Obiphil's Master of the Galaxy

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Obiphil's Master of the Galaxy
Author: Obiphil
Dates: active in 2000
Fandom: Star Wars TPM
URL: (Wayback, 2000)
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Obiphil's Master of the Galaxy was a personal Star Wars TPM fanfiction and recommendation site.

Amy Fortuna's Recs Page linked to it in 2000.[1]


  • Who's Obiphil
  • Who's Qui-Gon Jinn
  • Fiction
  • Story Recs
  • Dim Sum
  • What's new


The Family Menace - Shmi's reunion with Anakin on Corusanct ingnites Obi-Wan's jealousy and anxiety.

Confession - Qui-Gon confesses to a moment of weakness and Obi-Wan is devastated. (download in 2 parts)

Long Shadows - Sequel to Confession. Qui-Gon's moment of weakness casts long shadows over him and Obi-Wan. This is a story where Obi-Wan screams, "I can fight a sith, I can fight an interloper, but I can't fight your guilt, Qui-Gon!" (download in 2 parts)

Twin Beasts - Qui-Gon is fighting for his life and Obi-Wan is mad, very the Force. (download in 2 parts)

Maiden's Heart - Amidala's handmaidens have a crush on our boys. Little do they know the dashing duo are ...... well, at their slumber party, they find out something about the boys to their dismay. (download in 3 parts)

Dream Excursion - An excursion to a lake followed by one into a dream. Obi-Wan reflects on his napping Master.

The In-law - A second Kenobi has a crush on Qui-Gon. (download in 5 parts)

Love Song - Obi-Wan writes a song for Qui-Gon's birthday. By the time he's done singing it, things are never the same. (download in 3 parts)

The In-laws (Part II) - An Interlude - Middle story following The In-law. Torant maneuvers to bring Obi back into the family. (download in 3 parts)

The In-laws (Part III) - The Power of Love - Finali of the In-law series. Obi-Wan battles his family for their acknowledgement of Qui-Gon's status (download in 6 parts)

Afterthoughts - After Naboo, both Master and Apprentice make startling discoveries.

Story Recs

Let me say up front that as this is my review and my recs, it's unashamedly slanted and subjective. I am partial towards H/C, first time, romance, angst and AU (in the sense that scene never takes place). All stories touched on here fall into these categories. Fetish/Kinks and PWPs do nothing for me and for the simple reason that I don't read those, I can't provide any review or recs. And because my crush is by and large on Qui-Gon, I kinda go flat when the story is told from Qui-Gon's POV. Stories from a narrator or Obi's angle work much better for me. That also colours my selection.

Carefully Everywhere Descending / Floating World / A Warm Place by Jane St. Claire. Jane is like a legend on M/A now. She has a style all her own. Few have her mastery of language and none has her touch. She once told me she couldn't do torrid passion. Just as well as this purported handicap of hers results in stories that are surpassingly beautiful not for tempestuous emotions, but serenity and sublimated desire. Quiet, subdued, very, very tender with more left unsaid than said. Such is the poetic mood that permeates the 3 stories here. Obi-Wan's love for his Master is slowly simmering with subtle promises to flare up one day but not quite yet.

Apprentice to Journeyman by Susan Smithson. In my opinion simply the best story all round on M/A. Would undoubtedly be the choice of many for that title had their been a vote. The story chronicles Qui-Gon's tutelage of Obi-Wan over the years. Along the way, the intricate tenets of the Jedi, Qui-Gon's spiritual and physical magnificence ----- his immense strength of character, unflinching sense of honour, sacrificial nobility as an utterly selfless and dedicated teacher, sheer masculine beauty (mmm, yummy) as well as Obi -Wan's gradual enlightenment towards the truth on love and desire are unraveled before our eyes with phenomenal skills. Superbly intelligent treatment of plot and characters. Flowing, exquisite prose. Exceedingly uplifting and moving. Guaranteed crying yet with no cheap shots at jerking tears whatsoever. Susan herself calls it a long good read. Understatement of the year!

Down by Ladonna King. The story says between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, they have gutted Anakin. The truth is among the three of them and Ladonna, we, the readers, are gutted clean. But if you enjoy the sensation of having a tweezer going left and right in your belly, this is the story for you. Without question the saddest, most gut-wrenching piece by far I have read on Q/O. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin are each maimed emotionally and spiritually by a web of dyscommunication, missed opportunities, unrequited love and death of loved ones. Anakin eventually turns, Obi-Wan is broken in heart and soul. Qui-Gon has to watch on helplessly as a ghost. Gosh, just summarizing it pulls me down. But the deadliest of it all is Ladonna's prose. Mercilessly hard hitting with surgical deftness and control. So is it all the way down? Fortunately no, the story ends on an uplifting note with clear portents that Obi and Qui do end up together sometime, somewhere, and for good, this time. But get your kleenex ready, anyway. Aren't you gonna need it!

