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Name: Fan-Out (FanOut)
Dates: There were two: one March 16–18, 1990 and one March 1–3, 1991 (There were four others planned, but they did not occur.)
Location: Hunt Valley, Maryland
Focus: Blake's 7, Star Trek and Science Fiction
Organization: Marion McChesney, Victoria Clark and Barbara Storey who were partners in "Fan-Out, Inc."
Founder: Marion McChesney, Victoria Clark and Barbara Storey
Founding Date:
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cover of the program book

Fan-Out was a fan-run media con with a dealer's room, panels, a charity banquet, and celebrity guests of honor.

It was created by Marion McChesney, Victoria Clark and Barbara Storey who were partners in "Fan-Out, Inc."

There were two, one in March 1990 and one in March 1991.

At least four more "Fan-Outs" were proposed but they were canceled due to lack of interest. See below.

1990 (March)

It took place March 16–18, 1990.

Guests of Honor

The guests of honor were: Mark Lenard (Sarek), Michael Keating (Vila), John DeLancie, Robert Addie (Guy of Gisbourne in Robin of Sherwood), M.M. Shelly Moore and Linda Campanelli (executive story writers for Beauty and the Beast), Mark Okrand (creator of the Klingon conlang for the Star Trek films), Robert Greenberger (Starlog employee), "Dave McDonnell, Howard Weinstein (Trek pro novel writer).

George R.R. Martin was an early confirmed guest, but he did not attend.

One activity was a Temple of Trek Revival.

Who Was In Charge?

From the program book:

Fan-Out is brought to you by Marion McChesney, Victoria Clark and Barbara Storey. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our helpers for their time. Their help is greatly appreciated. There are too many people involved to list more than the key personnel.

Logistics and sound are brought to you by Conventional Magic, represented by George Laurence and John Vengroskie.

Art Show and Auction is run by Nancy Stasulis, assisted on the computer by Bonnie Davis and Steve Ellis. Nancy also provided all the artwork for the program book.

Video Room is brought to you by Mark Lee, assisted by Dwight Eaves.

Costume Call is presented by Suzanne Elmore, ably assisted by Cindy Lewis.

Security is provided by Gus Liberto and Michael Elmore.

Registration is ably manned by Carolyn Venino, Cheryl Bobbitt, Beverly Volker, Renee Wilson and Margie Hendron.

Lucinda Brown provides program, guest liason, and other general assistance.

Publicity by Rosanna Kroll

The Program Book and Programming

The program book is twenty pages long, and the front art is by Nancy Stasulis.

Some programming highlights:

  • BOOGIE KNIGHTS: Theodoric of York's Boogie Knights may not be the world's best-known filkers, but they are the zaniest, and the oldest 'minstrel' show of its kind in existence. Their hilarious blend of medieval history, satirical lyrics, and popular present day music has yielded more than forty original parodies.
  • REVEREND TREKWELL'S TEMPLE OF TREK: is open for worship Sunday morning. The Reverend expects to see you in church, and will revive the holy Trek spirit in his own zealous fashion. Praise Trek!
  • Bardic Circle Filking
  • a musical con skit: Star Trek V: What the Hell! by Cheap Treks
  • fanvids:
  • panels
    • Religion in Star Trek
    • Blake's 7 and Star Trek: Why Do People Like Both?
    • Network vs. the Fans—How Do We Affect the Shows We Watch?
    • Robin of Sherwood: The New Movie
    • Star Trek and STNG: Are They Mutually Exclusive?
    • Crossover Stories: Its Own Jenre? (sic)
    • Phantom of the Opera: Why the Attraction?
    • Catherine Chandler: Development of Her Character
    • Super-Heros: Extraordinary Beings or Hopeless Neurotics?
    • Quantum Leap: SF or Mainstream?
    • Perl
    • Partners: Why So Attractive?
    • Lost in Space Retrosepctive
    • Beauty and the Beast and Star Trek: Why Same Appeal?
    • Alien Nation: Believable Aliens for the 90s
    • Fandom and How to Get Involved
    • War of the Worlds
    • Editors and Writers: Partners or Adversaries?
    • Data/Vincent/Spock: Why Are Unusual Men So Appealing?
    • Alien Nation: Morality Tales or Heavy-Handed Morality?
    • Whither Star Trek
    • Quantum Leap: The Perfect Crossover
    • Robin Hood Open Discussion
    • How to Make a Zine
    • Artists Panel
    • Beauty and the Beast: What Would You Do If You Were In Charge?
    • Dark Shadows: The Next Generation
    • Batman or Bruce Wayne: Which is the Attraction?
    • Orphan Fandoms and Defunct Series: Is Anyone Out There?
    • Japanese Animation

