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Name: busaikko
Alias(es): marysuefanfic
Type: writer, vidder, photomanipper, moderator
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, due South, Good Omens, The Dark Is Rising, Vorkosigan Saga
URL: busaikko's fanfic webpage (archive link),
busaikko at the AO3,
busaikko's LJ (deleted), busaikko's DW,
marysuefanfic on Delicious (defunct)
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

busaikko is a fan writer, vidder, and wiki contributer for several fandoms.

As a Writer

busaikko's first fanfic was an epic Starblazers saga produced in elementary school. She went on to write "lots of bad, bad, bad Mary Sue fic" in junior and senior high.[1]

Writing Online

busaikko wrote only for herself for the ten years or so after high school, until she discovered the Internet. She went from reading Vetinari/Vimes to Snape/Lupin (copperbadge can probably be blamed), and wrote her first stories for the Master and the Wolf Snape/Lupin Fuh-Q_Fest.[2] She's been writing ever since. She has a wiki page over at Snupin Central Wiki as well.

Her stories were posted mainly to her LJ and to her webpage, but she also had a Skyehawke account.[3] Many of her Snape/Lupin stories were on MoonShadow. Some of her Stargate Atlantis fic was on Wraithbait. Her fanfiction is now primarily on Archive of Our Own.

Fic Exchanges, Challenges, and Awards

busaikko has written for a number of holiday and other fic exchanges.

busaikko has had several stories nominated for the McKay/Sheppard Fan Awards: War Stories, How to Win a War, By Whirlwind Scattered, The Mountains of Madness and the Bright Blue Sky, A Hundred Happy Things (also nominated as Best Story), Only Someone Running, The Minstrel Boy, and Crash.


busaikko's fic has been recorded in mp3 and m4b format and kindly hosted on General Jinjur's Audiofic Archive.

busaikko participated in the 2008 amplificathon. The stories she recorded can be found here: sahiya's A Covert Affair (Vorkosiverse), makesmewannadie's Everybody Needs Somebody to Love (The Blues Brothers), and sister_wolf's Burning Down the Motherfucking House (due South/Hard Core Logo crossover).

Zine Publication

busaikko was an editor of and contributor to her high school's SFF zine. No links available.

busaikko was an editor of and a contributor to the Snape/Lupin zine Chocolate and Asphodel, published in November, 2007. Her story was Here, where the world is quiet.

As a Vidder

Some of busaikko's fanvids are on YouTube; other vids could be downloaded from her website.[4] She vids mainly in due South, Twitch City, and Stargate Atlantis fandoms.

Her Remus/Sirius Shoebox Project video So Sirius was shown at VividCon 2008 in the Vids that Push the Envelope category.

As a Moderator

On LiveJournal, busaikko is a co-moderator for the communities accio_rs_fics (a search community for Remus/Sirius fics) and wolf_dog_snake for the threesome Snape/Black/Lupin.

busaikko founded and co-modded the Remus/Sirius holiday gift exchange community rs_small_gifts with magnetic_pole. She was co-mod for 2006 and 2007.

Blanket Statement

Feel free to remix, podfic, illustrate, deconstruct, or otherwise transform anything I've written except for anything members-locked [on AO3] (which I'd prefer to discuss with you beforehand). You don't need to ask my permission, but I would appreciate knowing! (We can do that awesome linking-to-each-other thing *g* )[5]


  1. ^ User:Busaikko, 25 October 2008.
  2. ^ As "Busaikko Baby": Master and the Wolf Archive - Stories Sorted By Author, archived 22 January 2007 by the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Author :: busaikko on skyehawke, archived 5 June 2020.
  4. ^ videos at busaikko's SlashCity webpage, archived 29 July 2014.
  5. ^ busaikko - Profile, Archived version on Archive of Our Own. Accessed 29 December 2023.