The Exile Series by DBKate and Kass. These stories are quite unlike anything else written on our two heroes. They are special because they are about Qui/Obi not at their best, but at their humblest. Happen years after TPM, Anakin is now Vader and is hunting down the Jedi across the Galaxy. Qui and Obi go into exile on Tatooine to save themselves and Luke Skywalker, their only hope to restore balance in the Force. They lead a mundane, lowly existence of endless domesticity. Each weathered by life and fate resulting in the loss of means, social position, professional status, physical ability and beauty. Yet through it all, their love not only survives but thrives. What do you call that if not true, tested, undying love? The tone is sedate, subtle. The mood serene and tranquil. The spirit that comes through is noble and soul-warming. Kate and Kass's ethereal writing breathes life, strength and astonishingly, toes-curling romance into the quietly beautiful pieces in spite of their grim backdrop. The stories mostly come in pairs in a mirror format. One story told twice each from Qui and Obi's perspectives.

My favourites in the series: Exiles, On the Willow, Sacrifice, Investment, Dividend. Note: not all on M/A. The entire series available from DBKate's own website.)

The Elements Series by Lilith Sedai. Usually, you can't have it both ways. It's either here or there, fish or foul, entertainment or literature. But once in a long, long while, everything comes together to make happen that all too rare combination of here and there, fish and foul, entertainment and literature. And when it does, you heave a long, sated breath and mutter, "wow, what a read. Blew me away!" I was blown away by the 4 stories in the series. They are drama, thrillers, adventure, romance and above all, bona fide literature all rolled into one work of epic proportions. Set in a radically alternate universe where Qui hasn't taken Obi as his apprentice, who is tutored by Yoda instead. Our boys are thrown together on one perilous mission after another by fate terribly estranged at first. But slowly and surely, they are nudged towards each other by forces beyond their control until an inseparable bond is conceived between them half against their wills. Your classic tale of love-hate torment? May be. But Lilith's imagination is unmatched. Her plot is wonderfully intricate, relentlessly gripping yet highly credible. Her grasp of the characters' psyche is of clinical precision. And her writing is stunning in its intensity and aesthetics. The series is long. At more than 600k, it's practically a novel and a half. But once you get started, you'd find yourself helplessly ensnared until you flip over the last page and pass out from exhaustion. A truly professional piece by a real pro.

The stories in the series : Water, Earth, Air, Fire.

Consolations by Yahtzee. This story comes up in so many people's story recs. Only goes to show how discerning M/A readers are. Yahtzee paints a sobering picture of love vanquished and rediscovered with broad masterly strokes. The story is sad and sombre. But Yahtzee's skill is such that the sadness is not unleashed wildly, but methodically allowed to quietly thread through the plot in a muffled kind of ways. It weighs on your heart incessantly without drowning you in sorrow. Years after TPM, when the Galaxy has all but fallen to Vader, Obi reunites with Qui on the eve of a potentially fateful battle. The duo broke up a long time back due to ugly disagreement over Anakin. On the night, love is rediscovered, albeit in a callused and wearied form (Yahtzee said it wasn't love, not yet. But I can't help sensing that love IS there somewhere. What do you think?) Very thoughtful placement of scenes , narration and dialogue. Prose smooth as silk. Bitter sweet but uplifting ending to finally send you to your kleenex. But your tears will be quiet instead of wanton ones. Yahtzee's control is that of a master's.

The Waking by Anne Carr and Emrin Alexander. I am a sucker for tales of unrequited love, especially when the object of that love is Qui-Gon Jinn. And when Anne and Emrin throws in a chunky dollop of dyscommunication between our boys to really fry up the angst nice and brown, there you have your wicked heartbreaker that squeeze your guts every which way. Boy, isn't this the queen of all Obi's pining after Qui stories. Clever plot strung up by Obi's rock collection with each piece yielding a part of the final picture of broken hearts and broken bonds. Quite a few killer lines by Obi, where the angst and bittersweetness reaches 39.000ft. Spokesman piece for all of us who shamelessly lust and pine after Qui-Gon to the point of despair. Anne and Emrin write with abundant grace and wit. Delightfully sharp dialogue. And bless them for giving the story a very happy ending.

