fanfiction by s.n. kastle

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: fanfiction by s.n. kastle
Author: S.N. Kastle
Dates: 1999 - 2005 or later
Fandom: The West Wing, Sports Night, BtVS, AtS, The X-Files
URL: (Wayback link, 2002) (Wayback link, 2001) (Wayback link, 2005)
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fanfiction by s.n. kastle (or all the imaginings ltd.) was a personal fanfiction website. In later years the site also hosted stories by Tiffany Rawlins, including her NSync RPS.


NEW Funny Girl Josh, J/S: "We share a tangential relationship to beauty queens." (A Mango challenge response that follows Decorated.) [8k] PG-13.

American Girl Donna, J/S: "Aren't you a little old for this kind of thing?" What it feels like for an assistant. (A sequel of sorts to Chance.) [44k] PG.

ALSO Decorated by Ellen M. Donna/OFC: One day, she's going to realize that she's not as cute as she thinks she is. (A sequel to my American Girl.) [43k] R.

Nowhere Sam, J/S: "Everybody seems to wonder what it's like down here." Or, what do you get if you throw a hundred lawyers overboard? (Scenes from "Take This Sabbath Day.") [27k] PG-13.

Chance To Make It Real J/S: Josh and Sam work together and fall in love, lose touch and find themselves. A first-time story. Also, the next time, the time after that, and the time they got it right. Not necessarily in that order. [193k/9 parts] R.

Straight, No Chaser & Smash Cut to Smut J/S: Two answers to a Mango challenge. First part of each courtesy Punk. [10k] R.

How I've Been Alone J/S: If the flight was supposed to land at midnight "local time," Josh didn't go home until after 3 a.m. A little late-night phone action seemed in order. (A post-"The Portland Trip" piece.) [13k] PG-13.

Say The Word J/S: Josh uses his magic powers for good and not-so-good. Or, the power of a singular moment. (A snippet.) [9k] R.

Something In Between J/S: Our Favorite Duo is called away on a sudden trip. Or, Josh's fears of flying. (A first try.) [16k] PG-13, all UST.


NEW Down By The Schoolyard "I'm on my way, I don't know where I'm going." During. (The middle part of Falling, Flying, Tumbling. Or one of them, anyway.) [11k] R.

Falling, Flying, Tumbling "I may be obliged to defend every love, every ending." Before and after. [18k] R.

Every Great Success Story "Nobody thought we'd do this. Nobody really thinks it will work, do they?" Late second season, Casey begins to change his mind. [38k] R.

Fan Interference Is A Stand-Up Double with Sabine Dan ran out of money in Kansas City. It was 1988. And then, "We report the news. We don't make it. Except this time..." [55k] R.


NEW Deathly

Faith: "When one act of kindness could be deathly." [8k] R.

Crossover with The X-Files: The Illusion Of Being Eternal Angel/Krycek: Death is more of a reality than the effort it takes to live. Not that we aren't all programmed to try. In six sections, with appearances by Mulder, Buffy, Spike, Dru and Scully.

1. The Illusion Of Being Eternal Krycek and Angel each watch the other drown his sorrows in a Los Angeles bar, until they're unable to keep away. [42k] NC-17.

2. Something's So Wrong With This Heat Angel gives himself a hard time for seeking temporary pleasure but then chases after it (and Krycek) again. [36k] NC-17.

3. Sanctuary Krycek has himself some post-coital contemplations, flashbacks and still more fun brooding. [39k] R.

4. That Sweet Temptation Angel is still hungry for Krycek but resists any kind of real entanglement, and they each learn a bit about the other's past. [25k] NC-17.

5. Thief Upon My Bed Krycek's musings on window treatments, cartoons and the unbearable lightness of wanting to love a vampire. [32k] NC-17.

6. Sweat Of Our Sadness When we last saw our heroes, Krycek had spilled his guts -- and his heart. Angel's not so willing to share. A conclusion of sorts. [58k] NC-17.


