Impulse (Star Trek: TOS zine 1)

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Title: Impulse
Publisher: D. Carol Roberts & [Liz Danforth]
Date(s): 1970-1972
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Impulse is a gen Star Trek: TOS anthology.

Like some fanzines of that era, early issues were published without the required pre-1989 copyright notices, possibly placing the fanzine in the public domain.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, J. Hamill

Impulse 1 was published in summer 1970 and contains 89 pages. Graphics by Walter Burke, SVM, Susan Swinberg, and D. Carol Roberts.

From the editorial: "This fanzine is the direct result of being exposed to Westercon 23. I remember saying, 'gee, why don't we do one of these?' There are times when I should've kept my mouth shut."

From the first page: "Published quarterly off of various ditto machines around the city of Tucson, Arizona. (And other places.) Price: $1.00 plus postage. Cheaper next time, we hope."

  • The Editors Warp Out (1)
  • Miranda, fiction by S.L. Anderson (about Miranda's childhood, the character from the episode "Is There In Truth No Beauty?") (It was mentioned in Why a Star Trek Fanzine? where it was described as " Nothing official you understand, but satisfying.") (2)
  • A Reason for Starvoyaging by Amanda Glenn Harris, poem (28)
  • Historian's Notes: The Perservers (29)
  • Age Day by A. Statler, short story (31)
  • Music: Discovery by Amanda Glenn Harris (39)
  • Mr. Spock, Commander, SFC, Vulcan by Amanda Glenn Harris, poem (40)
  • Bethania by S.L. Anderson, short story (41)
  • Music: Lullaby for a Starchild by Amanda Glenn Harris (58)
  • Star Child (Part 1) by D.C. Roberts, serial story (59)
  • Poem for Starflight by D. Carol Roberts (84)
  • ad for the next issue (85)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

One of the 'new' ST zines. Since re-runs have arrived on the scene, there have been a lot of zines popping out of nowhere to show off the never-ending and improving stream of Spock stories. Part one of two (I hope only two; people don't always finish these serials) is pretty good. It's my favorite in the issue. Another outstanding one is 'Miranda,' a beautiful story about Miranda Jones deciding to go to Vulcan. Of the new zines, this is my pick as a must for every ST fan. This issue is ditto'd, the next issue is said to be mimeo'd. [1]

Issue 2

Impulse 2 was published in November 1970 and contains 145 pages. The cover is by Stephen Day. Graphics by Jeff Hamill, Susan Wolfe, Liz Danforth, D. Carol Roberts, Barbie Marczak, and Stephen Day.

front cover of issue #2, by Stephen Day
back cover of issue #2

From the title page: "Printed in the editor's mother's kitchen and no where else this time."

From the editorial: "I'm sorry that the 'Teacher' story about Amanda Grayson isn't here, or 'The Communication,' I'll never again run a page advertising what will be in the next issue."

Issue 3

Impulse 3 was published in February 1971 and contains 55 pages.

Graphics and art by Jeff Hamill, Dave Billman, Liz Danforth, Barbi Marczak, and D. Carol Roberts. Writers are Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Allen Statler, Michelle Malkin, Michael Sobota, D. Carol Roberts, Liz Danforth and Jack Zavada.

front cover of issue #3, Jeff Hamill
back cover of issue #3, Barbi Marczak

From the title page: '"Published quarterly here and there and this time in the editor's very own apartment. Price: about a buck."

From the editorial:

This 'zine, perhaps, looks a bit short to you... and well, the truth being what it is, I'll have to admit that the zine is a little short. The post office managed to lose S.L. Anderson's story, part two of "Miranda.' but hopefully by Impulse 4, we will have discovered where they have hidden it. Therefore, all you who are receiving Impulse 3 by mail hereby have 25 cents credit toward a subscription to Impulse 4 to make up for this 'zine's shortness. Also, for our critics who FINALLY convinced me that 20 lb mimeo paper printed on both sides would be ever so much better than 16 lb paper printed on one side, I have news; I think it looks dreadful for this 'zine. So, it's back to the 'traditional' for the next time, finances not withstanding.

  • The Editors Warp Out (1)
  • T'Zorel by J. Lichtenberg, short story (also in Kraith Collected #1 and Maybe #13) (3)
  • a poem titled: Poem by Michael Sobota (19)
  • Phaser Notes (article) by J. Zavada (article) (20)
  • Surak's Farewell Speech by Jack Zavada, in Vulcanar (21)
  • Song: The Star Trip, filk by D. Carol Roberts (25)
  • The Children of Earth by A. Statler, short story (26)
  • Historian's Notes, article about ancient Vulcan lineage ("exploration of the Vulcan-Romulan legendary figures Kalthee of Virgo and Sarjal the Preserver"), not credited (43)
  • poem: Kodos by Michelle Malkin (46)
  • Third Season List, article, credit list (46)
  • Fanzine Questionnaire by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (48)
  • poem: Appreciation to The Starchild by Danforth (54)
  • ads (55)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for T'Zorel.

