deal, I'd be as mad as Paramount and Star Trek Enterprises were! Also illegal and unethical are the mass producing of phasers, communicators, tricorders, etc. which are all copyright by Paramount. One such item made for display, entry in an art show, as a costume prop, or for one's own enjoyment is obviously not a violation. Making a number of them and turning it into a business IS a violation. Another violation is the selling "bootleg" blooper films. The film is the property of Gene Roddenberry, allowed him by Paramount. I don't think I have to lay out the impropriety if the selling such films. I might stress that Star Trek episodes legally obtained from outlet houses are ALL RIGHT. It is fhe bootleg prints that are a violation. (Usually they have been stolen to begin with.) Any tapes made on a home television recorder and sold are also on very shaky legal ground — the same goes for sound tapes which might be sold.

REPEAT: Any item you obtain for your own pleasure or perhaps as a swap is fine. But turning it into a business and profiting from other people's work without a license or permission from Paramount is at the very least unethical, if not illegal.

  • Contest Results (1)
  • Here We Go Again, editorial by Karen Flanery (K-Nut) (2)
  • Hearing It from Sam, editorial by Sam Cole (6)
  • Alpha Caper or Hang in There, Baby (8)
  • News, Bits, and Pertinent Excetera (9)
  • Dateline Leonard Nimoy
    • Review of Camelot by Becky Baggett (10)
    • More Camelot: Impressions of a Fan in Massachusetts by Alice Jordon (13)
    • Interviews, clipping from the Miami Herald (15)
    • Nimoy Back to Earth as Freelance Actor, clipping from the Denver Post (16)
    • Ecology Watching (17)
    • Ohio by Louise Stange (a description of her trip to Ohio State University to see Nimoy make a speech on May 10 or 11, 1972?) (18)
    • Let's Make a Full Circle by Karen Flanery (review of Nimoy in "Full Circle") (19)
    • Visit to the Full Circle by Pat Dana (review of Nimoy in "Full Circle") (23)
    • News Clippings by Darlene Forquet (23)
  • Leonard! (24)
  • Paris, Story of a Man (part one), Genesis of a Magician, fiction by Fran Lake (25)
  • Interoffice Files, random quotes and wacky messages (33)
  • Letters from D.C. Fontana (34)
    • Fontana's letter about the death of Gene L. Coon
    • Fontana's letter to Karen Flanery asking Flanery to encourage "you and your friends" to write to NBC to support Star Trek: The Animated Series as it was second place, behind "Goober and The Ghost Chasers"
    • Fontana's letter about "guidelines as to what fans may or may not sell relating to Star Trek"
  • The Collection of Star Trek Material (about the Smithsonian Institute looking for "documentation and artifacts" that have to do with Star Trek) (35)
  • Now Look Here (36)
  • The Animated Bjo and Other Stories (excerpts) by Bjo Trimble (about viewing Questor Tapes at a private screening: "After we left, I went to a nearby phone and called GR at Warner Bros to tell him that I'd seen the show and liked it." One of the characters, Lady Helena Trimble, was named for Bjo Trimble.) (37)
  • Speak of the Devil, by Sam Cole (all about heart valves, as she had recently been in the hospital) (39)
  • Fan Clubs by Kay Houston (about fan clubs in general) (40)
  • Satan's Satellites by Karen Flanery and Alice Mimbs (review of this terrible film) (40)
  • Mirror Image, fiction by Linda Lawson (Mission Impossible) (46)
  • From the Hillside, poem by Linda Lawson (67)
  • Beyond, poem by Cynthia Kade Huie (67)
  • Birthday Gift in Riga, poem by Becky Baggett (68)
  • Jewish Children of the Ghettos, poem by Becky Baggett (68)
  • Potpourri, poems and random quotes (69)
  • Want Ads (80)
  • Advertisements (83)
  • Acknowledgement Page (84)


  1. ^ "movie and TV fans" is used to make a distinction with literary, book fans"
  2. ^ "We've" refers to Bjo and her husband, John