Proposed Zines/G

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  • Gaidheal (1994, Highlander, short stories, filks, novellas, poetry and artwork)
  • Galactic Castaways (see image on this page) (1991, Lost in Space, was to be published by Criterion Press, "Galactic Castaways is a serious LIS all- fiction fanzine looking for stories with the feel of the early first season episodes -in short, the way Allen should have done the show! I'm looking for serious fiction, humorous stories (no slapstick, please), stories that blend action with characterization. Submissions should use the entire cast, not just Will, Dr Smith and the Robot! Explorations of relationships between the members of the extended family are also welcome." In 1992, "Now accepting submissions of fiction; artists needed; tentative publication late Spring, 1992. A serious LIS all-fiction fanzine looking for stories with the feel of the early first season episodes—in short, the way Allen should have done the show! Submissions should use the entire cast, not just Will, Dr.Smith and the Robot! Please submit on IBM compatible disk (in ASCII format) and save my poor fingers! Artists, I need you, too!")
  • Galactic Chronicles (see image on this page) (multi-media, "rated PG-13, no explicit K/S", 1987, one story became a separate zine called A Storm in Every Port)
  • Galaxy at War (Star Trek, 1993, from Barkie Yorkies Outlaws Ex-Press, "Alternate Universe stories wanted. Classic stories centered around Mirror, Mirror. Next Gen stories centered around Yesterday's Enterprise story line. But doesn't have to necessarily contain the Enterprise C characters if you want to add them you can. But we're mainly interested in Enterprise D's story lines. GUIDELINES: Adult themes centered around the above universes, hurt comfort, drama, action-adventure, character development welcomed. Short stories & novellas wanted. Art & poetry also wanted on the alternate universe themes. No "/", explicit sex, or profanity.")
  • The Game’s Afoot (Sherlock Holmes, possibly with crossovers with Starsky and Hutch)
  • Gaslight (mystery, media, "Gaslight was going to be a mystery fiction zine for mediafen. What I didn't know at the time was that mystery fandom was going quite well on its own, although the zines generally mirrored the science fiction style of zines rather than Trek and media zines. This zine dropped into obscurity around the same time and the same way as Falconer." -- My Life in Fandom - Deb Walsh's Zines - Planned Titles That Didn't Happen, Archived version)
  • Gates of Doom (1994-ish, Wizards and Warriors, slash novel by IIBNF Press, author likely Bernice)
  • Geiger Counter (1997, gen, Due South, Simon Says Press, "Just thought I’d toss this otter [1] out and see what develops: this straight novel is currently being written, but I have no firm publication date. Too soon to tell! However, it will feature the return of Harold Geiger, Buck Frobisher's nemesis from "MANHUNT": he wants revenge, and this time not just against Buck! The story will be dramatic, and violent (what else with Harold Geiger involved?) and showcase plenty of Relationship."
  • Generic K/S (1985)
  • The Generic Zine (1982, slash, fandom unknown but it was proposed in Hanky Panky so possibly Starsky & Hutch, publisher was Pacific Fruit Express, there is a slight chance this zine is Generic Zine)
  • Genesis: The Boys Who Became the Men of the Rat Patrol (Rat Patrol, gen, anthology of stories exploring the lives of the Patrol and Captain Dietrich before the war)
  • Ghyste Mortua (Tanith Lee, 1988, Kill the Dead)
  • Giant Prehistoric Lizardfish (Quantum Leap, 1994, from Del Floria's Press)|Del Floria's Press, "Well, we had to call it something, and all the good names, like Lover's Leap, Oh Boy!, and Green Eggs and Ham etc, were already taken. (Be nice -- it could have been worse.) A collection of QL stories and art.")
  • A Gift for Martin ("a genzine dedicated to Martin Shaw and his many characterizations in movies, television and theatre. Fiction, poetry and artwork needed based on various roles, including The Professionals, Doctor in the House, etc." -- it was to include a story by Adam Jenson, 1985, Bev Lorenstein)
  • Gimme Blake (gen, Blake's 7, 1988, 4M Press, to have been a sister zine with Avon, Anyone? and Vila, Please!)
  • Goblin Market (1992, Labyrinth, "In that LABYRINTHine mind of Jareth, King of the Goblins, there must be more mischief. This zine is seeking stories, poetry, art, etc. on the light and dark aspects of His Royal Gobliness's personality. Adult material will be accepted. Send SASE for more information. TM&C Productions, Julinda Watson & Michele Amason.")
  • Going Down (2000, slash, Titanic, " To broaden the scope of the Titanic zine, GOING DOWN, I've decided to add in any stories in which your favourite slash pair are 'going down'. This means it doesn't have to be a Titanic-period piece, nor do they actually have to be on the Titanic. <g> Just be 'going down' in some fashion. Boffing in the elevator, anyone? So, put on your thinking caps, pick a pair of slashy guys and go to town! Then send the stories to [email protected]. Let's make this zine a reality!")
  • Going Nowhere Fast (1997, Sockii Press, "A Nowhere Man zine. Just like Strange Luck, this show was too good to let die after one season. What's next for Thomas Veil? Who is he really? Is there anyone or anything in his memories he can trust? Did you really hate the season finale and want to write your own ending for the show? Humor, h/c, romance, serious pieces, artwork, articles - I'll take anything, so long as it's good quality. Will go to print if/when enough material is accepted, and there is enough interest in the project." see flyer image above)
  • Gold Buckle (see image on this page) (gen, 1993, Stoney Burke, "prose, art, poetry for those continuing adventures of Stoney Burke and his cohorts as they ride on the Professional Rodeo Cowboy circuit")
  • Gonomony (Star Trek zine from 1970, "It never saw the light of day as all contributions were destroyed in a basement flood.")
  • The Good Doctor (1987, Star Trek: TOS McCoy-centric, editors were Vel Jaeger and Toni Hardeman, publisher: In Case of Emergency Press. "A proposal for DK fans: A collection of "Best of Bones" stories. Fellow DK fan Toni Hardeman and I have long discussed the need for really good McCoy stories all in one place. They're so few and far between that it's not possible to sit down with one zine and have a really good Bones wallow. I'd like to have members' nominations for their favorite stories to be included in such a collection -- we have our own favorites, but know there have to be many we've missed. We even have a title: "The Good Doctor." Hard to believe that one hasn't been taken yet.")
  • Good Night, Love (2003, The Sentinel, "the previously-net posted Jim/Blair series by Saraid, updated and edited," Agent With Style)
  • The Gothen (Doctor Who)
  • Gotham Nights (animated Batman series)
  • The Gothan (Doctor Who)
  • Granny's Cookie Jar (multimedia, "non-sexual... This zine should be the kind of zine grandmothers will love and youngsters under the age of ten will understand and enjoy. So far, we have three old gen Star Trek, a Power Rangers, and two non-media science fiction.")
  • The Grasshopper Chronicles (Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, gen, 1996, "A series of short stories focusing on Kwai Chang Caine — both of him. Motivations, back story, sorrows and joys." See flyer above.)
  • Green Light! (unknown)
  • Grimoire (2000, Angel fiction by LJC, see image flyer above)
  • Gull (1987, Simon and Simon, "a full-length novel by "Tracy," author of "Victims All." Art by Jean Kluge.")
  • Guy's Gang (see image on this page) (1987, letterzine for Robin of Sherwood with a focus on Guy of Gisbourne)
  1. ^ "toss this otter" is a reference to dialogue in Due South"