Issue 4

Impulse 4 was published in June 1971 and contains 109 pages. The pages of this fanzine are backwards, starting at 110 and work their way down to page 1. Art and graphics are by Liz Danforth, Jeff Hamill, D. Carol Roberts, Stephen Day, Mary H. Schaub, Jack Zavada, and Regina Marvinny.

cover of issue #4, Liz Danforth

The editors: "Published in [an] apartment in sunny, hot, sweaty Tucson, under duress and the air conditioner. (Scotty should only see this!)"

  • The Editors Warp Out (110)
  • poem (109)
  • Change of Mind by Liz Danforth (108)
  • poem (87)
  • Confession by Barbi Marczak (86)
  • poem (80)
  • Shelaku (a misspelling of "Shealku" by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (also Kraith Collected #1; Tetrumbriant #3) (the editors later apologize for the misspelling error) (79)
  • poem, Commissioner Hedford and the Companion -- The Joining (62)
  • puzzle (61)
  • Miranda 2 by S.L. Anderson (60)
  • poem, Nova at Beta Naiobi (3)
  • ads (2)
  • credits (1)
  • You are Receiving this Zine Because

Issue 5

front cover of issue #5, Jeff Hamill
back cover of issue #5, Jeff Hamill

Impulse 5 was published in August 1971 and contains 33 pages.

It is physically much smaller than the previous regular issues (8.5 inches tall, 7 inches wide) and was notable for, among other things, its format: This fanzine was one of the first offset fanzines in reduced format.

From the editor:

The essential shape of the face-of-the-universe is not 'beauty' as our Greek ancestors would have had us believe, or even 'form,' nor again 'logic' or 'mathematical formulae' as the people of the late 19th century concluded. The face of the system in to which we are born is the never-ending pattern of change: disorganization, synthesis, and integration. There is nothing existent in our universe that can be taken to be final... it would be dangerous also if Star Trek became such a focal point of fannish attention that the fans themselves were to remain Trekkers forever. As much as I admire Star Trek, I think this is a situation that must be avoided. Star Trek's faults in art, science and literature cannot be overlooked, nor excused, and they certainly do not give fandom any license to commit the same mistakes. But these faults can be learned from, and the basis of Star Trek improved. This zine will continue until it is outgrown, and then it will be thrown away for something better. But in the meantime, because Star Trek was an important development in science fiction, especially in science fiction as mass media, this zine will attempt to further the better side of that series.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5

Impulse 5 ran 33 pages, but the editors claimed it contained as much material as the previous mimeographed issue, which had 110 pages. Notable authors in this issue included Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Anna Mary Hall (who was becoming a frequent fanzine contributor), and Barbie Marczak. The last story of this issue was "The Price of a Handful of Snowflakes" by M.L. Barnes. This story, featuring Christine Chapel and Spock, became legendary in the annals of fan fiction, chiefly due to its being mentioned in Star Trek Lives! (published 1975)... Star Trek Lives! had recommended a number of fanzine stories, which were in great demand as a result... After Impulse went out of print, Steve published this story, along with three others she had written, in ...A Handful of Snowflakes and Other Trek Tales.[2]

Issue 6/7

front cover of issue #6/7, J.D. Williams

Impulse 6/7 was published in 1972 and contains 54 pages.

The art is by JD Williams (cover), Jack Zavada, Liz Danforth, Mary H. Schaub. D. Carol Roberts, Jeff Schalles, and C.M. de Sisi.

From one of the editors, regarding this issue's size and production:

About this issue: it is, in case you're speculating, 8½ x 14inches, basically because of Sis's cartoon. It is also printed on Gestetner's 50% recycled mimeo paper, which turns out to be a very nice product to work with. So, three cheers to the Gestetner, Corporation!!! We may or may not return to offset depending on prices (high) and other products which must be offset (many). We hope you will enjoy the 'zine in any case. 'Til next,

  • Editor's Comments
  • You Are Getting This 'Zine Because (short, not the usual checklist these features usually are)
  • Saturn's Rings, poem (handwritten, with a short description) (1)
  • Tina, story by Barbi Marczak (stream of conscious, dialogue only) (2)
  • Ni-Var, poem by Liz Danforth (7)
  • Vulcanur Semantics, part 2, article by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (not listed in the table of contents) (8)
  • Bones McCoy, not credited, filk to the tune of "Dr. Sigmund Freud" (12)
  • The Day the Ship Stood Still, cartoons or cartoon strip by C.M. De Sisi (13)
  • Puzzle (18)
  • Mayfly, fiction by Steve Barnes/M.L. Barnes (19)
  • Impromptu Verse, poem by Carolyn Hillard (35)
  • Astute Admonition, poem (36)
  • Routine, story by Anna Mary Hall (also in Furaha #4, Aisha Milele, Fanikiwa, and Archives #6) (37)
  • Credo, poem by Mary H. Schaub (Kirk replies to McGivers, from the episode "Space Seed") (51)
  • Ads/Credits (52)