Convention Reports: 1990

It was a multi-media con, so there were other fandoms there besides B&B. George R.R. Martin was supposed to be a guest, but couldn't come, so we got to meet and talk with B&B writers, Linda Campanelli and M.M. Shelly Moore. They were very nice, but they didn't have any new info regarding the status of the show because they have no contact with Witt-Thomas. They said that they have heard what we have heard." They talked to us in general about their ways of writing and how they felt. Of course, we all know that these ladies are wonderful writers and they told us that they write according to how they would like to see the show progress. However, once they hand over their scripts,they no longer have say as to what will actually be filmed. That's a shame be cause they read us some sections of scripts that were mind blowing and would have been wonderful to see (i.e., in "Walk Slowly," they had V&C kiss — both were alive. After Catherine is gone, Vincent stands outside the Central Park tunnel entrance remembering her. He then sees Catherine running towards him and when she gets to him, she kisses him. Can't you imagine what that would have done to us? There were some controversial opinions made about the third season, but one major concept we did learn is that the cast and writers did put up a fight regarding the "retooling" of B&B. I finally asked Linda and Shelly if CBS was the major fault of this entire problem and they answered ...YES! They did tell us that they didn't like the third season simply because it wasn't the B&B that they wrote for in the past, that B&B was Vincent and Catherine. They did praise the writers and said the story lines were wonderful. They were asked why Linda's character wasn't recast instead of killing her off. They said that was an option considered, but that the spirit of B&B was Catherine played by Linda Hamilton. She was Catherine. Instead of everyone having to deal with "another", they simply decided to have an entirely different character, although they felt that we all would have eventually accepted someone else playing Catherine. They did say that Diana is not intended to replace Catherine as a love interest for Vincent. She is only a friend. Someone also brought up the scene from "Chimes" when Vincent said, "I'll come to you," making it sound as if Vincent was after Diana. They confirmed that that was NOT the case. The scene had been rewritten by someone else. Originally, the scene was more clear in its intentions—Diana wanted Vincent to let her know that he and the baby were safe. Needless to say, what we got left some folks in a panic. Another question brought up was would the show survive if Vincent or Ron would have left. We all know that answer, but Linda and Shelly firmly said no way. Ron Perlman is Vincent and to replace him would never work and to lose him would kill the show. Both writers agreed that there was lack of understanding when it came to deciding what the women fans would like to see (THAT'S an understatement!). They told us that the main reason we never got any kisses was because CBS didn't want it (figures, huh?). We can get scantily clad women in night time soaps but we can't get two romantic characters to kiss? Ah, the wonders of prime time! There were probably other things that could have been said, but. they made the statement that they would still like to continue to "work in that town," so who knows if we'll ever know all the truths? Maybe by Tunnel Con we'll have some more information to relate to each other? After all, we've been waiting this long... what's a few more months? [1]

1991 (March)

It was held March 1–3, 1991.

One of the guests of honor was Ritch Brinkley.

One activity was a Temple of Trek Revival.

