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Pairing: Lindsay (Total Drama)/Tyler (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): Lyler, TxL, LxT, Tysay, Lindsyler
Gender category: Het
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: Canon
Prevalence: Common Background Pairing
Archives: n/a
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Lindsay/Tyler, most known as Lyler, is a popular canonical pairing within Total Drama fandom. The ship is between Lindsay and Tyler, both semi-prominent characters. It has been shipped since the first episode of Total Drama: Island (2007) before becoming canon that same year. They've been together since.

Lindsay/Tyler is often a Background Pairing in fanworks which feature them or otherwise only there to keep with canon. Still, there's been many fanworks made just for them, especially during the fandom's early years, (until 2012.) Lindsay/Tyler is the most common pairing for both characters.

In 2023, it became popular in some fan circles for Lindsay/Tyler to be the sister ship of Alejandro/Heather. Double Dates and High School AUs are common. Fics often may start out as Lindsay/Tyler, but develop into Heather/Lindsay (Femslash) and/or Alejandro/Tyler (Slash) as the fic progresses.

Common Tropes

  • Autistic!Lindsay and Tyler, Lindsay and Tyler may both be headcanoned as Autistic.
  • Texting: Texting in general often shows up in works for these two.
  • Clothing Upgrade: Both often wear different outfits than usual in fanart. Lindsay wears many different outfits on the show, while Tyler does not. Having Lindsay wear more modern fashion and having Tyler wear his tracksuit around his waist are common.
  • Height Difference: Tyler is taller, Lindsay is shorter.

Lindsay/Tyler Fandom

In January, Lyler Week is celebrated in r/Totaldrama. April 4th is Lyler Day on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar. Lindsay/Tyler also won TD Tumblr, a ship popularity contest, in 2014.

Wayne, their Equally-as-Stupid Official Lovechild?

After the unveil of Total Drama: Island (2023)'s cast, Wayne struck out to some fans as a new contestant who looked like a Lindsay/Tyler lovechild.

Example/Notable Fanac

Recursive Fanworks of Island of the Slaughtered may feature this pairing.

Fan Communities/Fan Events

Fan Art

Fan Comics

Fan Fiction

References/Further Reading