Trouble Man Mulder/Krycek: "There are things that are harder to kill than old habits. Mulder is both." (Post-ep for "Essence.") [7k] PG-13.

The Games We Play Mulder/Scully: Of mischief, tomfoolery and diversion. Also, showers, karaoke and fortune cookies. (Vague fifth season.) R.

Crossover with Buffy/Angel: The Illusion Of Being Eternal Angel/Krycek: Death is more of a reality than the effort it takes to live. Not that we aren't all programmed to try. In six sections, with appearances by Mulder, Buffy, Spike, Dru and Scully.

1. The Illusion Of Being Eternal Krycek and Angel each watch the other drown his sorrows in a Los Angeles bar, until they're unable to keep away. [42k] NC-17.

2. Something's So Wrong With This Heat Angel gives himself a hard time for seeking temporary pleasure but then chases after it (and Krycek) again. [36k] NC-17.

3. Sanctuary Krycek has himself some post-coital contemplations, flashbacks and still more fun brooding. [39k] R.

4. That Sweet Temptation Angel is still hungry for Krycek but resists any kind of real entanglement, and they each learn a bit about the other's past. [25k] NC-17.

5. Thief Upon My Bed Krycek's musings on window treatments, cartoons and the unbearable lightness of wanting to love a vampire. [32k] NC-17.

6. Sweat Of Our Sadness When we last saw our heroes, Krycek had spilled his guts -- and his heart. Angel's not so willing to share. A conclusion of sorts. [58k] NC-17.


Maybe It Isn't Only The Dancing [Dawson's Creek, Dawson/Pacey/Joey] His choice changed everything. [7k] PG UST. M

Apnea [ER, Carter/Benton] Just breathe. (Post-sixth season finale.) [2k] PG-13. M

My Funny Valentine [The Pretender, Jarod/Miss Parker] Call me. (Post-"Gigolo Jarod.") [2k] R. M



not necessarily in that order


THE SLASH PROJECT DATABASE Goes without saying, or should. Minotaur rocks! This is the best thing to hit slashfic since... the Internet? Highlander? This gets my vote for No. 1 place to start in any fandom. Make sure your own site is listed, too.

OUR BOYS I'm gonna save us all some time here and say that Sabine runs the best rec site around for Sorkinfic. Sports Night and West Wing (slash and not, although I haven't really found any non-slashy SN) and generally updated regularly.

Also, check out the first annual WW fic awards, THE JEDS. Nominations are open until August 24, and then we'll get to see if we're all as mature as we'd like to think we are.

YOU GUYS ARE JUST FUCKED While you're at it, go ahead and check out Sabine's own excellent stuff, Sorkin and otherwise. Must-reads: WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, TOM GLAVINE? [D/C post-series] and the STATESMEN series [Josh Lyman in four parts, and don't skip the prequel just because it's Josh/Mandy]. But poke around, there's something (SN, WW, Skinner/Doggett, Mulder/Scully galore, some Trek pairings I don't understand because I don't watch that) for everyone. I wouldn't be half the fic writer I am without Sab's theory of economics and patient editing.

JAE GECKO'S FAN FICTION To say that Jae and I have different writing styles might be understating the case. But every time, every single damned time that I poke at one of her stories, I get completely sucked in. Jae's a great champion of plot -- to great benefit in my own stories -- and hers are always compelling.

YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY This is a great rec site -- it's not fandom-specific, but the work there is all worth a read. Plus the commentary is very helpful when sorting through possible stories to commit time to.



THIS YEAR'S PROM THEME by Pares [D/C] This piece is hot, fun, believable and best when read aloud. No, really. A must for any SN list.

TWO-PLAYER GAME by Bone [D/C, post-Dear Louise] Okay, take a volleyball player, two-dollar blue drinks and my all-time favorite smut phrase ("playing in the same sandbox" is the end of the line, the rest sort of needs to be in context) and you've got some PWP, except the characterization is among the best in any SN story I've read.

