Noire Sensus

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Name: Noire Sensus
Date(s): 2001 – Dec 09, 2005 (last update)
Archivist: Koorime & Necromage
Founder: ?
Fandom: Multifandom
URL: noiresensus at LiveJournal
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The Bookshelf

Noire Sensus is a fansite with various fan media and information dedicated to a wide range of fandoms.

The largest section is the Sensus Fanfiction Archive with slash, yaoi, yuri and general fiction from various anime, games, movies, and books. There are also other sections based around them and more: quotes, image archives, information, plus various media etc.



Site Map of Noire Sensus

  • Advent - Dedicated to Square Enix's Final Fantasy VII title, this is the SFA's yaoi, yuri and general fanfiction archive for the game. It also contains the Character Profiles, Quotes and Theme Songs for Final Fantasy VII.
  • Bella Donna - Dedicated to Disney's new movie series Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Bella Donna focuses on Gen and Slash fanfiction... much like everything else on site.
  • the DOJO - K-chan's project, with Necromage helping every now and then. Dedicated to Namco's fighting masterpiece, Tekken. Right now only the fanfiction archive is up and working, with the image gallery sitting dejectedly on our old site--it'll eventually be shifted here. Most projects in the Dojo have been sidelined until the other sections are complete.
  • Fushigi Yuugi: APOCRYPHA - M-chan's pet-project, dedicated to the Four Gods from Yu Watase's shoujo fantasy epic, Fushigi Yuugi. Has a fanfiction archive, and pretty much every 'official' pic we can find of the gods in the image archive.
  • the GARDEN - Dedicated to Square Enix's Final Fantasy VIII. The first fragment of NS which spawned everything else; it's also the only section even close to finished. Boasts a massive yaoi & yuri fanfiction archive, detailed info on the characters and GFs, an image gallery, and interactive stuff to do.
  • Gramarye - The SFA's Harry Potter Slash fanfiction archive. This is where all the fanfiction for Harry Potter is stored. It also has a link to the Theme Songs for Harry Potter.
  • Hithaeglir - The SFA's Lord of the Rings Slash fanfiction archive, where all the fanfiction for Lord of the Rings is archived.
  • Noire Sensus Image Galleries - One stop portal to all the image galleries scattered around the site. If you were looking for the Softmax Gallery, it's moved in here.
  • Quotes Archive - The door to our ever expanding, and nifty quotes archive - also the very first archive we ever made (back in the olden times when we were stuck on geocities >_<). We have quotes of every kind, genre and flavour.


The page is a member of the YFN Webring, the Potterfic Alliance, the Caverns of the Karmic Circle, The Harry Potter Slash Web Ring, the Videogame Yaoi Fanfiction Writer's Webring, The Fanfiction World webring for Videogames, YAOI Erotica Fanfiction, the CB Booyaka Guild, the Anime Fan Fiction Ring, The Lover Boys Webring, The Seifer and Squall Yaoi Webring and The Bishounen Underground Webring.[1]

The page is also a member of SeiferXSquall, The Fushigi Yugi Yaoi Webring, All Harry Potter Slash, The Harry and Draco Webring, Harry Potter For Adults, Aragorn/Legolas Slash Ring, Lord of the Rings Fanfiction, The Fushigi Yuugi Lovers Ring, Bishonen Seishi of Fushigi Yuugi Webring, MM Anti-Yaoi, Yaoi Fan Network Webring, The YAOI Fanfiction Webring, Yaoi Lover, Boystown, Beautiful Surreality, Baddie Bishonen Webring, Pretty Boy Slash, Anime Fortress' Ring of True Love, Anything Goes FanFiction Ring, Slash Fan Fiction Ring, FanFic Archives, Fan Fiction Collective, Legend of the Flame, The Circle of Zen, The Jin Kazama Fan Ring, The Lord of the Slash Ring, LotR NC-17 fanfiction, Yaoi World, Fighting Games Yaoi, The Tekken Fanworks Webring, Really Bad Eggs, Fans of Fan Fic Webring, Fanfiction Phenomenal, Anime, Manga, and Animanga WebRing.[2]


  1. ^ Noire Sensus Webrings. (Accessed 02 October 2012)
  2. ^ WebRing Links. (Accessed 02 October 2012)