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Pairing: Heather (Total Drama)/Lindsay (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): n/a
Gender category: Femslash
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: Common to Rarepair
Archives: n/a
Other: n/a
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Heather/Lindsay, known mostly as Heathsay or Leather, is a common pairing within Total Drama fandom. The ship is between Heather and Lindsay, both prominent characters.

Heather/Lindsay may be seen as a sister ship to Alejandro/Tyler, a more popular pairing. Alejandro/Heather, which pairs Heather with Alejandro, and Lindsay/Tyler, which pairs Lindsay with Tyler, are canon and popular with fans. Fanworks may start out as these pairings and develop into Femslash and Slash as the fic progresses.

Heather/Lindsay is one of the more popular Femslash pairings for the whole series on Archive of Our Own. However, most of these tag them as a background pairing rather than the main focus. It's somewhat more common for the ship to be seen fanworked into visual mediums, fanart, fanvids, etc, than fanfiction.

Common Tropes


Heather/Lindsay Fandom

November 9th is Heathsay Day on Chefhatchet's Appreciation Calendar.

Example/Notable Fanac

Fan Art

Fan Fic

  • Playing Pretend by Fudgyokra (2014), Lindsay smelled like salt water and expensive, citrusy perfume—this innocuous detail was grating on the same issue that had been bothering Heather for weeks now. She kept noticing things, and every little detail was filed away, labeled as important information that she would certainly recall later for no reason at all.

References/Further Reading