Force of a Different Color

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Title: Force of a Different Color
Publisher: AWIT Press
Editor(s): Lori and Sian1359
Date(s): 2002-2003
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Wars: TPM
Language: English
External Links:
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Force of a Different Color is a slash Phantom Menace alternate reality anthology.

There were two issues published. A third was planned but did not make it off the ground.

Submission Request

From a flyer in Convergence/Provocateur:

On-going zine that contains all Alternate Reality stories (under the current but confusing MA archive definition), wherein something about the mix is... Off, ie: no Jedi. Preferred pairing is Qui-Gon &Obi-Wan, but we're open to variety as long as one of the guys is present. We’ve had Greeks, Lizards, Sith, Hedgehogs, SG! Operatives, Pros Universe, Private Detective, Mercenaries, Magicians, Musicians, Space Opera, Hollywood actors, Lords and Knights, the Italian Renaissance, Doctors, Next issue is set to have Vampires and aPro Universe sequel so far.

Artists, been dying to do that portrait of Pirate Qui-Gon? Elf Obi? PI Mace Windu? Vampire Jedi Boys? Your alternate visions do not have to match a particular story, though if it works out... If you’re willing to illo a story, we'll get it to you.

Pretty much anything goes -G-NC17; Action; H/C; Angst; Dark; Rape; Death; Humor; PWP; Parody; Chan; etc. No particular page length is required, but if you are going to submit a novel let us know in advance. Editorial discretion will be enacted, but the only changes made without the writer's consent would be copy-edits.

First drafts by mid April, planned for MediaWest. Stories will Time Out a year after publication.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1 by Fuumin

Force of a Different Color 1 was published in May 2002 and contains 300 pages.

Fuumin is the cover artist.

From Lori:

A while back Sian asked me to get involved in this project, a 'zine about alternate universe Jedi, and I happily agreed. I haven't been as involved in the 'zine as I should have been, but it’s certainly been a pleasure to do what I can to help Sian bring out the best product that she can. My own authorial contribution this time is small (and we bent the format at that) but Jenan and Jenai are some of my favorite fanfic characters, so I was quite honored when Sian asked that they be included in this volume.

We hope that you enjoy the collected works - both new and reprinted - and that they bring you as much pleasure reading them as they did us.

From Sian:

This endeavor began as a direct response to the lack of Star Wars zines being produced inspite [sic] of the prodigious amount of fiction produced after The Phantom Menace.

Lori had already produced several zines of hers and Wolfling's exceptional work in the Letters Universe, and the multi-contributor chan zine, Beginnings. While I hadn’t produced any zines since the early 80’s, it had always been something I’d enjoyed; I just needed to find a fandom to get caught up in again.

Of course, with Lori and me involved, the zine couldn’t just be a normal visit to the Star Wars universe. FoDC is as it sounds; stories about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, but not directly within the framework of the movie or established canon, although one might still be a Jedi. Within, you will find stories of forest creatures, and Sith. We have lizards, Romans, cops, bounty hunters, private eyes, school children, landed gentry and dragon mages — something, we hope, for everybody.

We could not have done this without the talented contributors, authors, artists and readers. We hope you enjoy what you’ve got in your hands, and hope to produce a new issue next year. New contributors will be welcome — email either of us for the guidelines.