There was a presentation by Cheap Treks: Selected Shorts (Segments) “The DataLore Show”, “It’s the Great Bird, Charlie Brown,” “Lace and Dilithium.”

Convention Reports: 1991

I've just returned from FAN-OUT in Hunt Valley, MD. This is becoming my favorite yearly con. It isn't wild and crazy but it is warm and comfortable—the perfect setting for meeting old friends and taking in new media. This year was even more exceptional—this con gets better all the time. A little bit of everything and the time to sample it all—what could be more relaxing?

I attended as a B&TB fan, meeting others from Michigan and West Virginia. The featured guests were Ritch Brinkley, Denise Crosby and William Campbell. Ritch is a sweet, lovable teddy-bear of a man. Listening to him spinning tales, I would have liked to take him home with me. He was a doll—gentle, patient and intelligent—the kind of guest star we need more of.

The B&TB panels (Open Discussion; The Movie—When & How; C&V—Which Is the More Unique Character?) were fun and thought-provoking. The Art Show display included numerous B&TB work, among others; all well-done and a plus for any wall lucky to have space. The video room featured three of my favorites—"Dead of Winter," "Arabesque," and "Brothers" and ... a midnight showing of Quest for Fire, starring our own RP. This was my first viewing of the film, and was it an experience! Lack of dialogue was adequately offset by the more interesting comments shouted by our fans. Best of all were the music videos — eleven outstanding selections shown twice by popular demand. Exquisitely done with the perfect pairing of music and scene — some of the music used was "Right Here Waiting," "Wings," "29th Sonnet," "Hungry Eyes" (!) and "Uptown Girl" — well, you get the picture. Wow!

B&TB merchandise was available from several dealers. I most enjoyed the beautiful art by Inez Brown and Lynette Combs. It made me proud to know that other fandoms have nothing on B&TB when it comes to talent. Of course, the best part of the con was getting together with old friends whom I hadn't seen since TunnelCon and making new ones. It was great passing the time with news, gossip and laughter. Too soon, it was time to say good-bye with our hugs and kisses speeding us on our separate ways—until the next Con. Kay, Lynette, Elaine, Vickie, Julie, Jean, Inez—I miss you already.[2]

This is the second year in a row I have attended the Fan-Out Convention in Baltimore, and I want to say something to everyone who wasn't able to attend; you were all there, with us, in spirit. Being a part of fandom, I guess we all know what it's like to correspond with other fans who live apart from us. Conventions are a great opportunity to reunite with friends, laugh and cry together, and generally, have a good time. This is what happened to many of us when we arrived in Baltimore. Most of my close friends are from Michigan, and it was so terrific to see them again, and to meet some ladies I've only corresponded with by phone or letters. And even though I only see most of these ladies once or twice a year, it didn't matter. We're family, and I think we always will be. This is what B&TB is all about: friendship, family, love, respect. These are the principles set forth by Catherine and Vincent. It didn't seem to matter that we haven't had new episodes in over a year. We still wanted to talk about the show, and what it had brought to all of us, in different ways, at different times, and how it deeply affected all of us. One of the highlights of the weekend was the appearance of one of the sweetest men ever to grace a stage, Ritch Brinkley. If you haven't seen Ritch in person, you are certainly missing a treat. He made us feel like a part of the tunnel world, especially when he walked on stage, complete in tunnel garb! Here is a man who graciously spent much time with us, relaying stories about his experience on B&TB, and his upcoming projects. He has a powerful presence, and his voice is rich and emotion-filled. His obvious love of B&TB was clearly evident, and he was a joy to meet. Thanks, Ritch, it's people like yourself that keep the Dream alive.

Fan-Out was a good time for all, and that included the insightful panel discussions, the dealers' room, the costume contest, and two of my favorite events: the video room, where Friday night we all crowded in to see Quest for Fire and Saturday, to watch several absolutely wonderful music videos by Kim Taylor. Hurrah, Kim. We laughed and cried, and enjoyed every one of them.

