Robert Jan

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Name: Robert Jan
Type: Fanwriter, Fanartist, Costuming, Filker, zine editor
Fandoms: Star Trek, V, Blake's 7, Doctor Who
Communities: Austrek, Australian Star Trek TOS fandom
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Robert as Klingon at the Opening Night of Star Trek 3 in Melbourne, 1984 (photo from the Helena Binns collection)

Robert Jan is a prolific Australian artist, writer, costumer, and editor who has done much work with zines, mainly Star Trek. He has also created many costumes.

He is also the co-presenter and producer of Zero-G: Science Fiction, Fantasy & Historical Radio on 3RRR FM in Melbourne, Australia.

One of Robert's earliest exposures to science fiction was, ironically, with the radio serials. "I could remember listening to 3RRR when I was younger, listening to 'weird' things. It's just so odd to be there now, to see where they used to do it from." He remembers staying up all night and listening to the reports coming in over the short-wave radio from all over the place about Skylab crashing down, wondering where it was going to come down, but he didn't want to go outside and watch it, "In case it was a trick like in Day of the Triffids and we all ended up blind."[1]


Abode of Strife | Abode of Strife Who?? | Beyond Antares | Beyond the Farthest Star | The Captain's Log | The Chronicles | Enchiridion | Eridani | Idylls | Katra: The Erotic Spirit | Katra: The Living Spirit | K/S and Other Risque Stuff | Laff Trek | The Lash of the Quip | Lizards of Oz | A Matter of Honor | The Measure of Affection | Metaluna | Ni Var | Orion | Orion Archives: 2272-2275 The Second Mission | Perdition's Flames | The Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror Fan Resource Book | Spock | Spunk | Tales from New Wales | Warped Space | YU'WI cha' Interrogator


  1. ^ Katharine Shade, 'Hangin' in Zero-G', Frontier: The Australian Science Fiction Media Magazine, Issue 2, June/July 1996, p. 13.