  • A Few Words From Your Editors (3)
  • The Gathering Storm by Gail Riordan (Rating: G. Series: Tales of the Hedgehog Jedi - a Jedi rescues a lost child.) (4)
  • A Taste of Copper by Tem've (Rating: NC-17. "Love can be found in strange places and strange times, including Aquae Sulis (the Roman town of Bath in England) around 200 AD, where retired soldier Quintus Exiguus Albanus has an unexpected bath, and rather enjoys the consequences.") (14)
  • The Force of Destiny by Ghostwriter (previously on the internet) (Rating: NC-17. "Het!Qui-Gon is sent on a mission to a hedonistic planet where a young senator named Obi-Wan Kenobi changes his live forever.") (25)
  • Threats From Beyond by Sian (The Phantom Menace/Professionals crossover) (Rating: R. "Not so far into the future, a certain oddly familiar group of CI5 agents need to deal with the pressures of their lives as well as their jobs.") (60)
  • Tryptich & Beyond by Lori & Wolfling (Rating: NC-17. "The following bends the format of the zine a little - it is the Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon of the Jedi as we were introduced in Phantom Menace. But the two require deep cover identities for a mission and thus Jenan and Jenai were born. Included here are the first meeting then subsequent adventures; two of which are new, while the original Tryptich is reprinted from the net and can be found with further adventures set in the Letters AU on Lori's website.") (76)
  • A Meeting of Minds by Master Elayna (Previously on the internet. From the Stargate Jedi series. Rating: NC-17. "While on fairly routine missions for their respective governments, the SG-1 team and Jedi Qui-Con Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi meet under less than optimal conditions.") (142)
  • Night Hunger by Master Elayna (Rating: NC-17. From the Stargate Jedi series. "Certain actions have certain consequences.") (154)
  • Unspoken Love by Artemis (Rating NC-17. Includes non-con. "In early 19th century England, a wealthy nobleman, Lord Quentin Jinn, takes under his wing a neglected and abused stable boy known only as Ben. The young man has not spoken in years and is a victim of abuse by his current master, Guy Xanatos. Can the kind-hearted Jinn save Ben from teh abuse and bring the young man out of his shell and into his arms?") (158)
  • Magic's Heart by Rushlight (Rating: NC-17. Magician's Apprentice Universe) (208)
  • The Secret Diary of Ben Raymond Waterhouse-Kenobi, Aged 11 3/4 by Tem've (Rating: G) (215)
  • Someday Out of the Blue by Tilt (previously on the internet. Rating: NC-17. "One of the first not-all Jedi stories starring the heroic Qui-Gon Jinn and enticing "Branden Khatar," and still a favorite.") (225)
  • Padegecko by Lori (258)
  • A Little Night Fiction by Briony (Rating NC-17. "This AR should be reconizable to everyone. Think of Philip Marlowe, Sam Spade and Lauren Bacall. So turn off the colour on your set, remember that my tongue is firmly in my cheek and just put your lips together and blow.") (263)
  • The Most Dangerous Game by Master Ruth aka telesilla and Padawan Hilary (aka Partners in Crime) (Rating: NC-17. "Warnings: Oh, Yeah! Canon has been twisted. Fanon has been twisted. Ages have been manipulated. Artistic license has been taken. This is set in a Universe where the Sith won the war, and ar boys are Sith to the core. Torture and rape (both sort of semi-consensual, you'll know what we mean when you get there), abusive situations, extreme violence and graphic imagery, machines (again, you'll know what we're talking about when you get there. Kids, don't try this at home. [...] If you like the fictional equivalent of a speeder wreck, with evil boys and the rough stuff, keep going.") (274)

Issue 2

cover of issue #2

Force of a Different Color 2 was published in July 2003 and contains 312 pages.

From the editorial by Sian:

Why a second volume? or many of the same reasons for volume one, the biggest being we are not a dead fandom regardless of what others might think or that fact that one of the characters in the pairing happened to die.

And there still are not enough Star Wars zines being published.

What is FODC all about? Well, beyond the obvious — boys liking boys — it contains stories about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, but not directly within the framework of the movie or established canon of Episode One or the Jedi Apprentice and other Star Wars books. AU/ARs abound. This time they might reside within a smoky nightclub, a brownstone in Washington DC or aboard a spaceship or within a dream. A couple of stories you might have already read on the net, but most are seeing the light of day here for the first time.

This never would have happened without the talented contributors, authors, artists and readers. We hope you enjoy what you’ve got in your hands, and intend future volumes as long as folks continue to right and read about the stranger missions of Qui-Gon and and Obi-Wan Kenobi. New contributors and feedback for the authors are always welcome.

  • Reflections in a Broken Mirror by Raina (225)

The Proposed Third Issue

a 2003 flyer for the proposed third issue

On-going zine that contains all Alternate Reality stories (under the current but confusing MA archive definition), wherein something about the mix is ... Off, ie: no Jedi. Preferred pairing is Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, but we’re open to variety as long as one of the guys is present. We’ve had Greeks, Lizards, Sith, Hedgehogs, SGI Operatives, Pros Universe, Private Detective, Mercenaries, Magicians, Musicians, Space Opera, Hollywood actors, Lords and Knights, the Italian Renaissance, Doctors. Next issue is set to have Vampires and a Pro Universe sequel so far.

Artists, been dying to do that portrait of Pirate Qui-Gon? Elf Obi? PI Mace Windu? Vampire Jedi Boys? Your alternate visions do not have to match a particular story, though if it works out... If you’re willing to illo a story, we’ll get it to you.

Pretty much anything goes — G-NC17; Action; H/C; Angst; Dark; Rape; Death; Humor: PWP; Parody; Chan; etc. No particular page length is required, but if you are going to submit a novel let us know in advance.

Editorial discretion will be enacted, but the only changes made without the writer's consent would be copy-edits.

First drafts by mid April, planned for MediaWest. Stories will Time Out a year after publication. [1]


  1. ^ from a flyer