I just wanted to share some of these thoughts with any of our B&BT friends who were unable to attend Baltimore. But you were truly in our thoughts. And for any of you out there who are worried about the B&TB fandom diminishing, please, don't worry yourself. From what I've seen on March 1, 2, or 3rd, Vincent and Catherine are alive ... and well. Our Dream lives on.[3]

Other Proposed Fan-Outs

There were at least four other Fan-Outs planned, but they did not take place.

  • 1990: New York City: Newark Airport Marriott, September 1–3
  • 1990: San Francisco: November 24–25, Dunfey San Mateo Hotel, guests of honor were to have been: Marina Sirtis (Star Trek: TNG), Jeff Marcus (Alien Nation)
  • 1991: Baltimore: March 1–3, at the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn, guests were to have been Denise Crosby (Star Trek: TNG), Ritch Brinkley (Beauty and the Beast, Murphy Brown), Barry Longyear (sf author), Marc Okrand, William Campbell (Star Trek: TOS), Howard Weinstein, Bob Greenberger
  • 1991: St. Louis: June 28–30, King Henry VIII Hotel, guest of honor was to have originally been George Takei, a note in Tunneltalk in March 1991, says that the con was now a purely Beauty and the Beast (TV) con

Fan-Out Flyers for Proposed Events

A Fan-Out That Came Close to Happening: "A Midsummer's Night Dream" (Summer 1991)

The con in St. Louis, MO that was to take place June 28-20, 1991 at the King Henry VIII Hotel originally planned as a multi-media con with George Takei as a guest of honor. In the March 1991 issue of Tunneltalk, it was announced that this con was now planned as having a 100% Beauty and the Beast (TV) focus, and that its title was "A Midsummer's Night Dream."

The guests of honor were to be Linda Campanelli, M.M. Shelly Moore, Jay Acovone, Armin Shimerman, and Ritch Brinkley.

The cancellation of this con was due to many things, two of them being the proliferation of Beauty and the Beast cons in general, which was something that made multiple demands on fans' time and money. The second reason was the intense feuding and jockeying for position among fans due to angry feelings and power plays fueled by anger over the third season of the show. For another example of this in-fighting and feuding, see MasqueCon.

From the con organizer in Tunneltalk:

On the good news side, the FAN-OUT convention in St.Louis this June 28–30 has been turned into an ALL B&TB con. Our guests are Jay Acovone, Armin Shimerman, Ritch Brinkley, Linda Campanelli, and M.M. Shelly Moore. Activities will include a banquet, acting seminar with Armin Shimerman and Ritch Brinkley, Friday night's special welcome reception, art auction, and an orphan zine table (where your zines can be sold even if you can't come to the con—but we'll miss you!).

first side of the April 1991 flyer for the con planned for St. Louis
first side of the April 1991 flyer for the con planned for St. Louis

The next issue of Tunneltalk (April 1991) included an extensive flyer with this description:

Be with us on this special weekend for... appearances by our special guests, and autographs ... aunique Shakespearean presentation by Armin and Ritch ... a Saturday night banquet in full Tunnel-costume (costumes optional) ...B&TB dealers room filled with zines and show and auction...acting seminar conducted by Armin and Ritch ... panels for all interests ... a special Friday night reception with the guests ... and more!


ACTING SEMINAR: Armin Shimerman and Ritch Brinkley will show you how the magic of B&TB was performed; join them in recreating favorite scenes from the show, with them as your acting partners! Pre-register to be sure you get a place at this event; there is no fee, but the seminar will be limited to 50 people." An orphan zine table: "ORPHAN ZINE TABLES: For those B&TB zine editors who may not be able to attend but would like their zines to be represented at the con, we will sell them for you!