The Hope Trilogy by chelle. chelle boldly goes where no one has gone before (or after, not so far) by tackling the weighty and treacherous subject of war atrocity. Then again, if you are good, you can afford to be bold. chelle sets our boys against a macabre backdrop of horrendous war -triggered genocide. The senseless suffering and heinous war crimes severely test the faith of Qui and Obi in their own affinity to the light, the Jedi teachings and the Force. Eventually, even their bond with each other comes under horrific stress. Can any good come out of it at all? Sure, if you consider escapist sex, then love and romance and rediscovery of dignity, humanity and nobility something good. chelle displays what she's capable of by treating such high strung materials with aplomb and nonchalance. It's tense but not hysterical, emotionally charged but not melodramatic. Elegantly flowing prose. A riveting piece that works not only your heart and hormone, but your mind as well.

Stories in the trilogy : Hope, Silence, At long last

In My End is My Beginning by Lilith Sedai. If nothing else, the no of times this story made me cry warrants its inclusion in my recs. Lilith is not the kind of writer that holds back on hurt and angst. And what a master she is in taking your heart, then wring it, punch it, quash it, slice it open and bleed it dry. A thoughtfully involved plot sees the post-TPM Obi going back in time to teach Qui a parry that would save him from the Sith's strike. Along the way, Obi finds love from Qui, which was denied him in his original timeline due to Qui's death and their dyscommunication, only to lose it again when he has to return to where he comes from just so the new course of time could play out naturally. As always, Lilith's grasp of the minute nuances in the play between characters is plain amazing, an attribute that, no doubt, contributes to the earth-shattering impact of the story. I make it a point not to read the story in public places because I invariably lose it a few times during the read where I cry like a baby. A small pity that the ending is a bit abrupt. But in all, an absolutely superb read.

Padawan Story Hours / Better to Give by Rogue. Rogue is Rogue, what do you expect? Just someone with a sabre sharp mind that turns out stories filled not only with your customary love and romance, but a generous splash of smart-assiness as well. In Rogue's infuriatingly sassy universe, our boys are great minds and greater bodies with mouths that are almost too smart for their own good. A sworn enemy of angst, Rogue writes with mirth, wit and glee. Hers is a sumptuous, funny, heartwarming, humorous, romantic, wisecracking, moving, sexy, hilarious blend of plot and characters. Those things don't work together? Go read those 2 stories and you'd know they work together beautifully. Though I suspect Rogue's consummate skills in the English Language and her inhumanly high gray cells (midi-chlorian?) count might have something to do with it. Her being as such, what she does with her stories isn't something that just anyone should be trying at home unsupervised.

The above are but a fraction of the goodies from M/A and elsewhere on the subject of Q/O. There are soooo many more great great stories written on our to die for boys. Unfortunately, if I were to introduce them one by one, it would take me til the release of Ep III. A list as follows does them scant justice but that'll have to do for the time being.

Mos Cethra by DB Kate

Though Night Should Fall by Keelywolf

Jedi Temple Murders, Silent Faction by analise and Kirby Crow

An Uncommon Fear of Shifting, A Matter of Control by analise

Bitter Glass by Kirby Crow

His Master's Hair, The Pulse of the Force by Master Elize Mar Von

Extraordinarily Resilient by Cori Lannam

Bonding Through the Years, The Jedi of Naboo, The Master's Saga, Bedrest is Boring by Anne Higgins

Shrifting by Emu

Who will not see by Ladonna King

Time enough by Meridian

Surfacing at First, Surfacing at Moments, Surfacing at Home by Yahtzee

But for Grace by Writestuff

Adjustments, Structured Forms, Meditation on a Moment in Time by Gail Riordan

Mourning by James Walkswithwind

The Letter Series by Lori and Wolfling

The JAOA series by Black Rose

The Knight's Tale by Mercutio

A Light to Guide You by Krychick

Dyscommunication by Anne Carr

Snow and Cinder by Hiperbunny and Mrs Hamill

Souvenirs, Tenet Noscoe by Hiperbunny

The Devotion Series by Destina Fortunato

Quiet Demons by saraid

An Element of Blank by Sheila[2]


  1. ^ Amy Fortuna's Recs Page, Wayback: 04 October 2000 (Accessed 12 June 2020)
  2. ^ Story Recs. (Accessed 12 June 2020)