NIGHTBLINDNESS by Luna [D/C, pre-series] Like a good SN ep, it kind of ambles along, funny, cute, wordy, and then -- bang -- about three lines from the bottom she hits you with this classic Sorkin Danny monologue. Except, of course, this one is about him and Casey.

FRIDAY NIGHT by Te [D/C] I believe the word is "scorching."

REPERCUSSIONS by Charlemagne [D/C] It's sweet, sexy and scandalous in how easy it makes writing something so sweet and sexy look. But really all the rest of Charlemagne's stories, too (available at Our Boys).

TIME AFTER TIME by k [D/C] k keeps swearing this isn't actually a shipper story. I don't believe her. Yes, all UST. But so very worth a read. Post-April is the Cruelest Month. Also, EVEN SUGAR PEAS RUN OUT OF SNAP, which is actual slash. And heart-breaking. Danny and Casey, on the way out. Get the rest of k's stuff here.


THREE TIMES by august [J/S], but also RETINA BURN by Penelopody and august [CJ/T]

THE THINNER THE SKIN by Jane St. Clair [J/S] The first WWfic I ever read, so really it's all thanks to her. Also her ALL WHO ARE HUNGRY [J/S], which might be the only post-Somebody's... piece I actually liked.

YOU AND ME IN A ROWBOAT TO RIO by Punk and Sabine [J/S], but also WAITING FOR THE BIG BOOM by Sabine [J/S, pre-series] which seems to live here rather than up at the top. Both of these are sharp, detailed little moments to savor. I try desperately to forget them when I'm writing myself so as not to steal from them, but frankly they're so memorable that I usually try and fail.


The thing about the Buffyverse is that to do it right means getting the voice right. And as much as I love Buffy & co., I like their dialogue more than hearing it all in their heads. But A CONNECTION, by Laura Shapiro [Xander/Faith], the missing de-virginizing scene], is pitch-perfect, eminently readable and totally hot. As Buffy herself might say. Also available as a .txt file.


Who knew. Not me. I mean, I knew that Max and Michael were a pretty slash-ready couple. But most of what I found in that fandom was, frankly, pretty teenybopper, and not in a good way. STRONGER by Livia [Max/Michael] is so good, so real and made me like this show more than I have since sometime in the first season.


Oh, who didn't start out over on ATXC? I had plenty of MSR favorites all those years ago ('specially my pal and first beta-reader, Dawson Rambo) before I fell into slash and never really went back. I quite happily lurked around in X/ for probably two years before I wound up posting something myself -- which, as many readers who got into writing because they weren't finding what they wanted will understand, says a lot about the breadth and quality of stories available. Old favorites:

THE WABASH, FAR AWAY by Punk [Sk/M] This is probably the first piece of romantic, completely UST slash I read, and it made such an impact on me that when I bumped into Punk over here in Sorkinland three or four (or five?) years later, I could still remember salient details and embarrass myself by fawning all over again. It's held up well. Get the rest of Punk's stories here.

THANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING by Hth [Scully/Miss Parker] This story has the distinction of not only being my all-time favorite ScullySlash (I find myself still rec'ing it right and left), a possibly-perfect crossover (XF and The Pretender) AND the use of the most austere beauty ever to hold a gun, but ALSO being one link in my favorite Mulder/Krycek series as well. Everything by Hth is worth reading, but her use of Mulder/Krycek to get Scully to loosen up is genius. So many XF slashers farm Scully out or turn her into the antagonist. Hth has a delicate grasp on Mulder and Scully's importance to each other -- their respect and love and, in this piece, their influence. Also check out: The Lover series [Mulder, Krycek and Scully first-person vignettes], Kill or Cure trilogy [M/K], Trinity, After Midnight [Sk/M] and Close Enough for Government Work [Sk/Bailey Malone], another spot-on crossover and my vote for best slash use of classical poetry in context. Prequel with the XF-Twin Peaks crossover [M/Cooper] if you so desire: The Bureau. All available at Hth's site, in order and with her own commentary.