There were also comments in the April 1991 issue of Tunneltalk by one of the con's organizers, Barbara Storey, about an anonymous letter being circulated among fans, something that reflected the tensions regarding The Beauty and the Beast Wars and some fans refusal to attend, discuss, or congregate certain kinds of fans:

I have recently heard that an anonymous letter is allegedly being circulated (I have not seen this letter, nor actually heard of or from anyone who received it) which says, in effect, that Ron Perlman is not really going to appear at South of Oz, and that any true fan of B&TB would only attend our FAN-OUT convention in St. Louis. First of all, it has been confirmed that Ron will be at South of Oz, through his manager. There is no reason to doubt that. Secondly, I am of the opinion that an anonymous letter is one of the most cowardly acts possible, no matter what its intentions, and I would ask that—if this letter actually exists—if someone is doing this because they think they are helping me, they are not, and I would like them to stop. I have made my feelings about South of Oz quite clear, I think, and I will not be attending it. However, I still believe— as I always have—in freedom of speech and movement, and in the basic intelligence of fans in general. We each must make up our own minds about any issue in fandom, and neither coercion nor emotional manipulation of fellow fans is acceptable to me. I keep hoping that we will be able to move past this kind of nonsense someday, and learn to keep our "eyes on the prize... and less on each other."

There were comments by one of the organizers, Barbara, in the May 1991 issue of Tunneltalk:

I'm afraid I do have one piece of slghtly disappointing news. As many of you know, Vicky and I, and our partner Marion, have been planning a multi-media convention in St. Louis this summer, which we recently turned into an all-B&TB con. However—given the other B&TB and related events already scheduled for this summer (South of Oz and Ron's appearance in Chicago two weeks before it), not to mention MasqueCon this fall — we discovered that most people had already made their travel plans and were not able to respond to our con as they might have liked.

At the same time, we are very proud of the con we had planned, and felt that it offered fans a wonderful weekend, so . . . the only logical alternative seemed to move the convention to a new date, next year. So far as we know, there is only one other major B&TB con next summer (TUNNELCon 2), so hopefully people will not have to make a choice, but will be able to plan ahead for both if they want to, or decide far in advance which con they will attend. Right now, we are looking at August as the time for our con, and we are hoping to offer the exact same lineup and events as we had planned for this year, if Jay, Ritch, Armin, Linda, and Shelly are willing and available. As always, we will let you know details s here in TT as soon as we have them, and we hope that many of you will be there with us.

In Fall 1991, Stephanie A. Wiltse printed a letter from a fan who was angry about the con's cancellation. While Wiltse's response addressed a number of canceled cons, she only printed comments regarding this convention, something that was an example of Wiltse's feud with Barbara Storey:


Last January I bought a ticket to a B&B convention to be sponsored by Fan-Out. In June they canceled the event to be held in St. Louis, MO just 3 weeks before it was to be held, promising full refunds. I still have not received my refund, nor have any of them replied to my letters. I am very angry and disappointed that this kind of thing would happen in Beauty and the Beast fandom. I'd hoped that people who believed in the ideals of this fine show would show better moral character, I thought you might warn people of these folks before more people lose money.

[Wiltse]: As far as we can tell, the convention has been rescheduled at least twice, the same has been said of the Chicago convention that reportedly lost its hall space less than a week before its scheduled opening. They may both be hoping to honor memberships at a future event. That makes three, counting an earlier San Francisco convention, that have not apparently reimbursed members as promised. A fourth scheduled for Louisville was cancelled with no such complaints from any of our readers. "Pipeline" has endeavored not to pubilicize or even advertise any convention that seemed iffy, but we ain't prfvect [4]. Generally what we look for is a previously good track record, a cut-off date for reimbursement, a phone hotline (even better a 'live' contact person, though whoever volunteers for that job deserves sympathy), and a major


  1. ^ from Once Upon a Time...Is Now #22
  2. ^ from a fan, Helen C, in Tunneltalk (April 1991)
  3. ^ from a fan, Janet D, in Tunneltalk (April 1991)
  4. ^ Yes, "prfvect."