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Name/s: aerialiste
Fandom/s: in chronological order: Batman (1960s), Star Trek, Robin Hood, LOTR, Black Sheep Squadron, The X-Files, Firefly, Buffy, Battlestar Galactica, Sherlock (BBC), Supernatural, Sleepy Hollow, Teen Wolf, MCU, The Walking Dead, Stargate Atlantis, The 100
You can find me at: tumblr
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

fannish biography

I started blogging on LJ in 2000 but before that had been a lurker in Usenet fandom, and wrote romantic K/S UST in ballpoint pen on notebook paper as a teenager (I blame Triangle); I then fell out of fandom for many years, only to return when, as a movie critic, I had to review Serenity, and came to my senses again. I started blogging on Tumblr in 2014, and tentatively began to help edit on Fanlore in 2015. I'm also an academic and fan studies scholar who's published a bit and presented at conferences, but I'm shy and nocturnal. I hope what I've written here is okay, to start with. I want to do more to help, and hope to volunteer for OTW in some capacity soon, now that I've finished my PhD. I'm so happy to be here.