Zebra Con/2007

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Zebra Con 18 (2007)

front cover by Jean C.

Con Skit

The con skit was A Tale of Any Two Guys.

From Flamingo:

[After Paula Smith was unable to do the con skit], Ro and I sat at the table and wrote one and I sent a note to Karen who was grateful. We did the play the way we usually did Baaaad SH theater where a narrator read everything and the actors just had to improvise to what the narrator was reading, with a lot of over the top responses and slow uptakes. Kath Moonshine (Baravan) read it like a Brit announcer on Masterpiece Theater (we always played the Masterpiece theater music at the beginning as the narrator mounted the podium). It had a large cast as we were trying to include all the slash pairings we could think of: Starsky and Hutch of course, the Pros partners, Due South with two Rays (who wore signs around their necks with both names on them which they kept switching around -- Molo was the mounty), The Sentinel guys (my wife, Anne, played Blair was over a head taller than the actor playing Jim) and we even included Booth and Bones from the show Bones, with many joking complaints about how they weren't a slash couple. I was playing whatever music was needed so was in the audience and the reaction was very good from the audience who thought it was hilarious. (We had a running joke about "cerulean" eyes as so many of the characters were blue eyed, and then a sneering reference to Booth's (David Boreanaz) brown eyes: "They're not brown, they're chocolate!" which brought the house down.) I'm as sure as I can be that Terri Beckett played one of the Pros partners and we reenacted the famous scene from that show where one of the partners had a bomb in a backpack strapped to his back and kept running away from the other partner who wanted to get it off him. He ran of course for fear his partner would be killed with him trying to save him. It's a fan favorite scene so we had the two of them running all through the audience and when they finally got on stage all the other "heroes" got as far from them as they could (instead of trying to help) and the bomb was a dud. Karen loved it and only regretted there wouldn't be more zcons for our plays. It was very gratifying since it was born from panic. [2]

Vid Show

Playlists and vid show reviews from the 1990s and 2000s are being collected at ZebraCon/Vid Show.

Art and Fiction Awards

See Huggy Awards.

Convention Reports

"The last ZebraCon was held in Chicago on September 14–16, 2007. I had only attended one ZCon before and didn't want to miss this farewell to a favorite fan-con institution.

On Friday, while I was looking for the con suite, I accidentally bumbled into the Supernatural party. Since I have a few friends that have been sucked into this fandom I stayed and got them party favors, and ended up winning a couple of prizes myself. The first vid they showed at the party was J.M. Griffin's "My Son John", which was created at my house on my computer, so I feel kind of attached to it.

I was a moderator on a couple of Sentinel panels with Kat W. that were well attended and the discussion was fun and rousing. Kat is pimping Revelcon every chance she gets. We need to appoint her "Special Friend of

Revelcon" status. She really loves the barbecue restaurant behind the hotel. Their vid show was on Friday night and my songvids went over really well. Mysti Frank sold 4 out of 10 DVDs of my TS vids and 9 out of 10 of our Revelcon songvid contest DVDs at her table for me.

Saturday night was the dessert party. Everyone dresses up and I have to say I looked damn fine in my fancy togs. I got drafted into performing in the Saturday evening play, "Baaad ZebraCon Theatre" modeled after Masterpiece theatre, which was hilariously funny and got lots of laughs. Nobody had to memorize any lines. We just acted out what the narrator described. I played Ray V. of Due South and had a running dispute with the other Ray over just who the Mountie belonged with.

Sunday I just hung around and made friends with lots of new people and ate way too much, which was basically

what I did the whole weekend. The con was a lot of fun and it will be missed."[6]

From the Program Book


  1. ^ reference link.
  2. ^ from Flamingo, email to MPH, quoted with permission (February 7, 2023)
  3. ^ ZebraCon: requiescat in pace WebCite.
  4. ^ Zcon WebCite.
  5. ^ reference link.
  6. ^ reference link.